Modern Combat & Survival - The Patriot's Guide To Tactical Firearms - Urban Survival - And Close Quarters Combat Training

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 184:03:21
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Bullets, beans and band-aids baby! From defending against a home invasion to escaping and evading social chaos after a collapse, Modern Combat And Survival Magazine's podcast connects you with the most advanced firearms, urban survival tips, and close quarters combat tactics from the world's top experts. Subscribe to our survival magazine for free at


  • MCS 27: Pandemic Survival With Mike Adams

    10/02/2015 Duration: 35min

    Even the government agencies in charge of protecting our population admit that we're long overdue for a devastating pandemic disease that could wipe out a large number of people. When that happens, it will stretch our healthcare system beyond capacity and the only healthcare your family may be able to depend on is you and your knowledge of what to do next. That's a tough spot to be in when you don't know what to look for and how to response in a diseased environment - so we asked Mike Adams of Natural News to help show us the way. Here's what you'll discover in this week's broadcast... The truth about a deadly pandemic that normal "sheeple" will never know... and what they'll see out their window when it's too late. The 3 most common myths the public has about how to respond to a disease outbreak (DON'T fall for these!) The 6-phases of a pandemic outbreak... and the specific actions you should take once we hit "Stage 4 & 5". Why hospitals are the WORST place to be during a pandemic... and how to te

  • MCS 26: Street Fight Combatives With Jeff Anderson

    03/02/2015 Duration: 41min

    When it comes to real street violence - an attack that forces you to defend yourself against a bigger, stronger, more experienced attacker - you can't rely on complicated "martial arts" moves. You gotta get "plumb mad dog mean" and nasty - and have a bag of "dirty tricks" that will end the fight fast and emerge the victor... and alive! You're about to get that bag of dirty tricks as combatives trainer, Jeff Anderson, shares the 5 most devastating "street strikes" that anyone can master quickly. Here's what you'll discover in this week's broadcast... Is "punching" effective in a real street fight? If you get a lucky shot in, it is.  But there are other dangers of punching... and one easier solution that's even more powerful! "Illegal fight moves" - a shockingly simple tactic so brutal they're not even allowed in those no-holds barred cage matches! The "kicking myth"... and the super simple solution for knocking a bigger man down to size without having to practice doing splits. Larger attackers! The #1 f

  • MCS Friday Reload: Week Of Jan 26, 2015

    30/01/2015 Duration: 19min

    In this week's Re-Load, we do a quick recap of the week's news and blog posts, including... Survival Skills For Children? See How This 7 Y.O. Girl Survived A Plane Crash… Tactical Handgun Training “Fantasy Camps” Vs. Real-World Armed Attacks Armed Vehicle Combatives With Craig Douglas 3 Brutal Home Defense Truths You Must Know To Survive A Home Invasion And MORE! Lots to talk about!

  • MCS 25: Armed Vehicle Combatives With Craig Douglas

    27/01/2015 Duration: 17min

    When it comes to being prepared to defend yourself and your loved ones with a firearm, you must be trained for any threat scenario you may encounter. And when it comes to the real-world dangers you face in an ATM robbery... parking lot hold-up... or carjacking, that means that you must master the tactics needed to survive this scenario. This type of training is hard to come by which is why we were so excited to get tactical firearms expert, Craig Douglas, in this week's broadcast to give us some awesome tips! Here's what's in store for you in this week's broadcast... The most critical threats you face on the street when it comes to vehicle combatives scenarios! Key factors in preventing yourself from getting attacked when in your car (master these and you'll never have to trade bullets with an armed criminal)! The #1 mistake most people make (even experienced "gun gurus") when it comes to using your vehicle as protective cover in a gunfight! How to protect your spouse and children in the middle of a sh

  • MCS 24: Survival Gear For Any Crisis

    20/01/2015 Duration: 36min

    Making sure you have the best survival gear to prepare for any disaster, crisis or attack means a hell of a lot more than just packing a bugout bag and an AR-15. In fact, there are 7 specific factors you absolutely MUST account for to be fully prepared. In this special broadcast, MCS Mag Editor, Jeff Anderson, shares his personal views on how to properly "layer" your survival gear for maximum effectiveness. Here's what's in store for you in this week's broadcast... The absoluste most critical category of survival gear that trumps all other preps hands down! (Hint: It may be the only gear you ever get to use!) Bugout bag secrets! What the "experts" don't know because they've never actually had to live out of a bag in a hot zone. The "Tactical Murse" - why women aren't the only ones who need to carry around an extra bag for their gizmos. Why you must think "outside the home" when preparing for disaster. (This is where most survivalists get lost!) Personal defense weapons! How to protect yourself and th

