Straight Talk With Red Hawk

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 140:38:00
  • More information



Our show is designed to bring comfort to troubled hearts, souls and minds. I am a spiritual adviser and life-coach, by anointment and appointment.



    05/02/2015 Duration: 35min

    Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  What a beautiful, Thursday morning it is, at least where I am.  Cold withstanding, the sun is shining brighter than it was allowed to yesterday.  There's more snow on the ground, just enough to say, wow, it really snowed, so that's okay.  But anywho, today's topic is, COMPASSION, and what an on-time topic this is.  The world has seemingly chopped off the "com," and we've been left with nothing but passion, and that's not always a good thing.  People are passionately, killing one another, passionately, betraying one another, passionately, becoming more and more, self-absorbed, so there's plenty of passion going on, we just need to add "com" back in front of it. All it would take is a simple act of kindness, a small gesture of reaching out, when one is in need, something that would put a smile on the recipients face, and leave a lasting impression.  The fact that so many are in need of emotional support, spiritual support, mental support, as well as financial support


    04/02/2015 Duration: 39min

    Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  Happy FOREAL humph day!!!  Yesterday is the second time, I've thought it was Wednesday, and it was really Tuesday, what's up with that??? Anyway, today's topic is, SELF-REFLECTION. Time to take a look at who you are, and make peace with yourself, if you don't like who you are.  Making peace can be as simple as, saying to self, "I accept you for who you are, but I'm gonna need for us to make some changes".  A lot of times, who we are, or who we've become is based on how others have treated us, mistreated us, what have you.  Refuse to carry the hurt, pain and shame of what others have done to you, release it.  From today on, see yourself as the best you, you can possibly be, and make the necessary changes to feel GREAT about who you are, despite, it ALL.  None of us are perfect, and accepting who you are, right now, can help you to become the better person, that you achieve to be.  SELF-REFLECTION does not mean, to beat up on yourself. It's just examing you, taking a


    03/02/2015 Duration: 34min

    Good morning, good morning, GOOD moring!!!  Happy "hump" day, my sweet hawks.  We're halfway there, and if we've made it this far, we can make it on thru.  Today's topic is, DIVINE TIMING.  Kinda goes along with being patient, I suppose.  But anyway, please realize that nothing, I mean nothing, can come into existence, until its DIVINE TIME.  So whatever you're waiting to manifest, into the natural, just know that, spiritually, it's already on the way.  Things take time to come forth, but as long as you stay on task, keep your eyes on YOUR prize or goal, it will eventually spring forth, and guess what, it will be right on time. Just like this show, although I first got the idea, two years ago, it wasn't until divine timing, that I could decide what time I was going to do it, what day I would start it on, the 13 of January, I believe was my first, initial show, and seeing as how, it's become a part of my daily routine, it's seems like I've been doing it all along.  That's divine timing, at its finest, perfect


    02/02/2015 Duration: 36min

    Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning, happy 2nd day of February, and Monday morning to ya!!! Hopefully your weekend was great, and the team that you were rooting for, won, if not, oh well, they might not have been your favorite team anyway, but hopefully, you had a grand time watching it.  Well today's topic is, FRIENDSHIP.  This is an easy subject to talk about, simply because the topic of friendship, in this day and age, is a very important topic, indeed.  How many friends do you have, let me rephrase that, how many TRUE friends do you have.  You know, the ones who you can call on when your back is up against the wall, for whatever reasons.  Perhaps you need a place to crash, a bit of food, or some cash, do you have people in your life that are available, when you need someone the most?  Hopefully you haven't had to need someone for any of those, and they weren't there for you, but if so, at least you found out if you could, or could not count on them.  That doesn't mean that they're, not necessarily yo


