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DC LEGENDS Talk Podcast #7 - S 1 Ep 6 STAR CITY 2046
29/02/2016 Duration: 30minThe green-hooded archer turns out not to be Oliver Queen, who attacks the team. They retreat back to the Waverider to make repairs and leave 2046. Rip, Sara, Snart, and Mick head to Smoak Industries to find an essential part needed to repair the ship. The team come across a fight in the city between a new gang and Green Arrow. Sara follows the vigilante, who turns out to be John Diggle, Jr., under the alias of Connor Hawke. Connor reveals that Oliver is believed to be dead since vanishing 15 years prior when the son of Slade Wilson, Grant Wilson, arrived in Star City with an army and took over. While searching through Green Arrow's old hideout, Sara and Rip find Oliver, still alive and missing an arm. Oliver directs them to where they can find what they need, but he refuses to help in the struggle. In a fight with Wilson's men, Connor is taken prisoner.
DC LEGENDS Talk Podcast #6 - S 1 Ep 5 FAIL-SAFE
20/02/2016 Duration: 30minValentina attempts to trick Dr. Stein into revealing the Firestorm formula, but he refuses. The team brokers a deal with the Bratva to get into the gulag where Ray, Mick, and Stein are being held prisoner. Before they leave, Rip pulls Sara aside and tasks her with killing Stein, should they fail to rescue him, in order to prevent a potential future where an army of Firestorms have destroyed the world. Savage has Ray and Mick tortured in front of Stein to force him to talk. Obtaining the formula, Valentina discovers that Stein is the other half of Firestorm. The team arrives at the gulag just as Valentina enters a reactor to start absorbing energy from a new thermal core. Snart rescues Mick and Ray, but Valentina merges with Stein to create a Soviet Firestorm. Jefferson is able to reach Stein's consciousness and force the two to separate. Without Stein or a quantum splicer, Valentina cannot control the nuclear reaction inside of her and ultimately is destroyed. As the team moves into the time stream, they are
DC LEGENDS Talk Podcast #5 - S 1 Ep 4 WHITE KNIGHT
13/02/2016 Duration: 27minThe team arrives in Washington, D.C. in 1986 to find a document that will lead them to Savage. The team infiltrates the Pentagon and retrieve a government file that points them toward scientist Valentina Vostok in the Soviet Union. Chronos tracks the team, and Rip is forced to use Russian fighter jets to assist in taking down Chronos. While Ray and Snart go after Vostok, Rip tracks a time anomaly outside of Moscow. Rip finds his mentor Zaman Druce, who offers to pardon Rip and return his new team to their time if Rip voluntarily surrenders. The pardon is a trick, and Zaman attempts to kill Rip. With help from the team, Rip survives and Chronos and Zaman escape. Back on the ship, Rip has Sara and Kendra work together to tame the feral nature that resides in each of them. Dr. Stein infiltrates a research lab and discovers Savage is trying to build an army with the same abilities as Firestorm. Dr. Stein absorbs the energy in Savage's thermal core, but he, Ray, and Mick are captured by the Soviets.
DC LEGENDS Talk Podcast #4 - S 1 Ep 3 BLOOD TIES
06/02/2016 Duration: 30minSara convinces Rip that another way to stop Vandal Savage would be to take away his resources. Rip locates the bank where Savage keeps his money, and he and Sara go there to steal the funds. They realize that Savage's men are guarding the bank, so they take one captive to gain information on Savage. They learn that Savage is using Carter's blood to give his own men longer lives. Rip and his team engage Savage and reclaim Carter's body, but Rip inadvertently gives Savage the information he will eventually use to kill Rip's wife and son. Meanwhile, Kendra's condition worsens, requiring Ray to shrink down and enter her bloodstream to stop pieces of the dagger that stabbed Kendra from reaching her heart. Snart attempts to change his own family's fate by preventing his father from entering prison, but his efforts ultimately change nothing. Rip charts a course for 1986 to intercept Savage again.
DC LEGENDS Talk Podcast #3 - S 1 Ep 2 PILOT PART 2
30/01/2016 Duration: 30minStill in 1975, the team infiltrate a warhead auction for terrorists under the belief that Savage will be there. Savage becomes aware of their presence and orders them killed. A fight breaks out between the team and the terrorists. They all escape, but not before a piece of Ray's suit is left behind. Angry at the recklessness, Rip points out what happens and how the technology of Ray's suit will create super weapons that lead to the destruction of Central City in 2016. The team splits up, with Professor Stein, Jackson, and Sara retrieving the missing piece of Ray's suit, while Ray, Snart, and Rory go in search of the dagger that kills Kendra and Carter in their first life. The dagger turns out to be in the home of Savage, who imprisons the men and forces them to call the rest of the team. Kendra and Carter go after Savage, while the rest take on Savage's men. During the fight, Savage kills Carter with the dagger, revealing that only Kendra can wield it to kill him. Kendra is injured and the team is forced to r
DC Legends of Tomorrow Talk Podcast #2 - S 1 Ep 1 PILOT
23/01/2016 Duration: 31min"In the year 2166, the immortal villain Vandal Savage (Casper Crump) is on the verge of his final victory - total chaos and the utter destruction of humanity. As the world crumbles, the Time Master Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) takes matters into his own hands; he travels 150 years into the past to assemble a carefully selected team of heroes and rogues to stop him. Hunter has chosen what seems like an ill-matched group: billionaire inventor Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh), who has created an exo-suit with the power to shrink him to miniscule size, as the Atom; Sara Lance (Caity Lotz), the White Canary, a trained assassin; Professor Martin Stein (Victor Garber) and Jefferson 'Jax' Jackson (Franz Drameh), who together form the meta-human Firestorm; Leonard Snart (Wentworth Miller), known as Captain Cold, and his partner Mick Rory (Dominic Purcell), AKA Heat Wave, a pair of career criminals; and Kendra Saunders (Ciara Renée) and Carter Hall (Falk Hentschel) AKA Hawkgirl and Hawkman. Together this unlikely group will
DC's Legends of Tomorrow Talk Podcast Show #1 - TEASER TRAILER RELEASED!
20/05/2015 Duration: 38minJoin us tonight as we discuss the new teaser trailer released today from the CW.