Learn French By Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 51:09:36
  • More information



Learn French by Podcast is an exciting series of French lessons for everybody. Work with high-quality audio podcasts in your own time and at your own pace. Want to clarify some details? Something you couldn't quite understand? Then download comprehensive with transcripts, details grammatical explanations, cultural points of interest, and more.


  • 172: "J'ai vu un excellent film il y a quelques jours"

    10/04/2015 Duration: 08min

    "Still Alice", the story of a university professor afflicted with early-onset Alzheimer's disease, won an Oscar for Julianne Moore in the starring role. This film is the focus of our attention in this Advanced lesson, entirely in French. If you've been making progress with our Intermediate lessons, this lesson is for you.

  • 171: "Les attentats terroristes de Paris soulèvent une foule de questions"

    11/03/2015 Duration: 25min

    The attacks on the Charlie Hebdo headquarters raised many questions. How far does freedom of speech go? Can we simply say whatever we like, whenever we wish? Let's hear a conversation, to start...

  • 170: "Faire du ski?... Allons-y, en piste!" (part II)

    02/01/2015 Duration: 13min

    This second part of our two-part lesson focuses on other skiing activities including 'snowboarding' and, of course, the very important social aspect of a skiing trip. Let's listen.

  • 169: "Faire du ski?... Allons-y, en piste!" (part I)

    26/12/2014 Duration: 28min

    One of our listeners asked for a lesson that would include skiing-related vocabulary. In this two-part lesson, Bertrand plays the role of an experienced skiier while I'm a beginner. I'll soon be joining my friend, Damien for a week in the Alps. Let's listen...

  • 168: "Bonjour, pouvons-nous nous installer à une table, s'il vous plaît?"

    16/11/2014 Duration: 11min

    In this lesson, we take a look at some essential tourist vocabulary that just about everybody needs on a holiday to France. Our conversation is a typical one where a family arrives on the terrasse of a café. It’s very warm and everybody is thirsty. Let’s see how the conversation unfolds with the waitress…

  • 167: "As-tu suivi les événements récents en Ukraine?"

    18/07/2014 Duration: 21min

    Little did we know when we were preparing this lesson in recent days that the situation in Ukraine would become even more fragile with the shooting down of a civilian airliner. Bertrand gives his views on why the impasse with Russia is so volatile. Let's listen first; then we'll look closely at the key vocabulary...

  • 166: "C'est confirmé... t'es atteint d'APC!"

    06/06/2014 Duration: 17min

    The focus of our lesson this time is something which could be described as a modern-day disorder, afflicting a huge number of people. We're not talking about a physical disorder, per se... more of a social one. Béatrix and I are having a coffee but Béatrix is getting frustrated at my inattention. Let's listen...

  • 165: "Hier, j'ai assisté à un concert éblouissant!"

    23/05/2014 Duration: 14min

    Our lesson this time focuses on a concert Béatrix attended, a classical concert. Bertrand wonders what makes the difference between a concerto on the one hand and a symphony on the other. Béatrix gives him a very basic music lesson. Let's listen. Then we'll come back and take a closer look at the key vocabulary.

  • 164: "As-tu vu 'Dallas Buyers' Club'?"

    14/05/2014 Duration: 18min

    Our lesson this time centres around a film called "Dallas Buyers' Club", the story of a Texan cowboy who contracted AIDS at a time when most people had not yet heard of the disease. Let's listen. Then we'll take a closer look at the key vocabulary.

  • 163. "Nelson Mandela: comment se fait-il que l'on parle autant de lui?"


    If ever the term 'great statesman' were relevant, it could surely be attributed to Nelson Mandela. In our conversation this time, Bertrand puts some questions to Béatrix to discover why, exactly, Mandela became such an icon. Let's listen.

  • 162: "As-tu entendu parler des ouvriers népalais au Qatar?"

    24/01/2014 Duration: 16min

    Our conversation this time focuses on working conditions as Qatar develops its infrastructure for the football World Cup in 2022. The tournament is some years away but the controversies surrounding the plight of workers is current, and real. Let’s listen to a conversation between Béatrix and Rémy.

  • 161: "Are you following the Snowden affair?"


    Just recently, Edward Snowden was living a normal life. Now, however, he is a hunted man with a future that is very uncertain. Once he revealed that U.S. authorities were monitoring the daily communications of ordinary citizens, his life effectively changed forever. In this lesson, Zoë and Jules discuss the Snowden affair. Let's listen.

  • 160: "What do you think of the lottery?"

    06/07/2013 Duration: 16min

    Florida was home to a recent winner of the Powerball jackpot of around 400 million dollars. As always, there was a media frenzy. In this lesson, Lucien and Zara discuss lotteries in general. Zara thinks they’re scandalous. Lucien, on the other hand, thinks that Zara needs to lighten up. Let’s listen...

  • 159: "Are you on Twitter?"

    11/05/2013 Duration: 15min

    Today, several hundred million people around the world are ‘tweeting’. In this lesson, let’s hear a conversation between Bertrand and Amandine. Bertrand is a regular Twitter user, but Amandine is not. Let’s listen...

  • 158: France at war in Mali

    05/04/2013 Duration: 27min

    This lesson, which we recorded some time ago, focuses on the situation in Mali. In our role-play, Brendan asks Simone to shed some light on the military intervention of France in one of its former colonies. Let's listen. Then we'll come back and discuss some key vocabulary.

  • 157: "Tell me what's wrong..."

    15/01/2013 Duration: 31min

    One of our listeners, a doctor working in a French-speaking community in New York, suggested that we devote a lesson to a dialogue between a doctor and a patient. That's the subject of this lesson. The patient, Mr Gauthier, has just come into the doctor's clinic, which is where the conversation takes place...

  • 156: "Would you please stop texting?!"

    28/06/2012 Duration: 21min

    More than a few people seem to suffer from the modern-day 'affliction' of almost constant texting. That's the topic of conversation in this lesson. Alain and Thérèse are out for dinner but they have not yet said a word to each other. Let's listen.

  • 155: Mahler... interrupted!

    25/05/2012 Duration: 31min

    We've all been there, in an auditorium, a church, a meeting where a phone has gone off. But few interruptions are as dramatic as a recent one in New York. Let's hear what happened, exactly.

  • 154: The presidential elections

    22/04/2012 Duration: 34min

    Two men are at the forefront of the race to become the next president of the French republic. As is the case with all political battles, things often take an ugly twist on the campaign trail. Let’s find out more.

  • 153: "What are your thoughts on the Facebook flotation?"

    13/02/2012 Duration: 26min

    Facebook is about to float on the stock market. In the business community, it has been one of the most talked-about events of recent years with its massive valuation. Can it possibly be as valuable as people are suggesting ? Let’s hear a dialogue between Geneviève and Bertrand. As someone with an interest in the stock market, Bertrand has strong views on the whole subject of the Facebook flotation.

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