Reiki Radio



Reiki Radio, the reiki podcast that explores ancient teachings and esoteric principles through the lens of modern seekers. All discussions are meant to inspire waking up to the light and LOVE that is you! Listen now to begin asking yourself new questions and deepening your understanding of what being spiritual means to you. Reiki Radio is also available on iTunes!Opinions and views expressed are those of the Hosts and Guests. Application of recommendations or techniques are at the Listener's discretion. Journey in LOVE! xo


  • The Art of Cocooning | Your Healing Journey

    27/07/2015 Duration: 17min

    The Art of Cocooning:  Join Reiki-Master Teacher and Intuitive Mentor, Yolanda, for this interactive episode of Reiki Radio!  To join the conversation, call 323-679-0953 or join us in the online chatroom! Don't forget to sign up for Yolanda's newsletter at and receive access to FREE webinars (including the introduction to Reiki webinar), FREE meditations and your FREE Manifesting Workbook! To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • I Have The Urge to Purge | Do You?

    12/07/2015 Duration: 14min

    Musing Moments on Reiki Radio, The Urge to Purge:  Join Reiki-Master Teacher and Intuitive Mentor, Yolanda, for this interactive episode of Reiki Radio!  To join the conversation, call 323-679-0953 or join us in the online chatroom! Don't forget to sign up for Yolanda's newsletter at and receive access to FREE Manifesting Workbook! To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • What Are You Illuminating in Your Space

    16/06/2015 Duration: 38min

    What Are You Illuminating in Your Space?  Join Reiki-Master Teacher and Intuitive Mentor, Yolanda Williams, for this interactive episode of Reiki Radio and be sure to access the FREE Rock Your Intuition event!  To join the conversation, call 323-679-0953 or join us in the online chatroom! Don't forget to sign up for Yolanda's newsletter at and receive access to FREE webinars and your FREE Manifesting Workbook! To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • How to Meet Your Guides and Guardians

    04/06/2015 Duration: 32min

    Meeting Your Guides:  Join Reiki-Master Teacher and Intuitive Mentor, Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, for this interactive episode of Reiki Radio!  To join the conversation, call 323-679-0953 or join us in the online chatroom! Don't forget to sign up for Yolanda's newsletter at and receive access to FREE webinars and your FREE Manifesting Workbook! And if you want to go deeper into your intuitive practice, sign up for Intuitive Mastery! To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • Taking Intuitive Action to Support Your Path

    22/05/2015 Duration: 12min

    Musing Moments on Reiki Radio, Intuitive Action:  Join Reiki-Master Teacher and Intuitive Mentor, Yolanda Williams, for this interactive episode of Reiki Radio!  To join the conversation, call 323-679-0953 or join us in the online chatroom! Don't forget to sign up for Yolanda's newsletter at and receive access to FREE webinars and your FREE Manifesting Workbook! To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • How can We Heal with Intuition

    13/05/2015 Duration: 29min

    Healing with Intuition:  Join Reiki-Master Teacher and Intuitive Mentor, Yolanda Williams, for this interactive episode of Reiki Radio!  To join the conversation, call 323-679-0953 or join us in the online chatroom! Don't forget to sign up for Yolanda's newsletter at and receive access to FREE Manifesting Workbook! And if you want to learn more intuitive techniques, sign up for Intuitive Mastery! To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • Why Do You Have A Third Eye

    30/04/2015 Duration: 33min

    Why Do You Have A Third Eye?:  The third eye gets a lot of attention because we all want to open it, use it and flow in our intuitive light! Well, well intuition is part of our nature, there is more to this than meets the eye (no pun intended). Join Reiki-Master Teacher and Intuitive Mentor, Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, for this interactive episode of Reiki Radio! And be sure to sign up for Yolanda's newsletter at to receive FREE access to Creating with the Moon and Stars! You can also strengthen your third-eye and intuitive abilities by signing up for Intuitive Mastery! Then to learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for her online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • What Does It mean to Be a Lightworker

    22/04/2015 Duration: 29min

    Being a Lightworker:  Join Reiki-Master Teacher and Intuitive Mentor, Yolanda, for this interactive episode of Reiki Radio!  To join the conversation, call 323-679-0953 or join us in the online chatroom! Don't forget to sign up for Yolanda's newsletter at and receive access to a FREE Manifesting Workbook! To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • Impact of the Vibrations of Music

    08/04/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    The Vibration of Music:  Join Reiki-Master Teacher and Intuitive Mentor, Yolanda Williams, for this interactive episode of Reiki Radio!  On this episode, we also welcome special guest, Renu Arora! To join the conversation, call 323-679-0953 or join us in the online chatroom! Don't forget to sign up for Yolanda's newsletter at and receive access to FREE webinars and your FREE Manifesting Workbook! To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • The Power of and Impact of Community

    02/04/2015 Duration: 28min

    Power of Community:  Join Reiki Teacher and Intuitive Mentor, Yolanda, for this interactive episode of Reiki Radio! There is power in numbers and we are communal, so it makes sense that we come together, here, on Reiki Radio.  Don't forget to sign up for Yolanda's newsletter at and receive access to FREE tools for your own jourmey of transformation! To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • Field of Consciousness | Existing In and As

    25/03/2015 Duration: 34min

    Field of Consciousness: When you hear the word consciousness, what do you think of? Now what if you are existing IN and AS does this impact you and your life experience, or better are YOU impacting the field, itself? Let's talk about it. Then after the show, follow me @reikiradio on Instagram, @teareiki on Facebook and access your free gifts by sigining up for my newsletter at I would love to hear your thoughts and insights. And if you enjoy the show, please take a second to rate and review on Apple Podcast and share this episode with your community! To learn more about YOU and to go deeper into your practice, join me in the Alchemy Circle! Thank you for being here and remeber to always journey in LOVE!

