A UK Warhammer Age of Sigmar Podcast. - Product Reviews, Hobby Progress, Tourne Reports
Episode 31 - 2019 Year In Review
06/01/2020 Duration: 02h05minA very Happy New Year! The Tales of Sigmar is back for 2020 and in this episode we look at Age of Sigmar in 2019 and our year in review. We rank our personal top 3 events we attended, top 3 battletomes, top 3 models and our goals for the forthcoming year. What were your favourite battletomes and model releases of 2019? Let us know either via email or Twitter. We'll be back next week with our very first Battletome review where we look at and review, Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch. Chalmers - @talesofwargames Martin - @martinswaffield
Episode 30 - Northern Masters 2019
13/12/2019 Duration: 01h58minThe Tales of Sigmar Podcast is back as Martin talks about his experience at the 2019 Age of Sigmar Northern Masters in Scotland last weekend. He had some Eels being backed up by Gotrek but could he pull off the upset and become the Northern Master? We also chat about our recent hobby progress, answer your questions as well as revealing a plan for 2020 involving YouTube! We'll be back with one more episode before the end of the year covering the year in review and plans going forwards for 2020. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! As always catch us on Twitter; Chalmers - @talesofwargames Martin - @martinswaffield
Episode 29 - Warlords Assembled Coverage
25/11/2019 Duration: 01h56minThe Tales of Sigmar is back for another episode this time covering the Warlords Assembled Age of Sigmar event from last weekend. This was Martin's first event as a TO while Chalmers took his new Seraphon and Gotrek list. We also cover the Northern Rankings and the Northern Masters pack and chat about the return to the Old World and the potential return to square bases. More questions from the listeners are also answered including looking at under the radar armies that could upset stronger lists as well as dissecting how to not be rubbish at matched-play AoS. As always you can find us on Twitter; Chalmers - @talesofwargames Martin - @martinswaffield
Episode 28 - Warlords Assembled List Rundown
09/11/2019 Duration: 01h47minThe Tales of Sigmar podcast is back once again to chat all things Warhammer Age of Sigmar. In this episode Chalmers and Martin chat about the Slaves to Darkness reveal from Blood and Glory, talk December FAQ hopes as well as answering your questions. They also go through their top five lists from the Warlords Assembled event they are running next week with Chalmers picking the top five competitive lists and Martin picking the top five 'different' lists. As always if you want to contact us give us a shout on Twitter; Chalmers - @talesofwargames Martin - @martinswaffield
Episode 27 - SoupGate - Howling 2019
01/11/2019 Duration: 01h15minAfter almost a year and a half, Tales of Sigmar a Warhammer Age of Sigmar podcast has returned! Chalmers returns with a brand new co-host Martin Swaffield as they go through their recent hobby progress, talk Ossiarch Bonereapers and cover the latest event they attended up in Scotland, The Howling 2019 which included a rather unfortunate accident with some soup. This is a tester episode so if you want us to return permenantly let us know your thoughts on this episode on Twitter; @talesofwargames @martinswaffield