Astrology With Deb Mcbride



Deb McBride is a professional astrologer & emotional healer. This program is designed to help others in understanding current astrological cycles & how to use the available archetypal energy to one's benefit. Deb is available for sessions to discuss your astrological chart or for emotional clearings.


  • 12/11/22: Paying close attention to our thoughts

    11/12/2022 Duration: 34min

    This week thoughts & communications are highlighted as Mercury gets active with Chiron and Uranus. Venus in Capricorn gives us stability as the Sun challenges Neptune. And Jupiter spends its last week in Pisces until another 12 years from now. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 12/4/22: Trust!

    05/12/2022 Duration: 29min

    This is a week of examining where we put our faith as Venus challenges Neptune and the reverberations last for a few days. A big Full Moon connects with the retrograde Mars in Gemini and Mercury challenges Jupiter before it moves into practical Capricorn. Tune in to The Golden Astrologer Podcast for all the details!

  • 11/27/22: Surprises, dreams and visions realized

    28/11/2022 Duration: 35min

    A very interesting week ahead as Mercury and Venus are the planets to watch. In turn they each trigger Mars, then Saturn, then Neptune. We then get to realize where we've been in the last 5 months as Neptune shifts to move forward. Hear all about it on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 11/20/22: Optimism prevails

    21/11/2022 Duration: 30min

    We have lots of big energy this week as the New Moon in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter stationing direct happens almost simultaneously. Four planets will be in the sign of the centaur as the Sun and Moon join Venus and Mercury. Abundance, gratitude and optimism this week as we kick out the eclipse period as well. Hear all about it on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 11/13/22: A fiery week ahead

    14/11/2022 Duration: 31min

    Fire arrives in the form of Sagittarius energy with Venus and Mercury, inspiring us and pulling us out of the soggy water element. Retrograde Mars gets entangled with Neptune on a second passage reminding us of October. And the Sun kisses abundant Jupiter as it travels through its last week in Scorpio. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 11/6/22: The Big Eclipse Week!!

    07/11/2022 Duration: 31min

    It's a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on Tuesday and the signature of that powerful energy will be with us all week! Venus, Mercury, the Moon and the Sun all follow a path from Uranus to Eclipse to Saturn to Neptune, then Pluto each day this week. So, be sure to tune in to The Golden Astrologer Podcast to get ready!

  • 10/30/22: Embracing the darkness

    31/10/2022 Duration: 33min

    It's Scorpio season for sure as Mercury, Venus and the Sun venture through the transformative waters. We're halfway through eclipse season, with Venus gearing up to tango with both Uranus and Saturn before she joins the Sun in the second eclipse. And Mars in Gemini is now retrograde! Hear all about it on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 10/23/22: A huge week ahead!

    24/10/2022 Duration: 31min

    This is a big week, with so very much going on as we begin Scorpio season. Saturn has moved forward, there's a solar eclipse in Scorpio with Venus, Jupiter goes back into Pisces and we get ready for Mars going backwards! Much to learn about on The Golden Astrologer Podcast, so tune in!

  • 10/16/22: Getting Healing & Having Faith

    17/10/2022 Duration: 35min

    It's an intense time for sure, with an eclipse on the horizon, Mars entangled with Neptune and Saturn shifting direction. Lighter notes occur with Venus and Mars speaking sweetly to one another and Sun meeting with Venus at the end of the week. How do you handle all this action? Listen to The Golden Astrologer Podcast and find out!

  • 10/9/22: A tricky time

    10/10/2022 Duration: 33min

    Emotions abound with the Aries Full Moon with Chiron on the heels of Pluto moving direct. We're still in the vibe of Saturn challenging Uranus, asking us to choose. Then Mercury re-enters Libra and re-visits Jupiter.  The trickiest of all is Mars challenging Neptune for a long time. So much to process! Get all the good info on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 10/2/22: Hot and Happening week ahead!

    02/10/2022 Duration: 36min

    It's a week of wild shifting energies as Mercury makes its pivot and heads forward. Pluto will also move forward later in the week and Deb explains why this is super important. A Full Moon signals the door to open for eclipses, can it get any more intense? Find out on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 9/25/22: Stretching to Next Level

    25/09/2022 Duration: 31min

    Deb's webinar is this Tuesday, about the upcoming Mars retrograde. Meanwhile, the Libra New Moon occurs opposite Jupiter. Venus changes signs and enters Libra, one of her favorite places and then she will oppose Jupiter as well. Mars and Saturn encourage each other to stand up to face our fears. And Mercury readies to go direct. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 9/18/22: The aftermath of shifting energies

    19/09/2022 Duration: 36min

    The Libra Equinox is here this week as the Sun enters the sign of balance! Venus, planet of relationships, is busy as she connects with two outer planets this week. Mercury slides back into Virgo, one of its home signs and a New Moon starts a new cycle of intention. Want to learn more? Tune in to The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 9/11/22: Magic Doesn’t Happen in a Comfort Zone

    12/09/2022 Duration: 36min

    Saturn challenges Uranus and reminds of last year, balancing the status quo with the risky innovation. Mercury retrograde graces us with revisiting where we've been in the last few weeks. Venus & Mars face off reminding us of events from 6 months ago. So much happening as time seems to speed up - hear all about it on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 9/4/22: Mercury retrograde is back!

    05/09/2022 Duration: 32min

    Yes, it's retrograde season! This time in Libra, asking us to pay attention to relationship dialogue. Right after the retrograde, the Moon gets Full in Pisces with Neptune. Venus enters practical Virgo and Mars enters the Gemini shadow, where we need to pay attention to right now. Want to learn more? Tune in to The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 8/28/22: That Back to School Vibe!

    29/08/2022 Duration: 36min

    This week we get big confident energy as Jupiter connects with Mars and Mercury. Venus spends her last week in lovely Leo before she enters tidy, organized Virgo. Deb talks about the relationship between Saturn and Uranus. And we get a glimpse of what Mars retrograde will be bringing us. All happening on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 8/21/22: The Cool Eye of Mercury

    22/08/2022 Duration: 37min

    This week the Sun leaves lovely Leo and we welcome Virgo season & the New Moon! Mercury is a busy little bee this week, talking to Neptune, then Pluto and eventually leaving home sign Virgo for airy Libra. And wildly unpredictable Uranus shifts direction and brings us another chapter in our story of the month. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 8/14/22: A smoother week awaits

    15/08/2022 Duration: 31min

    As planets move out of fixed signs, we start feeling the relief. Less jammed up energy, less stress and more flexibility. Mars finds actionable steps with Pluto, Mercury and Uranus create brilliant ideas easily and Venus with Jupiter makes us happy. Then excitement abounds as Mars begins its long adventure in Gemini! Hear all about it on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 8/7/22: Our story continues

    08/08/2022 Duration: 35min

    Our story from last week's epiphany continues as Mars meets Saturn & we're asked to integrate our experience. Then Venus gets sexy with Pluto before she moves into Leo. The Aquarius Full Moon connects with Uranus and again the next chapter of our story evolves with more excitement and unexpected events. Tune in to The Golden Astrologer Podcast to find out more!

  • 7/31/22: Epiphanies, breakthroughs & synchronicity

    01/08/2022 Duration: 34min

    Mars and Uranus make their big connection on Monday, lasting through the week with Moon in Scorpio triggering them on Friday. Meanwhile, Sun and Jupiter speak sweetly, reminding us of confidence and courage. Venus and Neptune also speak sweetly, reminding us of love and empathy. And Mercury enters his favorite sign! All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!    

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