Lecciones para aprender y mejorar tú inglés. English lessons to improve your grammar, vocabulary and listening skills.
The Prepositions Out, Up, Of and Off - AIRC139
22/01/2017 Duration: 48minLas notas del episodio y más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles están en: Shownotes and more podcasts to improve your English at:
Compound nouns - AIRC138
15/01/2017 Duration: 52minLas notas del episodio y más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles están en: Shownotes and more podcasts to improve your English at:
How to Tell a Story in English - AIRC137
08/01/2017 Duration: 47minFor show notes, go to: Las notas del episodio por este podcast estan en:
Giving Advice and Using recommend and suggest in English - AIRC136
01/01/2017 Duration: 43minIn this episode we're going to help you to make recommendations and suggestions correctly in English. Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Audio feedback: Gabriel from Tijuana Mexico says Hi Gabriel also wrote a message on the website (I think it's the same Gabriel from Tijuana) Hi Reza and Craig, I´m Gabriel from Tijuana Mex, I just want to say thanks for your podcast, the last one was great, and I need to tell you that the first ones when you started this project where horrible, I feel (felt) that I´m (I was) in a bored (boring) class, but right now they are great!!!!! My last words for you are, thanks and continue with the podcast, you are amazing guys. I will continue hearing (listening to) you every time that I can. Regards,Gabriel. Audio Feedback: Adrian sent us an audio message on from Costa Rica - "can we talk about the word THE and when to use it" We
Stereotypes and Cultural Myths about the British - AIRC135
25/12/2016 Duration: 53minIn this episode we're going to help you bust some cultural myths about the UK and British people Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Comment on the website from Fleudy: Good afternoon,I have a problem with my English. I’ve been learning English for two years and I know a lot of words and grammar, but my big problem is the listening. This problem have (has) been hitting(bugging) me for a long time. Please tell me what I can do to improve it. Listen to podcasts. Search Google for your hobbies and interests and then type the word 'podcast' (for example, 'football podcast', 'movie podcast', 'tech podcast') Also search on itunes, Google Play, ivoox, and use podcast apps like Stitcher. Also listen to English music and films in origianl version (and this podcast!) Listener Feedback from Ando from Mexico Great pro
Feelings Vocabulary in English - AIRC134
18/12/2016 Duration: 42minHow are you feeling? How do you feel? Are you in the mood to practise English with us? We’re looking at feelings vocabulary today in Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig. Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Hello Craig, this is Alberto, again. (Luis Alberto Diaz Garcia - email) ¨Please help me with a doubt. When (do) I have to use "to me" or "for me". For example when people are talking about some topic and you have to give your opinion. Is it "to me" or "for me"? Another example when you are in a restaurant and your girlfriend asks for fish and you ask for your meal after her (immediately). Is it "for me only salad" or "to me only salad"? I will appreciate your help. Keep doing your excellent podcast!! Bye guys In this episode we're going to help you talk about your feelings. Listener Feedback: Audio feedback from Mamen commute is a verb. I commute to work every day. Noun: I listened to Aprender Inglés wit
Adverbial clauses, linkers and conjunctions - AIRC133
11/12/2016 Duration: 48minAdverbial clauses, linkers and conjunctions - AIRC133 Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: In this episode we're going to help you with Adverbial clauses, linkers, conjunctions etc Audio feedback from Edu from Peru You can sign up for free English chat at We also publish the dates and the times of the online conversaiton chat on our Facebook page ( and on Twitter ( - @mansiontwit) Listener Feedback: Bruno Schvidah from Brazil sent us an email. My name is Bruno and I am from Brazil but recently living in Copenhagen! My weak side has been "adverbial clauses and linkers" I would really like to go through that! For now, I wish you all a great Friday! All the best, Bruno We're sorry it's taken us so long to answer your question, Bruno. We spoke about some linking words in Episode 55 (but, even though/although, however, in spite of/d
Mansion Interviews Jack Askew from and
08/12/2016 Duration: 48minPuedes contestar las preguntas de comprensión y obtener ayuda con el vocabulario difícil en esta entrevista en You can answer listening comprehension questions and get help with difficult vocabulary in this interview at Vocabulary urge = deseo, impulso stipend = beca funky (bars) = de moda, en la onda it rings a bell = it seems familiar (insurance) policy = póliza to set up = instalar, montar to struggle (to have difficulty) = costar risky = arriesgado/a to own = poseer, ser dueño de to put (something) off = posponer to go all in = echar el resto, ir con todo, apostar todo overlap = coincidencia to outsource = subcontratar to scale = modificar la escala deadline = fecha tope, fecha límite to procrastinate = posponer, dejar para después to run into someone = tropezarse con, encontrarse con
Pronunciation | Linking sounds in Connected Speech - AIRC132
