Modern Combat & Survival - The Patriot's Guide To Tactical Firearms - Urban Survival - And Close Quarters Combat Training

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 184:03:21
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Bullets, beans and band-aids baby! From defending against a home invasion to escaping and evading social chaos after a collapse, Modern Combat And Survival Magazine's podcast connects you with the most advanced firearms, urban survival tips, and close quarters combat tactics from the world's top experts. Subscribe to our survival magazine for free at


  • MCS 83: (In-Car Podcast) Living With A Non-Prepping Spouse

    15/03/2016 Duration: 07min

    Are you married or dating someone who DOESN'T share your love for firearms, survival, or self-defense training? Well, you're not alone... In a recent survey, "living with a non-prepping spouse" was identified as one of the top three challenges for those of us living a tactical lifestyle. And I speak from experience! So let me share with you my simple 3-step "no divorce" approach to living with your partner no matter how "wrong" they may be.

  • MCS 82: Rock Star Survival Team Lessons

    08/03/2016 Duration: 08min

    Come take a drive with me... I was in my car thinking long and hard about my last broadcast with Jim Cobb on choosing the right members of your survival team. It reminded me of a recent school outing I was on with my son as well as a plane trip we took where we got a LOT of attention (the GOOD kind!). What do our travels have to do with survival teams? Turns out, a lot! Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... Why you shouldn't be deceived into believing a "rock star status" of the potential recruits for your survival team! How to choose the proper "skill sets" of the prospective members of your group! How to assess what you really suck at... and what to do about it!) Facing a long-term disaster, collapse, or attack by yourself is a tricky battlefield - on that you're better off dealing with as a well chosen... trained... and prepared group. These three survival team lessons will give you some keen insights into some critical steps.

  • MCS 81: Choosing Your Survival Team With Jim Cobb

    01/03/2016 Duration: 39min

    We often talk about the value of facing a crisis or collapse as a member of a survival team or Mutual Assistance Group. This is what allows you to pull together the resources and skills of your fellow team members in order to face challenges (potentially even violence!) as a unified force. But this takes the right team members and if you end up recruiting the wrong group, it could lead to social conflict and potentially even threaten your survival during a time when you need everyone’s cooperation and skills. So how DO you determine if you have the right team PRIOR to a critical trigger-event that puts your team into action so you don’t find out the hard way that there’s going to be trouble? Well, survival expert, Jim Cobb, shares his tips for vetting your survival team recruits to filter out the best candidates while avoiding the "future problems". Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... A run down of the many threats you could face by making the wrong choices for who makes your survival team rost

  • MCS 80: Water Survival Secrets

    23/02/2016 Duration: 28min

    Let's face it... we take clean, drinkable water for granted, don't we? Well, that is until a disaster hits - knocking out water treatment plants and flooding our water resources with brown sewage, chemicals, and fuels like we've seen during Hurricane Katrina. And then there's the idiotic spills and bungled bureaucracies each year that lead to drinking water contamination - sometimes without residents even realizing it until it's too late. So what do you do when your water turns to "brown goo"? Well, this week's expert, Glenn Meder, reveals several ways to provide your family with crystal clear water while others are in the water lines, begging for bottled water handouts. Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... The real threats to your drinking water supply (that you may not even see coming!) How much water should you plan for in a crisis? The right way to store water for an emergency! The pros and cons of the various survival water purification methods! The #1 best way (ever!) to generate y

  • MCS 79: Snowmageddon Survival With Tony Nester

    16/02/2016 Duration: 30min

    A sudden snowfall or blizzard can paralyze a city and make travel by vehicle a life-or-death venture. Each year, people become trapped in their cars in the middle of nowhere in a storm - and many make mistakes that lead to death because they weren't prepared. Are you? If you were swallowed up by a blizzard and trapped in your car with no help on the way, would you know what to do to survive? You will after this week's broadcast as survival expert, Tony Nester, reveals simple strategies for planning ahead as well as "during the storm" tactics to get out alive! Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... No need to build an igloo! Tony reveals how to transform any vehicle into a snug and cozy "2nd home" while you wait for help to arrive. Little-known secrets for staying hydrated when your water reserves run dry! Exactly what food to store in your vehicle NOW so you can keep up your energy and warmth where others would starve in solitude. Life-or-death mistakes "victims" make when stuck in a snow ba

