Astrology With Deb Mcbride



Deb McBride is a professional astrologer & emotional healer. This program is designed to help others in understanding current astrological cycles & how to use the available archetypal energy to one's benefit. Deb is available for sessions to discuss your astrological chart or for emotional clearings.


  • 9/10/23: A Mindset Shift

    11/09/2023 Duration: 32min

    Mercury stays in one place all week as it gets ready to end its retrograde on Friday. A New Moon in Virgo on Thursday prepares us for a mindset shift as the Moon meets all of the outer planets on its path. And Venus wraps up her ongoing story with Jupiter at the end of the week, where we review where we've been since June. All this and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 9/3/23: Learning to stretch ourselves

    04/09/2023 Duration: 31min

    It's a new month! In a cosmic pass by, Venus goes direct in Leo and Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus within 24 hours of each other. The Sun and Mercury connect for the midpoint of Mercury's retrograde. Later in the week we get The Sun talking sweetly to Jupiter asking us to not overindulge! All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 8/27/23: A week of moving parts

    28/08/2023 Duration: 33min

    We start the week with revolutionary outer planet Uranus starting its retrograde while Venus and Jupiter get ready to shift their directions as well, creating a week of shifts and movements. There's a bright Full Moon mid week in Pisces asking for discernment and perspective as it touches Saturn. Mars is in Libra for the first time in 2 years and we seek the balance of war and peace. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 8/20/23: Mercury retrograde is back!

    21/08/2023 Duration: 35min

    Another packed astrological week ahead with Mercury turning retrograde mid week. The Sun moves into Virgo, then challenges Saturn. Mars gets involved with Neptune & Pluto before entering Libra. And Venus has her second chapter in her story with Jupiter. All this and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 8/13/23:A sparkling week for creativity

    14/08/2023 Duration: 32min

    Venus joins the Sun and marks the half way point of the retrograde, shifting energies after a long wait. The New Moon in Leo connects with Venus and Uranus, bringing new ideas, awareness and sparkling creativity. Mars supports the process as it speaks sweetly to Uranus. Want to know more? Tune in to The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 8/6/23: A Venus focused week

    07/08/2023 Duration: 31min

    Venus is busy this week and she makes her second square to Uranus in her journey and she connects with the Sun in Leo. Mars and Mercury continue to carve a focused path through Virgo. And the Sun and Jupiter ask us to stretch beyond our current comfort zone. All this and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 7/30/23: Upleveling our thought patterns

    31/07/2023 Duration: 32min

    We are graced with a Full Moon in Aquarius this week the same day as Mars speaks sweetly to Jupiter and Mercury faces off with Saturn. It's a powerful week to watch our thought patterns and take them to higher levels. Want to learn more? Tune in to The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 7/23/23: Your story of July

    24/07/2023 Duration: 31min

    Venus and Chiron are both retrograde! We get to explore and go deep with our relationships with money and love. The Sun is in Leo along with Mercury and Venus, bringing awareness of creativity and playfulness. Mercury will follow the paths of Mars and Venus continuing the story of July, bringing new information and clarity. A powerful week ahead on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 7/16/23: An intense week ahead!

    17/07/2023 Duration: 36min

    It's one day at a time this week, astrodarlings! The Nodes change sign on Monday in time to join a New Moon in Cancer triggering Pluto. Mars and Moon entangle with Saturn on Thursday. Sun and Pluto face off on Friday before the Sun finishes Cancer season and moves into Leo. And Venus and Chiron each begin their retrograde season next weekend. Navigate your week with The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 7/9/23: Deep beneath the surface

    10/07/2023 Duration: 36min

    The week begins with Mercury challenging Pluto, asking for deep attention to our thoughts and communications. Then two planets change sign on Monday, Mars and Mercury, which is a shifting of energies. The Sun challenges Chiron and illuminates our wounds to heal. And Venus slows way down while making a relationship to Neptune that encourages a deep emotional look. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast.

  • 7/2/23: Triggers bring healing

    03/07/2023 Duration: 34min

    We begin the week with a grounding Full Moon in Capricorn. Venus starts a new story with Uranus that she will play out over the next 3 months. Mars and Mercury will each trigger old stories needing healing and release. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 6/25/23: Playfulness and Imagination

    26/06/2023 Duration: 31min

    A close coupling of Venus and Mars in Leo makes way for an unusual creative journey as both planets get entangled with Uranus. Mercury swims into the sign of Cancer and meets up with the Sun for illuminated ideas. Neptune shifts direction at the end of the week getting ready for a 5 month revisit to where we've been this year. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 6/18/23: Falling in love with your life

    19/06/2023 Duration: 34min

    The week begins and we move from feeling deflated to beginning a story of falling in love with life as Venus reaches her shadow point. The June solstice happens this week as the Sun enters Cancer. And Mercury brings more information about the recent New Moon. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 6/11/23: Balancing mind and intuition

    12/06/2023 Duration: 34min

    Lots of changes this week as Mercury enters his favorite sign of Gemini, Pluto leaves Aquarius and returns to Capricorn for the next 7 months. The New Moon in Gemini tangles with Neptune and Saturn starts its apparent backwards motion. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 6/4/23: Venus begins a new story

    05/06/2023 Duration: 34min

    The week begins with the energies of the optimistic Full Moon in Sagittarius. Venus starts a big story as she moves into fiery, creative Leo where she will reside until October. Pluto moves back into Capricorn to start cleaning house. And we still get to choose a new open road with Jupiter and the North Node. Tune in for more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 5/28/23: Remain flexible

    28/05/2023 Duration: 37min

    It's another week with many fixed signs in the heavens, asking for patience and remembering to be flexible. Jupiter meets the North Node in a twist of destiny, Mercury gets past its shadow then meets Uranus and Venus gets ready to be a fire goddess. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 5/21/23: Communication is the way through

    22/05/2023 Duration: 33min

    It's Gemini season as the Sun enters the sign of the twins. Mars, Jupiter and Pluto are still engaged in a tussle and we find self expression helps us move the energies as we continue to navigate frustration. Venus asks us to smooth over any wounds as she tangles with Chiron. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 5/14/23: Hang on to your ego

    15/05/2023 Duration: 31min

    Mercury finally moves forward after 3 insane weeks. Jupiter moves into Taurus, Mars enters Leo and they both go head to head with Pluto. A wild bunch of energy is in store, asking us to be willful without self importance. The Sun spends its last week in Taurus before entering Gemini. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 5/7/23: Aim for a breakthrough!

    07/05/2023 Duration: 31min

    We're not finished with those eclipse vibes just yet! Stay tuned for the annual Sun Uranus meeting which we want to use for a breakthrough. Venus in lovely Cancer speaks sweetly to Saturn and we can look forward to Mercury going direct. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 4/30/23: Intuition is key this week!!

    01/05/2023 Duration: 30min

    Another wild week ahead with Pluto shifting direction as May begins. The second eclipse on Friday occurs in Scorpio and gets close to unpredictable Uranus. Venus challenges tricky Neptune and then moves into cozy Cancer. Mercury remains in retrograde as we attempt to sort out the lessons being learned. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

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