Julie Cross Podcast Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 20:05:25
  • More information



Welcome to the Julie Cross Podcast SHOW! What you can expect when you stop by is that you will be empowered, energised or entertained or perhaps all three at once. This will happen through the sharing my thoughts, learning and reflections. It will happen through storytelling, sharing both my stories and the stories of others, it will also happen through interviews with people, maybe not famous people but people on the street. It is going to grow and change as we do and as I get to know what you want to hear. But what I can promise you is that no matter the content, my vision will always be take you on a feeling journey leave you feeling glad that you stopped by. Enjoy! And I look forward to reading your comments and thoughts.


  • Dancing on a shifting carpet

    30/07/2020 Duration: 10min

    In these times where we are in constant change and uncertainty, we need to nurture ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually. https://www.juliecross/backstage

  • Another #thomaskentcan funny moment

    25/03/2020 Duration: 06min

    Another #thomaskentcan funny moment... as we are exposed to more people and more situations I learn the conversations I still have not had with Thomas... like the fact that men marry men and women marry women, it was an interesting conversation initially!

  • #thomaskentcan... make me laugh

    18/03/2020 Duration: 06min

    #thomaskentcan... make me laugh. You know there will always be a funny story somewhere with me! Autism tends to have no filter so I find myself having to be very aware of what Thomas is saying and how that is coming across to his customers... oh you just have to laugh! 

  • #thomaskentcan..what we focus on grows

    03/03/2020 Duration: 08min

    #thomaskentcan... As many of you know I have helped Thomas start his own business, it has been difficult to find a job with Autism along for the ride and I was so tired of hearing everything he can't do... and in case you don't know my married name is 'Kent', so we called his business Thomas Kent Can! What we focus on expands so let us start concentrating on what he can do not just what he can't do! This is some of what we have both learn along the way.

  • Reframing a challenge situation

    20/02/2020 Duration: 08min

    We will all have challenges to face and move through, it is helpful to notice your thinking so that you can ask yourself if it is serving you in this situation, and then remember that you can change your thoughts to improve your outlook which will empower you to take the steps necessary to move through the challenges, this is an example of how I had to do that.

  • Leadership Versus Management

    19/02/2020 Duration: 08min

    Leadership Versus Management... what is the difference between leadership and management and can we be good at one and not the other? It times of natural disasters and major challenges 'Leadership' is always under the spotlight, and rightly so, because it is in these times a country, or a community, needs a strong leader to calm, care, comfort and empower the people to know they can handle the situation, and that as a leader they will be walking beside them every step of the way.

  • Happy 2020

    16/02/2020 Duration: 04min

    Happy 2020... and so the New Year is in full swing now and yet again it has begun with some major challenges... fires, floods and a virus... and maybe you have your own challenges too... but let us remember it will be up to us to make the year great no matter the circumstances, because there will be good, bad, happy and sad... that is just how years tend to be!

  • Why service is so difficult to manage

    04/02/2020 Duration: 05min

    As we move into a new year in business let us put service in focus! And remember service has to be taught and managed... we can't just hope they will get it right!

  • The relationship between service and sales

    30/01/2020 Duration: 08min

    It seems that many team members have a 'fear' around asking for the sale or suggesting extra purchases... and often it stems from a fear of selling... so is it selling or is it service? Let's get a whole new perspective on the relationship between sales and service...

  • Service, service, service!! What happened to service??

    22/01/2020 Duration: 03min

    Service, service, service!! What happened to service?? I hear business's complaining about business... blaming on line shopping... well how about we get back into our circle of influence, control what we can and lift our standard of service and get back to connecting with our customers! My little rant on that!

  • Merry Christmas!

    23/12/2019 Duration: 03min

    Merry Christmas!

  • Sadness is NOT a sickness!

    18/12/2019 Duration: 08min

    An article in the paper and this is the headline. Yes, indeed sometimes we are sad simply because we are going through some sad stuff... sometimes it just needs to be validated not cured. It is time to normalise emotions, because they really are just that... normal. Life is a 'feeling' journey full of happiness and sadness and sometimes we just simply need to be in the moment and then allow yourself to move to the next one! Normal stuff! 

  • Loving with Autism - First week of Thomas Kent Can

    11/12/2019 Duration: 03min

    Thank you for what you have given Thomas in his first week... and its so much more than money!

  • Song line 4 - Some Action is Required!

    10/12/2019 Duration: 05min

    And this is so often where it all falls apart. So many people talking the talk and not walking the walk. Robin Sharma says, 'If only we did what we said we were going to do... I mean, just imagine that, just imagine we did all those things we said we would... some discipline is required and discipline is a muscle that requires a regular work out or it gets weak. And then sometimes you have to do what you ought to do not what you feel like doing! Let's do it!

  • Song line 3 - I Give and I Receive!

    04/12/2019 Duration: 12min

    Yes, it is I give and I receive... we have to give to get back. Whatever we want more of we simply have to give more of. So, if we want more respect, we give more respect, we want more love, we give more love. And don't wait for somebody else to get the giving started, let's start right now, right here today, and watch and feel what happens. And remember, sometimes it takes a while to come around... but just don't give up on the giving.

  • Loving with Autism Update: Thomas Kent Can!

    02/12/2019 Duration: 06min

    Loving with Autism Update! We need your help please... Thomas has had trouble finding a job and he has started his own business... THOMAS KENT CAN! Please share and like his new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Thomaskentcan

  • Song line 2 - My Energy is High!

    26/11/2019 Duration: 17min

    In the teaching of 'Abraham' Esther and Jerry Hicks talk about the power of your 'energy'... how you feel and how important it is that you are noticing how you are feeling. Like energy attracts like energy, so it makes sense that we take notice of how we are feeling and take action if we are not feeling so great. We explore the connection between our thinking and our moods... Marianne Williamson says that we have become much to tolerant of mind wandering and I think she is right. Time to grab our thoughts and choose high energy thinking.

  • Song line 1- My Sparkle is Alive!

    19/11/2019 Duration: 14min

    The most famous line of the song and the one that is most often quoted. And rightly so because this is where it all starts. Let's explore again relationship we have with ourselves... because that is the foundation of all other relationships. Our mental and emotional health depend on us having a strong relationship with ourselves.

  • The Universe will Provide!

    14/11/2019 Duration: 10min

    We explore the concepts and philosophies behind this line of the 'Sparkle Chorus'. It is more than just about goal setting or wishful thinking it is a trust that life is supporting you, a faith that the Universe is conspiring your favour and that in the end it really does work out perfectly. It's a much more peaceful way to live.

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