Bullets, beans and band-aids baby! From defending against a home invasion to escaping and evading social chaos after a collapse, Modern Combat And Survival Magazine's podcast connects you with the most advanced firearms, urban survival tips, and close quarters combat tactics from the world's top experts. Subscribe to our survival magazine for free at
MCS 143: "Moving Target" Dry-Fire Training Exercise
23/05/2017 Duration: 17minYou're on your way to your car after picking up some milk at the local convenient store. Suddenly a man comes out of the shadows. He's 30' away... and you see the reflection of the moon shine off of a metal object in his hand. He has a knife! You drop your milk and draw your 9mm from your holster in time to get the drop on him. But he's hungry... and determined! He sees you train your sights on his "center mass"... and suddenly he moves out of your line of fire as he charges. Oh, did you think he was going to just stand there and let you plink away at him like your stationary paper targets down at the range? No... you should have already trained for this "reality"... and in this week's podcast episode, I'll share a quick, fun way you can do it (even at home)! Here's what you'll discover in this week's episode: How a trip to Walmart and 20 bucks can give you more realistic firearms training than your best trip to the range! Shooting at a moving target: It's not the same as "target practice" with your buddie
MCS 142: The Truth About Combat
16/05/2017 Duration: 34minThis week is our final episode of my 6-part series of military stories and the lessons I've learned about surviving... ... and I have a BIG announcement to make! You see, "combat" - in fact ANY disaster or crisis - isn't like the movies... It's something you never want to experience if you can help it... but for those who DO stand up to the call of defending Freedom, there's a reality that is hard to prepare for. In this week's episode, I'll do my best to prepare you to face any threat with strength, courage, and compassion. Here's what you'll discover in this week's episode... When "Murphey's Law" slaps you in the face... and how to prepare for it NOW so you never have to worry about being unprepared! How to tell the "heroes" from the "zeroes" on your survival team! (Warning - it's not as easy as you think!) "Mental preparation" for a crisis? You may not like my answer... but it's important to face facts now to be as prepped as you can be when you're called into action! "Operation Save Our Soldiers":
MCS 141: Military Bug-Out Tactics Learned The Hard Way!
09/05/2017 Duration: 25minIt was a standard response I'd hear from my soldiers... Walking up and down the line during a long road-march, I'd ask my team, "How you holding up Private?" Their reply? "My dogs are barkin' Sergeant!" I knew how they felt. Walking 7, 10, 15-miles (or longer!) with a 40-75 lb. backpack on your back has a way of shredding your feet like you'd stuck them in a blender. But your mission must go on... and I learned the hard way how to make sure we reached our objective - even when your feet are screaming for you to "STOP!". The 5 secrets I share in this week's podcast will get you to your destination safely if ever faced with a worst-case bug-out scenario where it's only your (Leather Personnel Carriers) to get you there... Here's what you'll discover in this week's episode... Your 2 worst "enemies" in your bug-out trek that could stop you in your tracks if you don't follow these tips! The simple "girly" solution that creates a virtual force-field around your feet while on the move! Why "full steam ahead" w
MCS 140: Shoot... Or Don't Shoot?
