Connie Chapman is a life coach, speaker and writer who teaches practical, yet soulful ways to clear out struggle, fear and limitation and live with more fulfilment, freedom and flow.On Awaken Radio Connie brings you heart-opening conversations and inspiring interviews with thought leaders and experts from all over the world.You will hear raw, honest and vulnerable conversations which share the transformative journeys that both Connie and her guests have walked. Each episode is filled with inspiring guidance to help you clear out your fears, transform your mind, crack open your heart and rise into your highest potential.
AR #18 - Creating Space with Sara Brooke
03/04/2015 Duration: 52minCreating Space with Sara BrookeConnect with Sara at with Connie at
AR #17 - Lead With Soul with Susana Frioni
03/04/2015 Duration: 50minLead With Soul with Susana FrioniConnect with Susana at www.susanafrioni.comConnect with Connie at
AR #16 - Unleashing Creative Energy with Melissa Horne
03/04/2015 Duration: 48minUnleashing Creative Energy with Melissa HorneConnect with Melissa at www.soulwellness.comConnect with Connie at
AR #15 - Practising Self-Love with Marie Michelle McGrath
02/04/2015 Duration: 46minPractising Self-Love with Marie Michelle McGrathConnect with Michelle at www.michellemariemcgrath.comConnect with Connie at
AR #14 - Intuitive Wellness with Helen Thomas
02/04/2015 Duration: 49minIntuitive Wellness with Helen ThomasConnect with Helen at www.thelittlesage.comConnect with Connie at
AR #13 - Transform Your Mind with Hayley Carr
31/03/2015 Duration: 46minTransform Your Mind with Hayley CarrConnect with Hayley at www.hayleycarr.comConnect with Connie at
AR #12 - Overcoming Resistance with Juliet Turalski
31/03/2015 Duration: 43minOvercoming Resistance with Juliet TuralskiConnect with Juliet at www.julesinspired.comConnect with Connie at
AR #11 - Releasing Judgment with Tara Bliss
31/03/2015 Duration: 41minReleasing Judgment with Tara BlissConnect with Tara at www.tarabliss.comConnect with Connie at
AR #10 - The Gypset Mindset with Vienda Maria
31/03/2015 Duration: 33minThe Gypset Mindset with Vienda MariaConnect with Vienda at www.viendamaria.comConnect with Connie at
AR #09 - Living A Spirited Life with Rachel MacDonald
29/03/2015 Duration: 35minLiving A Spirited Life with Rachel MacDonaldIn todays episode we cover;+ What it really means to live a spirited life and how to move from 'knowing it' to living it+ Why doing what you love connects you with spirit and creates more synchronicity in your life+ How to move beyond the fear that blocks us from our spirit+ What living on purpose means and how you can discover your purpose+ The power of intention and how to bring an intention practice in to your day+ The daily practices that both Rachel and I use to live a Spirited LifeConnect with Rachel at www.inspacesbetween.comConnect with Connie at
AR #08 - Finding Happiness with Shannon Kaiser
29/03/2015 Duration: 29minFinding Happiness with Shannon KaiserIn todays episode we cover;+ Why we must release our external search for happiness and instead begin taking the inner journey+ The daily practice you can take on board right now to make each day the best it can be+ The journey that both Shannon and I took to move from disempowerment and depression to true, authentic happiness+ How to clear the blocks that stand between you and the happiness that already exists within you+ The one powerful practice that can create happiness now, without anything outside of you needing to changeConnect with Shannon at www.playwiththeworld.comConnect with Connie at
AR #07 - The Power Of Vulnerability with Melissa Ambrosini
26/03/2015 Duration: 33minThe Power of Vulnerability With Melissa AmbrosiniIn today's episode we cover;+ Why vulnerability is imperative to your ability to connect with yourself and others+ How to eliminate the fear that arises around being vulnerable+ Our personal practices on how to develop a greater sense of self love+ Why as women, it is essential that we open up, soften and melt in to our divine feminine essence+ The reason why "if you want to get love, you must give love"Connect with Melissa at www.melissaambrosini.comConnect with Connie at
AR #06 - Living Intuitively with Amir Zoghi
25/03/2015 Duration: 38minLiving Intuitively With Amir ZoghiIn this episode we cover;+ What it really means to live intuitively+ How to connect with your intuition and follow through on it's guidance+ How you can live in the flow and release control of your plan+ Running a business based on intuition+ How to determine if your goals are actually true for you or if they are 'false targets'+ What it means when your ego hijacks what you love and how to avoid itConnect with Amir at www.amirzoghi.comConnect with Connie at
AR #05 - Clearing The Blocks To Self Love with Jennifer Kass
24/03/2015 Duration: 33minClearing The Blocks To Self Love with Jennifer KassIn this episode we cover;+ Why self love is the key foundation of creating a fulfilling, happy and beautiful life+ The first and most powerful step you can take to experience a greater sense of love within yourself+ The 4 key blockages that interfere with your ability to experience self love+ The powerful daily practices that will break you free of your fearful illusions and re-strengthen your faith in love+ Our shared global mission and what you must do if you have a desire to heal the world.Connect with Jennifer at www.jenniferkassllc.comConnect with Connie at
AR #04 - The Art Of Surrender (Part 2) with Claire Obeid
24/03/2015 Duration: 33minThe Art Of Surrender (Part 2) With Claire ObeidIn today's episode we cover;+ Why we continuously find ourselves stuck chasing external outcomes and striving for happiness outside of us+ The games the ego plays to keep us disconnected from our authentic power and our true essence+ How to transcend the ego and the fear it creates in our life+ How to follow your truth by surrendering to your feeling and allowing it to guide you+ How to discover your true purpose and why you are really hereConnect with Claire at www.claireobeid.comConnect with Connie at
AR #03 - Following The Feeling with Jamie Gonzalez
24/03/2015 Duration: 29minFollowing The Feeling with Jamie GonzalezIn this episode we cover;+ How to tell the difference between a 'true feeling' and an idea that comes from the mind+ Why being present in the here and now, is crucial to following the feeling+ How to follow the feeling to do what you love, even if you are filled with fear+ Why "how" your desires are going to manifest is none of your business+ How to connect with the truth of who you really are Connect with Jamie at www.jamiegonzalez.comConnect with Connie at
AR #02 - The Art Of Surrender (Part 1)with Claire Obeid
24/03/2015 Duration: 35minThe Art Of Surrender (Part 1) With Claire ObeidIn today's episode we cover;+ How to get out of your own way so you can live your best life+ How to know when it is time to surrender+ The opposite of surrender including control, force and trying to 'make it happen'+ How to move beyond the fear of surrender and invite in the energy of love+ How to connect with your intuition, be guided by your feelings and drop in to the flow+ The simple, daily practices you can take to bring surrender in to your life in any moment.Connect with Claire at www.claireobeid.comConnect with Connie at