Wilder Mind Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 23:13:08
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The courageous hearts that blur the boundaries of tradition, expectation and consequence.


  • Miranda Oakley On Motherhood, Being A Woman In Guiding And Rock Climbing And Breaking Assumptions

    06/10/2023 Duration: 38min

    Miranda Oakley is many things deserving of high praise. An AMGA Rock Guide, Wilderness First Responder, traditional free climbing expert and elite big wall climber. Her first ascents all over the world and incredible technical feats in Yosemite are absolutely awe-inspire. Recently she has added the role of mother to this list, and today we get to hear from her and Producer Marley Jeranko talk about this brave and courageous new journey.

  • Caleb Robinson on Race and Racism in America

    25/08/2023 Duration: 32min

    As a young professional athlete, photographer and route setter, Caleb carries a world view that many around him may never experience in the same way he does. His thoughtful examination of the world, his place within it, and how he might positively impact it for others going forward is worthy of high admiration. This conversation looks at the state of racism in America in hopes that we all might find a way towards a better future for all.

  • Ted Hesser Searches The Depths Of Clinicial Depression

    04/08/2023 Duration: 27min

    With a long family history of mental health challenges informing his world view, Ted began to notice a lot of people around him in quiet struggles of their own. As a filmmaker, and someone who lives within the dimension of clinical depression, Ted grabbed his camera and created a documentary of self-discovery. This conversation looks at mental health in a raw and real way, letting it be scary, letting it be hard and letting ourselves find time to heal. Because in our darkest time, we can feel so alone. Hopefully Ted's words help us all feel a bit more understood.

  • Kyra Condie Explores Life After The Olympics

    04/08/2023 Duration: 25min

    After qualifying for the 2020 Olympics, the global pandemic threatened to risk Kyra's dream. But instead, she persevered, building a home climbing wall and continuing to train for an additional year. No outdoor climbing, no “just for fun” days with friends–just repetitive, intense days getting stronger and fortifying all-around skill. Yet, after all that, Kyra came home without a medal. This conversation looks at failure and sacrifice–it asks: What happens when everything we’ve been striving for doesn’t work out the way we expect it to? Because nothing is guaranteed, and sometimes, we can’t control the outcome, no matter how hard we try.

  • An Episode To You, My Friend

    12/06/2020 Duration: 09min

    A notification crossed my phone screen. It was from a dear friend, a cis white woman (whose name will go unmentioned to protect the identity of her and her family). The message was about her younger sister, a cis Black girl, not even a teenager and questions she was asking about #Blacklivesmatter. I quickly picked up the phone and called her. Over an hour of conversation surrounding the uprising and the impact on her younger sister. Many tears, some moments of levity, and a new sense of closeness to this incredible human. We talked about this episode, about her sharing the story. We decided that to protect all involved, that it be shared under anonymity. The entire script has been reviewed and approved by her, with one condition- she asked to "flood my feed" with joyful photos of her sister and family. The ten photos and one video that followed via text message filled my heart with pure joy and fullness beyond measure. There's no way to properly describe the energy, the smile and fire. I can't

  • Courtney Dauwalter on a life in ultra running, the pain cave and elective sufferfests

    06/05/2020 Duration: 41min

    Courtney and I recorded this episode as part of the process for a film that we were shooting for one of her sponsors, Sufferfest Beer Company. Over the course of the following days not only did her and our production crew have an absolute blast, we witnessed her never ending support of the community. Everyone that passed by on the trail or the sidewalk received a warm greeting from her. From talking with fellow athletes about their endurance goals to running alongside a passerby to help motivate him to keep pushing forward, it's clear how much she loves the community that loves her back. Courtney is a bit of a mystery to many; presumably powered by an imposing and unspoken darkness that compels her to use the power of her mind and feet to race and win the world's toughest ultra marathons. In the greatest flip of the script she fights no demons or deep darkness. Rather, she excitedly seeks the deepest recesses of the pain cave, pitting herself against the elements of the wild spaces, the long enduring mi

  • An Episode of Community

    27/03/2020 Duration: 11min

    The world is a confusing and tricky place right now and we need our communities more than ever. I've called on some old friends, that long time listeners of the podcast will recall hearing from before, to chat about the importance of community. Thanks to Abbie Hearne, Anna Callaghan and Brett Farrell for being here, with the pod, and with all of us.

  • Mark Hudon and Jordan Cannon LIVE!

