New York surf stories (and some from Jersey). Meet the dedicated obsessives that make our urban waters one of the most interesting and unexpected surf scenes around. The podcast is the reformatted version of the live show which broadcasts on Tuesdays on WAXRADIO.FM.
Ep.60: Battle Against Shoreline Privatization with "Free the Beaches" Author Andrew Kahrl
27/06/2018 Duration: 57min -
Ep. 58: A Walk On Water surf therapy with legends Sam Hammer and Corey Senese
06/06/2018 Duration: 01h02min -
Ep.57: Rockaway Beach Closures and Nat. Gas Pipeline discussion with an industry insider
30/05/2018 Duration: 53min -
Ep. 56: Director Todd Jones of Teton Gravity Research discusses Andy Irons: Kissed By God
23/05/2018 Duration: 01h02min -
EP. 53: Live coverage from Clifbar Cold Shot Challenge Awards Hosted by NYSEA at Union Pool
04/05/2018 Duration: 57min -
EP. 51: Bonzers, Shapers, and Secret Sandbars w/ Long Island shredder Johnny Knapp
18/04/2018 Duration: 54min -
EP. 50: Why NY/NJ Surfers should know about a Louisiana workplace tragedy
12/04/2018 Duration: 23min -
Ep. 46: Surf Legend Wayne Lynch, Gas Industry Responds to Surfrider Foundation
21/03/2018 Duration: 01h12min -
Ep. 45: Two Views on the Williams Transco Nat. Gas Pipeline Expansion Project
14/03/2018 Duration: 01h08s -