Ascended Radio Hosted By Jessica Spencer

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 97:23:00
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This show will provide intriguing and life transforming wisdom regarding the process of ascension or spiritual awakening in a simple and easily understood manner.


  • Being Response-able for Your Energy

    20/03/2014 Duration: 32min

    As the world continues to shift and what used to work becomes obsolete we must consciously remain balanced, centered and ever responsible for our own energy. On today's show we will talk about what that means and how we can begin to take control of what and how we create, move as transmute energy in our daily lives. We are energy and therefore have the ability to grow it, move it, shrink it or expand it. Find out low each method affects your life.

  • Live Your Best Life with Michelle Morgan

    13/03/2014 Duration: 01h00s

    Michelle is a professional Certified Life Coach who specializes in personal growth, relationship and spiritual awareness and  maintains a private practice in Ventura, Ca. Michelle works as a private practitioner working with a broad spectrum of clients. In addition to being a professional Certified Life Coach, she also presents to general audiences speaking on the topics of personal development, relationships, and spirituality.  Michelle is a collaborative, solution-focused Spiritual Life Coach. Through this approach, she provides support and practical feedback to help clients effectively address personal life challenges. Michelle also integrates coaching techniques and helpful assignments to offer a highly-personalized program tailored to you. With compassion and understanding, she works with you to help build on your strengths and attain the personal growth you are committed to achieving. Michelle's purpose is to inspire, empower and uplift people encouraging them to live a life filled with self-love,

  • Interview with Jason Lincoln Jeffers

    06/03/2014 Duration: 38min

    Today we welcome back to the show, Intuitive Counselor, Spiritual Teacher, Personal Health & Wellness Coach, Self Help Author, and Master Astrologer, Jason Lincoln Jeffers. The Art of Transformation Life Coaching Program is designed to help you end chronic suffering, access your untouched free will, realize your full potential as a divine being, and evolve into the Next Human, which is the basis for his new and extraordinary book The Next Human.  Jason has also just relaunched his incredible website and is also launching and new website Jason is committed to assisting humanity in its growth and evolution by using his gifts, talents, insight and ccreativity. You won't want to miss this show!

  • "Moving Forward to Wealth" with live Wealth Readings by Dr. Richard London

    27/02/2014 Duration: 01h02min

    Have you ever struggled with creating wealth in your life? Have you ever wondered what was hindering you from have the life you deserve? Well if you have struggled with creating wealth so many millions of people on the planet, you won't want to miss this groundbreaking discussion with Life, Business, Wealth and Wellness Coach Dr. Richard London! Dr. Richard London is going to be offering live free wealth readings on the show and will assist you in uncovering blockages and belief systems that's have stopped you from creating wealth in your life. You won't want to miss this show with Dr. Richard London. For additional information on Dr. Richard London click on And for a free 15 minute session with Dr. London you can email him at  or call him at (720) 213-8021. Mention the show or my name Jessica Spencer for your free 15 minutes! It'll be the best 15 minutes you've ever spent!

  • Inter-fear with Michele Whittington

    20/02/2014 Duration: 01h00s

    Today, we welcome back to the show friend and Wellness Change Agent Michele Whittington.  On this insightful and powerful show we will discuss the "F-word"... fear and how it inter-fears with one's growth and expansion. Michele and I will provide tools on being with your fear and transcending it.  You will be able to move out of fear and into the flow of Divine Guidance as well as come to the realization that Love is all there is.  You won't want to miss this show! To contact Michele Whittington, email her at

  • From Karmic to Divine Relationships

    06/02/2014 Duration: 32min

    Many shifts are occurring on our planet at this time and once such transition that is surfacing is the shift from Karmic relationships to Divine Relationships. On our last show Dr. London talked about how previously we would incarnate with a particular karmic purpose, in which we would get the opportunity learn and heal that aspect of us that we felt needed to be transformed. In this lifetime,  we are presented with the opportunity to come into a Divine existence in physical form, expanding beyond the necessity for karma. This particular shift is especially important in our relationship to one another, which previously occurred as a result of unresolved karma, we can now enjoy Divine relationships based on Divine love rather than karmic attachments. You won't want to miss this show!