  • MCS 23: Snub-Nose Revolver Secrets With Michael DeBethencourt

    13/01/2015 Duration: 34min

    If you're a "bigger is better" class of gun-owner, then you may be missing out on the big stopping power available in probably the most overlooked weapon you should consider adding to your personal defense arsenal... ... the snubbie! Fortunately, snubs have a vocal (and hilarious!) advocate in my good friend, Michael DeBethencourt, who has made it his mission to convert responsibly-armed citizens to the serious life-saving potential these little pipsqueeks can offer you. Here's what's in store for you in this week's broadcast... Why the snub-nose revolver has a distinct advantage (yes... ADVANTAGE!) over many other personal defense firearms. The 3 most important features to look for when choosing a snubbie for concealed carry! Critical factors in doing a rapid re-load of your wheelgun in the middle of an adrenalized gunfight! How to maximize the snub-nose revolver's stopping power with the right ammunition! Close-quarters gunfighting! Real-world tactics for putting the snubbie into action during an a

  • MCS Friday Reload: Week Of Jan 5, 2015

    10/01/2015 Duration: 42min

    In this week's recap we travel back to North Korea (who seems to be getting the last laugh on what turned out to be a ho-hum movie scare). Plus, this week's blog review, including... Counter-surveillance tactics! They're not just for spies anymore - as one fateful home invasion should show you loud and clear. "STOP! Or I'll shoot!"  Saying those words don't justify your legal defense - and one Indiana man found out the hard way that fleeing attackers can be just as dangerous to your family's future than one in your home. Bug-out food! What to stick in your go-bag for when it's time to get out of Dodge. Keeping your guns "off the grid". Yes, it's possible... IF you follow these 3 tips! And MORE! Lots to talk about!

  • MCS 22: Best Bug-Out Survival Food With Jeff Anderson

    06/01/2015 Duration: 27min

    Ok, so your secret lair is stocked to the ceiling with Spam and instant mashed potatoes. But if you're forced to bug-out to a safe location due to a disaster headed your way, do you know the best survival food to put in your go-bag? Everyone has their opinions... but our MCS Mag Editor, Jeff Anderson never likes to follow the Golden Horde! This week's it's time to tune into his controversial rants that may fly in the face of popular advice. You decide if he's a lunatic or a genius! Here's what's in store for you in this week's broadcast... The 3 biggest mistakes most preppers make when it comes to choosing their survival food that could leave you hungry in a forced bug-out scenario! A step-by-step checklist of exactly what you need to look at when evaluting what type of food to add to your go-bag! (Jeff really draws on his experience as a fitness consultant for this one!) A virtual "shopping list" for what to pick up the next time you're at the grocery store... and then run straight to your bugout bag an

  • MCS 21: Bug-Out Bicycle Secrets With Scott Williams

    30/12/2014 Duration: 21min

    Forget your armor-plated Hummer! Thanks to these great "bug-out bike" secrets from survival author, Scott Wiliams, I'll be peddling my way to the safe-zone long after you and your cammo'd up kiddos are sitting on the side of the road with an empty gas tank. Want to join the "Tour de Force"? Then get ready to add this critical (and often overlooked) layer of alternative transportation into your evacuation plan as you discover... Why a bicycle could just be the ultimate survival vehicle when the world crumbles around you! How to incorporate a bike into a comprehensive evacuation plan... and when to make it your primary means of transportation! The exact type of bike you want to look for to get you to safety quick (Hint: It's NOT what most people are using!) The absolute WORST way to load up your survival gear when you have to pedal to your secondary safe-zone... and the right way to transport your resources. Special gear to look for that will help make your bicycle bug-out 10x easier and faster than ho

  • MCS 20: Defeating The Government Surveillance State With Frank Ahearn

    23/12/2014 Duration: 27min

    Ever feel like you're being watched? Guess what... you are! Thanks to whistleblowers like Snowden, Binney, Drake, and Wiebe, the American public is waking up to the fact that our own government intelligence agencies have been spying on us. But how deep does the surveillance state go to dig into your personal life? And what can you do to stop them? Actually a lot... and privacy expert, Frank Ahearn, will show you the critical steps you can take right now to take back control of your personal information and how much of it Big Brother gets to see! Here's what you'll discover in this week's broadcast: The 3 biggest mistakes most Americans make in their everyday life that could be opening up their personal life for everyone to see! The best way to prevent the NSA, CIA, FBI and other "shadow agency hackers" from sticking their nose into your private information! Why your geographical footprint could be labeling you as a "domestic terrorist"... and what you can do about it now! How to create a "good guy clon