  • MCS 78: Extreme Fight Moves With Russell Stutely

    09/02/2016 Duration: 30min

    When it comes to hand to hand combat, there are a ton of different fighting systems out there to choose from. But which martial art is the best for defeating any man in a real "life or death" street fight? Without getting into a “my master can beat up your master” debate, the TRUTH is that the best fighting style is the one YOU personally can use effectively when your life is on the line and borrowing from ALL of the systems is - in many instructors’ opinions - the best approach to learning how to fight. Essentially that means taking the most extreme fight moves from a variety of combatives system and mastering each one to create a virtual “arsenal” of body weapons you can use for any scenario you may find yourself in. So then, which techniques DO have true “street application” that you should look at adding to your self-protection plan? Well, this week's guest expert, Russell Stutely, has trained in nearly EVERY martial art on the planet - and developed his own “short-list” of street-proven fight-enders. Her

  • MCS 77: Shooting On The Move With Omari Broussard

    02/02/2016 Duration: 50min

    Real gunfights aren't anything like your local gun range! Unlike the static, relaxed "lanes" you're used to firing on, real attacks are dynamic and EVERYTHING will be in motion... ... your attacker will be charging... family or bystanders will be running for cover... and instead of standing there in your perfect "isosceles stance" engaging the threat... ...YOU too will be on the move! Or at least you'd better be if you want to survive! But is it really possible to engage an attacker effectively with your firearm while you're in motion? This week's special expert, Omari Broussard, says "Hell yeah!"... and reveals his best tips for how you can master this critical "combat focus" skill - even in your own home! Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... Challenging the skeptics: Why even so-called "tactical" live-fire schools could be setting you up to fail in a real gunfight! Navigating obstacles on the run! How to "read" your surroundings... and even prepare for a worst-case face-plant into the paveme

  • MCS 76: Hot-Zone Survival With Nathan Seabrook

    26/01/2016 Duration: 48min

    What if wide-scale collapse gripped our country? Without rule-of-law, your town could quickly transform into something that MORE resembles a 3rd world territory run by gangs, warlords and militia groups than the Mayberry, USA you were used to before everything crumbled around you. You and your family could get lost in that shuffle - or worse, ground underfoot by the heavy-handed tactics employed by all those around you - UNLESS you know how to read the lay of the land… live in the midst of unofficial area “warlords”… and learn how to play by the “new rules” to get things done and keep you and your family alive. In a 'hot-zone" landscape, only you, your wits, and your weapons make it possible for you and those you protect to survive. That's why I was so excited to get pro security contractor, Nathan Seabrook, on this week's broadcast to snag his real-world lessons to help teach military, civilians, survivalists, and patriots about dealing with the chaos following a collapse! Here's what you'll find in this wee

  • MCS 75: The DIY Nuclear Fallout Shelter

    19/01/2016 Duration: 47min

    No, the specter of nuclear war is NOT over! The threat of a nuclear disaster is very real and it wasn’t so long ago that building nuclear fallout shelters was all the rage. (I still remember the "duck and cover" drills in my grade school classroom!) But can the Average Joe & Jane, REALLY do something to protect themselves from the effects of a nuclear disaster? This week I spoke with our favorite "strategic location" expert, Joel Skousen, about the practicality of a nuclear threat scenario... and how to build your own "fallout shelter" to protect yourself and those you love! Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... Why building your own fallout shelter does NOT place you in with the "tin foil hat crowd"... and the no b.s. truth about the threat we face from a nuclear incident. How to select the best location for a simple shelter that doesn't require you to dig a giant cavern in your backyard (and convince your neighbors it's really for a "pool"!) Materials you'll need and a briefing on how to

  • MCS 74: 1-Strike Knockouts

    12/01/2016 Duration: 46min

    The 1-strike knockout! It might surprise you to know that being able to dish out a one-strike fight-finisher isn't just for the well-trained boxer or MMA fighter. In fact, in a real street fight, your ability to quickly end the attack before you get tired out or overtaken could decide your fate. But is a one-strike knockout just a "lucky punch"?  Or a "scientific superpower" that anyone can master? Reality-based self-defense guru, Peyton Quinn, has some first-hand experience with that answer - and can make one-strike knockouts a reality for YOU as well... Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... The "anatomy of a knockout"!  No fancy-schmancy biology lessons to learn here... just plain-talk body dynamics to lay a foundation for your awesome 1-strike skill set! "Boxer knockouts": Why and how they work!  This common crowd-pleaser is something expert boxers know and train for. Now their secret is yours! The brain-rattling secret of a deep South evangelist minister that could make ANYONE a believer

