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Great Red Spot Helps Explain Jupiter's Warm Upper Atmosphere
27/07/2016 Duration: 02minA thermal spike linked to the solar system’s largest storm explains weather on gas-giant planets
Beaver Dams Strengthened by Humans Help Fish Rebound
25/07/2016 Duration: 02minFish flourished in creeks in which human engineers helped shore up beaver dams made weak by poor timber availability.
Frigate Bird Flights Last Months
23/07/2016 Duration: 04minGreat frigate birds may stay aloft for up to two months, eating and sleeping on the wing. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
For Lichens, 3's Not a Crowd
21/07/2016 Duration: 02minBiologists have identified a third species—a yeast—in some lichens, shaking up what's always been known as a two-party system. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Chicken Scent Deters Malaria Mosquitoes
20/07/2016 Duration: 02minThe smell of a chicken wards off one species of malaria-spreading mosquito—meaning the scent compounds, or the birds themselves, might help deter disease. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Vaccinate Prairie Dogs to Save Ferrets
19/07/2016 Duration: 03minAs was widely reported on social media, the U.S. is indeed going to use aerial drones to spread vaccine-laced pellets among prairie dogs to save endangered ferrets, although, contrary to some reports, no M&Ms will be involved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fuel-Efficient Engines Have a Sooty Flaw
16/07/2016 Duration: 03minA newer type of fuel injection offers better fuel economy, but paradoxically increases black carbon emissions—meaning a pollution trade-off. Christopher Intagliata reports. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mucus Lets Dolphins Emit Their Clicks
14/07/2016 Duration: 02minA model of the dolphin vocal apparatus shows that they need a coating of mucus to produce their distinctive sounds.
Bees Rank Pollen by Taste
13/07/2016 Duration: 02minThe discerning insects returned to flowers with sweetened pollen, but avoided revisiting flowers with bitter pollen. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Menu Featured Mammoth but Diners Were Mocked
12/07/2016 Duration: 01minA genetic analysis of leftovers from an exotic dinner in 1951 reveals that the diners got less than they were promised.
Evolution Ed Defenders Make Rapids Progress in Grand Canyon
11/07/2016 Duration: 03minThe National Center for Science Education's annual Colorado River trip through the Grand Canyon highlights the differences between the scientific and creationist outlooks. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wildlife Can Bear with Hunters and Hikers
08/07/2016 Duration: 02minA new study suggests the best predictor of wildlife abundance in public lands is not human activity, but factors like forest connectivity and nearby housing density. Jason G. Goldman reports.
Cats' Cunning Extends beyond the Hunt
07/07/2016 Duration: 03minNew research suggests that our feline companions understand the principle of cause and effect. Jason G. Goldman reports. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Farmed Trout Bred to Fatten Up Fast
06/07/2016 Duration: 01minAn aquaculturist used selective breeding to create strains of farmed fish that fatten up fast on cheap, plentiful feeds such as soybeans and corn. Emily Schwing reports.
This Algorithm Can Predict Relationship Trouble
05/07/2016 Duration: 03minBy analyzing the vocal patterns of couples in therapy, an algorithm was able to predict whether a relationship would get worse or improve. Erika Beras reports. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Is Mars Missing a Moon?
04/07/2016 Duration: 03minA new theory suggests the Red Planet once had a spectacular lunar system. Lee Billings reports. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Human Ears Can Hear Better-Than-CD Quality (Just Barely)
01/07/2016 Duration: 03minListeners can tell the difference between CD-quality music and better-than-CD quality—but only if they train their ears first. Christopher Intagliata reports. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Highway Sounds Might Mask Life-Saving Birdcalls
30/06/2016 Duration: 02minThe call of the tufted titmouse conveys important information about the presence of potential predators. But only if other birds can hear it. Karen Hopkin reports.
City Lights Trick Trees into an Earlier Spring
29/06/2016 Duration: 03minUrban light pollution in the U.K. is pushing tree springtime behavior a full week earlier than usual. Christopher Intagliata reports. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Made Ya Look, Monkey
28/06/2016 Duration: 02minOver their lifetimes, macaques follow the same trajectory as humans in the amount of interest they have in observing what another individual is looking at.