  • Energetic and Soul Alignment

    18/03/2015 Duration: 31min

    Alignment (Your Soul Mission): Let's start with what you're thankful for in this moment. Gratitude is heart opening and helps us to move out of chaos and into clarity. Now, take a moment and consider if you are currently living, expressing and creating in alignment with your heart. If not, let's explore some ideas to support you! We all want to feel we are living IN our purpose on ON our paths, but how do we figure out how? Let's talk about it. Then after the show, share your thoughts and ah-ha moments with me. You can contact me through my website,, follow me on IG and access free tools to support your path when you sign up for my newsletter. If you enjoyed this episode, share it! We learn and grow in exchange. Thank you for being here and remember to always journey in LOVE!

  • Energy Healing with Deborah Lloyd

    11/03/2015 Duration: 55min

    Join Yolanda and special guest, Deborah Lloyd!  Deborah is a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master and certified holistic therapy practitioner. She also is a licensed clinical social worker, working with a hospice agency in Asheville, NC. She grew up on a farm in rural Indiana and was stricken with polio at the age of three. To relieve fatigue from post-polio syndrome, she learned Reiki. This complementary technique led her to explore other alternative modalities. Her personal journey, along with life lessons learned along the way, is detailed in her book, Believe and It Is True: A Story of Healing and Life Lessons. After the episode, please rate and review on Apple Podcast and share with your community! You can also follow Yolanda on social media and access free gifts by signing up for her newsletter at

  • Evolve with Reiki

    05/03/2015 Duration: 32min

    Evolve with Reiki!  Yes, Reiki is an amazing technique to support pain management and energy balancing, but when you bring the practice into yourself, it becomes so much more! After the show, share your thoughts and experiences with me. Follow @reikiradio on Instagram, @teareiki on Facebook and access your free gifts by sigining up for my newsletter at If you enjoy the show, please take a second to rate and review on Apple Podcast and share this episode with your community! To learn more about YOU and to go deeper into your practice, join me in the Alchemy Circle!

  • Living Reiki Is Living Love

    12/02/2015 Duration: 25min

    How can you begin living love?!  Join Reiki-Master Teacher, Yolanda, with special guest, Intuitive Energy-Healer, Ethel Roberts!  Don't forget to sign up for The Energetic Alchemist newsletter at and receive access to 22 Days of Transformation, Creating with Moon and Stars, PLUS guided meditations! If you want to fall deeper in LOVE with your overall practice, activate your membership to learn from Yolanda at Then to learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • Moments of Surrender

    05/02/2015 Duration: 24min

    Moments of Surrender!  Join Reiki-Master Teacher, Yolanda, for this episode of Reiki Radio! Then sign uo for The Energetic Alchemist newsletter at http://teareiki.comand receive access to 22 Days of Transformation, Creating with the Moon and Stars, PLUS guided meditations. And if you want to fall deeper in LOVE wsith your practice, you can learn from Yolanda by activating your membership at To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • Your Spiritual Evolution

    29/01/2015 Duration: 41min

    Spiritual Evolution!  Join Reiki-Master Teacher, Yolanda, to discuss your spiritual evolution, then activate your membership on Patreon to go deeper into your practice, at And don't forget to sign up for The Energetic Alchemist newsletter at http://teareiki.comto receive access to 22 Days of Transformation, Creating with the Moon and Stars, PLUS guided meditations.To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • The Energy of Redefining Relationships

    14/01/2015 Duration: 38min

    How can you redefine your relationships...energetically, emotionally and/or through behaviors? Join Reiki-Master Teacher, Yolanda, for this conversation on Reiki Radio! Then sign up for The Energetic Alchemist newsletter at to receive access to 22 Days of Transformation, Creating with the Moon and Stars, PLUS guided meditations. You can also work with Yolanda through personal sessions, classes, or by becoming a Patreon!

  • Joy or Delusion | Energy, Mind and Emotions

    08/01/2015 Duration: 22min

    Joy or Delusion...maybe your mind, energy and emotions are all a matter of perspective, which you can shift and lift today. Join Reiki-Master Teacher, Yolanda Williams, for this episode of Reiki Radio!  Then sign up for The Energetic Alchemist newsletter at http://theenergeticalchemist.comand receive access to 22 Days of Transformation, Creating with the Moon and Stars, PLUS guided meditations. To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, be sure to sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

  • Strengthen Your Intuition | Energetic Perception

    01/01/2015 Duration: 32min

    Strengthen Your Intuition, with The Energetic Alchemist!  Join Reiki-Master Teacher, Yolanda, for this episode of Reiki Radio, helping you understand how to strengthen your intuition!  After the show, sign up for Yolanda's newsletter at http://teareiki.comand receive access to 22 Days of Transformation, Creating with the Moon and Stars, PLUS guided meditations. You can even deepen your LOVE of your practice by working with Yolanda in the Alchemy Circle. Activate your membership at To learn more about YOU and your chakra energy, sign up for Yolanda's online course, Be Your Own Energy Healer, available on

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