A conversation about the intersection between faith and life.
Heidi and Tim talk about freedom from sin
25/01/2018 Duration: 45minIn a world where we fail even the acknowledgement of the existence of sin, the concept of freedom from sin becomes even more foreign. In this episode, Heidi and Tim talk about Jesus' command to go and sin no more and the possibilities of such a seemingly impossible task.
Heidi Tim talk about shepherds
26/12/2017 Duration: 39minIn this special Christmas episode of Canvas Conversations, Tim and Heidi talk about shepherds. These smelly dudes were invited into the birthing room of the Messiah, but why and what is God revealing to us through this moment in history? Find out in the latest episode of Canvas Conversations.
Heidi and Tim talk about being a worship director
19/12/2017 Duration: 37minIn this episode of Canvas Conversations, Tim and Heidi discuss how we can direct others to focus on Jesus. So many things are clamoring for our attention. People are trying to sell us stuff, wanting our help and begging for our attention. With all of the noise during the Christmas season, we see an excellent example in Scripture of how we can direct others to worship God.
Heidi and Tim talk about overflowing with thankfulness
12/12/2017 Duration: 37minAs we look at ways to grow spiritually, we find in Colossians 2, key elements of spiritual maturity. Rooted in Jesus, Strengthening in faith and finally, overflowing with thankfulness. While it is easy to be transactionally grateful, we find it harder to be inappropriately grateful, grateful beyond measure. But that is exactly what Paul exports the early church to do. In this week's podcast, Heidi and Tim talk about building a reserve of thankfulness.
Heidi and Tim talk about resistance
30/11/2017 Duration: 33minHow does your body get stronger? You challenge your body with some kind of resistance. How does your faith get stronger? Well, here's the bad news. Your faith only gets stronger when it faces resistance. In this episode, Tim and Heidi talk about how difficulties are opportunities for our faith to grow.
Heidi and Tim talk about being rooted in Christ
21/11/2017 Duration: 27minIn this episode of Canvas Conversations, Tim and Heidi discuss spiritual growth. How does one grow spiritually? Paul in Colossians 2 gave us a picture, of growth and in verses 6-7. He begins with "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him..." What does it mean to be rooted in Jesus?
Heidi and Tim talk about underestimating David
14/11/2017 Duration: 30minIn this episode of Canvas Conversations, Tim and Heidi discuss the final part of the David and Goliath series. This week, they discuss underestimating David. While David was undersized, he was not outmatched, all of this makes sense in hindsight after researching the circumstances and David's weaponry. History makes sense in hindsight, which means even though we don't understand why we are going through what we are going through, it often makes sense in hindsight.
Heidi and Tim talk about Goliath
31/10/2017 Duration: 45minThe story has essentially become a cliche. A small shepherd boy kills a mythical giant. But historically, the story seems to be true. There really was a Philistine army that invaded through a valley and the premise of single combat, two warriors fighting to decide the fate of nations was a common practice in history. And the giant Goliath. It looks like he was a real, but what science has revealed is that most giants, experience some side effects and setbacks. In this week's episode, Heidi and Tim discuss what could have led to Goliath's extraordinary heigh and maybe, this led to his extraordinary downfall.
Heidi and Tim talk about Lions and Bears... oh my!!!
26/10/2017 Duration: 43minIn this week's episode, Heidi and Tim discuss the famous story of David and Goliath. Even though this was a real historical moment, we often reduce the story down to a cliche. In this episode, Tim and Heidi discuss some real principles we can draw from this story, based on Scripture and Malcolm Gladwell's findings from David and Goliath.
Heidi and Tim talk about Christianese
17/10/2017 Duration: 50minWords are powerful. You are listening and reading them! The little scribbles on paper or on the screen come together to form ideas in one's mind. The problem is that we can become so familiar and use to certain words that they become nothing more than cliches. Christian cliches can alienate the audience and misguide the listener. In this episode, Heidi and Tim discuss some of the dangers and potential solutions to Christian cliches.
Heidi and Tim talk about confrontation
12/10/2017 Duration: 59minThis episode of Canvas Conversations is all about confrontation. Authenticity and community requires honest and humble confrontation. This week, Heidi and Tim discuss how Jesus taught how to handle confrontation and how it still applies today. This week's podcast is sponsored by Half Off Home Gyms. Interested in sponsoring an episode? Reach out to us by email at
Heidi and Tim talk about creating community
03/10/2017 Duration: 30minIn this week's episode, Tim and Heidi discuss what makes Canvas special. One of them is the emphasis on community. Community is not something you discover but something you make and we hope that this episode encourages and inspires you to make community.
Heidi and Tim talk about connecting people to Jesus
27/09/2017 Duration: 52minAt some point in every organization, the attention goes from being outward focused to inward focused. The church is notorious for falling into this trap and in this conversation, Tim and Heidi discusses how we, the church, can continue to fix our eye on Jesus and connecting Him with His children.
Heidi and Tim talk about Christ and Causes
19/09/2017 Duration: 33minIn this episode of Canvas Conversations, Tim and Heidi discuss the core values, what essentially are the building blocks that is Canvas Church. This week, they discuss Christ but they can't stop there. See why Christ is linked to causes.
Heidi and Tim talk about angels and demons
14/09/2017 Duration: 51minIn this last episode of our #youaskedforit series, we take a viewer request and talk about angels and demons. What does the Bible say, what does it not say and what does it matter?
Heidi and Tim talk about calling
05/09/2017 Duration: 41minIn this week's episode, Tim and Heidi discuss a topic that was brought up at the #youaskedforit series and the question that has plagued most humans since the dawn of time. "What am I suppose to do with my life?" In Christendom, it's posed this way, "How do I discover God's call on my life?
Tim and Heidi talk about dating
29/08/2017 Duration: 53minIn this week's episode of Canvas Conversations, we continue with our "You asked for it series." Being a young church, the topic of dating and singleness came up so Heidi and Tim talk about dating.
Tim and Heidi talk about listening
22/08/2017 Duration: 55minIn this episode of Canvas Conversations, Tim and Heidi talk about listening. let's face it, in our world of social media shouting and smart phone distractions, listening has become a lost art. This week, Heidi and Tim discuss how this happened and what we can do about it.
Tim and Heidi talk about health
15/08/2017 Duration: 32minIn this week's episode of Canvas conversations, Tim and Heidi talk about health and how having a healthy body allows you to have the energy to accomplish God's mission.
Marriage and Ministry
07/08/2017 Duration: 45minIN this special episode, pastor Tim sits down with his wife, Kelly to discuss marriage, ministry and parenting. Don't miss this special episode full of principles and practical advise.