  • MCS Friday Reload: Week Of Dec 15, 2014

    19/12/2014 Duration: 42min

    Were we the first to warn of North Korea's sinister plans to battle the U.S. on our own soil? Well... um... no... but we DID keep them front and center in our Reload podcasts to keep them on the radar by highlighting their butt-ugly cammo uniforms and Jeff's aleged romance with the evil dictator leader (it's all a lie!!!) Jeff and Buck take on North Korea and more in this week's recap of our blog posts and  news. Here's what we have in store for you this week... Cyber War on the horizon? Is this a serious threat and are we now facing extinction at the hands of any tech-savvy 12 year old hacker operating out of his parents' basement? Survival weapons!  What's the best survival caliber for your apocalypse arsenal? Community defense! Recent news about citizens in action coming to the (armed) aid of their neighbors during a "collapse". Survival Hunting: How to get a 1-shot kill when bagging food for your family! Knife fighting tactics! It's time to wake up... and take action!

  • MCS 19: Survival Team Defense Planning With Pat Henry

    16/12/2014 Duration: 39min

    When the wolves are circling for the attack, the sheep have a better chance at surviving when the flock is huddled together with the rams on guard. Likewise, when the world around you has broken down into civil unrest, banding together with a well-trained (and armed!) community defense team could protect you from the predators of our society. But how should you pick out your team and what's the best way to prepare your battle plan for a collapse? Fortunately, Pat Henry has already done the planning... and was willing to share his secrets with our listeners! Here's what you'll discover in this week's broadcast: Why hunkering down with your AR-15 and a "Looters Will Be Shot" sign may not be your best option against the anarchist hordes outside your home's walls. How to choose the "warriors" among your fellow citizens who you can count on to have your back if the bullets start flying (without coming off like the town whacko)! The right way to view your local community from a "tactical" perspective. (This ex

  • MCS 18: Handgun Accuracy Secrets With Ox

    09/12/2014 Duration: 26min

    It was Michael Janich & Col. Rex Applegate who coined the phrase... ..."Bullseyes don't shoot back"! But when your adrenaline is pumping and your heart is in your throat, that's not always an easy thing to do, no matter how simple it may seem down at the gun range. In the end,  your mind will betray you and your training will take over. Which is why I was so excited to get my buddy, "Ox" on the line to share some of his best "dry-fire training tips" for our listeners. In this podcast, you'll pick up some great tips you can use right away to become a faster, more accurate shooter - even under stress! Here's what you'll discover when you listen in: A unique way to tell whether a gun (any gun) is designed to fit the way you'll naturally respond in a shootout! The single biggest mistake even veteran shooters make that robs them of dead-eye accuracy (and how to fix it fast)! The right way to use "dry-fire exercises" to get your shot-groups super tight (with a step-by-step drill you can do right now!) Ho

  • MCS Friday Reload: Week Of Dec 1, 2014

    05/12/2014 Duration: 45min

    Jeff & Buck take on the police state all by themselves! Well, not really... but they sure do have their opinions about all the recent protests and police abuse stories in the news lately... and more importantly... the hidden ways it could actually affect YOU and how you respond to criminals. Listen in to find out why... Here's what we have in store for you this week... The untold story of Darren Wilson and why media coverage should be your wake-up call to how the public could view you in a self-defense shooting. NYC police over-reach. Are we seeing a new trend?  Or are we just now opening our eyes? No hesitation!  Is today's cop being hardwired to blast away pregnant moms and innocent kids? It's time to wake up... and take action!