04/12/2016 Duration: 44minIn this episode we're going to help you improve your pronunciation with linking sounds. How words join together in connected speech - because WE DO NOT SPEAK LIKE ROBOTS DO WE? Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Audio message from Jose from Mexico. Audio message from Mamen: doubt and hesitate Doubt I doubt if we can help her. Why are you hesitating? Doubt = dudar “I doubt if we’ll be making a special Christmas podcast this year.” “I doubt that I’ll be eating turkey on Christmas day.” “Did you have doubts about the consistency of this podcast when we first started?” To doubt means to lack confidence in something; to disbelieve, question, or suspect. To hesitate means to stop or pause before making a decision or doing something. (dudar , vacilar) Expressions with doubt there is some doubt about it = sobre esto existen dudas beyond doubt = fuera de duda beyond all reasonable doubt = más allá de toda dud
Ghosts and the Supernatural - AIRC131
27/11/2016 Duration: 43minIn this episode we're going to talk about ghosts and the supernatural an idea from Liliana from Colombia who sent us this voice message Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Feedback: Bruno Schvidah from Brazil My name is Bruno and I am from Brazil but recently living in Copenhagen! My weak side has been "adverbial clauses and linkers" I would really like to go through that! For now, I wish you all a great Friday! All the best, Bruno Episode 32 Although / even though / despite / in spite of - Episode 55 but, even though/although, however, in spite of/despite - Go and listen to those two episodes, Bruno and if there are linking words, conjunctions that we did not mention,
Marketing and Market Research - AIRC130
20/11/2016 Duration: 57minIn this episode we're going to help you improve your marketing vocabulary Audio feedback from Maria Jose from Cordoba Sign up to our email list and we'll tell you when you can join our free conversation practice. Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Listener Feedback: Maite Hi Craig! First of all I have to say that your English podcasts are by far the best. I've never seen such magnificent podcasts. Well, I'd like you to teach me vocabulary about marketing issues because I'm doing a degree in marketing and market research and I want to get more vocabulary skills. That's all folks! Thanks in advance for being as you are. Maite "Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships." - wikipedia Does marketing have good or bad connotations? Marketing is activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. People who work in marketing tr
Mansion Interviews Andrew Walkely from
17/11/2016 Duration: 26minAndrew Walkely and I worked at the same language school in Valancia when Andrew was living here with his family a few years ago. But he left Valencia and we lost touch with each other, as people do, so I was really pleased to meet up with him at a teaching conference in the Uk this year. We had lunch together during the conference and he told me about an exciting new project he's started in London so I wanted to bring him on the podcast to speak about it. Don't forget that you can improve your listening with comprehension questions and find some help with difficult words from this interview at Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Vocabulary freelance - independiente, autónomo/a to set up (a company) rolayties bizzare joint venture - empresa conjunta redevelopment - remodelación, reurbanización council estate - un barrio de viviendas de alquiler subvencionadas por el ayuntamient
Time Clauses and Time Expressions - AIRC129
13/11/2016 Duration: 31minIn this episode we're going to help you with your time clauses Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Feedback: Email from Rafael alba garcia I've just listened to the new podcast and I found it very interesting with these nine words in Spanish. Episode 127: Muy bien descritas esas nueve palabras, pero con la explicación de «ya», en mi opinión Reza no ha estado del todo (a bit) exacto, porque cuando en español se hace una pregunta, (por ejemplo).... ¿quieres un vaso de agua? o ¿tu eres Craig?, los españoles no solemos contestar «ya».....otra cosa es que yo diga....¡Tú eres Craig!, (afirmación), entonces Craig puede contestar, ya, (ya lo sé) Audio Feedback: Ivan from Valencia We spoke about time clauses with the present perfect in Episode 18 (
Vague Language - AIRC128
06/11/2016 Duration: 24minIn this episode we're going to help you understand and use vague language. What are you doing later this evening? - I’ve got to sort out some stuff at home. (What stuff?) Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Listener Feedback: A question from Vanessa in my FCE class: What is the difference between "even though" and "even so"? When do you use the first and when do you use the second? EVEN THOUGH = aunque, a pesar de que - "I decided to walk to the library even though it was raining." / "Decidí caminar hasta la biblioteca aunque estaba lloviendo." EVEN SO = aun así - "I know you don't like vegetables, darling. Even so, you must eat them." / "Ya sé que no te gustan las verduras cariño. Pero aun así te las tienes que comer." Vague language - not distinct (vago/a) Sometimes vague language is bad: How much does this cost? - Around 15 quid, more or less. Legal contracts and documents, for example, shouldn’t
9 Spanish Words We Need In English - AIRC127
