Mindful Medicine

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Articulate, passionate and humorous, Dr. Holly Lucille breaks down the myths and misconceptions about health and health related topics.


  • Eat, Move, Chill: Best and Worst Belly Habits


    Your gut health has so much to do with your whole-body health.In the gut, there are hundreds of species of bacteria. Some are friendly, while others are not. If the gut flora contains too many harmful bacteria and not enough friendly bacteria, an imbalance can occur known as dysbiosis, which has been linked to insulin resistance, weight gain, inflammation, obesity, allergies, brain fog, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and colorectal cancer.Sherry Torkos, RPh, holistic pharmacist, joins Dr. Holly to share healthy belly habits to have and belly busters to break.

  • Encore Episode: What Diet Trends Are Dangerous For Your Heart?


    The current population in the United States is the first society in history that is simultaneously overweight and malnourished. Back in the 70s, obesity skyrocketed because organizations like the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology promoted low-fat diets and low-fat foods that replaced fats with sugar and processed carbohydrates. We often hear that low-fat diets, low cholesterol diets, and veganism can help you lose weight and get healthy. However, these diets are often bad for your heart. Humans need good HDL cholesterol, healthy fats, and certain vitamins found in animal products like B12 and D in order to function. By skipping these food groups, you’re actually more prone to heart disease and obesity.Listen as cardiologist Barbara Hudson Roberts joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss diets and heart health.

  • Encore Episode: Digital Detox Plan


    From autoplay on Netflix and YouTube to the endless scroll on social media sites, technology is intentionally designed to be addictive. And, despite the ease and convenience it may bring to your life, technology can have detrimental effects. In any given day, the average person spends 11 hours on screens, 3 1/4 hours on smartphones, and only 34 minutes with their families. Human beings need human connection. In order to strike a better balance between FaceTime and actual face time, most people are in need of a digital detox. Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean you need to remove all technology from your home. Even a few simple steps like hiding addictive apps in a folder on your phone, pausing for five minutes before starting the next episode of a series you’re bingeing or putting your phone on gray scale can help. Listen as Liza Kindred joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss the importance of a digital detox.

  • Encore Episode: Breaking Up with Sugar


    If you suffer from a sugar addition, former sugar addict Molly Carmel might have the solution you need: a sugar breakup. Much like any relationship, you can’t cut and run when things aren’t going your way. You need to stop and assess your relationship before you can have a clean breakup. Most addictions are two-pronged—they affect the nervous system and are substance addictions. Sugar addiction is four-pronged, because it affects the nervous system, it’s a substance that can be abused, it’s a process addiction (much like gambling or gaming), and it affects our endocrine system, meaning that we are more likely to head for the fridge when we’re tired, stressed, or feeling overwhelmed.However, it is possible to have a healthy relationship with food, and Molly can help you develop it. Listen as she joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how to break up with sugar.

  • Living the Keto Lifestyle


    Food can be causative of certain health conditions, particularly if you have food allergies or sensitivities. But, food can also be curative.After years of being able to consume gluten, Dr. Harlan Kilstein suddenly developed a complete intolerance. He was also diagnosed with metabolic syndrome and told he would virtually never be able to lose weight. In his search to reclaim his health, he discovered the Keto lifestyle and it changed everything for him. Since his own discovery, he's helped others find their own health and wellness by adopting a Keto lifestyle. Listen as Dr. Kilstein joins Dr. Holly to explain why the Keto way works, as well as how to approach this lifestyle so it doesn't become overwhelming.

  • 2020's Biggest Public Health Crisis: Noise Pollution


    Because they can be clearly seen, air and water pollution get a lot of attention. But, noise pollution can be just as harmful to our bodies and our environment. Depending on the volume, tone, and frequency, certain sounds can cause heart problems, increase cortisol levels, affect hormone secretion, and push people to a mental breaking point that causes an emotional reaction.  Noise pollution is a little talked about problem that has been affecting our society for decades. However, Founder and CEO of Quiet Mark, Poppy Szkiler, is working to change that. Quiet Mark works with organizations to develop quieter products that consumers can find to create quieter offices, homes, and outdoor living spaces. Listen as Poppy joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss Quiet Mark’s solution to noise pollution.

  • Encore Episode: Who Loves a Complainer?


