Hairstyles, the latest trends and make up is what this show is all about!Our presenter provides the best tips on how to look and dress your best!
Black Friday
22/11/2021 Duration: 35minBlack Friday, to participate or not to participate is the question of the show. Are you ready?
Woman They Want You Out!
15/11/2021 Duration: 33minThe value of being a woman is being distorted and mixed up in new age rules.
DC Is At It Again
01/11/2021 Duration: 33minDc is destroying the heroic image of Superman in our minds and focussing on other issues that may be irrelevant to the character and even people's perspective of him.
Are You Left or Right?
25/10/2021 Duration: 36minWhere do you stand on the spectrum of morality and values?
They Want God Out Of Everything
18/10/2021 Duration: 35minWhy is the world trying so hard to get rid of Christianity? DJ Aqua talks about all the new laws and ideas they're fighting for to make God look irrelevant in people's minds.
Big Brother
11/10/2021 Duration: 33minNigeria refuses to be identified with big brother and are standing against the show. But why??
They Want You Dead
04/10/2021 Duration: 24minCertain people are forcing the rest of the world to take vaccines and there is no actual evidence that it is totally safe. Why are they covering up certain nurses deaths all of a sudden?
Defund The W.H.O
20/09/2021 Duration: 35minPeople are angry by the actions of the WHO as they fail to live up to their responsibility of protecting human rights, as a result, want to defund them.
Men Falling Pregnant
13/09/2021 Duration: 32minIs it absurd to think a man could be pregnant? Should men be dominating female dominated areas?
What's Your Issue?
06/09/2021 Duration: 30minWhile many enjoy life worrying about petty issues, there are powerful people trying to destroy society by breaking up the family. Why is there such an attack on those who are pro life and pro family??
No Vaccine No Entry
30/08/2021 Duration: 30minThe Vaccine is being forced on people. People are not able to attend public events and breadwinners are being stopped from providing for their households. Why? Where is the freedom? Where is the justice? Should people not have the right to choose whether they want it or not?
Hot Summer
23/08/2021 Duration: 34minGet the hottest summer fashion trends, and find out about some styles that are officially out of fashion. DJ Aqua talks about some horrific new fashion trends being pushed, and some crazy genderless fashion brands from people like Celine Dion.
They Want You To Shut Up
16/08/2021 Duration: 35minA minority of the world's population has influence over the world's media. How??? DJ Aqua talks about their agendas and how they are managing to implement things that the majority of the world does not actually agree with.
The Agenda
09/08/2021 Duration: 41minDJ Aqua discusses the revolting Cadbury creme egg ad that has been criticised by people for being so disgusting. Is watching two men eating an egg in a sexualised manner a freedom of speech or a complete violation that needs to be dealt with?
Fashion Top News
02/08/2021 Duration: 36minDid you know that OFF-WHITE is now officially part of the LWMH, and has made a family bond? DJ Aqua takes a look at some of the biggest names and brands in the fashion world. Discover some of the big projects being worked on right now that you can look forward to in the near future.
The Art Of Going Dark
19/07/2021 Duration: 34minBoneka shares about the iconic moments at the Cannes Film Festival and who was dressed the best. She also shares a new tactic massive brands are using to pull people in.
Single - Birthday In Lockdown
12/07/2021 Duration: 37minIt's the highlight reel on De Mode as DJ Aqua talks about her upcoming birthday. How can one still celebrate life, and not feel lonely in a world full of COVID and lockdowns?? Did you ever think you would celebrate your birthday locked up?
What Is Freedom?
05/07/2021 Duration: 37minThe term 'freedom' has become malapropism in today's world where we believe that we can be anything we want - even if it means losing who we actually are. What does real freedom look like???
Gen Z Reimagining Masculinity
28/06/2021 Duration: 33minHas masculinity taken another direction? Is pink the new colour for men? What would you do if you found your father or husband wearing a skirt?
Who Are You?
21/06/2021 Duration: 37minDJ Aqua talks about new movements rising up fighting for height, and other stereotypes. Are people missing the boat? Are we fighting for meaningless things?