Hopkins Podcast On Foreign Affairs

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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The Johns Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs is a monthly podcast discussing the most pressing issues in international relations. Three Johns Hopkins students in the International Studies program will discuss contemporary issues, interview professors and create a fun and lively atmosphere while doing it! This Podcast will not focus on only the Trump administration as many Foreign Affairs podcasts do, but rather, we will address world issues from an international perspective. We hope you enjoy our podcast, please feel free to rate, comment, and subscribe!


  • Russian Cyber Operations with Dr. Scott Jasper


    Russian Cyber Operations with Dr. Scott Jasper On this episode of the Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs, we discuss Russian cyber operations. What strategies does Russia undertake when conducting cyber operations? What case studies of Russian cyber operations do we know about, we what were there outcomes? What is the outlook of Russian cyber operations … Continue reading Russian Cyber Operations with Dr. Scott Jasper

  • COVID-19 and Refugees with Manish Agrawal


    COVID-19 and Refugees with Manish Agrawal In this episode of the Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs, we discuss COVID-19’s effect on refugees. Refugees and displaced persons, are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19. Many live in densely populated camps with minimal sanitation. The Kutupalong refugee settlement in Bangladesh – the world’s largest refugee camp – saw its … Continue reading COVID-19 and Refugees with Manish Agrawal

  • Populism with Dr. Yascha Mounk


    Populism with Dr. Yascha Mounk In this episode, we tackle the topic of Populism with one of the world’s leading experts on the subject. What is populism, what leads to populism sentiment, what does social media and COVID-19 have to do with populism? To help us answer these questions, we are joined by Dr. Yascha … Continue reading Populism with Dr. Yascha Mounk

  • Mask Diplomacy with Brian Wong


    Mask Diplomacy with Brian Wong The initial outbreak of COVID-19 in China and its subsequent global spread led to a significant marring of China’s image as a global leader in January 2020. By late February however, the COVID-19 outbreak within China had been seemingly contained.  Since then, China has engaged in a concerted campaign of … Continue reading Mask Diplomacy with Brian Wong

  • Trump Peace Plan with Dr. Steven David


    Today on the Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs, we discuss the Trump Peace Plan released in January 2020 intended to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. What is in the proposal? How does it differ from past peace proposals? Where does the Israeli-Palestinian conflict stem from? To help us answer these questions, we have Professor Steven David … Continue reading Trump Peace Plan with Dr. Steven David

  • Latin American Protests with Ana Quintana


    Today on POFA we discuss the protests that spread across Latin America in late 2019. What caused the protests in Ecuador, Chile, and Bolivia? What changes were made in these governments stemming from these protests? Will protests continue? To help us answer these questions, today on the podcast we have guest Ana Quintana. Ana Rosa … Continue reading Latin American Protests with Ana Quintana

  • Cyber Conflict with Dr. James Carafano


    Today on POFA we discuss Cyber conflict! What is a cyber attack? How can nations use cyber attacks against other nations? Can real harm come from cyber attacks? To help us answer these questions, today on the podcast we have Dr. James Carafano. James Jay Carafano is a leading expert in national security and foreign … Continue reading Cyber Conflict with Dr. James Carafano

  • Uighurs and Human Rights with Olivia Enos


    Today on POFA we discuss issues of human rights in contemporary China — looking specifically at the repression of Uighurs in Xinjiang. How has the repression of Uighurs continued since 2017? How has the global community responded to the crisis? How has the CCP responded to global condemnation of its policies? To help us answer … Continue reading Uighurs and Human Rights with Olivia Enos

  • Politics of Humanitarian Aid with Dr. Ilil Benjamin


    Today on POFA we discuss the the politics and perceptions of Humanitarian Aid. How have the values of Humanitarianism changed over time? How is geopolitics involved in the distribution of Humanitarian Aid? To help us answer these questions, today on the podcast we have Dr. Ilil Benjamin who teaches at Johns Hopkins University! Follow us … Continue reading Politics of Humanitarian Aid with Dr. Ilil Benjamin

