Bible Thinker



Learn to think biblically about everything. Teaching theology, apologetics or verse by verse Bible Studies. Mike Winger teaches with clarity, doesn't shy away from controversial topics and always seeks to teach the Bible accurately. This will equip you to know and defend the Christian faith and understand the Bible in a deeper way.


  • Numerous Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled: Evidence for the Bible pt10

    31/07/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    Here are a bunch of prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. Mathematical analyses of the statistical probabilities of any man fulfilling these by chance reveal that Jesus is legit. This is part 10 in the lengthy series on Evidence for the Bible. This series is a methodical look at a large variety of subjects including prophecy, archaeology, history, science, contradictions, philosophy, and more! This series is for the thinking person and I hope and pray that it blesses you.

  • God’s Countdown (Daniel 9): Evidence for the Bible pt9

    28/06/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    How the Bible foretold WHEN Jesus would come. Looking for good reasons to believe the Bible? They have been here all along. A thoughtful study of prophecy has convinced many skeptics to put their faith in Jesus. Daniel chapter 9 gives a detailed account of how to know when the Messiah was to show up, and Jesus came right on time. This is the famous "70 weeks" prophecy.

  • Jesus In Genesis 22: Evidence for the Bible pt8

    13/06/2016 Duration: 40min

    Genesis 22 has a prophetic picture of the sacrifice of Jesus. This is part of a large series on "Evidence for the Bible" from Mike Winger.

  • Jesus in Isaiah 53: Evidence for the Bible pt7

    06/06/2016 Duration: 53min

    700 years before Christ His life, death and resurrection were written about in detail. This passage of Isaiah, called by some "the heart of the Bible", is a profound demonstration of the truthfulness of Jesus the Messiah and a verification of the Bible as God's word

  • Jesus in Genesis 5 and Psalm 22: Evidence for the Bible pt6

    30/05/2016 Duration: 52min

    Genesis 5 has a hidden message and Psalm 22 clearly foretells the crucifixion of Jesus. This is part 6 in the in depth series "Evidence for the Bible" by Mike Winger

  • The Most Prophetic Passage of the Bible: Evidence for the Bible pt5

    23/05/2016 Duration: 59min

    Daniel 11. See how the detailed foretelling of historical events proves that the Bible is from God. This series gives evidence for the Bible while answering critics attacks against it.

  • Defending Daniel: Evidence for the Bible pt4

    16/05/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Answering critics attacks on the book of Daniel. If Daniel really was written c.530BC then the prophecies in Daniel prove that God has spoken through this Jewish prophet. This is part of a series on Evidence for the Bible

  • Fulfilled Prophecy (Dan 7-8) Evidence for the Bible pt3

    11/05/2016 Duration: 50min

    Are you open to the evidence? Documented proof for both God and the Bible. This isn't about mystical hogwash or blind faith, it's about simple reasoning. The Bible predicts detailed events hundreds of years before they happen, the most rational explanation of this phenomenon is that God has spoken through the Bible

  • The Destruction of Tyre: Evidence for the Bible pt2

    06/05/2016 Duration: 41min

    Yes, God has spoken! A detailed account of fulfilled prophecy. Watch for all the videos in this series! We will go over several examples of fulfilled prophecy, how to defend against the most common critical attacks on prophecy, evidence for the Bible from science, archaeology, history, how we got our Bible and MORE!

  • Has God Spoken? Evidence For The Bible pt1

    16/04/2016 Duration: 49min

    How could you prove that God has communicated to us? What would be a reasonable way to show that God has spoken? This video answers that question and deals with false prophecies in preparation for the next video in this series where we will begin to look at fulfilled prophecy in the Bible as proof that God has spoken

  • Satan: Who Is He? 1 Peter 5:8-14

    27/03/2016 Duration: 01h08min

    What Satan CAN and CAN'T do and who he is, all based on the Bible. This is merely one message amongst a group of messages teaching through the book of 1 Peter. Today we examine a variety of bible passages which all give us information about Satan

  • Cast Your Cares Upon Him: 1 Peter 5:5-7

    14/03/2016 Duration: 48min

    Learn the biblical perspective of submission and its relationship to worry and peace of mind. It is supremely important to get the very specific instructions that God has given to us in our various walks of life. Being biblical involves both doctrine and practice

  • Evaluating Church Leaders (2 of 2) 1 Peter 5:1-4

    06/03/2016 Duration: 57min

    A serious look at being BIBLICAL about LEADERSHIP. This is the 2nd part in a 2 part series. The church needs godly, biblical leaders. We can't BE that without knowing what it LOOKS like. If we aren't careful we will adopt worldly standards for leadership but if we simply follow what scripture says we will be able to safely stand before God and give account for how we lead others.

  • Evaluating Church Leaders (1 of 2) 1 Peter 5:1-2

    03/03/2016 Duration: 01h56min

    What does the New Testament say about leadership really? There are simple principles that we NEED to apply in being godly leaders and in looking for godly leaders. This 2 part study will focus on the role and responsibilities of Christian leaders. You will also get info on the terms elder, bishop, deacon and pastor as we see them in the Bible. With the worldly mentality that many church leaders are exhibiting and the recklessness with which many people embrace bad leaders, we NEED this info!

  • Commit Your Soul To God: 1 Peter 4:17-19

    13/02/2016 Duration: 56min

    Chastening vs judgment. Sometimes the truths that are the hardest to hear are the healthiest for our hearts and minds. This study starts with a messianic passage in Proverbs before continuing through our study of 1 Peter. We also go over 3 ways in which the New Testament "quotes" the Old Testament. This should help clarify some common confusion.

  • What We Gain From Our Pain: 1 Peter 4:12-16

    09/02/2016 Duration: 58min

    Why believers should be bold even if it means we will suffer for it! The plain teaching of God's word and the example of Jesus, the apostles and the prophets make it clear that we need to be unafraid and unashamed when stepping into potential persecution. May God give us courage.

  • Using Your Gifts, Why Suffering, God’s Glory: 1 Peter 4:10-11

    30/01/2016 Duration: 53min

    In this exegetical study of 1 Peter 4:10-11 we will explain how to use your gifts as a steward of what God has given you, list 5 reasons why people suffer (according to the Bible) and what is meant by "give God glory".

  • Refuting Cult Theology: 1 Peter 4:6-9

    26/01/2016 Duration: 51min

    Several topics come up in this passage. How long did the disciples expect to wait for Jesus' 2nd coming? What is "serious and watchful" prayer? Was the gospel preached to the dead? Learn what "love like garlic" means.

  • How To Think About Pain & Benefits of Suffering: 1 Peter 4:1-5

    17/01/2016 Duration: 51min

    How we handle suffering is hugely important! We desperately need a biblical way of thinking about pain and suffering if we are to endure these things without stumbling. 1 Peter focuses on this issue a lot and in this study I will try and help us come to that biblical perspective

  • Nephilim? Baptism Saves? A Clean Conscience and more. 1 Peter 3:16-22

    08/01/2016 Duration: 47min

    A careful handling of these interesting and controversial verses!

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