02/05/2017 Duration: 19minThere I was on the 3rd floor of the building... My "6" was protected by sandbags and my rifle was pointed out into the city streets looking for the enemy. Little did I know the danger was right behind me in the hallway! In this 4th episode of my 6-part series where I share my personal memoirs of my military years, I'm going to say some controversial things about this complicated question... ... "Shoot... or don't shoot?!" The answer isn't always that clear and your decision - if you're ever facing a potentially violent attacker - could mean the difference between going home with your family... or going to prison (or worse)! Fortunately, there are some lessons to be learned from my mistakes and I can't wait to share them with you in this week's podcast... Here's what you'll discover in this episode... Why what you do before you're attacked can have the greatest impact on making the right decision when it's do-or-die! When it doubt, do *THIS*! (But only if you've followed my advice in your first tip of the e
MCS 139: Survival For Stragglers (Military Story 3 Of 6)
25/04/2017 Duration: 19minIn this 3rd episode of my 6-part series where I share my personal memoirs of my military years, you need to come to terms with "stragglers" and "dead weight". I mean, let's face it... ... a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, right? Well, should you ever be forced to evacuate during a crisis, you're going to quickly find out who is holding you back from reaching your objective. It could be your kids... grandkids... your spouse... or (oh my!)... YOU! Will you just kick the wifey and little germ bags off to the side of the road? Probably not (though let me tell you, some daaaaaaays...) So this week, I'll share 3 survival tips that will help you avoid abandoning your brood... and get you and your family to safety. Here's what you'll discover in this episode... How to use a "mirror" to analyze your bugout plan... and your chances of making it out alive! No one wants to deal with the face-chewing zombies outside your door when bugging out - which is why you had better plan for 5 areas your neighbors ar
MCS 138: "No Chopper Syndrome" (Military Story 2 Of 6)
18/04/2017 Duration: 19minIn this 2nd episode of my 6-part series where I share my personal memoirs of my military years, I want to talk with you about "best case survival scenarios". You know the ones... ... where everything goes exactly as planned and you and "the fam" are able to ride off into the sunset on your pet unicorns while the zombies around you are feeding on each other. Yeah... you probably know that's not gonna happen, right? I've seen good plans turn bad enough times - but now it's time to you do something about it! And this week, I'll share 3 survival tips from the all-to-common "no chopper syndrome" we experienced in the infantry to help you be fully prepared no matter what. Here's what you'll discover in this episode... What a Mt. Everest expeditionary shares with every military commander when planning for the next mission - and why you MUST use these same tactics in your survival plan so you don't meet the same fate as your unprepared neighbors! The most critical steps hardly ANYONE takes when prepping their bug-
MCS 137: Military Stories & Tips (1 of 6)
11/04/2017 Duration: 26minI want to get more "personal" with you... You're probably as frustrated as I am how the interwebs are filled with bullsh*t advice from "fantasy preppers" who have never had to spend a night outside of their cozy king-size bed - let alone face an anger-fueled mob of hungry, desperate citizens. Well, in this 6-part series, I'll share some funny (and hair-raising) stories from my decade in the U.S. Army that will separate the fact from fiction and help you prepare for a real disaster, crisis, collapse, or attack. Starting with... "Mickey Mouse"? Here's what you'll discover in this episode... What a 2 a.m. wake-up call in the bitter, freezing tundra taught me about "risk-reward"... and what to expect from 99% of the population during a collapse scenario! Are YOU customizing your preparedness? Moving beyond the "copy & paste" mind-set of getting ready... "Seek the suck!" - Taking action on "walking the talk" to elevate your readiness to the next level! This one night of misery taught me some valuable les
MCS 136: CIA Gray Man Tactics
04/04/2017 Duration: 18minI don't have to tell you that times have changed... Thanks to the alleged "counterterrorist initiatives" of the government, citizens have been turned against one another to turn in anyone who might be suspected to be a "lone wolf extremists". Problem is, these "enemies of the state" that the government says to watch out for fits the description of our most patriotic Americans - "preppers", citizens angry with an invasive government, and 2nd Amendment advocates! In times of crisis, this makes us the most vulnerable to labeling... targeting... and an eventual knock on the door by an armored-up "goon-squad" looking to haul you in. These new threats require those of us who believe in self-reliance during hard times to be "smarter" about how we prepare... and that means "going gray" (now!) to avoid being a target during times of civil unrest or a collapse. And this week, former CIA operative, Jason Hanson, has some "field notes" to share with you on exactly how to live "under the radar"... Here's what you'll disco
MCS 135: Urban Evasion Tactics
28/03/2017 Duration: 26minWhat if you were on an international vacation... kidnapped for ransom... and managed to find a critical moment to escape What if your neighborhood was engulfed in civil unrest and the streets were patrolled by gangs of anarchists and looters looking for easy prey? How would you stay alive? How would you avoid detection and get to safety without making yourself a target? Today you get an "insider's look" as Urban Escape & Evasion trainer, Kevin Reeve, reveals at the biggest mistakes people make when they're hunted by a hostile enemy... ... AND how to master the critical skills needed to keep you alive "on the run"!