    30/01/2015 Duration: 38min

    Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  Happy Friday!!!!  We made it!!! WWWoooowwwhhhhoooo!!!  Okay, SORRY, I know some of ya'll ain't morning peeps, and it grates your nerves to see and hear such happiness, THIS early in the morning, and I'll try to keep it down.  But anyway, today's topic is, APOLOGIZE.  Tee hee hee, how appropriate, and I am truly sorry that I'm so happy and excited that it's Friday, but if ya'll had a start to the week, like I did, and you're on the other end of the week, safe and sound, you'd be pretty darn happy too.  So today we gonna talk about the topic, APOLOGIZE, and I think it's a great topic, simply because the word "SORRY" can mean so much, especially if there's action to back it up, cause just merely saying it, and not truly meaning it, backing it up with the action that will prove, that it was sincere, is not enough.  Anywho, as always, if you'd like to drop the Hawkie a love offering, please do so, thru, using the email address, redhawk1967@hotmail.


    29/01/2015 Duration: 36min

    Good moring, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  My dear, sweet hawks, when I tell ya, that I need some coffee plus whatever else they have for waking folks up in the morning, yeah, some smelling salt, that's it, yep, that's what I need.  I don't know if it's the weather, or what, but I feel so drained, and I'm pretty sure, it just may have something to do with today's topic, PATIENCE.  Yes, today's topic is, PATIENCE, and Good Lord, Almighty, needs to grant me some extra doses or come hither with my break-thru.  But anywho, it's all good, cause just when you think you can't wait any longer, guess what, you still gotta wait on it. So PATIENCE is something that many of us are forced to practice, and that includes, and especially includes, the Hawkie.  At any rate, I'm really looking forward to my freestyle this morning, and I know, ain't no telling what's gonna come out, cause this topic is one, that I know needs to be stressed.  And as always, if you'd like to help me, pump up the volume on my energy level, please


    28/01/2015 Duration: 36min

    Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  Welcome to Wednesday, and I hope it's finding you in your best of health, if not, never fear, today's topic is, HEALTH.  I can't reiterate enough, that we must begin to consider our overall health above all things, I'm talking about mental, emotional, spiritual AND physical health.  On my nightly broadcast with co-host, RC, we stress the importance of health, as we have deemed 2015, the year to do better, be better and above all things, TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES BETTER.  So it's a no wonder that Spirit has directed me, this morning, to speak on HEALTH.  So stay tuned, and get read for insight on becoming a healthier you.  As always, if you'd like to drop a love offering in my account, you can send it to email address,  Any amount is never too small, and always remember, "a lot of little, has the potential to become enough".


    27/01/2015 Duration: 37min

    Good morning, good morning, good morning!!!  Yes it is, despite a hardship I am facing.  As of today, don't know if I'll be able to do a show tomorrow, but I have faith that things WILL work out.  WOW, I just pulled the card for today, and the topic of today, is, TRUST!!!  So with that being said, I know today is going to be one, heaven of a day.  Why, because I have put MY trust in the only person I can trust, in a time like this, GOD.  Yes, I have been petitioning Him, ALL month, as I know this day was fast approaching.  One things about God is, He will have you on the ledge, ready to jump, and then, yank you back, just in time.  I know, cause I feel, it's His way of buildiing our TRUST and FAITH in Him. Anyway, I could REALLY use some love offerings, right about now, they will certainly make this hardship more easy to bare, and if anyone would want DETAILS, please email me at and it's also the best way to send your love offerings thru  Any help will be appreci


    26/01/2015 Duration: 36min

    Good, happy Monday morning, sweet hawks!!!  I'm gonna need all the positive, good energy vibes, you can send, today. Not that anything is wrong, just that, hey, I'll take what I can get, and if you can send me some, positive, good energy vibes, then, I'll be more than satisfied.  Today's topic is, PHYSICAL OUTLET. Hummm, what a topic, seeing as a lot of us, me included, need to do a little more physical outletting, by way of exercising.  With being said, hopefully, at least, you're getting your groove on, when the show starts, with the opening music.  Tee hee hee, I know I do.  Anyway, hopefully you can get a good, daily, walk in, it makes a world of difference.  You can also exercise your right to give, by dropping a donation in one of my donation buckets, here, or, here,  Any amount will be welcomed.  I thank you lovely, sweet hawks in advance, for your support.  