  • 5G Wireless with Dr. James Lewis


    Today on POFA we discuss the global politics of 5G Wireless. What is Huawei? What is the U.S. entity list? Is Huawei 5G technology really a threat to U.S. national security? To help us answer these questions, on today’s podcast with have Dr. Jame Lewis from the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Follow us … Continue reading 5G Wireless with Dr. James Lewis

  • Hong Kong Protests with Dr. Ho-Fung Hung


    Today on POFA we discuss the ongoing protests taking place in Hong Kong! What are the protests all about? What are the protestors demanding? What does the future of Hong Kong look like? To help us answer these questions, on today’s podcast with have Hopkins Professor Ho-Fung Hung, who recently returned from a trip to … Continue reading Hong Kong Protests with Dr. Ho-Fung Hung

  • BREXIT with Dr. Hindmarch-Watson


    Today we will be discussing BREXIT, Britain’s planned exit from the European Union. What exactly is BREXIT? Where is the process at now, what exactly is a BREXIT “deal”? And what are the ramifications of BREXIT on Europe and the world? To help us answer these questions, today on the podcast we are joined by … Continue reading BREXIT with Dr. Hindmarch-Watson

  • U.S. – China Trade War With Dr. Giovanna Dore


    Today we will be discussing the ongoing trade war between the world’s two largest economies: The United States and China. Why is this trade war happening? What is the role of the WTO in this conflict? To help us answer these questions today on the podcast we have Dr. Giovanna Maria Dora Dore. Dr. Dore … Continue reading U.S. – China Trade War With Dr. Giovanna Dore

  • American Grand Strategy with Hal Brands and Francis Gavin


    Today on the Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs, we discuss the concept of Grand Strategy in foreign policy. What is Grand Strategy? How is Grand Strategy implemented and created, and is there a Grand Strategy for the Trump Administration’s foreign policy? To answer these questions, today on the podcast we have two distinguished guests, Professors … Continue reading American Grand Strategy with Hal Brands and Francis Gavin

  • Cyberwar – Casual Conversations


    Welcome to Season two episode three! Today we discuss one of the largest issues in contemporary international affairs, cyberwar. What is cyberwar? what cyberweapons have been used in the past? What are some of the biggest points of discussion when it comes to cyberweapons and war? Is the next war going to be digital. Listen … Continue reading Cyberwar – Casual Conversations

  • Future of Global Climate Politics With Dr. Bentley Allan


    Welcome to Season two episode two! Today we discuss the history and future of global climate politics and governance. What is climate change? What really is the Paris Climate Agreement? Is the world going to explode in a climate catastrophe? Listen to find out! Our guest professor for this podcast is Professor Bentley Allan of … Continue reading Future of Global Climate Politics With Dr. Bentley Allan

  • Emerging Market Crises with Dr. Soma Dasgupta


    Welcome to Season two episode one! Today we discuss emerging market crises, specifically the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and the Turkish Lira crisis of 2018! Our guest professor for this podcast is Professor Soma Dasgupta of the Johns Hopkins Department of Economics, we are thankful for her help in helping us understand this topic! … Continue reading Emerging Market Crises with Dr. Soma Dasgupta

  • Welcome to Season Two


    Welcome back to the Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs, Season Two! We are super excited to bring you guys three fantastic podcasts that we have recorded over the course of this semester. They are some of the best conversations we have ever had and address the most pressing issues in the international sphere today. Episode … Continue reading Welcome to Season Two

  • Discussing Trump Foreign Policy with Dr. Sebastian Schmidt


    Welcome back to the Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs! Today we chat about U.S. Foreign Policy under President Donald Trump. Will the liberal international order survive? Will the U.S. slip into isolationism? Is Trump “winning” on North Korea? Listen to find out more! We are joined by special guest, Professor Sebastian Schmidt of Johns Hopkins … Continue reading Discussing Trump Foreign Policy with Dr. Sebastian Schmidt

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