Bullets, beans and band-aids baby! From defending against a home invasion to escaping and evading social chaos after a collapse, Modern Combat And Survival Magazine's podcast connects you with the most advanced firearms, urban survival tips, and close quarters combat tactics from the world's top experts. Subscribe to our survival magazine for free at
MCS 243: How To Be A Hard Target To Criminals
23/04/2019 Duration: 57minThe average street thug makes victimizing people his "job"... ... and he's good at it! Spotting an "easy target"... getting close... ambushing without warning... and using violence as a tool to gain money, power, or whatever other reason he may have to attack - these are skills he's fine-tuned time and time again. The only thing that's going to deter him is if you look like a "hard target" - the kind of person who appears (and "is") so dangerous that he'll avoid you at all costs, and move on to an easier mark. And making you THAT "dangerous" is exactly what this week's podcast episode is all about as I interview former top-bodyguard, Mike Gillette, on his best tactics. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: As the saying goes, "If you look like food... you WILL be eaten!"... and Mike shares the most fatal mistakes victims make that can actually ATTRACT violent criminals! How to overcome fear and self-doubt... while increasing your confidence in being able to protect you and those you love from
MCS 242 - "Impossible" Fire-Starting Hacks
16/04/2019 Duration: 34minAny schmoe can build a fire with some logs, a gallon of gasoline and a match... And any boy scout can build a fire with fewer tools... and a clear sky (or even a light sprinkle)... But what about when Mother Nature says, "F - YOU!" and doing everything she can to destroy your chances of turning that spark into a roaring bonfire with pouring rain and frigid temperatures? Now THAT takes some serious survival skills, wouldn't you say? Fortunately, for this week's podcast episode, I challenged survival author and expert, Kevin Estella, to give us his best fire-starting hacks for "impossible" scenarios. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The biggest mistakes most people make when trying to start a fire that will DESTROY your chances of ever getting a flame! Your personal "survival fire kit": The exact gear to pack for a no-fail fire-starting tool pack! Teepee style? Log cabin style? What's the best "stick structure" for starting a roaring fire FAST? Beating impossible odds: Getting a fla
MCS 241: Danger At The Door
09/04/2019 Duration: 34minHere's a quick quiz for you... You hear a knock at your door. You're most likely to open it if the person says: a. "I have a delivery I need you to sign for." b. "I'm so sorry. I just backed into your car outside." c. "I think I just hit a dog and I'm looking for the owner." While you may not feel that you'd open the door for ANY of these "stranger danger" lines, the reality is that most people WILL open the door to ALL of these creative ploys. Maybe that's why a home invader's #1 most targeted access point to invade your home ISN'T breaking into a window on the side of your house... or even your back door. The simplest and easiest way to ambush you and your family in your own home is right there... at your front door! That's why, in this week's podcast episode, we're going to make a determined stand to defeat them right then and there... with the tactics that will be shared with us by Jacob Paulsen of Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Critical steps you can take NOW to
MCS 240: Venezuela Collapse Lessons
02/04/2019 Duration: 40minIf you ever want to see what life is like in a post-apocalyptic world, look no further than Venezuela! With the collapse of this once thriving country's entire economy, a recent collapse of their electrical grid put the entire nation back to the Dark Ages. Starvation... chaos... looting... disease... death... Are these all just isolated to other countries that lack the resources we have in our "modern world"? Maybe not. In fact, in this week's podcast episode, "grid-down" expert, Jonathan Hollerman, returns to our show to share his personal insights into survival lessons we can all learn from Venezuela's crisis! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The TRUTH about the U.S. electrical grid! (C'mon... we can't REALLY be as vulnerable as some "3rd world country", right?) Venezuela vs. U.S.: A side-by-side comparison of what life would REALLY look like in a grid-down blackout! Little-known services and resources most people take for granted that could literally disappear OVERNIGHT with the c
MCS 239: 3 Vicious Groundfighting Tactics