    23/01/2015 Duration: 26min

    Wow, it happened again, AND I allowed more time.  Today's  topic is AUTHORITY.  Someone needs to take back control of your life, today.  It's time to be more authoritative in your dealings with the situations and relationships that you are encountering in your life.  Since, I have a limited time, before the show, I'll close here, and as always, if you'd like to leave a love offering for the Hawkie, please do so here, or here,  


    22/01/2015 Duration: 35min

    Good morning, good morning, good morning!  If you're not having a good day, or you want this to be a good day, and it's not, call it into existence.  Sometimes we have to speak things into our life's situations, and creating a good day, out of a bad day, sometimes can be done by changing your mindset.  Anyway, today's topic is DREAMS.  Yesterday's topic, was CREATE, put them both together and you get, CREATE DREAMS.  Yes, it's time to turn those dreams into a reality.  On today's show, I share with you, MY dream.  One that was fulfilled once upon a time, and now I'm trying to recapture it. You, my loyal listeners, can become a part of helping me recreate this dream, one that can become, RECURRING. Talking and sharing is my life, my business, my purpose, and your love offerings, dropped in one of my buckets, will make a world of difference. Do so here, or here,, and if you can't do that, please share th


    21/01/2015 Duration: 37min

    Hey, hey, hey, it's "HUMP DAY"!!!! IHope you all are making it through the week, pretty decently.  I know it's hard for some of ya'll, I know it is, I can feel it in my bones, as I type this, but hold on, change is coming!!!  Speaking of change, today's topic is, TIME TO CREATE.  Wow, really, TIME TO CREATE!!!!  What better topic, to help CREATE change.  If you want a change, sometimes you gotta create change. Sometimes, we sit around and wait for change, wait for change, wait for change, when we should be CREATING the changes that we desire.  Case in point, at the end of the day, sometimes I would feel as if I didn't get anything accomplished, even though I had spent countless hours on this thing, networking and searching, and searching and networking.  And even though I had my nightly show with my co-host, some kind of way, I didn't feel accomplished.  It wasn't until I made up in my mind, that I would start my own show back up, and when I tell you, my TRUE happiness came back, you better believe me.  I'm h


    20/01/2015 Duration: 33min

    Hey sweet hawks, let me tell ya, this is going to be a challenging show.  First off, no coffee, second off, ttttiiiiirrrreeedddd!!!  But the show must go on.  One reason I set the time for 9:00 a.m. and I'm not a morning person, is the fact that I'm trying to do better.  Instead of laying up in the bed, sleeping until I wanna get up, I made it so, I have to get up, whether I want to or not.  This is one of the mornings when I'm being challenged, but guess what, I'm gonna make it.  Anywho, today's topic is, SEND LOVE.  Is this not a much needed topic, with all the chaos, and craziness going on in the world?  Universe wants us to SEND LOVE, to the world at large.  In every country, there seems to be something wicked going on, SEND LOVE.  The world needs healing, and nothing like love to start that healing.  Well, it's getting close to the time to start the show, oh, oh, oh, how could I forget, another challenge for today is, my teens left my "show phone" off the charger, so I'm praying that one of my alternativ


