David Allen Wizardgold's recent posts to
Not Soy sauce and Omnifocus
02/02/2013 Duration: 04minTV series World Without End on tonight and a Sweet and sour sauce without soy sauce. I give Omnifocus a mention as it is being updated to be more like the iOS version.
Toast in Birmingham City Centre
01/02/2013 Duration: 04minRemembering a cafe in one of the underpasses in B,ham where they had magnificent toast.
Jan 31st 3 things learned
31/01/2013 Duration: 04minA Martian or a relative of Shrek. Colour from street lights. I should have used a filter to make it black and white.
Three things learned 30th Jan
30/01/2013 Duration: 04minTalkin about software fails and life fails.
The Archers, Game of Thrones and iPad Journal apps
28/01/2013 Duration: 03minTalking about why I decided on three new things I've learned today as a topic for my audioboos with references to the Archers, Game of Thrones and in particular the story of Arya Stark. Looking at journalling/social network/collaboration iPad applications and making a decision about which ones to use and why. I started by writing into my journalling application called Day One and moved on to Social Diary, and also the application called Hojoki.