Pornfree Radio: Porn Addiction | Recovery | Help | Pornography Freedom



Pornfree Radio with Matt Dobschuetz is about giving you the skills to break porn addiction and live porn free. Whether you have been at this a long time or just hit rock bottom, this podcast is for you. Matt Dobschuetz shares how his journey to being porn free started with the humiliation of being caught by his wife downloading pornography in 2001. What came out of that lowest point was a new desire to get free and a passion for helping others. Matt is not a counselor or doctor, but a regular guy who has practical advice and a plan for getting out of porn addiction. He gets it. He been there and made mistakes but now lives 100% porn free. Getting a system that works and is repeatable is the cornerstone of Pornfree Radio. Every time you fail you have an opportunity to learn what works for you and make the necessary changes to your plan. Whether your goal is improving your marriage, your career/business, or just making you a better dad- getting rid of the porn will free you to make it happen. Get hope and take action!


  • 035 Rethinking 12 Step With Craig Perra From The Mindful Habit

    18/05/2015 Duration: 53min

    Craig Perra, founder of The Mindful Habit, returns for a powerful conversation about 12 Step groups and the disease model for treating addiction. Together, we discuss some of the pros and cons of 12 step groups and the alternatives. The post 035 Rethinking 12 Step With Craig Perra From The Mindful Habit appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 034 Hope for the Porn Addicted Christian

    11/05/2015 Duration: 46min

    Christian guys make up the majority of my audience and Christians have some compelling reasons to want to eliminate porn from their lives. It's in direct conflict with the teachings of Jesus. In Jesus' most famous sermon he said, "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Jesus equates this act of looking at a women with lustful intent as being the same as breaking the 7th commandment, "You shall not commit adultery." But knowing what’s right and doing something about are two different things. Christian guys bring some strengths to our porn free community and also some blind spots. I cover them both here and have some advice for taking action. The post 034 Hope for the Porn Addicted Christian appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 033 Hope for the Porn Addicted Agnostic

    05/05/2015 Duration: 39min

    When I started this podcast I wasn't sure who would join this community and go on this ride for me. I had been mostly doing this stuff with in my church and was used to working with Christian guys. But a good number of downloads came from guys who considered themselves non-religious. No mater what word you use, Agnostic, Atheist, Skeptic, Free Thinker, etc. there is hope for you to quit porn. The post 033 Hope for the Porn Addicted Agnostic appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 032 Am I A Porn Addict?

    27/04/2015 Duration: 24min

    The culture tells us porn addiction is made up. But we know different. There is something about this behavior that we have grown tired of. It is not serving us well. In this episode, Matt goes through a simple self-assessment of porn addiction. He also shares a simple definition of addiction that may change the way you define it. The post 032 Am I A Porn Addict? appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 031 The Turning Point In My Recovery

    20/04/2015 Duration: 26min

    Getting caught downloading pornography by my wife was not my rock bottom. In this episode, I tell the story of the most significant and scary night in my recovery. My personal turning point. Happy to be back after my hiatus. New episodes are coming each and every Monday along with new content and ways to connect. The post 031 The Turning Point In My Recovery appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 030 Going Porn Free in 2015

    29/12/2014 Duration: 47min

    Screw resolutions! You need a plan to go porn free in 2015. This episode is all about giving you steps to go 100% porn free for the WHOLE year. Make sure to download the free checklist and monthly worksheet at to help you get the most out of this episode. The post 030 Going Porn Free in 2015 appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 029 The Wrestler

    16/12/2014 Duration: 19min

    This is NOT a review of the 2008 Mickey Rourke film, The Wrestler. Instead, it's a metaphor of the porn free life. Matt digs into the parallels between our journey and the dedication required in the sport of wrestling. The post 029 The Wrestler appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 028 3-Day Ditch and Porn Fantasies in the Bedroom

    03/12/2014 Duration: 40min

    Matt hits the listener mailbag in this episode tackling questions about getting over the 3-day hump and how to deal with porn fantasies in the bedroom. The post 028 3-Day Ditch and Porn Fantasies in the Bedroom appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 027 How Idiots Track Success