  • MCS 17: Handgun Stopping Power Secrets With Peyton Quinn

    02/12/2014 Duration: 24min

    Stopping an attacker with a firearm is about much more than just buying a big gun and stuffing it full of big bullets. In fact, our guest in this week's podcast was hired specifically to test conventional thinking and prove once and for all how certain guns and bullets can work together to save your life in a real-life shootout. In this podcast, you'll need an open mind to evaluate your own personal defense arsenal to see how it stands up to the science. Here's a look at what we have in store for you: The little-known difference betweek "killing power" and "stopping power" when it comes to your gun's performance (and why it matters)! The most important factors you need to evaluate when choosing the caliber of your personal defense firearm (despite what the macho gun guru's behind the Cabella's counter might tell you). Why the length of your gun's barrel can drastically determine your firearm's true stopping power no matter what bullet you're feeding it! "Center mass"? "Head shot"? What's the most effective t

  • MCS 16: Emergency Air With FJ Bohan

    25/11/2014 Duration: 40min

    Without clean, breathable air, you'll be DEAD in 3 minutes! That's one of the bottom line survival facts every true prepper knows in "The Law Of 3's"... yet it's also the most often ignored. Face it... most shelter-in-place plans tell you how to store food and water but fail miserably at showing you how to make sure you and your family have fresh clean air - especially if the threat you face is a pandemic-ridden environment. In this podcast, you'll see for yourself how to fill in this gap in your survival plan and ensure your survival while others are desperate for life-giving oxygen Here's a look at what we have in store for you: The "No B.S." threats you MUST be aware of that could trigger you to hunker down in an air-lock chamber in order to survive! Why FEMA's advice to simply seal yourself off from the outdoors when pathogens and contaminants are seeping into your home is literally threatening your life (you could be dead before the toxins even reach you if you follow their instructions)! The simple 3-s

  • MCS Friday Reload | Week Of Nov 17, 2014

    22/11/2014 Duration: 24min

    Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Jeff was bagged and tagged and thrown in the trunk of a car to be escorted to a safehouse in the middle of Austin.  Will he be seen again?  Who cares?! He'll have to escape handcuffs... pick locks... negotiate with locals... and evade trackers to escape from the city and I'm not holding out any hope for him. I, "Buck The Conquerer", am in charge now! (Seriously... Jeff is doing an "urban escape & evasion" course in Austin and will be back next week, so it's all little ol' me this week folks!) Let's have some fun!

  • MCS 15: Zombie Defense With Jake Sepulveda

    18/11/2014 Duration: 24min

    Who says the undead have nothing to teach us? Despite the fantasy aspect of the zombie apocalypse threat, there's actually a lot you can learn from the survival scenarios depicted in zombie movies, shows, and books... if you're paying attention. In this podcast, you'll discover real-world survival tactics you can learn from the "zombie defense squad" that could protect you in a collapse. Here's a look at what we have in store for you: The 5 types of "zombies" that you could bump into on your way to the TEOTWAWKI supermaket! Zombie weapons for your own personal collapse arsenal! (Bash their brains before they eat yours!) How to avoid detection not only from the "walking dead", but from looters, beggars, and government  henchmen on a FEMA round-up run! Pandemic viruses, toxic exposure, and avoiding the "infected" in a post-collapse wasteland! Do you watch "The Walking Dead"? Check out our real-world survival tactics from Rick, Daryl and the gang! If you wake up one morning with a walker chewing on your eyebal

  • MCS Friday Reload | Week Of Nov 11, 2014

    14/11/2014 Duration: 35min

    Uh-oh! The MCS Tech Samurai done got the Ebolas! Are Jeff & Buck worried? Nah... Google's got our back! Check out... The little-known self-defense move that will shatter any dude's face like a cannonball blast! Yet another really cool "do-it-yourself" project for your survival food storage! Super sneaky gunfighting tricks! Concealed carry handgun technique for when you're out with your spouse... and get ambushed! Join the drama and become part of the solution - not the cause! And if you like what you hear, PLEASE continue those 5-star ***** ratings in iTunes so we can spread the word about our channel, ok? We need your help to build the buzz!

  • MCS 14: Half-Second Gunfight Tricks With Tony Walker

    11/11/2014 Duration: 23min

    It's not seconds that count in a life-or-death gunfight... it's SPLIT-SECONDS! Your ability to survive a real attack where you're armed and ambushed lies in your ability to get your finger on the trigger before your attacker even knows he's targeted the wrong victim. In this podcast, you'll discover the sneaky tricks to gaining that critical "half-second advantage" that could be the one thing you need to get home to your family safe and sound... and send some scumbag straight to the hospital on his way to prison. Here's what you'll discover when you listen in: The anatomy of a real life-or-death gunfight... and why your survivability is already pitting you against the odds. Home invasion! It's your turf, but a violent ambush can overwhelm even the most  fortified castle and the tactics Tony shares will give you back control when you need it most. Jedi mind tricks to mentally disarm an attacker long enough for you to quickly get to Ol' Betsy and turn the tables on him before he even knows what hit him! How to

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