New podcast weblog
The Great Commission - 8/11/2019
12/08/2019 Duration: 33minMatthew 28:16-20. In this sermon Dr. Walker explains and applies the mission Jesus has entrusted to every believer until he returns--The Great Commission. No matter who we are, what we do, or where we live--as Christ followers our mission is to make disciples!
The Golden Rule - 8/04/2019
07/08/2019 Duration: 35minMatthew 22:39-40; Luke 10:25-37 | This week Dr. Walker proclaims and explains the second great commandment--love your neighbor as yourself.
The Gospel: Part 2 - Loved By God - 7/21/2019
22/07/2019 Duration: 35minThe good news of the Gospel is the truth that a person can be born again and enter the Kingdom of God all because God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. In this message, Dr. Kyle Walker explains what is perhaps the most well-known verse in the Bible. This text proclaims the love God has for us and calls us to respond.
The Gospel: Part 1 - Born of God - 7/14/2019
16/07/2019 Duration: 42minIn this message from John 3:1-15 Dr. Kyle Walker explains Jesus' answer to the question, "What does it take to enter the Kingdom of God." In the course of his conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus declares the truth that a person must be born again in order to enter the Kingdom of God. The good news of the Gospel is that we can be born again!