  • MCS 73: Fit-To-Fight Secrets

    05/01/2016 Duration: 45min

    Have a little more "pudge" around the midsection than you'd like? Do you cringe at what the doctor might tell you at your next annual physical? Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life in the next 12 weeks? Well look no further than the world's most time-tested and proven fitness program... the one used by our U.S. military to get in "fit-to-fight" shape as fast as humanly possible! Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... Why the military's fitness program was proven to be 288% more effective than "traditional" programs for building muscle and burning fat... at the same time! 3 key factors used by every military unit that will transform your body into a lean, mean fighting machine! How to "time" your workouts the right way to take advantage of your body's natural "metabolic surge potential"! Diets don't work!  But try these 3 simple "cheat options" and see how you can eat whatever you want and STILL burn off that unwanted blubber at breakneck speed! The #1 secret to avoiding the

  • MCS 72: Clinch-Range Gunfighting With "Southnarc" Craig Douglas

    29/12/2015 Duration: 31min

    Be honest... Is your firearms training realistic for how you'll really be attacked in the street? Violently... with no warning... and in the tight space between cars in a parking lot? If you're like most people, your training (if any) consists of a trip down to the local gun range to shoot at static paper targets at 7-10 yards away. But extreme cqc gunfighting expert, Craig Douglas (aka. "Southnarc"), has a dose of reality for you... and some cutting edge tactics for how to train for - and survive - in extreme close-quarters with your firearm. Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... The 3 biggest mistakes most gun-owners make that will get you KILLED in a close-quarters ambush! (Plus, the #1 "survival solution" you must learn today!) What if your attacker goes for your gun? This simple "retention plan" will make sure you don't get shot with your own weapon! How to gain back the "offensive advantage" even if you're being pounded on with a barrage of punches! What to do when your armed response

  • MCS 71: The Psychology Of Self-Defense

    22/12/2015 Duration: 33min

    FEAR! It can cripple you at the time where you need your courage the most - as in a criminal attack or staring face-to-chest with a giant thug about to rip your head off. But if used correctly, fear can also be your best friend and grant you near super-human strength and lightening fast reflexes to turn the tables on your attacker. How do you walk that fine line between freeze, flight, or flight? Simple - you master your ability to conquer fear NOW so that when you're facing a battle for your life, there will be no hesitation to engage your attacker with everything you've got and all you've trained for. And this week, combatives expert, Norm Bettencourt, will unleash his best tips to make you the master of your own mind and conquer fear once and for all. Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... The "anatomy of fear" and how it can sabotage even the best-trained tactics when you're facing danger and need your wits about you! How to adopt a split-second "killer instinct" that instantly switches you

  • MCS 70: 10 Stages To Police State USA

    15/12/2015 Duration: 45min

    Is the United States turning into a total and complete "police state"? There's a world-recognized 10-stage process every police state in history has followed to induce complete control over its citizens... ... and you may be surprised at which stage we're currently in here in the good 'ol US of A. But let me take off my tinfoil hat for a minute and lay the facts out before you to see for yourself. Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... How the "war on terror" has targeted the most patriotic citizens as extremists worthy of indefinite detention! Do YOU fit the Department of Homeland Security's profile as an "enemy of the state"? Take this test and see for yourself... Has "Officer Friendly" been transmogrified into "Robo-Cop" for a greater purpose? Listen in and you decide... Why your biggest threat ISN'T the NSA's secret spy programs.  (It's actually something much closer to home!) Coming Up: How to take back your freedom and "fight the Puppetmasters"   There's a "war on patriots" taking p

  • MCS 69: Reading An Attacker With Bas Rutten

    08/12/2015 Duration: 16min

      (Editor's Note: Please excuse the audio - this was an archive recording on older equipment... but the tips are awesome!) It could be in a bar, a parking lot, or at a concert or sporting event... When a bully gets in your face and decides he's going to chew you up and spit you out, your ability to spot his weakness - in a split second - is what allows you to take him out quickly, before he even knows what hit him. And legendary UFC fighter, Bas Rutten, was a master at this! I asked him for his "secret" for reading an attacker - and then exploiting it... and of course he over delivered... Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... "Audio Cues" you can use to temporarily short-circuit your attacker's offensive intent. Hands & Feet: What they have to tell you about how you can expect your opponent to attack (and why your attacker's non-punching hand can be more telling than his strikes)! How to throw "fakes" that will open your attacker up wide! Why (and how) you should use your environment to

  • MCS 68: Collapse Communications!