  • Becoming a Spiritual Warrior w/Dr. Richard London

    30/01/2014 Duration: 01h04min

    On today's show I will interview Dr. Richard London, who will lead a dicussionon on the topic of becoming a Spiritual Warrior. In his renowned workshop "Winning in the Divine Game of Life" Dr. London reveals how to know, use all 10 natural laws in your Life.  You will learn how to create a plan that suits your personal and professional lifestyle, release all negative energy, guilt, allegiance to others people's games and become an Authentic Human Being, living and being the person your "Soul" intended to be.  In our time together you will become a certified as a Wellnessaire --  living a life filled with Abundance and Balance in Wellness, Wealth, Love, Peace and Spirituality.  Dr. London will teach you to achieve "Ascension“ which is the movement of your soul to a higher dimension. In doing so, you will learn to live in your Divine Purpose, and ignite your Divinity.   For additional information on Dr. Richard London click on And for a free 15 minute session with Dr. London yo

  • Divine Wisdom

    23/01/2014 Duration: 33min

    2014 is here and with it, are many changes that we are more than ready to usher in.  We are learning how to think different, speak differently and how to communicate different.  All things created in the physical world, started with a thought that became conscious and the manifested with the this physical reality.  This physical reality is but one reality in an infinite possibility of realities that we create with every word that we think and speak.  How do we learn to create more wisely?  Through Divine Wisdom, we are no longer paracticing or become, we have become and we are Divinity in physical form. Divine beings can heneforth create a Divine Reality with Divine Governments, Divine Education, Divine Relationships etc.  All of this is now possible because of the raising of the collective vibration on this planet from one of cond-"densed" 3rd Dimension of free will to one of an expanded 5th Dimension of Divine Will.  On this show we will discuss the movement into Divine Wisdom and how I can learn to be the

  • Reconciliation

    16/01/2014 Duration: 34min

    We often think of the word "reconcilation" in two ways: reconciling a relationship that has been broken and reconciling a bank account.  You may ask why we would discuss either perspective on this Spiritual Radio show, but these two ways in which we reconcile our lives have had a profound impact on humanity both individually and collectively.  When we reconcile or check book or a relationship we are "balancing" both.  We have released the past circumstance so that we no longer have to worry about our future and can not become balanced in our present.  The Shift into awakening that has occured has done just that, reconciled who we thought we were, with who we hoped to be and have arrived at who we are.  On this show, we will discuss how this reconilation has shown up in the physical world for many of us and how we can continue to remain in this state of balance.   Also, as a reminder, please support a friend of the show and past guest Gwendolyn McClure by clicking on

  • From Lightworking to LightBeing

    09/01/2014 Duration: 34min

    2014 has arrived and we have arrived at a vibrational frequency worthy of another opportunity of living into this 2014 year. Today we will recap some of the themes from 2013 that we have mentioned on this show and also what I have personally learned from 2013 and what is unfolding already in 2014. You want want to miss this reflective and powerful show!

  • Christ-Mass

    26/12/2013 Duration: 33min

    On this day that we celebrate the birth of a being who exemplified compassion, kindness and generosity, let us honor him by exemplifying these divine characteristics in our own lives. Let his life and physical death not be in vain. Allow Christ consciousness to be rebirthed within you, create a space within you where it is welcome. Express it in every word, every thought and every action. Be the gift in the present on this Christ-mass day. More than 2,000 years later, we should be more than capable of being kind, generous and compassionate. Merry Christ-mass! On today's show we will discuss Jesus and anchoring the Christ-Consciousness as well as rebirthing a new you in 2014.

  • Vocal Sound Healing w/Gwendolyn McClure, Ph.D., L.M.T

    19/12/2013 Duration: 01h06min

    Today we welcome back to the show the incomparable, Vocal Sound Healer Gwendolyn McClure. Dr. Gwendolyn McClure did her undergraduate work in Religious Studies at Princeton University. In 1990, she received her M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Within one month of receiving that degree, she claims she was “star-seeded” with her work in Vocal Sound Healing. After one year of leading workshops, Gwendolyn entered her doctoral program in Clinical Psychology in order to write a dissertation on her work (Pacifica 1998)*. Her primary desire in entering her doctoral program was to create an academic and intellectual grounding for this profound and new therapeutic modality she had created. She observed in one year the powerful effects of her work, and strove to better communicate with clients and audiences about how the passive and active use of Vocal Sound in the context of Healing can transform consciousness and physical matter.  Gwendolyn has just launched her Indiegogo campaign to pr

  • The Weight Is Over

    12/12/2013 Duration: 47min

    In my lifetime, we have had pinnacle dates that have been anxiously awaited and even feared, one being January 1, 2000 with the Y2K frenzy and the other being December 21, 2012 when one of the Mayan Calendars came to a completetion. As spiritual beings consciously participating in not only our own awakening but that of all of humanity, we have been anticipating things like "disclosure," mass raising of frequencies, the re emergence of gifts, financial relief and grand miracles performed while the entire world witnesses.  Well I am here to say that the weight of the 3rd Dimensional world is over.  We have arrived at the realization that we are truly what we've been waiting for and that Heaven, enlightenment, awakening and ascension are all frequencies that exist within our ability to rise to their vibrational levels that exist witin our capacity to release the weight of the physical, mental and emotional world of density.