30/10/2016 Duration: 28minIn this episode we look at 9 words that don't have direct translations in English. Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Listener Feedback: Javier from Tolasa What's the difference between 'life expectation' and 'life expectancy' (and also 'life span')? Life expectancy usually refers to the amount of years left in one's life based on the person's current age. Life span refers to the average total duration of a lifetime within specific groups 9 Spanish Words We Need in English 1.GUIRI: a foreigner, usually a tourist, who happens to be in Spain and stands out as being pretty obviously not a local. (GRINGO in Central/South America) En España los guiris hacen más ruido que los españoles. SAYS WHO? I COMPLETELY DISAGREE! Do you wear sandals and socks? Walk on the sunny side of the street in August? “Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun!” 2. ESTRENAR: to wear or use something for the first
Alternative Medicine - AIRC126
23/10/2016 Duration: 57minAlternative Medicine - AIRC126 In this episode we'll be speaking about alternative medicine (aromatherapy, acupuncture etc.) Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Listener Feedback: Salui En hora buena Salvi Melguizo y Ana Sánchez por llegar a 100 episodios de Sobre Perros!! Voice message from Pilar from Madrid Email from Carlos "I am trying now to get the Cambridge First Certificate, so I was looking for some audios in the internet in order to train my listening skills when I found your podcasts by chance. I´d like to tell you that not only are your podcasts really useful to improve my listening and grammar skills, but they are also very funny, I have a good time with them. (I really enjoy them). Actually, I usually go running twice or three times a week and I do that listening to your episodes. Sometimes you guys make me laugh and people w
Phrasal Verbs with TAKE and GET - AIRC125
16/10/2016 Duration: 37minIn this episode we look at phrasal verbs with take and get in answer to a voice message from Ivan. Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Listener Feedback: Manuel Tarazona from Paterna Hello podcasters, I'm writing a new letter to you while I'm listening (to) the drug episode when I've just finished my holidays. Drugs Episode 118 - I hope you could talk about playing music in a future episode: instruments, amplifiers, speakers..... I play guitar with my friends and I'm interesting about (interested in) that vocabulary. Thanks you for your podcasts and go on! A big hug for you from Manuel. Paterna. We spoke about music vocabulary in Episode 27 - Voice message: Drug episode from anonymous (Messy - desordenado): Drugs and Addiction Episode 118 Ivan Ballester-
How Not to Repeat Yourself in English - AIRC124
09/10/2016 Duration: 35minIn this episode we'll be speaking about avoiding repetition. Not saying 'thank you' all the time or repeating expressions like 'How are you?' Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Listener Feedback: Fransisco from Granada Voice message - good news! Francisco Espínola from Granada passed his FCE exam! Thanks for your comments, Francisco. Wonderful pronunciation and not one mistake! Itunes reviews thank yous to everyone who has taken the time to write a short for us. It's because of you that we are one of the best podcasts for learning English in itunes - the most visible. chuspo from Spain Merak.kain from Mexico rrg01 from Mexico Sirihus from Spain ("It's the best podcast I've ever heard and you are a perfect couple, doing that everything flows so perfect and easy") Mcorrea2004 from Spain Alvaroscali from Spain Comment on the website from Rafael: Hello Reza and Craig, very interesting this episode speaking
The difference between ALL and EVERYTHING | FIX, MANAGE, MAKE IT and FIGURE OUT - AIRC123
02/10/2016 Duration: 42minThe difference between ALL and EVERYTHING | FIX, MANAGE, MAKE IT and FIGURE OUT - AIRC123 In this episode we speak about the difference between ALL and EVERYTHING | FIX, MANAGE, MAKE IT and FIGURE OUT and your feedback and questions that you sent us during the summer. Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: We recieved a Voice message from Hellen Jimenez from Costa Rica. As Helen said, you can find a free grammar reference at . There is also grammar in our free courses and you can download the grammar pdf from the store: it costs 1.99 euros. Listener Feedback: Ivan from Cuba Hi guys I'm Ivan and I'm Cuban that’s why my situation here with the internet is kind of complicated but I will always find a way to get your episodes. I wanted to say that you guys are great and I believe truly in what you do. I'd like to ask you about the use of ALL and
Too, Enough and Religion Vocabulary- AIRC122
25/09/2016 Duration: 24minIn this episode we look at the difference between too and enough and vocabulary connected to religion. Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: More podcasts to improve your English at: Listener Feedback: Wesling Rojas "I want to improve my speaking but I don't know how to do it. Please just give me some advices (advice/pieces of advice/some advice)." You must speak! 'You can´t make an omelette if you don't break a few eggs!' Practice, practice, practice! Who can you speak to and practise with? 1. Go to an English-speaking country. 2. Find English native speakers in your area. 3. Go to a language exchange (un intercambio) in a bar or cafe. 4. Use Italki ad read: Effective 1 to 1 personal teaching Native, International (native speakers) Convenient (learning at home, technology) Affordable (cut out the middlemen, great pricing) 5. Find a foreign boyfriend or girlfriend 6. Arrange to meet up with work colleagues or friends and speak