    01/12/2015 Duration: 37min

    Think your trusty cell phone will be there for you when a disaster strikes your town? Think again... During the 9/11 attacks and Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy (just to name a few), communications failed because land-lines and cell phone services were jammed or knocked out of commission. And when you're faced with a crisis, having the ability to communicate with your loved ones, your survival team, or to call for help could mean the difference between life and death. That's why, in this week's broadcast, survival expert, David Pruett, gives you the run-down on how to set up your "survival communications" plan now... before tragedy strikes! Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... Establishing your "survival intelligence network" to stay on top of area operations, available resources, and danger headed your way! The best "shelter-in-place" commo equipment for keeping track of your entire local survival team and communicating with family! How to maintain constant contact when "bugging out" with your

  • Tactical Rant - Muslims In Cabellas

    24/11/2015 Duration: 12min

      Life is strange. And with it comes lessons - sometimes even "tactical lessons" from events and experiences you wouldn't expect. This week, I thought I'd pull back the curtain and share a bit of my personal life with you with a discussion I had this week... with my DENTIST! Don't worry... there's something to learn in here as well, but let me know what you think on the blog, ok? Let the ranting begin!  

  • MCS 67: Combat Mind-Set In A Collapse

    17/11/2015 Duration: 31min

    A lot of survivalists talk about "survival mind-set" - that intestinal fortitude to survive at all costs, using whatever means necessary. But there's another aspect of the mental game of survival that you must develop... and it's even more important in certain scenarios you may face in the potentially violent aftermath of a collapse or crisis. It's your "combat mind-set"! In this week's broadcast, I'll share 5 "do or die" questions you must answer NOW - before you're consumed by the chaos of a collapse!  Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... Why you need to take a closer look at the people you call "friends" and "neighbors".  (It's nothing personal... it's just about surviving.) Why that honest, upstanding upbringing you had may keep you from doing what you need to in order to survive and protect those you love. Every soldier must face this one question when facing the enemy.  I almost failed... and don't want to see the same happen to you! How to analyze your own "combat experience"... and

  • MCS 66: Living With A Non-Prepper Spouse

    10/11/2015 Duration: 38min

    Does your wife, husband, or "significant other" think you're crazy for prepping or owning guns? Wouldn't it be great if they shared your vision, purpose, and passion for being prepared? Well this week I play "marital counselor" and share with you 5 sneaky tricks you can use to convert (maybe) your reluctant partner into getting on board with your preps.  Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... The same mistake you make with your neighbors could be the same mistake you make with your spouse!  (Don't fall into this trap!) Men are from Mars... (and women don't care for you telling them to move there!) Simple ways to separate yourself from the "Doomsday Prepper" whackos! How to make prepping a "harmless sport"! The ultimate "sneak attack" for the unconvertible spouse!  (Warning: Only use this under EXTREME conditions - like MINE!) Not only will you get a peek into my personal life with this episode... you can learn from my own mistakes and successes! Don't forget to share your own tips in the 

  • MCS 65: The Armed Woman

    03/11/2015 Duration: 01h06min

    From stalkers, rapists, home-invaders, and even scorned ex-husbands and boyfriends, women are prime targets for violent crime. Maybe that's why women are the fastest growing segment of our responsibly-armed community, eh? While women are most-often disadvantaged by size, strength, and sheer power in a physical attack, a firearm can be "the great equalizer" that can keep them safe. But only if they're well-trained - and that's where this week's guest, Susan Carrichner Rexrode comes in...   Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... Destroying the "women are too weak" obstacle... and real tips to boost your confidence through the roof that you can defend yourself in a real fight! How to choose the best firearm for your personal protection! Ignore the gun-store gorillas! Here's how to walk up to any counter to buy a firearm without feeling intimidated by know-it-all "gun gurus". Realistic "training tips" to build confidence and tactical skills that will save your life in a violent attack! Key str

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