    19/01/2015 Duration: 36min

    Good, Monday morning to ya!!!  When I say that the Good Lord, woke me up this morning, it was nothing but.  I was up earlier and left my cell phone in the kitchen, along with the sound of the alarm, that was to wake me, at 8:30 a.m. Daddy touched me gently, and woke me from my sleep at approximately 8:33 a.m. I looked around, and could hear the alarm going off in the kitchen, and hurried out of bed, thinking I had missed the show.  Tee hee hee, nnnnneeevvvaaaaa.  So anyway, here we are, and today's topic is, MANIFEST. Yep, time to manifest the things that you've been calling them into existence, now it's time to manifest them into reality.  Well, seeing as I'm rushing to create this show, guess I'll see you at 9:00 a.m. Until then, stay REAL, stay RARE, stay RAW!!!! BTW, if you want the show to be longer, please don't hesistate to make that a reality, by becoming a monthly donor to the show, donations can be dropped onto my website at,  Thanks in advanc


    16/01/2015 Duration: 34min

    Haaaaapppppyyyyyy Friday, sweet hawks!!! We made it!!!  I'm so proud of myself, this is the fourth show, and I must say, it feels great to be back doing, what I love to do.  All this energy, all this mouth, all this information, I'm so thankful I have a REAL outlet for it, again. Well, enough about all that, today's topic is, STAY.  Somebody needs to hear something pertaining to the word, STAY, today.  As I'm typing this, Spirit is saying, YOU NEED TO STAY. Okay, okay, that's what I'm gonna do, STAY, stay on this path, stay on this present journey, stay STILL.  Perhaps some of you are wondering, should you stay or should you go...for some reason, you're being told to STAY, today.  Tomorrow, you might be told to FLEE!!!  Anywho, I'm so excited about today's topic, and can't wait to get to delivering the message.  I already know the show is going to go fast, it always does.  As always, if you would like to send in a love offering, to help me acquire the monthly fee of $40 dollars, to make the show longer, pleas


    15/01/2015 Duration: 34min

    Good morning, my lovely sweet hawks, hope you're having a swell day.  If not, come on over here and get some "Hawkie Tawk"!!!  Today's topic is, LOVE YOURSELF.  What a wonderful topic...with Valentine's Day just around the corner, and some of us, not having a special someone, as we'd like, in your lives, why not begin TODAY, to love self, that way, you'll be all prepared to KEEP loving yourself on Valentine's Day, and it won't be such a big deal that, Mr. Man hasn't arrived yet.  Or, perhaps, there is a Mr. Man, already in your life, but you're not feeling very loved, loving self, can take care of that as well.  Anywho, hope to hear from you today, if not, enjoy the show laters.  If the show isn't long enough for you, please make a donation, so that we can stretch it out a bit.  Visit my website, to send your love offering.  


    14/01/2015 Duration: 34min

    Good morning my sweet hawks, welcome to another edition of MORNING TALK WITH THE RED HAWK. Today's topic is, PRAY. Wow, I was hoping for a more interesting topic, but who needs MORE interesting when what we really need is to PRAY. For those who don't know about the POWER of prayer, you're in for a treat.  With that being said, make sure you tune in and who knows, we might have an opportunity to say a lil prayer for the situation that you might be in.


    13/01/2015 Duration: 32min

    GOOD MORNING!!!  Decided that I would get off my duff and do what I do best, run my mouth, and since today is "hump day," what better day to start.  I know some of ya'll thinking, "how long is this going to last," well who knows, what REALLY matters is that I'm starting it!  Yes, I am an undiagnosed ADHD-er, I think, so sometimes I'm all over the place, but that's okay, one day, it'll all meet up and voila, success.  Not sure what the topic of today will be, since I'm creating this a day before, but let's just say, I'll sleep on it, and see what comes to mind.  Sound like a plan? Anywho, hope to hear from some of you, I hate talking to myself(s).   Don't forget to visit my website if you are in need of life-coaching sessions, a personal uplift, or want to donate to the show.  

  • Straight Talk with Red Hawk

    18/10/2013 Duration: 31min

    Getting rid of the jitters!!!  Straight Talk with Red Hawk talk show is an advice talk show geared towards guiding its listeners to a more positive outlook on life. 

  • Third Test

    13/08/2013 Duration: 31min

    Trying to figure ALL this stuff out.

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