  • Extreme neutrality

    05/12/2013 Duration: 32min

    On this show we are going to discuss how we have become a world of extremes. Extreme emotions, eating, drinking, abusing drugs, extreme weather, extreme wealth, extreme poverty, extreme greed and more than we can list. One of the most important aspects of ascension and wellness is bringing all areas of your life and essentially, your world, into balance. Extremes can hold a rigid dense energy and an unwavering relentlessness about them. As a species we must bring this energy back into balance, back to the center, back to the source so that we can begin to think, act and create from a space of clarity. Join us! You won't want to miss this show!

  • Thank-filled

    28/11/2013 Duration: 30min

    This week millions of Americans will be celebrating the thanksgiving holiday. For this one day, people will volunteer at shelters, cool huge meals for family members and often times be in good cheer; however, for many of us, this moment is fleeting and we often revert back to our ways of complaining, judging, resenting the very next day. On this show we provide tools for permanent transformation that will allow you to transcend the roller coaster ride called human emotions which cause us to react rather than accept, to judge rather than to love. When you are filled with thanks you are over filled up to over flowing with gratitude every day of your life! If you are interested in hearing how, tune into tonight's show!

  • The Game of One Film: Interview with film Creators

    21/11/2013 Duration: 51min ‘Game Of One’ film is about an interactive computer tarot game that gives anyone access to a path of transition, (revolution of the mind), as it offers individuals the choice of self awakening and a clear path to a multidimensional world where pure knowledge of creation is perused in beauty beyond comprehension.  In an effort to change the stereotype of typical Hollywood films, producers Tamid and Maya are looking to bring to life a creative experience that will encourage the growth of human consciousness around the planet. Ignited into action by a mysterious set of Tarot cards left in the hands of Maya, a magical, mysterious adventure has been born out of a true story and woven into a brilliant sci-fi film for mainstream theater. This masterpiece will be crowd-funded and put together with some of the most brilliant and talented writers and directors known today. Tamid and Maya would like to share their story with the audience of how this project came to be, and why

  • Interview with Dr. Suzan Lie

    07/11/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    Suzan Lie has been a spiritual seeker her entire fifty-four years and has been on The Path for about twenty-eight years. She also has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and has been counseling for sixteen years. Suzan first learned of the impending shift of reality into the higher dimensions over twenty-five years ago. Since then, she has been watching and studying in preparation.  Today we willl speak with Dr. Suzan Lie who is quickly becoming an expert in Ascension and also a gifted channeler of the Arcturians.  You definitely do not want to miss this show.  For more information on Dr. Suzan Lie go to visit her website or you can also check out her youtube videos, which are powerful and great to listen to multiple times.


    31/10/2013 Duration: 01h05min

    "CONQUERING YOUR WELLNESS BODY - BE THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN BODY" witth Dr. Richard London   With this shift in awakening many aspects of the self have come to the surface, aspects that we have had to shift our perception of. One such aspect of the self that has been expanded has been the body and how one can achieve wellness within the body. In the 3D realm, we have related to the body as being separate from the us. For many, it was previously accepted that there was almost no connection between the spirit and the body, our emotions and our body and certainly not consciousness and our body, which led to the the creation of diseases and suffering. Here to share with us how to conquer our wellness body and to be the master of our body is Dr. Richard London. For a free fifteen minute session with Dr. London or for any insights or questions you may have, email him at or call him at (720) 213-8021 You won't want to miss this show!  

  • Re-surrection

    24/10/2013 Duration: 33min

    According to Webster;s Dictionary the definition of resurrection is: " the act of causing something that had ended or been forgotten or lost to exist again, to be used again," The Christian Science definition is "a spiritualization of though: material belief that yields to spiritual understanding."  We are living once again, in the time of the resurrection of  our Divinity.  All of our gifts are coming to the surface to be once again born into the physical world.  We achieve this through the process of Ascension.  Join this powerful discussion on how to surrender to this Divine process of reawakening to the Divine Essence seeking to experience itself through you.  

  • Soul Food W/Michele Whittington

    17/10/2013 Duration: 01h05min

    "Joy does not come from what you do, it flows into what you do and into the world from deep within you. If we stopped and asked our souls what they wanted more often, we’d feel a whole lot of joy. Your soul holds the key to your happiness. Are you letting your soul lead the way?"  This is a quote from my friend and guest today's guest Michele Whittington.  We often ask everything from other people, our pastors, friends, family members, spouses and even our bodies for answers, but how often do we turn to our souls...the infinite presence emanating from all that is?  This show will poses one of the most important questions one can ask, what are you feeding your soul?  You won't want to miss this powerful and dynamic show! To contact Michele Whittington email her at

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