Watson Unplugged

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 36:15:33
  • More information



Unplugged from the all of the Opinions & Noise of Society


  • Ep. 60: Watson Unplugged: Edtech Guru Michael Drezek

    02/08/2018 Duration: 38min

    Great Interview with Michael Drezek.  Mr. Drezek and I speak about Educational Technology and what ways it can impact students, teachers, and an entire school.  Mr. Drezek has tons of great edtech communities that he is a part of and projects that he is involved in. https://michaeldrezek.com/about/   Go check out his podcast as well:  https://anchor.fm/quest-for-edlightenment Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @Mr_Chris_Watson Instagram: @watson.unplugged Facebook Page: Chris Watson Speaker, Author, Podcaster If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 59 Unplugged Thoughts: My Wish for Education

    31/07/2018 Duration: 21min

    I go through my wishes of what I would like to Education become   Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @Mr_Chris_Watson Instagram: @Mr.Chris.Watson Facebook Page: Chris Watson Speaker, Author, Podcaster If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 58: Kayla Sokoloff- First Year Teacher

    27/07/2018 Duration: 45min

    Spoke with Kayla Sokoloff a first year teacher and dove into her experiences.  We talked about her journey leading up into being a teacher and the expectations of teaching.  Kayla was honest and real throughout the discussion.   Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @Mr_Chris_Watson Instagram: @watson.unplugged Facebook Page: Chris Watson Speaker, Author, Podcaster If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 57: Unplugged Thoughts: Why Are We Losing The Best Teachers?

    24/07/2018 Duration: 23min

    We are losing some of our best teachers to other industries, other careers, or other positions.  The issues are compensation, retirement, and insurance. There are concerns with top heavy salaries for our administrators and central office.  Watson outlines his thoughts of why we are losing our teachers.   Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @Mr_Chris_Watson Instagram: @Mr.Chris.Watson Facebook Page: Chris Watson Speaker, Author, Podcaster If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 56: Watson Unplugged: Devyn Wignes

    19/07/2018 Duration: 55min

    Speaking with Devyn Wignes from Classform was thought-provoking, enjoyable, and very valuable.  The work that Devyn is doing at Classform and Teacher Circle. This podcast we discuss technology and how to integrate it into a classroom effectively.  We specifically unpack the importance of making technology seamless and empower the students to try new things. Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @Mr_Chris_Watson Instagram: @watson.unplugged Facebook Page: Chris Watson Speaker, Author, Podcaster If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 55: Watson Unplugged: Have we Lost our Way Part 4: Educators Mindset

    17/07/2018 Duration: 20min

    Have we lost our way Part 4.  In Part 4 I explain why I think that we must make a change in our mindset if we want to find our way back.  We must make a drastic change in the defeatist attitude that so many professional educators share with me. I discuss the importance of a community knowing that educators are excited to be teaching.   Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @Mr_Chris_Watson Instagram: @watson.unplugged Facebook Page: Chris Watson Speaker, Author, Podcaster If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 54: Waston Unplugged: Have we Lost our Way Part 3: The Blame Game

    12/07/2018 Duration: 17min

    Have we lost our way Part 3.  In Part 3 I discuss the way discipline, support, communication, and isolation have led to THE BLAME GAME occuring in education.   Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @Mr_Chris_Watson Instagram: @mr.chriswatson Facebook Page: Chris Watson Speaker, Author, Podcaster If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 53: Watson Unplugged: Have we Lost our Way Part 2

    03/07/2018 Duration: 18min

    Have we lost our way Part .  In Part 2 I discuss the importance of teaching our students skills and not just content.  I feel as though we are so isolated we get tunnel vision and only think about our class and not the future of our students.  Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @Mr_Chris_Watson Instagram: @watson.unplugged Facebook Page: Chris Watson Speaker, Author, Podcaster If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 52: Watson Uplugged: Have We Lost our Way Part1

    28/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    Have we lost our way Part 1.  In Part 1 I discuss the importance of teaching our students skills and not just content.  I feel as though we are so isolated we get tunnel vision and only think about our class and not the future of our students.  Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @Mr_Chris_Watson Instagram: @watson.unplugged Facebook Page: Chris Watson Speaker, Author, Podcaster If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 50: Unplugged Thoughts: Summer Break

    19/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    We must be strategic of how we are using our summer breaks.  As professional educators I believe it is so important to consider how we are utilizing our time on our breaks.  Growth, Relaxation, Failure, and Development.   Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @Mr_Chris_Watson Instagram: @watson.unplugged Facebook Page: Chris Watson Speaker, Author, Podcaster If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 51: Watson Unplugged: Rowdy Kinder

    07/06/2018 Duration: 41min

    Great insight from a Kindergarten teacher about growth, expectations of parents, and how the education system affects the younger students as well.  