MCS 134: 1st Strike Street Combatives
21/03/2017 Duration: 01h01minIt's a simple scientific fact of "street fighting"... ..."action beats reaction"! Every time! In other words, no matter how much "blocking" you've practiced in the relaxed environment of the local martial arts school, a street-savvy thug who decides to punch you in your grill will always be able to land his strike before you can identify his attack headed your way and get your hands up to block it. Fortunately, the same science works in YOUR favor also... IF you know how to get the "1st strike" before your attacker even knows what hit him. Is it "fair"? Is it moral? Is it LEGAL? All good questions we'll cover in this week's discussion with former "biker bar bouncer" and combatives legend, Peyton Quinn, as we explore the ins and outs of "fighting dirty" when your life is on the line. Here's what you'll discover in this episode... Why the "good guys" don't like to take the first punch! (And why good guys often really DO finish last... or dead!) How to know the exact moment to launch your "first strike"! Th
MCS 133: Top 5 Little-Known Defense Weapons
07/03/2017 Duration: 18minYeah, yeah, yeah... of course you know I'm going to advise you to carry a firearm and a back-up blade for personal protection, right? But what about for those people who don't want to carry a gun? And what about when you travel on a plane or need to get past a metal detector at a federal building? Like me, you probably believe that you should NEVER be unarmed, right? Well, this week I'll share my top 5 "personal defense weapons" for everyday carry that you may not have heard of! Here's what you'll discover in this episode... Even total nerds can weaponize their pocket protector... and you don't even need to go "tactical" with this common item that doubles as a simple self-defense tool! There are 2 things criminals fear: a targeted victim who fights back... and having you pull out this nifty gadget that will ruin their night! You may have heard the common saying, "2 is 1 - 1 is none"? Well this back-up gizmo can help you defeat a mugger AND get you rescued during a disaster! Can you guess my #1 favorite
MCS 132: Surviving When You're Stranded!
28/02/2017 Duration: 29minWe've all seen the news stories... ... family trapped in their car in the middle of a nowhere in a blizzard... the hunter who wandered off and wasn't found for days... or the child who got separated from the campsite and left behind panicked parents and teams of rescue workers. Being stranded in unfamiliar environments happens more than you may think. And you don't have to be in the "wilderness" for it to happen either. The question is, if you were dropped down in the middle of the woods... a desert... or even a foreign country gripped by civil unrest... ... could you survive and find your way to safety? You will after this week's interview with survival expert, Kevin Estela, as he shares his best strategies for mastering the skills you need to make it back home alive. Here's what you'll discover in this episode... The most common "stranded" scenarios no one thinks will ever happen to them... until it does! The 3 biggest mistakes "lost" people make that can drastically reduce your chances of being found al
MCS 131: Handgun Drill To Shoot Fast And Accurate
21/02/2017 Duration: 11minWant to INSTANTLY shoot faster and more accurate with your handgun? Yeah, stupid question, right? Well in dozens of conversations with expert firearm instructors, competition shooters, and elite soldiers, there's one single underlying factor that's critical they all agree on... ... and this week you'll discover not only what it is, but also how to train at home and at the live-fire range to shoot fast while still getting your rounds into your target. Now a word of warning here... No matter how many years you've trained with your firearm, try the little "self-test" you'll find at the beginning of this broadcast and see how you do. I can tell you that a LOT of shooters are training the wrong way at the range... and these "training scars" really can affect your ability to stop an attacker before he can harm you. Better to learn this lesson now - and train to overcome it - than to find out the hard way you've been doing it wrong all along, wouldn't you agree?
MCS 130: Modern Ninja Combatives
14/02/2017 Duration: 01h44minWe've all heard the legend of the ancient ninja - dark "shadow warriors" who served as agents, guardians, and mercenaries. Masters of the combative "arts" of infiltration, espionage, guerrilla warfare, and even assassination, the ninja possessed advanced fighting secrets that made them feared by their enemies. Seen by some today as nothing more than a great opportunity for a Halloween costume, the way of the Ninja is alive and well... and their secrets live on. In this episode (straight from the ISCQC archives), modern Ninjutsu trainer, Brian Stein, reveals how anyone can use modern versions of the Ninjas' teachings for everything from a fist fight at a bar... to surviving during a societal collapse. Here's what you'll discover in this episode... How to deliver massive power into ANY strike you throw (and no matter how big your attacker is!) "Ninja gun training"? Yes, you can apply these tactics to your own firearms training to become a better protector! Ancient weapons... with a modern twist! Ninja se
MCS 129: Mobile Ops Counter-Ambush Tactics
07/02/2017 Duration: 53minWhether you're a soldier on the battlefield... a security professional on detail... or a survivalist in a collapse environment, one of the most dangerous scenarios you will ever face is when you're in your vehicle and surrounded by hostiles. Every mile you travel is a wide-open opportunity for an ambush or mob attack. My buddy, Nate Seabrook, knows this as a fact... Traveling solo on a security detail in an undisclosed African hot-zone, his vehicle was stopped and attacked by a mob of 30-40 violent citizens intent on dragging him out of his vehicle to meet his fate. In this week's podcast episode, you'll hear his hair-raising story - and how he survived - along with his best "after action review" tactics to add to your own high-threat mobile planning! Here's what you'll discover in this episode... Little-known "mobile survival gear" you can pack in your vehicle that will help you survive a mob ambush! One modification to make to your vehicle's driver and passenger seat to make sure all your equipment is re
MCS 128: 3 New Bug-Out Bag Survival Gear Items
31/01/2017 Duration: 18minAs our listeners and readers know, I'm a HUGE fan of bug-out bags! As a matter of fact, whether you're 9 or 90, having a "go-bag" ready for a forced evacuation is a critical component of any survival gear plan. But most of the "fantasy prepper" crap you find online is just wasteful, heavy gear that can keep you from reaching your destination safely. As a continual "student" of survival, I'm always looking for new short-cuts and add-ons to my bag that can help me out in an emergency without taking up room or adding weight... ... and this week I want to let you know about 3 new "survival gear" items I just added to my own X-BOB tactical bag so you can copy my plan!