    24/03/2020 Duration: 01h11min

    With a partnership spanning 39-1/2 years (it’s an exact figure, they ran the numbers) Mark and Jordan have gained a large amount of attention from many in the climbing community who love following their adventures throughout the American southwest and beyond. Although, it’s not just their span in age that grabs the attention – it’s the go hard ethic, their commitment to climbing “as free as can be” (the mantra coined by Hudon and partner Max Jones in the late 70’s while pioneering big wall free climbing in Yosemite) and their commitment to making sure that, no matter what the mission, “fun is job one” (another bit of wisdom from Hudon). Jordan chronicles many, if not all, of their climbing missions via his IG stories and rumor has it a film is in the works (you’ll hear/you heard a bit about that in the episode). Even through an iPhone video, the two bring you along the journey, start to finish, making you feel as if you’re part of it all. Part of the inside jokes. Part of the trials and tribulations. Pa

  • Irene Yee on uplifting our communities, who should take up space and climbing photography

    19/03/2020 Duration: 45min

    Irene and I had met some time back at the summer outdoor retailer show where we quickly bonded over the copious amounts of free snacks and our high natural stoke levels.  A friendship was sparked and, amongst our busy schedules, we finally found time months later to sit and record a podcast in Joshua Tree NP. Since then, we’ve filled restaurants and crags with our loud laughter, deep conversation and discovering ways to grow alongside and perhaps even at the helms of our communities. When we recorded, Irene had been in Joshua Tree for the inaugural All Women's Single Pitch Instructor course hosted by the AMGA. She had initially been invited to join as an attendee, but after careful considering of what she could gain from it vs. what an aspiring guide could, she decided to allow someone who would benefit from it take the spot. Her desire was still strong to take part, so she offered up her photography and rope access skills to capture this amazing event. Before I met Irene, I knew of her from a feature i

  • An Episode of Love

    18/02/2020 Duration: 09min

    An episode of love, life and the pursuit of all things joyful.

  • Dory Trimble discusses social change, entropy in our lives and making the jump

    03/02/2020 Duration: 01h12min

    Today I am so PSYCHED to share the words of Dory Trimble, Executive Director of the Honnold Foundation, outdoor enthusiast and newly minted connoisseur of hot yoga. Just over 2 years ago Dory started with the HF as an intern to quickly rise through the ranks and lead the efforts in shaping the foundation into the thriving entity that it is today. Her passion for promoting social change is evident in both her work with the foundation providing energy access to developing communities and also the path that lead her there. From solving complex problems and building systems from the ground up for orthopedic surgeons in Utah, undocumented youth in the Dominican Republic and migrant farm workers in rural Appalachia she has dedicated her energies to elevating often peripheral communities. As in our many conversations, Dory and I discuss a good bit about the energies in our lives and what we can and should dedicate to our professional development, communities and outdoor activities. Within that, we delve int

  • An Episode of Newness

    07/01/2020 Duration: 07min

    Wow. 2020 is here and The Wilder Mind Podcast is officially 1 year old! What a transformative and beautiful year this has been. From starting the podcast to quitting my job and relocating to SLC to chase all these wild ideas and big dreams! I truly cannot wait to see what we can make of 2020. What will 2020 bring for you? I hope that this is the year you will fully celebrate your wildest self. That you will catch the wind and not look back. That you'll find the spark you've been looking for and with it, light the brightest flame to guide your new path. And I hope that it makes you happy and fills you with satisfaction and joy. Another short episode to celebrate what was of 2019 and will be in 2020. To your wildest self, be true.

  • Josie Mckee discusses wild vertical adventures, the grief of trauma and finding mindfulness

    31/12/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    For climbers, hikers and nature lovers alike, Yosemite Valley has a vastness that is hard to match. For those like Josie, who are compelled to push the limits of vertical adventure, it’s the center of the universe. Josie pushes her vertical life even further (a hallmark of her character) as a climbing coach, mentor and for many years prior to our meeting; serving on the Valley SAR team of YOSAR (Yosemite Valley Search and Rescue). During a visit to the YOSAR camp (details in the episode) I learned just how much respect and admiration her follow SAR crew members have for her and the time she spent with them. Later, when I mentioned this to Josie, she smiled, nervously looked down toward the ground and with a “well, thanks but…” she quickly deflected the compliments back to all the YOSAR crews past and present. I had met Josie earlier in the year, at the She Moves Mountains event in March. I knew her by reputation and had hoped to have a chance to discuss chatting on the pod. However, the hectic schedu

  • An Episode of Gratitude

    29/11/2019 Duration: 09min

    A short episode, just me and a mic (with some backing music), to offer up a big serving of gratitude and a bit of the story behind the podcast.

