Synthaholics: A Star Trek Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 88:53:28
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Synthaholics is a Star Trek podcast hosted by David Duncan and Aaron O'Brian! We seek out new life and new drink combinations to boldly go where no Star Trek Podcast has gone before! We cover topics ranging from all the shows, movies, and even comics!


  • Episode 332: Strange New Worlds- Featuring Captain Foley and Jeff Heller 

    18/10/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Episode 332: Strange New Worlds- Featuring Captain Foley and Jeff Heller  Brian is off on his European vacation so David recruits Captain Foley of Trekyards and Jeff Heller of Screen Radar to discuss season 1 of Star Trek Strange New Worlds. But before we get to the main event we have the Star Trek Picard season 3 NYCC Trailer to talk about! We talk about the highs and lows of Strange New Worlds which we all feel is the best of the live action Star Trek shows of the current era. We dive deep into canon, ship and costume design. Did you see Strange New Worlds? If so what did you think? If you enjoyed the show and the guests you can find links to find them online below! Subscribe to Trekyards on YouTube And find them on Twitter You can find Screen Radar online at Follow Screen Radar on Twitter Like Screen Radar on Facebook http

  • Episode 331: Cyberpunk Edgerunners 

    04/10/2022 Duration: 01h19min

    Episode 331: Cyberpunk Edgerunners  Welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast this is episode 331 coming at ya. The dynamic duo of David and Brian take a visit to CDPR’s Night City in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. Does this anime by studio trigger the hate Cyberpunk had in 2020 or does it give strength to how cool we all wanted Cyberpunk to be? Well in a world where it seems that animation is beginning to consistently be better than live action Edgerunners does not disappoint. To those of you who play Overwatch… Happy Overwatch 2 launch week! Until next time take care and for fun email us at To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon Join the Facebook conver

  • Episode 330: Invincible

    20/09/2022 Duration: 01h04min

    Episode 330: Invincible Greetings and welcome to the one and only Synthaholics podcast episode 330. Join the duo David and Brian while they take you on the journey of Invincible season 1. Have you ever thought to yourself that American animation is designed for kids? Well let us prove you wrong as what most certainly is one of the most adult animations created. Also join the crew as they discuss their thoughts on current video games monetization standards. Are you old enough to remember when 60 freedom dollars got you years on content? Pepperidge Farm remembers. As always take care and see ya next time. Email us at I would at least.   To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon https://www.pat

  • Episode 329: Internet Archive Dumpster Dive 1: The Return of Captain Invincible

    06/09/2022 Duration: 59min

    Episode 329: Internet Archive Dumpster Dive 1: The Return of Captain Invincible Why hello there and welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast episode 329! Join hosts David and Brian as they completely decide to not be topical anymore and review The Return of Captain Invincible. Never heard of it? Well let the two take you on a journey of what superhero movies were before the MCU. They were, well, different. In what we think a better but worst way which doesn't make sense but after watching Captain Invincible you will understand. The song that was referenced a few times was Name Your Poison performed by the great Christopher Lee seen here Have you seen this film? Let us know and join the conversation! Email us because why not. Until next time take care.   To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can

  • Episode 328: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 

    24/08/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Episode 328: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy  Hello there! Welcome back to episode 328 of the Synthaholics podcast! Hosts David and Brian switch it up in this action packed episode in place of reviewing they remember and reminisce on the greatest fantasy movies of all time The Lord of the Rings to remind themselves just how damn good middle earth can be before the rings of power series premieres. The ratings given are our highest yet. Also what’s turning into a normal segment is the surprise news! Anything you find interesting? Let us know email us at because it’s definitely the best way.     To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon Join the Facebook conversation!

  • Episode 327: Stranger Things Season 4

    09/08/2022 Duration: 01h11min

    Episode 327: Stranger Things Season 4 Hi there and welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast episode 327! Join hosts David and Brian in this week's action packed episode tune in to the hodge podge of comic-con news and our thoughts on the future of the Marvel and DCEU along with some other smaller stuff that came out of comic con and what we wish was revealed. With the pandamoanimum that is our lives we take a more chill approach with our main topic. We are talking about Stranger Things season 4 with a bit of seasons 1-3 sprinkled in. Until next time take care! Email us and get involved at where we will read it on air. To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon

  • Episode 326: Thor Love and Thunder

    26/07/2022 Duration: 58min

    Episode 326: Thor Love and Thunder Hello there and welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast episode 326! Tune in this week while hosts David and Brian talk Thor Love and Thunder! Directed by the one and only Taika Waititi , someone who we think we will be bringing up more. Does lightning strike twice? For Thor it will but only one way to find out. It might take another watch of Ragnarok for Brian to decide.  Also talked about was a trailer that gave hope in humanity the Dungeon and Dragons trailer starring Chris Pine. What did you think of Thor Love and Thunder? Let us know and we will read it live! Take care and email us at To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon Join the Facebook conversati

  • Episode 325: The Boys Season 2 and 3 

    13/07/2022 Duration: 01h14min

    Episode 325: The Boys Season 2 and 3  Hello and welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast episode 325! First a bit of news apologies must be made the internet gods took our previous episode so sadly it will never be released as we don’t have it ourselves. If you are curious, we talked about the obi-wan series. Overall our thoughts were that it wasn't bad. However, enough of the past sometimes we can be known to talk about something right after it ends and this week is just that we talk about The Boys mostly season three with a dash of season two sprinkled in. While our thoughts remain very positive for both seasons our worries are beginning to show and that is the show will go on longer than it should. What did you think? Let us know! Thor Love and War is up next until then take care and email us as To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! https://t

  • Episode 323: Jurassic World Dumbinion 

    14/06/2022 Duration: 01h04min

    Episode 323: Jurassic World Dumbinion  Hello and welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast episode 322! Accompany hosts David and a Brian talk about the latest and greatest from Universal Pictures Jurassic World Dominion. Tune in as the duo makes dinosaur’s sit in the back of their minds as they break down just how funny and weird the writing is. Also as they ask themselves why does it sound weird to give birth to yourself? Continuity shouldn’t matter right? RIGHT? What were your thoughts? A masterpiece for the ages or a silly dumb fun popcorn movie? Please let us know at where we will read your responses live! Until next time take care.   To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon Join the Face

  • Episode 322: Moon Knight

    01/06/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Episode 322: Moon Knight Hello and welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast episode 322! Join hosts David and Brian. Do you like Godzilla? What about Anubis or Moon Knight? If you said yes to any of those, join us as we take you down the right path and explain with every spoiler in existence regarding Moon Knight season one. Brian also derails the conversation to talk about Godzilla for a bit.  What are your thoughts on all the upcoming video game related series that are in the works? Let us know what you think! Send us an email at Until next time take care! This week we got raided during our show so you'll hear us interact with chat. Always feel free to join us and interact with us live every other Saturday when we podcast on Twitch.  To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help kee

  • Episode 321: Dr. Strange In the Multiverse of Madness 

    18/05/2022 Duration: 01h04min

    Episode 321: Dr. Strange In the Multiverse of Madness  How are you? Welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast episode 321! Join us as David and Brian have an invigorating conversation about the newest Sam Raimi movie Doctor Strange! Did he pull off the darkest MCU movie well? Tune in to find out. You got that right another MCU film. Join them as they also talk a bit about what a future Nintendo console should be with a dash of Avatar! Our thoughts are with you as we sadly bring to light Bethesda studios announcement of delaying there newest game Starfield. Moonknight is up next! Until next time email us at To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon Joi

  • Episode 320: Sonic 2

    04/05/2022 Duration: 47min

    Episode 320: Sonic 2 Hello! Welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast episode 320! Join Hosts David and Brian as they traverse the simple topic of was Sonic one and Sonic two a good movies? Correct answer is yes but why? Tune in to find out. As they tackle the side quest. Also up for conversation is Overwatch 2 beta! Engage with them as they discuss their thoughts on Blizzards upcoming sequel to Overwatch please add PVE!   To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon Join the Facebook conversation! Email us Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Follow us on Twitter https://twi

  • Episode 319: Fandom Wars- Star Trek

    20/04/2022 Duration: 01h22min

    Episode 319: Fandom Wars- Star Trek This week our old friend Guy Davis joins us to discuss the rift in the Star Trek Fandom in our first Fandom Wars episode. Guy Davis is on the side of really enjoying what new Star Trek has to offer. While David on the other hand is skeptical of the value if any that the new Star Trek shows have to offer. We get into some spoilers for all Star Trek for all time so be warned. We mostly talk about the general feel of how the new shows are versus the older shows. We however talk much about Alex Kurtzman or Berman specifically in this episode maybe for Fandom Wars Star Trek Part 2! Unfortunately Brian could not make it this week so next week we will cover Sonic 2. To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon https://www.patreon.c