26/03/2019 Duration: 28minGround fighting! It's one of the worst situations you could ever find yourself in when attacked in a real street fight. I mean, imagine a 280 lb. giant thug sitting on your chest as he pounds away at your head cushioned by nothing more than parking lot pavement. It's a setup for a quick trip to the local emergency room... or even the morgue! Fortunately, you don't have to become some mixed-martial arts expert to win on the ground. In fact, in this week's podcast episode, I'm going to reveal 3 simple tactics ANYONE can use in a brutal street groundfight to not only "survive"... but actually DEFEAT your attacker - even if they're bigger and stronger than you! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The dangers of the ground - what most people don't know about real street fights! 3 reasons why even most "martial artists" never train for groundfighting (and why even those who DO are going about it all WRONG!) An "illegal" fight move too vicious for even brutal "no-holds barred" mixed martial art
MCS 238: Top 5 Post-Shooting Mistakes
19/03/2019 Duration: 24minYou were attacked! Fortunately, you were prepared... you were trained... you pulled the trigger... you survived... you called 911 and help is on the way... ... but the danger doesn't stop there! All it takes is one little mistake for you to pay a hefty price for your choice to defend yourself - before, during, and even AFTER the police arrive. In this week's podcast episode, I'll share with you my "top 5" list of the most common blunders I've seen average citizens make after they were forced to pull the trigger... and found themselves on the wrong side of the law. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: How one citizen ran AWAY from his attacker... and then found himself in a courtroom defending his actions to escape! What to do when you shot an unarmed attacker! (Mistakes are often made... but you can make them even worse!) Sometimes it's not what you tell the police that can get you into trouble... it's what you tell your SELF! Are the responding police your "friends"? Your "enemy"? The
MCS 237: "Bullet Tips" From A Listener
12/03/2019 Duration: 17minBullets! Without 'em, that Master Blaster 5000 firearm is just a big 'ol paperweight, right? From personal defense to survival, there's a never-ending evolution of ammunition advancements in both actual ammo and gadgets to work WITH your ammo. In fact, for this week's podcast episode, I got permission from one of our New World Patriot Alliance members, George Perry, to share a few of his best discoveries in the area of ammunition that I've personally added to my own arsenal. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: A new kind of "expandable ammo"... that isn't hollow! (Could this be a better "man stopper" without the #1 downfall of the traditional expanding hollow points?) Got a Ruger 10-22 rifle? Live in a "gun-hating" state? Then you're gonna LOVE this handy "hub" gizmo that will get you back up to 30 rounds without breaking the law! A handy-dandy survival bullet "transmogrifier"! One gadget that transforms any .22 rimfire round into THREE different "mission-specific" bullets! I always say
MCS 236: Prison Predator Mind-Set
05/03/2019 Duration: 25minPrison! Arguably the most dangerous environment in the modern world, it's not only an everyday "battle zone" of gang beat-downs, rape, even murder... ... it's also a predator's ultimate "training academy", churning out more prepared, more effective, more deadly criminals that eventually head back out onto the streets to put their new-found skills into practice. The best way to defeat the criminal predators who are the product of this "higher education" is to know what they know about how they target - and attack - their victims. So for this week's podcast, I interviewed "felon-turned-fight expert", Jermaine Andre, to give us some in-depth insights into the criminal's mind-set... and how to beat them at their own game! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Why prison felons are laughing at "how stupid you are"... and how to turn their own joke right back on them! Predatory Targeting: What criminals look for when choosing their next victim! How to tell if you're dealing with a TRUE "prison-ed
235 - Who Is Jeff Anderson?
26/02/2019 Duration: 58minDon't worry... I really don't expect anyone other than my MOM to listen to this week's podcast episode. :-) But for anyone who's ever been a fan of what we do and wondered why the hell you would EVER want to listen to lil' ol' me for any kind of tactical or survival advice... well, here I am... unplugged, unedited, kimono wide-open! This week's podcast won't offer a lot of practical advice (so you won't hurt my feelings if you skip it), but WILL give you a personal insight into my past experience, my training, my family, and how I personally approach everything from self-defense to politics to eating bugs.