    24/11/2014 Duration: 43min

    We have all been guilty of defining success solely in terms of the number of porn free days we have. In this episode, we discuss 5 alternative ways you can measure your success in overcoming porn addiction. The post 027 How Idiots Track Success appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 026 Shame and Porn Addiction

    18/11/2014 Duration: 16min

    Your problem might not be porn, it might be shame. Shame keeps us isolated and in the dark. In this environment, porn addiction thrives and grows like mold on forgotten left overs in the back of the fridge. The post 026 Shame and Porn Addiction appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 025 The Pornification of Culture: Surprising Advocates

    10/11/2014 Duration: 27min

    In this episode, Matt shares some surprising advocates in the mainstream with strong opinions about the harm of porn in today's culture. The post 025 The Pornification of Culture: Surprising Advocates appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 024 Creativity and Recovery with Ben Fraser, Creator of Brick House

    03/11/2014 Duration: 47min

    We discuss the relationship between creativity and recovery with Ben Fraser, creator of the Brick House Web Series about quitting porn. Ben shares about his own journey out of porn addiction and how he turned his struggle into a musical comedy to help others. The post 024 Creativity and Recovery with Ben Fraser, Creator of Brick House appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 023 Our Greatest Trap in Life

    27/10/2014 Duration: 31min

    Our greatest trap in life comes from a quote by Henri Nouwen. Hint: it's not porn or lust. This trap can undermine the recovery work you are doing and actually perpetuate your porn addiction. The post 023 Our Greatest Trap in Life appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 022 The Biggest Warning Sign of a Relapse

    20/10/2014 Duration: 19min

    There is one thing that precedes every relapse with porn. It's not a powerful trigger, a stressful day at work, free porn on your hotel TV, or a web link sent from a coworker. It's an internal action we CHOOSE. The post 022 The Biggest Warning Sign of a Relapse appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 021 Feedback: Forgiveness, Nostalgia, and Voyeurism

    25/09/2014 Duration: 33min

    This week we respond to listener feedback from Episode 19 and Episode 20. We revisit the metaphor of the "full pardon" in Episode 19 and dig more into the nostalgia and voyeurism tied in with celebrity nudity from episode 20. The post 021 Feedback: Forgiveness, Nostalgia, and Voyeurism appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 020 Celebrity Nudes: How To Avoid Powerful Triggers

    15/09/2014 Duration: 37min

    This show is ripped from recent headlines. The internet almost shut down a few weeks back when hackers released nude photos of a group of famous celebrities. This got me to thinking about our response as people committed to being pornfree. First, how should we think of this. Second, how can we avoid these powerful triggers. The post 020 Celebrity Nudes: How To Avoid Powerful Triggers appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 019 My Wife Caught Me Looking At Porn. Now What?!?!

    08/09/2014 Duration: 19min

    After being caught with porn, or after a relapse, how you talk to your wife about it could be the difference in saving your relationship and losing it. The post 019 My Wife Caught Me Looking At Porn. Now What?!?! appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 018 Pornfree and Single

    02/09/2014 Duration: 24min

    If you're single does it matter if you keep pornfree? In this episode, Matt tackles the issue of porn and the single guy. The post 018 Pornfree and Single appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 017 How To Stop Objectifying and Oogling with Craig Perra of The Mindful Habit

    25/08/2014 Duration: 48min

    Craig Perra, life coach and founder of The Mindful Habit method of porn and sex addiction recovery, returns to teach a lesson from his exclusive online course on the stubborn habit of objectifying and oogling. The post 017 How To Stop Objectifying and Oogling with Craig Perra of The Mindful Habit appeared first on Recovered Man.

  • 016 Escaping Porn Addiction with Craig Perra of The Mindful Habit

    18/08/2014 Duration: 45min

    This is the first of two dynamic episodes with Craig Perra, life coach and founder, of The Mindful Habit method of porn and sex addiction recovery. The post 016 Escaping Porn Addiction with Craig Perra of The Mindful Habit appeared first on Recovered Man.

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