    Guess who is standing in the way of your happiness? Yep. It’s you.Now you can save money on your life insurance just for being healthy. HealthIQ helps physically active people save up to 33% on their life insurance. Go to HealthIQ.com/mindful to get a free quote. - sponsor You can stop being a powerless complainer and start actively taking control over your own life. Complainers continuously fuss about a situation without doing something to solve the problem. You might love complaining in the moment, but people aren’t going to love listening to you over time. Complaining might feel good in the moment but it isn’t great for your health. It raises your cortisol levels, increases anxiety, makes you feel stressed or depressed.  Besting What Annoys You Discover your triggers. Figure out what sparks your inner complainer. Interrupt the pattern of habitual and unconscious complaining. Do you complain as small talk or have gripe sessions with a certain group of people? Determine how to have the relationships you wan

  • Digital Detox Plan


    From autoplay on Netflix and YouTube to the endless scroll on social media sites, technology is intentionally designed to be addictive. And, despite the ease and convenience it may bring to your life, technology can have detrimental effects. In any given day, the average person spends 11 hours on screens, 3 1/4 hours on smartphones, and only 34 minutes with their families. Human beings need human connection. In order to strike a better balance between FaceTime and actual face time, most people are in need of a digital detox. Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean you need to remove all technology from your home. Even a few simple steps like hiding addictive apps in a folder on your phone, pausing for five minutes before starting the next episode of a series you’re bingeing or putting your phone on gray scale can help. Listen as Liza Kindred joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss the importance of a digital detox.

  • Encore Episode: 7 Things to Turn Illness into Wellness


    Wouldn’t it be fantastic to transform illness into wellness? With Dr. Samm Pryce’s advice, you can make progress with that very thing today. Mindset. Having the right mindset is important when you’re facing chronic illness or trying to prevent a condition. Sleep. Get the right amount of sleep so your body can heal. It assists your mood and physical function. It’s free. Water. Drink plenty of water to move toxins out of your body. Food. Read all the labels. Make sure you have plenty of fiber so you poop regularly. Supplements. Take the supplements you need for optimal health. Movement. Move your body. It needs some fitness on a regular basis. Detox. Eliminate toxins from your diet and environment. Listen as Dr. Samm joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share what you can do today to improve your health, how the blood type diet works, and how a naturopathic doctor can help you.

  • Encore Episode: Weight Loss for Women


    Have you ever said, “I’ll start my diet on Monday?” The week happens, you lose enthusiasm and decide to push it off until the next Monday. Overeating comes from being overworked, overstressed and overwhelmed. Life factors throw challenges at your workout and nutrition plans. It doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing. You can work on making better choices today. See where things went off the rails. Discover what triggers choices that don’t align with your goals. Make sure your plans are manageable for your current lifestyle demands.Listen as Gowrie Hayden joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss the special challenges women face when trying to lose weight.

  • Encore Episode: Master Plan for Long-Term Wellness


    One in three Americans currently suffer from chronic pain. It can be daunting to find the best way to successfully manage one’s pain. A chronic pain diagnosis brings shock, bewilderment and grief. The loss of life before the chronic pain isn’t always acknowledged in the medical community. It is tough to come to terms with the loss of function caused by the pain. Conventional medical practitioners receive specialized training in their areas of expertise. They don’t always know as much about alternative treatments or therapies outside of their fields of expertise. Guided imagery and hypnosis have proven successful in helping pain management. Lowering stress, reducing the need for pain medication before or after surgery, and reducing chemotherapy-induced nausea are all benefits individuals have experienced from these alternative therapies. Listen as Dr. Traci Stein joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share alternative therapies for addressing chronic pain.

  • Breaking Up with Sugar


    If you suffer from a sugar addition, former sugar addict Molly Carmel might have the solution you need: a sugar breakup. Much like any relationship, you can’t cut and run when things aren’t going your way. You need to stop and assess your relationship before you can have a clean breakup. Most addictions are two-pronged—they affect the nervous system and are substance addictions. Sugar addiction is four-pronged, because it affects the nervous system, it’s a substance that can be abused, it’s a process addiction (much like gambling or gaming), and it affects our endocrine system, meaning that we are more likely to head for the fridge when we’re tired, stressed, or feeling overwhelmed.However, it is possible to have a healthy relationship with food, and Molly can help you develop it. Listen as she joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how to break up with sugar.

  • Health Benefits of Silver


    It may surprise you to know that silver has a number of healing properties. When taken orally or applied topically, silver can boost your immune system and heal minor cuts, scrapes, burns, bites, bruises, and skin infections.Silver has safeguarded human health for thousands of years. Today, bio-Active Sovereign Silver supplements can be taken safely to promote a healthy lifestyle. Learn more about the chemical makeup of silver supplements and how you can support your immune system with it.Listen as Robert MacCuspie joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss the healing powers of silver.

