Shaykh Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari is a traditionally-trained Islamic scholar who has studied the Arabic language and various other traditional Islamic sciences including Quranic exegesis (tafsir), Hadith and Fiqh in different parts of the world including the UK, Pakistan and Syria. His Shuyukh/teachers include his father, Shaykh Mawlana Adam, Shaykh Yusuf Motala, Shaykh Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Shaykh Abd al-Razzaq al-Halabi and others. He has received authorizations (ijazahs) in various Islamic disciplines including the six major collections of Hadith and the science of issuing religious verdicts (Fatwa). His authored works include: Islamic Guide to Sexual Relations, Elucidation of Forty Hadiths on Marriage, Birth Control & Abortion in Islam, The Issue of Shares and Simplified Rules of Zakat, and is widely known for providing answers to peoples everyday issues and comprehensive fiqh related articles; which can be found at his website Shaykh has taught many courses and lectured extensively on a range of topics, and continues to travel regularly teaching and lecturing both in the UK and abroad. Presently, he resides in Leicester, UK. He is a teacher of various traditional Islamic sciences, and Director and researcher at the Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence.
Marriage - Deen Vs Culture Part 9
22/03/2017 Duration: 07minMufti Muhammad ibn Adam gives a talk on the importance of Marriage in Islam and the cultural influence that need to be squashed.
Marriage - Deen Vs Culture Part 10
22/03/2017 Duration: 05minMufti Muhammad ibn Adam gives a talk on the importance of Marriage in Islam and the cultural influence that need to be squashed
Marriage - Deen Vs Culture Part 8
22/03/2017 Duration: 09minMufti Muhammad ibn Adam gives a talk on the importance of Marriage in Islam and the cultural influence that need to be squashed.
Marriage - Deen Vs Culture Part 7
22/03/2017 Duration: 09minMufti Muhammad ibn Adam gives a talk on the importance of Marriage in Islam and the cultural influence that need to be squashed.
Marriage - Deen Vs Culture Part 6
22/03/2017 Duration: 09minMufti Muhammad ibn Adam gives a talk on the importance of Marriage in Islam and the cultural influence that need to be squashed.
Marriage - Deen Vs Culture Part 5
22/03/2017 Duration: 09minMufti Muhammad ibn Adam gives a talk on the importance of Marriage in Islam and the cultural influence that need to be squashed.
Marriage - Deen Vs Culture Part 4
22/03/2017 Duration: 09minMufti Muhammad ibn Adam gives a talk on the importance of Marriage in Islam and the cultural influence that need to be squashed.
Marriage - Deen Vs Culture Part 3
22/03/2017 Duration: 09minMufti Muhammad ibn Adam gives a talk on the importance of Marriage in Islam and the cultural influence that need to be squashed.
Marriage - Deen Vs Culture Part 2
22/03/2017 Duration: 09minMufti Muhammad ibn Adam gives a talk on the importance of Marriage in Islam and the cultural influence that need to be squashed.
Marriage - Deen Vs Culture Part 1
22/03/2017 Duration: 09minMufti Muhammad ibn Adam gives a talk on the importance of Marriage in Islam and the cultural influence that need to be squashed.
The Subcontinent Scholars
22/03/2017 Duration: 39minMufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari discusses the contribution and specific characteristics of the Scholars of the Indian Subcontinent in the field of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh).
Solving Marriage Problems
22/03/2017 Duration: 01h01minAn extremely important talk delivered in Jamia Masjid Noor (Huddersfield, UK) regarding marital problems and how to solve them. The Shaykh highlighted 10 causes of marital conflict and how to deal with them.
Healthy Eating
22/03/2017 Duration: 56minHealthy Eating, Healthy Bodies & Healthy Minds Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari speaks about living a healthy life. The talk focuses on the idea that Islam does not just instruct us to eat halal food; rather it encourages us to eat that food which is tayyib (pure), which hinges upon many conditions. The talk also discusses how, alongside having healthy bodies, healthy minds are also essential.
Hadith Sahih
22/03/2017 Duration: 01h31minHadith Sahih: Definition, principles & application The science of hadith came into formation by expert scholars of hadith assessing the narrations and sorting out the genuine from the mistaken and fabricated. This science consists of many terminology and classifications, amongst which is "Sahih" (rigorously authenticated), which Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam Al-Kawthari expounds on in this lesson.