MCS 234: Economic Collapse Prepping
19/02/2019 Duration: 36minThe disturbing signs are all there... While the economy has been booming and unemployment has been low for the last several years, the potential warning signs of economic trouble could be seen on the horizon. The dollar faces an uncertain future in a turbulent international currency "chess game"... The national debt continues to skyrocket out of control (with no end in sight)... ... and Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, with less savings than ever before for "emergencies". Add in a heaping helping of "unpredictable President", and you have the potential for a spooked economic market that could either grow steadily... or crumble in an instant! This type of uncertainty requires careful planning (now) and for this week's podcast episode, I talk with Kimberly Amadeo, a brilliant economic analyst with a knack for explaining complicated threat indicators that even a knucklehead like ME can understand! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The "state of the dollar"? (Spoiler Alert: Things are
MCS 233: The Survivalist Sniper
12/02/2019 Duration: 23minQuestion... What do you think of when I say the word, "sniper"? If you're like most people, you get that mental image of a soldier covered in a camouflage "ghillie suit" ready to pull the trigger on an enemy combatant... a tactical SWAT marksman ready to end a hostage-taker's stand-off... or a clandestine spy positioned in a window, about to completely disrupt some country's political system with a single bullet. But while YOU may not be some state-sponsored covert assassin, have you ever thought about why you SHOULD consider becoming a "sniper"? If that makes you scratch your head a little, then stand by because in this week's podcast episode I'm going to share with you 5 reasons every survivalist needs "sniper training"... AND the fastest and easiest way to acquire these skills! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Beyond the trigger: Why "shooting" is the easiest part of being a sniper... and the critical OTHER 90% that separates the winners from the losers! Why you DON'T even need a rifl
MCS 232 - Open-Eyed Shooting Tactics *REPLAY*
05/02/2019 Duration: 28min*Due To Illness, Please Enjoy This Top-Rated Podcast Replay* It's a sad, sad fact... Much of the firearm skills being taught today (and widely practiced at local gun ranges all across the country) won't hold up when you're faced with a real life-or-death gun battle in tight quarters... a dark parking lot... or under the florescent lights of a convenience store at one in the morning. Just ONE of these skills is the "single-eyed sighting" that 99% of all shooters practice. In this week's podcast episode, former Navy SEAL trainer, Chris Sajnog, reveals his close-quarters shooting tactics and a strange method for using BOTH eyes to accurately engage your target. I've been using this weird trick for over 30 years with my M-16/AR-15 and with my handgun for the last 10 years or so. It just WORKS... and I urge you to try this out yourself using Chris's step-by-step techniques! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: What Navy SEALs know about the "combat reality" of a gunfight (that you don't?) Why tr
MCS 231: The CCW "Extra Ammo" Debate
29/01/2019 Duration: 18minThe statistics don't lie... According to real gunfight reports, the average number of shots fired in a self-defense shooting is only about 4 bullets! So why then do "tactical gurus" say you should carry an extra magazine (or speedloader) of ammunition on you for your concealed handgun? I mean, even if you live in California, that 10-round limit is more than TWICE what the average person would need to defend him/herself. Hell... even if you're an old-timer with a "wheel gun", that revolver holds more than you'll need, right?! (No hate mail for my "old-timer" reference please. I'm in my 50's and carry a .357 "gom" revolver myself. :-) hahaha In this week's podcast episode, I'll personally tackle this debate with a reality-check every gun owner needs to consider. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: How criminals REALLY attack! (Hint: It's not always the way you're training for down at the range!) Are you overestimating your skills... your "mind-set"... AND your weapon? Compare your current tac
MCS 230: Q&A On Bug-Out Triggers And Threats
22/01/2019 Duration: 31minIt's almost as important as "what" you would take with you should you be forced to evacuate due to a disaster or other crisis... ... it's "when" you should leave! Why? Because if you choose the wrong moment, you could find yourself trapped with all the other (less-prepared) evacuees in one big giant "highway mess". NOT where you want to be when cars are stalled in the middle of the road... with angry, frustrated citizens just looking for some schmuck to take their temper out on. One of our New World Patriot Alliance members, Jim, had a question very specific to his geographical location and the threats he might face on the way to his "Plan B" safety retreat. His question - and a summary of my tips - are all coming up in this week's podcast episode... Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The one factor that's even MORE important than your "survival plan"! (Unfortunately, it's the same factor that most people - even "preppers" - ignore at their own peril!) Jim already answered the question of
MCS 229: The CIA Bugout Bag