  • Ep. 49: Watson Unplugged: Bridgit Goss

    31/05/2018 Duration: 54min

    Bridgit Goss was a very valuable guest on the podcast.  Listen to her passion and honesty throughout the show. She brings tons of value with her transparency, vulnerability, and willingness to share her heart.  She talks about her perception of education, how it has changed, and her greatest early battles in education. There will be a Part 2 for sure!!!   Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @empowernextgen Instagram: @watson.unplugged Facebook Page: Chris Watson is our Education System Doing Enough? If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 48: Watson Unplugged: Real Rap Reynolds

    24/05/2018 Duration: 56min

    Real Rap with Reynolds is one of the realest teachers I have interviewed on the podcast. His content is amazing and it was an honor to have him on the podcast.  He is a teacher at an all boys school in West Philadelphia. We talk innovation, culture in schools, and specific obstacles he has faced as a teacher. His story is awesome and he was very compelling in his perspective. Go check out his page, youtube channel, and all of his upcoming content.  He is a true inspiration to me. Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @empowernextgen Instagram: @watson.unplugged Facebook Page: Chris Watson is our Education System Doing Enough? If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 47: Unplugged Thoughts: Escape to Central Office

    22/05/2018 Duration: 13min

    What are the differences between Assistant Principal and Teacher? Why does there feel like a hierarchy in education from Teacher to AP?  Do your best teachers become AP’s? Why are so many teachers trying to escape the classroom to get to central office?   Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @empowernextgen Instagram: @empoweringnextgen Facebook Page: Chris Watson is our Education System Doing Enough? If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 46: Watson Unplugged: The Dapper Teacher

    17/05/2018 Duration: 38min

    The best dressed teacher on the web…..The Dapper Teacher.  Go check him out on IG and buy an awesome t-shirt from his shop.  On the episode we discuss equality in schools, culture in the classroom, skills for every student, and the obstacles that environment might create for the future of students. Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @empowernextgen Instagram: @empoweringnextgen Facebook Page: Chris Watson is our Education System Doing Enough? If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 45: Unplugged Thoughts: Reflect, Confide, and ask for Feedback

    15/05/2018 Duration: 11min

    I talk about what every educator needs to do in order to grow and become better!  Reflect, Confide, and Ask for Feedback.   Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @empowernextgen Instagram: @empoweringnextgen Facebook Page: Chris Watson is our Education System Doing Enough? If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 44: Watson Unplugged: Amy Fast

    10/05/2018 Duration: 53min

    I follow Amy Fast Ed.D on Twitter and love the real and raw honesty of her posts. She is intelligent, well spoken, and motivated by love.  We discuss culture, leadership, empowering women to pursue leadership roles, and goals on the interview. Check out her Tweets @fastcrayon and her book. Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @empowernextgen Instagram: @empoweringnextgen Facebook Page: Chris Watson is our Education System Doing Enough? If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 42: Watson unplugged: Dr. Copper

    04/05/2018 Duration: 49min

    Dr. Copper is a well spoken, confident, and intelligent teacher.  I admire her work ethic, opinions, and passion for teaching. This interview was invigorating because of her vulnerability and her drive for education.  Dr. Copper is highly regarded for her expertise in Literary Analysis and has many published works on the topics. Go check out her site www.docopteaching.com Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @empowernextgen Instagram: @empoweringnextgen Facebook Page: Chris Watson is our Education System Doing Enough? If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 41 Watson Unplugged Couros' Innovators Mindset Team Focused

    01/05/2018 Duration: 13min

    A look into George Couros' innovator's mindset from a team perspective. Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @empowernextgen Instagram: @empoweringnextgen Facebook Page: Chris Watson is our Education System Doing Enough? If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

  • Ep. 40: Watson Unplugged: Kimberley Church

    26/04/2018 Duration: 42min

    Kimberley Church has a great vision, leadership and is real about her classroom management and the importance of transparency with the administrators.  She talks about creating a culture and how to thrive in a culture of empowerment.   Go check out my website: www.thechriswatson.com Twitter: @empowernextgen Instagram: @empoweringnextgen Facebook Page: Chris Watson is our Education System Doing Enough? If you would like to be guest on the show reach out to me: watsonmotivation@gmail.com

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