Drunk On Lettering



Welcome to Drunk on Lettering with Roxy Prima and Phoebe Cornog! Each week we get drunk and Skype with one of our favorite letterers. We specialize in making our guests feel uncomfortable and asking them pointless questions. This podcast is 1 part informative, 1 part entertaining, and 1 part cheese!


  • Episode 200 - Aaron Schwartz

    08/04/2020 Duration: 31min

    If you want to know how COVID life is going in Switzerland, give this one a listen! Aaron works as a designer for a snowboarding brand and is a lettering enthusiast when he has time. We got to meet him in SD last year over Ladies Who Paint so it was great to catch up!

  • Episode 199 - Flox

    06/04/2020 Duration: 28min

    Our wonderful friend Flox, who is a muralist from New Zealand and was also one of our LWP artists last year, chatted with us to give us an update on how she's doing. She's got an amazing art career and has really taken her own path as an artist. Give it a listen!

  • Episode 198 - Mike Zulla

    03/04/2020 Duration: 53min

    Mike Zulla is the global art director for Wilson...yeah he's big time! We've gotten to hang/break dance/beer pong with him on a few occasions at our favorite conference, MLC Connect! He is a bad ass and so fun to chat with! Give it a listen!

  • Episode 197 - Jon Contino

    01/04/2020 Duration: 28min

    New episode with one of our favorites, Jon Contino!! Quarantine life is bringing out a new, optimistic side of Jon and it's just what we all need!

  • Episode 196 - Lisa Congdon

    30/03/2020 Duration: 37min

    Lisa Congdon stopped by to have a very real and honest chat with us about what's happening right now. If you want to feel less alone, give it a listen! Lisa will give you some comfort!

  • Episode 195 - Phoebe, Roxy, and Chris

    29/03/2020 Duration: 34min

    Catch up with the crew and see how we're doing in quarantine!

  • Episode 194 - Trisha Abe

    28/03/2020 Duration: 25min

    New episode with the amazing muralist Trisha Abe!! We've been fangirls of her work for awhile so it was great to chat with her!

  • Episode 193 - Nim Ben-Reuven

    27/03/2020 Duration: 30min

    New Daily episode with our favorite cardboard enthusiast, NIM!!! If you want some joy and humor during this crazy time, give this episode a listen. Nim never ceases to make us laugh and give us advice on cryptobitcoin!!

  • Episode 192 - Tiffany Dewitt

    26/03/2020 Duration: 23min

    Next up on our daily COVID episodes is Tiffany Dewitt aka Livelongandletter! Tiffany is a talented letterer and muralist out of Utah. We got to chat with her about how she's been feeling, spending her time, and her dream projects.

  • Episode 191 - Mary Kate McDevitt

    25/03/2020 Duration: 22min

    The wonderful Mary Kate McDevitt graced us with her presence on Drunk on Lettering once again. Her outlook on the current crisis is refreshing and comforting. We loved chatting with her and hope you like it too!

  • Episode 190 - Stephen Brucher of Paradeigm Films

    24/03/2020 Duration: 31min

    Our friend Stephen who runs Paradeigm Films Skyped with us from Kansas City (where he is staying with his family while the virus situation is going on). He chatted with us about his business and how things have been going lately. Stephen always has great insight to share, especially for scaling a team and running a business!

  • Episode 189 - Craft Boner

    23/03/2020 Duration: 28min

    Oh Kiwi! We love her so much! Just watching her insta-stories is enough to make you laugh and forget there is a global pandemic happening! She always keeps it real and she definitely did in this convo!

  • Episode 188 - Aaron Keith

    22/03/2020 Duration: 33min

    Aaron Keith is a very important person in the history of Roxy and Phoebe...he was their business coach that took them from being little dum dums to the successful entrepreneurs they are today! It was great to hear about what he's doing and advice on what you should be doing during this time!

  • Episode 187 - Joshua Phillips

    21/03/2020 Duration: 36min

    Joshua B Phillips is long time friend of the DOL podcast. He was one of our first guests on the podcast so of course we reached out to him to come on for our daily COVID-19 episodes. He updated us on what's going on with his life and how he's handling things. He's such a sweetie!!

  • Episode 186 - Nolan Pelletier

    20/03/2020 Duration: 55min

    This episode is with the talented Nolan Pelletier! He chatted with us about his life as an illustrator and his past life as a food taste. He's a full time illustrator living in Canada and he had a lot of great insight to share! Give it a listen!

  • Episode 185 - Phoebe, Roxy, and Chris

    19/03/2020 Duration: 44min

    Day 3 of our daily episodes while life is being effected by COVID-19! Today the DOL crew is just chatting updates about what is going on and how they are spending their time!

  • Episode 184 - Daphna Sebbane

    18/03/2020 Duration: 49min

    This episode is with the super talented Daphna. She's got such a cool style so we were so excited to chat with her. She is based in Austin and actually has a full time job working in the gambling industry. She chatted with us about balancing full-time and freelance work and so much more. *NOTE: this was recorded pre-COVID-19 so keep that in mind if anything seems insensitive.

  • Episode 183 - A Message from Drunk on Lettering

    17/03/2020 Duration: 33min

    Things are crazy right now. We've all taken a hit and we're all down. Here are our thoughts on everything!

  • Episode 182 - Matt Bourque

    10/03/2020 Duration: 01h11min

    You're in for a treaty-treat this week! We have a college friend of Phoebe's who we ran into at Letter West who is killing it in the agency world...it's Matt Bourque! He's fucking cool and a great designer and we had a lot of laughs chatting with him. Get it in your ears, folks!

  • Episode 181 - Andrea Pippins

    03/03/2020 Duration: 53min

    This episode we get to chat with the amazing Andrea Pippins! She's an amazing illustrator that grew up in the US and moved to Stockholm to start a family. We chatted all about the move, working for herself, her many amazing books, and so much more! She's such an inspiration and so sweet! Listen up!

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