MCS 127: Low-Light Dry-Fire Training
24/01/2017 Duration: 14minThe FBI Crime Reports reveal that about 80% of all gunfights happen in low-light conditions. So let me ask you... Are YOU spending 80% of your firearms training focused on low-light tactics? Probably not... but it's not all your fault. Most local gun ranges don't allow for low-light training - added to all the other limitations that make your trip to the range more like "target practice" than real preparation for a life-or-death battle. But in this podcast episode, firearms trainer, Ox, reveals a simple drill you can do right in your own home to train for low-light defensive scenarios. Give this dry-fire training exercise a try and see how easy it can be to train realistically without an expensive trip to the gun range.
MCS 126: Top 5 Worthless Weapons
17/01/2017 Duration: 17minSome "expert advice" can actually get you KILLED! Take the topic of "weapons for personal and home defense" for example... Can you guess which "weapon" is supposedly even better than the option POLICE carry? Or the one that women are told will fend off a rapist... but could actually hurt her instead? And what about the "sound" that's so effective, it makes violent home invaders poop their pants? I'm on a personal mission to dispel these "tactical myths" once and for all with my "Top 5" worthless weapons for personal and home defense. I'm sure you have your own list of "weapons" you're sick of hearing about as well... so tell us your own rant on the blog!
MCS 125: 1 Simple Pistol Mod For Close-Combat
10/01/2017 Duration: 16minThere's obviously a difference between training with a static paper target at the range and quickly responding to a knife-wielding felon who's trapped you in a parking garage stairwell. The question is... Is YOUR handgun tricked out for the range? Or do you have it prepped for a no-warning criminal ambush? Well, in this week's podcast episode, you get a real-world lesson from the guys who know what it really takes to survive when you're relying on your skills AND your firearm to get you home at the end of the day. Military "hot zone" contractor, Nathan Seabrook is back from an overseas assignment to fill us in on 1 simple trick he learned from a "Delta" buddy about how to modify your weapon for faster target acquisition. And make no mistake... "Speed" is one of the most critical survivability factors you must master in a real gunfight. But your bullet has to hit your target for it to truly stop your attacker... ... and this simple trick could be the one thing that gets you home alive!
MCS 124: JKD Street Fighting Tactics
27/12/2016 Duration: 23minAs much as we talk sh*t about "martial arts" as a realistic approach to protecting yourself in a real street fight - the truth is there ARE many (many!) practical strategies that can help you survive. Take Bruce Lee's fighting system, Jeet Kune Do for example... Sure, Lee made those JKD moves look really bad-ass in his movies. But at only 5'7" and 141 lbs, Bruce Lee was a "little guy" who knew how to adapt techniques from several different fighting systems into something that didn't just look great on film... ...but would also allow you to crush any attacker in seconds in a real fight! This week, JKD expert instructor, Matt Numrich, gives us an insider's peek into exactly what moves will help you defeat even a bigger, stronger attacker... and how to add them to your own hand-to-hand arsenal TODAY! Here's what you'll discover in this week's episode... Why Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do fighting system has set itself apart from other martial arts as a reliable survival tool on today's violent streets! How to syste