15/01/2019 Duration: 28minYou've probably figured this out by now... ... I'm a "bugout bag junkie"! There's a reason that the bugout bag serves as the core pillar of any serious survivalist's emergency plan... It contains all the supplies you'll need to face a short-term crisis, whether you're surviving in place or evacuating to a safer location. And one of my favorite research tasks is to find out what other survival trainers are doing with their bugout bags based on their own personal backgrounds and experience. That's why, for this week's podcast episode, I called up my friend (and former CIA "spy") Jason Hanson to get a peek into what he packs in his own bag. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Key components to look for when picking out the perfect bugout bag! What types of "survival food" you should consider packing in your bag for short- and longer-term nourishment! A secret trick to pull clean, drinkable water out of a 1/4" mud puddle! Escape & evasion! Gadgets and gizmos to avoid society's predators
MCS 228: The CQC "Contact Shot"
08/01/2019 Duration: 26minThis is one of THE most critical gunfighting skills... ... yet hardly ANYONE who owns a firearm understands its true power! Even worse, those who DO, are getting it all WRONG! I'm talking about the "contact shot" - that "muzzle-to-body" blast that does double-damage to your attacker! In a close-quarters attack, the contact shot can save your life like no other shooting tactic can. But... if you get it wrong, your trusty handgun will be as worthless as a paperweight! In this week's podcast episode, I'll give you a quick "crash course" on the REAL way to master this critical gunfighting skill NOW! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: 4 scenarios where the "contact shot" is the ONLY practical response to a violent attack! Which firearm is "best" for a contact shot: Semi-auto or revolver? (The pros & cons may surprise you!) The "Mattress Test" to check your current weapon's ability to save your life in a close-quarters ambush! A critical consideration for keeping your pistol "in battery"
MCS 227: Home Invasion Lessons
01/01/2019 Duration: 32min"They came to do some bad things to my wife and me." Those were the direct words of a VP of the NRA after he and his wife were attacked by 3 masked, well-armed home invaders. Their plan? Take Richard and his wife hostage... demand their valuables... and God only knows what else! Fortunately, Childress had a firearm... and he knew how to USE it to save his and his wife's lives. Or DID he know how to "use" it? Their gripping tale - and 9 lessons you should learn from it - are the topic of this week's podcast episode... Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The step-by-step home defense tactics Childress used to repel 3 violent home-invaders armed with rifles and a shotgun! Evaluating your current security measures... and the one piece of inexpensive equipment that can give you peace of mind even AFTER a violent attack! My "Spandex Doctrine" warning for defending your castle! The very 1st mistake Childress made in his response - and then the 2nd... then the 3rd... then why he and his wife w
MCS 226: A Quick Extreme Cold Weather Survival Hack
25/12/2018 Duration: 24minI'm no stranger to surviving in extreme cold weather... As a member of the very first unit reactivated from the WWII's 10th Mountain Division, we basically lived in "arctic conditions" 3-4 months out of the year! AND... as a "forward observer", there were times when it was just little 'ol me and one other soldier in the middle of the snowy woods for extended periods of time - and building a fire is a big no-no when you're training for combat. The only gear we had to survive and stay warm was inside our backpack. That's why I felt confident in MY side of a debate I had this week with a friend of mine when it comes to surviving extreme cold weather scenarios. And in this week's podcast, I'll share with you the 4 "super-small" pieces of survival gear to stay alive in -20 below (and beyond!) cold weather. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: "Spooning with a hairy grunt"... and other stories from the military archives of my brain! Why a tent and sleeping bag should (almost) NEVER be on your surv
MCS 225: Prepper Defense Gear For A SHTF Collapse
18/12/2018 Duration: 33minCan you feel that "something" is coming? More than ever, we're polarized as a nation and the prospects of coming together to face shared challenges in the future lies somewhere between "slim" and "none". Maybe that's why 31% of polled Americans believe that there will be another domestic Civil War within the next 5 years! If they're right (or even if a wide-scale collapse demolishes "rule of law") and your neighborhood transforms into a virtual "war zones", it will be up to YOU to protect yourself and those you love from the battle that wages outside your front door. Should that happen, you'll need all the knowledge, skills, allies, and gear you can muster to gain the tactical advantage. Fortunately, Chad Cooper is back for this week's podcast episode to lay out yet another of his "Top 5" suggestions for "prepper defense gear" you should consider! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: "Coconut protection": How the military has advanced their gear design for preventing head injuries... and why y
MCS 224: Advanced Dry-Fire Tips
11/12/2018 Duration: 31minAdmit it... You're not getting to the gun range as much as you "should be", am I right? Hey, I get it... life is busy and who wants to wait in line down at the gun range for the chance to shell out some major bucks for a live-fire lane, ammo, and targets, eh? Well, I hate to break it to you but I learned in the military that the "maximum effective range" of an excuse is 0.0 meters! Fortunately, you can get (almost) all the training you need in your own home using dry-fire drills - and I promise it will be more fun (and more effective!) than your best day at the range. At least it will be after you listen to this week's podcast episode where Sgt. Nick Rians shares his best "at home dry-fire tips" for you to use right away! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Stop the procrastination! Here's how to make dry-fire training a regular practice! How to transform ANY room in your home into your own personal "dry-fire tactical range"! Several ways to make your handgun training as realistic as poss