FOR MORE LISTENING PRACTICE AND TO LEARN MORE VOCABULARY, PHRASAL VERBS, AND QUESTION-ANSWERING SKILLS, BE SURE TO SEE MY OTHER PODCAST AT Conversational English for Brasileiros has words and phrases written and recited by a native American to help brasileiros with understanding and pronunciation of English words and phrases.Text available at God bless you in your efforts to learn or perfect your English, and have a great day!!! \o/
CEB#34: Practicing Pronunciation: WHEN, WENT
30/05/2012 Duration: 02minExamples of challenging English and their pronunciation, featuring WENT, WHEN. Text available at! \o/
CEB#33: Terms Regarding the Hospital
29/05/2012 Duration: 06minExamples of English words and their pronunciation to help brasileiros with words regarding the hospital. Text available at! \o/
CEB#32: Practicing Pronunciation: BARED, BEARD, BIRD, BORED
29/05/2012 Duration: 06minExamples of challenging English and their pronunciation, featuring BARED, BEARD, BIRD, BORED..! \o/
CEB#30: Practicing Pronunciation: MAN, MEN
28/05/2012 Duration: 02minExamples of challenging English and their pronunciation, featuring MAN, MEN. Text available at! \o/
CEB#31: Terms Regarding the Bar
28/05/2012 Duration: 04minExamples of English words and their pronunciation to help brasileiros with words regarding the bar.! \o/
CEB: #29 Pronunciation Practice: SHIRT, SHIRTS, CHURCH
27/05/2012 Duration: 02minExamples of challenging English and their pronunciation. Text available at! \o/
CEB: #28 Pronunciation Practice: WOMAN, WOMEN
20/05/2012 Duration: 02minExamples of English words and their pronunciation to help brasileiros with words that sound or seem very much alike in English. Focusing on WOMAN, WOMEN.Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB: #27 Practicing Pronunciation: CONSIDER, CONSIDERED, CONCEITED
13/05/2012 Duration: 03minExamples of English words and their pronunciation to help brasileiros with words that sound or seem very much alike in English. Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB#26 How was work today.wav
10/05/2012 Duration: 03minExamples of English phrases and their pronunciation to help brasileiros improve their use of the English language. We are focusing on conversation in this case and asking, "How was work today?" Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB#25 Practicing Adverbs: TODAY
09/05/2012 Duration: 04minExamples of English adjectives, focusing on the adverb TODAY.Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB#24 Practicing Adjectives: LARGE
07/05/2012 Duration: 02minExamples of English phrases and their pronunciation to help brasileiros improve their use of the English language. We are focusing on the use of adverbs in this case. Exemplos de frases em inglês e sua pronúncia para ajudar os brasileiros a melhorarem o uso da língua inglesa. Estamos concentrando-se no uso de advérbios neste caso. Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB#23 Pronunciation Practice: DESERT, DESERT, DESSERT
05/05/2012 Duration: 05minExamples of English words and their pronunciation to help brasileiros with words that sound or seem very much alike in English. Focusing this time on DESERT, DESSERT. Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB#22 Practicing Conversation: How was your day today?
03/05/2012 Duration: 03minExamples of English phrases and their pronunciation to help brasileiros improve their use of the English language. We are focusing on conversation in this case and asking, "How was your day?" Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB#21 Practicing adverbs: YESTERDAY
02/05/2012 Duration: 04minExamples of English adjectives, focusing on the adverb YESTERDAY. Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB: #20 Practicing Adjectives: BIG
02/05/2012 Duration: 04minExamples of English adjectives, focusing on the adjective BIG.Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB: #19 Practicing Verbs: AGREE
01/05/2012 Duration: 06minExamples of English verbs, focusing on the verb AGREE.. Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB: #18 Practicing Pronouns
29/04/2012 Duration: 06minExamples of English pronouns and their pronunciation. Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB: #17 See/Look Tenses with Pronouns
25/04/2012 Duration: 11minExamples of English words and their pronunciation to help brasileiros with words that sound or seem very much alike in English. Exemplos de palavras com sons parecidos e sua pronúncia para ajudar brasileiros a distinguir a diferença. Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB: #16 Responses to Greetings
24/04/2012 Duration: 05minExamples of English conversation and responses to greetings.. Text available at Enjoy! \o/
CEB: #15 Pronunciation Practice: WEAR, WERE, WE'RE, WHERE
22/04/2012 Duration: 06minExamples of English words and their pronunciation to help brasileiros with words that sound or seem very much alike in English. Text available at Enjoy! \o/