  • Anna Callaghan on who should tell our stories, privilege in choice and safety in the mountains

    26/11/2019 Duration: 57min

    Red Rock Canyon National Conservation area provided the perfect back drop for the weekend’s vertical adventures and podcast recording session. Situated halfway between San Diego and Salt Lake City, it would be equal distance for all those hitting the road on the Wilder Mind side of the crew while Anna and boyfriend Mike Coyle were already posted up at the campsite on the tail end of their 9-day working/climbing trip. After coffee and a bite to eat we made our way toward the popular “Panty Wall” to enjoy some fair weather desert sport climbing. Conditions were just right with plenty of blue skies and sunshine to go around, but relatively mild temperatures. Thankfully everyone had a chance to get some time on the rock before the midday sun pushed us further into the canyon seeking a bit of shade. As luck would have it, our friends Joey and Camille were also out climbing and found their way to our campsite for some evening celebrations. Big stories, big laughs and even bigger smiles as friends gathered und

  • Tammy Faye Watson talks injury recovery, endurance running, rock climbing and doggies!

    20/11/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Mammoth Lakes is one of my favorite towns to visit. The area is an outdoor enthusiasts dream with easy access to endless ranges, stellar rock climbing, amazing snow sports and a variety of waterways for shooting fly line. Beyond that, exists a remarkable crew of positive and go-hard humans that are committed to living a life of meaning and adventure that constantly inspires me to pursue the same. In that crew is a human that is small in frame, but huge in heart. Tammy Faye is a local hard woman known for her incredible love and skills in mountain endurance and rock climbing. When she’s not working at the Mammoth Tavern, putting herself through night courses in nursing school or raising her 3-fur kids with husband Tucker, she can be found outside on any number of mountain dispatches. ~~~ Tammy grew up in the Inland Empire city of Riverside, some 55 miles east of the downtown Los Angeles. She developed her connectedness to the outside world early, as a young cross country runner. This love for the outdoors, c

  • Brett Farrell talks community, trail running, starting a company and a running mishap

    25/10/2019 Duration: 52min

    Brett grew up in NY, about as far from Oregon as one can get in the contiguous US. Self described as an average runner, it wasn’t necessarily the activity itself that served as the impetus for Territory, rather his sense of community and creating a space for everyone to enjoy moving through nature. After college he dedicated a solid year to gaining a better understanding of the world at large. Through his travels abroad, relying on himself and taking in the lifestyle of those far removed from his own raising, he began to cultivate a reality void of a 9-5 and centered around people and purpose. Returning to the states he knew that he had to create a company and product focused on the trail running community. Raised to stay the course, the world of becoming an entrepreneur was not one he was accustomed to, but he was obliged to launch into it and find a way to make it work. I can’t wait for you to (finally) hear the conversation with Brett. Running is a funny thing - it’s so basic and simple, yet it means

  • Rj Griffis discusses mindfulness, life on the road, climbing and herpetology

    09/08/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Rj’s life has not been one guided by script. She lives in constant growth, attuned to the vibrations of the spaces around her. She trusts her instincts and inner dialogue. She leans on the community she continues to develop in the climbing world throughout the highs and lows of life. She gives back to that community by building her skills to allow her the opportunities to help others find a better sense of self and community. You’ll hear Rj talk about life on the road in her Toyota Highlander. The freedoms found where the rubber meets the road do not come without their fair share of challenges and discomforts but that doesn’t hold her back. A year into her nomadic journey, she refuses to say that she’s homeless. These aren’t just words for Rj. It was quick to see that, no matter where she is, with her community surrounding her, she’s at home. While we were out climbing, I’d glance over from time to time to find her perched on a sunlit stone just out of frame. She always found a spot with a vantag

  • Isamer Bilog discusses his near-fatal climbing accident, trauma in aftermath and safety outdoors

    18/07/2019 Duration: 49min

    In the first LIVE Wilder Mind Podcast, we sit down with Isamer Bilog to discuss his near-fatal climbing accident. Join us in the Living Room of Arc'Teryx La Brea for a powerful and emotional conversation about the accident, the risks we choose to take and the impact our actions have on those around us.

  • Leslie Kim talks about mindful existence, mental health and pursuing your passions

    11/07/2019 Duration: 01h12min

    Leslie Kim is a Southern California native with the heart of a warrior. Whether she’s digging deep within herself to cultivate a new challenge with an unknown path or finding herself navigating imposing terrain in a sea of granite, she’s doing it with fight like you won’t believe. As an actual fighter and student of martial arts, Leslie displays a deep fascination in finding a way to navigate this world through her senses and movements. These days, such movements include the colors, shapes and feelings of her artwork. As the designer and creator behind Dynamite Starfish, she’s working hard to bring awareness to our climbing journeys in a lighthearted and mindful format. She strives to find a means through both her business and personal interactions to create a space for individuals to be free to be themselves and approach life, the outdoors and climbing in a liberated way.

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