  • Episode 318: The Boys

    06/04/2022 Duration: 54min

    Episode 318: The Boys Hi there and welcome to Episode 318 of the Synthaholics podcast! With The Boys season 3 quickly approaching. Hosts David and Brian decided it would be cool to talk about season 1 of The Boys and in the future season 2. So join them as they strategically spoil certain sections of the show so you can enjoy it if you have not watched it already! Until next time take care and email us at and if you are still reading this sonic 2 is up next. To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon Join the Facebook conversation! Email us Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Follow us on Twi

  • Episode 317: The Batman

    23/03/2022 Duration: 54min

    Episode 317: The Batman Hello and welcome back to Episode 317 of Synthaholics podcast! Join David and Brian as they take you on a journey through Matt Reeves newest film The Batman as they discuss and compare it to the Batman films of the recent past. Here’s a hint, vengeance does a great job and follows a good story. This episode also has some video game news packed in mostly the new upcoming Harry Potter game look forward to that! What do you think?  Email us your thoughts at until next time take care. To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon Join the Facebook conversation! Email us synthaholics@yahoo

  • Episode 316: Peacemaker

    09/03/2022 Duration: 49min

    Episode 316: Peacemaker Come listen and watch Episode 316 of the Synthaholics podcast! The topic of choice this time is DC’s Peacemaker! Come join David and Brian as they give glowing reviews on potentially James Gunn’s best work to date. If you are still hesitant after listening to us talking about vigilante, listen to the opening and we guarantee enjoyment will be had. Join the conversation! Let us know your thoughts. Email us at Batman is up next see ya then take care. To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon Join the Facebook conversation! Email us Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Fo

  • Episode 315: The Book of Boba Fett

    23/02/2022 Duration: 01h07min

    Episode 315: The Book of Boba Fett Synthaholics is back for episode 315! Join David and Brian with along with Screen Radar’s own Jeff Heller. Listen as they discuss the main topic at hand the Book of Boba Fett along with Mando, a bit of Spiderman and a dash of a few other geeky things to make a wonderful tasting listen. Hopefully we will see more Cad Bane in the future. What are your thoughts? What does the future hold for Boba Fett? Let us know! Email us and be part of the conversation at until next time take care. You can find Screen Radar online at Follow Screen Radar on Twitter Like Screen Radar on Facebook Subscribe to the Screen Radar YouTube Channel   To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! https://twitte

  • Episode 314: The Matrix Resurrections

    09/02/2022 Duration: 01h25s

    Episode 314: The Matrix Resurrections Join the Synthaholics for episode 314 where The Matrix Resurrections will be discussed. In this high energy action pack episode, David and Brian discuss the Sony acquisition of Bungie and what that means for you! How the Lord of the rings teaser trailer was practical but felt fake then jump to the meat and potatoes. Johnny Silverhands reprises his role in The Matrix Resurrections! While dabbling in their very meta commentary the previous moves are brought to light just one more time briefly as the crew are just baffled by the decisions made for the fourth film. Like why were there no throat punches? Or who was this movie made for? All these questions and more that will be asked but have no answers! Have thoughts, we would love to hear them email us at Till next time take care. To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow t

  • Episode 313: Spider Man No Way Home

    26/01/2022 Duration: 56min

    Episode 313: Spider Man No Way Home Spider-Man no way home is up next on episode 313 of the Synthaholics podcast. Join David and Brian as they tell you sweet nothings about the good, the bad and the ugly of this great movie but bad addition to the MCU. Hopefully the powers that be can find spidey a way home. For the fans of video games the crew discusses Blizzard being bought by Microsoft and what that means for the industry. Tune in soon to hear them talk about Monster Hunter Rise. Want to be part of the conversation email us at we would love to hear from you yes you! Until next time take care. To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon Join the Facebook conversation!

  • Episode 312: The Wheel of Time Season 1 Part 2

    12/01/2022 Duration: 01h39min

    Episode 312: The Wheel of Time Season 1 Part 2 The Holidays are over which means the Synthaholics podcast is back in full swing! Join the crew, David and Brian with guest the one and only Brad in episode 312! Where they discuss the second half of The Wheel of Time series on Amazon. In true Synthaholics fashion they spoil everything however this time with a twist do not get off topic as there passion for Wheel of Time and wanting for it to be good is strong. Hopefully the wheel can continue to turn. Want to get involved? Shoot us a email at To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch Our music is provided by!  you can follow them at! If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon Join the Facebook conversation! Email us Sub

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