  • Encore Episode: 3 Steps to Stopping Self Sabotage


    You know you need to make a change but your attempts are met with failure. Are you sabotaging yourself?There are many resources available at your fingertips to help you achieve your goals.  You probably have a good idea of what you should be doing. You also likely have an idea of what you shouldn’t be doing. But, you’re not making things happen for yourself. What gives? You have to get out of your own way. Self sabotage is the drive toward negative things. You have to come to terms with that knowledge in order to overcome it.While there are conscious things you’re doing to sabotage yourself, some acts are happening on an unconscious level. You don’t recognize those factors until after the fact. Develop self awareness. Know that you want it. Notice what drives you toward negative behavior and away from your goals. You have to be aware of it to gain control over it. See if your behavior consistently leads to negative results. Ending Self Sabotage First, stop being frustrated with yourself. Don’t ask why you kee

  • Encore Episode: Managing Holiday Feasts


    The holidays seem like a marathon of food temptation. With weight loss as a goal for many people, holiday feasts make it difficult.Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor Tips for Holidays Consider how you eat on a regular basis. Eat mostly plant based. Eat for health, not just weight loss. Physical activity is just as important as the food you eat. Sleep and stress affect your desire for fats, carbs and sugars. Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep and managing stress. Listen as Dr. Felicia Stoler joins Dr. Holly Lucille to help you navigate the holiday smorgasbords.Sponsor: Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor

  • How to De-Stress When You Invest


    Money, financial planning, and investing can be a huge source of stress for Americans. However it doesn’t need to be. Financial analyst, Manny Weintraub, explains investing in plain English and helps his clients bring mindfulness into the investing process. He encourages people to think about money the way you’d think about food. You may not understand the science behind it, but you can learn how to make good choices. You also need to find a partner you trust to offer advice that is in your best interests. You wouldn't take diet tips from the processed foods industry, right? He shares tips on how to create a portfolio that is consistent with your values and eliminate stress from investing with his seven rules of mindful investing, which include: Any mindfulness practice is better than no mindfulness practice. If you don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish, you won’t achieve it. Your time horizon and the time horizon of your financial advisor can be different, so it’s important to look after your own inter

  • What Diet Trends Are Dangerous For Your Heart?


    The current population in the United States is the first society in history that is simultaneously overweight and malnourished. Back in the 70s, obesity skyrocketed because organizations like the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology promoted low-fat diets and low-fat foods that replaced fats with sugar and processed carbohydrates. We often hear that low-fat diets, low cholesterol diets, and veganism can help you lose weight and get healthy. However, these diets are often bad for your heart. Humans need good HDL cholesterol, healthy fats, and certain vitamins found in animal products like B12 and D in order to function. By skipping these food groups, you’re actually more prone to heart disease and obesity.Listen as cardiologist Barbara Hudson Roberts joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss diets and heart health.

  • How to Reduce Holiday Burnout and Festive Anxiety


    More so than ever before, people give too much of themselves and have issues receiving help from others. We absorb the negative energy and anxiety of the people around us and our internal energy is dampened. This leads to stress, anxiety, and eventually, burnout. The stress of the holidays only exacerbates this. A time that should be joyful winds up being more stressful than it should be. Jennifer Marcenelle, MBA, BSN, RN, HNB-BC, shares tips for how to care for your mind and restore your energy at home during the holiday season through meditation, better sleep habits, limiting exposure to electromagnetic radiation, and healing crystals.Listen as Jennifer joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss holiday burnout.

  • Introduction to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)


    Humans have trillions of bacteria in the gut that make up our microbiome. The majority of our microbiome live in the large intestine. However, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth or SIBO occurs when there’s an overgrowth of the bacteria in the large intestine that spills into the small intestine. This condition is a subset of IBS, and it’s assumed that nearly 60 percent of people with IBS actually have SIBO. The condition interferes with digestion and causes bloating, stomach discomfort, and constipation or diarrhea. Dr. Nirala Jacobi, a SIBO expert, discusses the causes, symptoms, and treatments for SIBO, including natural supplements that can be used to curb the effects of the condition. She also offers free resources for those with SIBO at www.TheSIBODoctor.com. Listen as Nirala Jacobi joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss SIBO.

  • Encore Episode: Emotions & Chronic Symptoms


    Do you have a chronic condition that doesn’t go away despite traditional treatment? If your physician can’t improve it with medications or treatments, there may be an emotional or behavioral component to your symptoms.Organifi. Save 20% NOW!Use code MINDFUL. Click here to order. We live in a quick fix society. Doctors conduct quick consultations. Patients are eager to dash out the door. Pharmacies are ready to dispense a rapid fix. It takes longer to discover the deep origin of long-term symptoms. You have to express your bottled up emotions. Journal, sing or dance those emotions away. Paint to work through what’s inside of you. The body uses pain to communicate. Listen to your body. What is happening inside that is manifesting itself outside? How does your body respond to the foods you’re eating?Listen as Dr. Chris Gilbert joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share how emotion can provoke and stimulate symptoms.Sponsor:Visit organifi.com and use discount code “mindful” to receive 20% off your order!!

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