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Snake Bites in Costa Rica Peak with El Niño Cycling
11/09/2015 Duration: 01minResearchers found that snakebites were two to three times as prevalent in the hottest and coldest years of the El Niño climate cycle. Christopher Intagliata reports
Sperm Whales Congregate in Click-Based Cliques
10/09/2015 Duration: 02minThe whales appear to prefer the company of "like-minded" individuals, based on common vocal clicking behavior—an example of culture, researchers say. Christopher Intagliata reports
Humans' Predation Unsustainably Takes Healthy Adult Prey
09/09/2015 Duration: 01minWhereas most predators kill the young or infirm, humans claim a disproportionate number of mature healthy adults of reproductive age
Better Road Signs Could Save Bicycle Riders
04/09/2015 Duration: 03minSigns that say "Share the Road" with bicycles may have far less influence over motor vehicle driver behavior than would signs saying "Bicycles May Use Full Lane." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Self-Healing Spaceship Shielding Could Keep Astronauts Safer
03/09/2015 Duration: 03minA new lightweight material that heals itself when punctured could help spacecraft survive run-ins with debris. Christopher Intagliata reports Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Road Noise Takes a Toll on Migrating Birds
01/09/2015 Duration: 03minResearchers built a "phantom road" through wilderness using tree-mounted speakers to play traffic sounds, and witnessed a decline in bird fitness and diversity. Christopher Intagliata reports Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Terse Titles Cited
31/08/2015 Duration: 02minScientific papers with shorter titles receive more citations than those with long-winded headings
Sick Ants Seek Out Medicinal Food
27/08/2015 Duration: 03minHealthy ants wanted nothing to do with free-radical-rich foodstuff, but ants exposed to a pathogenic fungus sought it out, which upped their odds of survival. Christopher Intagliata reports Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Seaweed Bodyguards Coral against Bullying Sea Stars
26/08/2015 Duration: 03minCrown-of-thorns sea stars are an "underwater swarm of locusts" that devour coral—unless the coral is protected by a layer of seaweed. Christopher Intagliata reports Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Cosmetic Ads' Science Claims Lack Foundation
25/08/2015 Duration: 01minAn analysis of some 300 cosmetics ads in magazines found the vast majority of their science claims to be either false or too vague to judge
Deep Voice Gives Politicians Electoral Boost
24/08/2015 Duration: 02minTwo new studies find that a deeper voice gives a politican an edge over a higher-pitched opponent
Vomit Machine Models Cruise-Ship Virus Spread
22/08/2015 Duration: 04minUsing a simulated vomiting device, scientists determined that projectile vomiting can aerosolize noroviruslike particles, allowing the infection to spread short distances through the air. Christopher Intagliata reports Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sunlight Activates Smog-Causing Chemicals in City Grime
20/08/2015 Duration: 03minThe grime on city buildings and may actively contribute to urban air pollution. Christopher Intagliata reports Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Methane-Eating Microbes May Mitigate Arctic Emissions
19/08/2015 Duration: 01minA newly discovered strain of bacteria found in Arctic permafrost harvests methane from the air—meaning it could help mitigate the effects of warming. Christopher Intagliata reports
Chinese Cave Graffiti Agrees with Site's Drought Evidence
18/08/2015 Duration: 01minResearchers linked dated graffiti about droughts in a cave in China to physical evidence in the cave of the water shortages, such as changes in ratios of stable isotopes in specific layers of stalagmites
Whistled Language Forces Brain to Modify Usual Processing
17/08/2015 Duration: 01minBoth hemispheres are involved in the brains of people interpreting a whistled variant of Turkish, compared with a left hemisphere dominance when listeners hear the spoken language
Invertebrates Are Forgotten Victims of "Sixth Extinction"
14/08/2015 Duration: 03minSome 95 percent of catalogued species in one family of Hawaiian land snails could already be extinct, and similar rates of invertebrate extinction could be happening around the world. Christopher Intagliata reports Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nicotine-Chomping Bacteria Could Help Smokers Quit
13/08/2015 Duration: 01minResearchers isolated a bacterial enzyme that could break down nicotine before smokers get the buzz that keeps them coming back for more. Christopher Intagliata reports
Women Left out in Cold by Office A-C Standards
12/08/2015 Duration: 01minIndoor climate control systems are based on 1960s standards that envisioned the typical office worker to be a 40-year-old, 68-kilogram man
Bite Me: The Mutation That Made Corn Kernels Consumable
11/08/2015 Duration: 01minA single-point mutation in corn's ancestor teosinte got rid of the hard shell that used to encase every kernel