Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
Am I Growing? – 03.01.12
01/03/2012 Duration: 01minStudent Question: You said tonight that it in meditation it doesn't really matter if you do not experience something amazing and the truth is that I have never experienced anything like that. All I can say is that I feel better and I am not even interested in putting it into words how I feel better, but sometimes a question does arise - How do I know that I am growing?
You have the Power – 03.01.12
01/03/2012 Duration: 03minStudent Question: Do we have to understand to really let something go?
Crazy Making – 03.01.12
01/03/2012 Duration: 01minStudent Question: How are we supposed to learn from people who complicate our lives? Is it a case of seeing the way not to behave and the way not to treat other people?
Money – 03.01.12
01/03/2012 Duration: 02minStudent Question: What is the egos relationship to money and how can we develop a more authentic relationship with it then what it currently represents in society today?
A False Question - 03.01.12
01/03/2012 Duration: 02minStudent Question: My whole life I was taught that we are human beings who are here to live a human experience. I mean as human beings we are afraid and we cry and experience anger and all of those things that supposedly define human beings, as well as having an ego. But here in Sat Yoga what I have learned, and I don’t know if I am misunderstood, but we are divine beings? The Atman, the True Self is the Divine. My question is, are we truly human beings? What defines human nature? Do we want to separate from the human experience and focus more on the divine self?
What is Humility – 03.01.12
01/03/2012 Duration: 02minStudent Question: How do you define humility, and is it something that you can cultivate, or does it come from the heart? Sometimes when I feel that I am practicing it, for example, if someone says something that I know is untrue, or feel that they are judging me or an injustice has been done, but I keep silent, after a while when I am alone I feel really sad and I cry.
Follow a Feeling - 03.01.12
01/03/2012 Duration: 02minStudent Question: We learn here that every issue that one experiences in life comes from the root idea of separateness from god. Can carrying through with one particular issue and using all of our focus and will power to follow that to its core and not letting the mind become distracted be enough to then in turn dissolve other issues that are all somehow intertwined?
Beyond The Illusion – 03.01.12
01/03/2012 Duration: 01minStudent Question: Sometimes in relationships you can recognize that you are acting out and that the relationship is illusory but there is a great strength that you cannot leave that illusion. It seems like you still like to stay in that place. I am wondering if one cannot go beyond that illusion because one has not gone deep enough into the silence, or if there is something else that you can elaborate on?
Does Maya Have a Higher Purpose? – 03.01.12
01/03/2012 Duration: 02minStudent Question: Sometimes if we observe Maya it seems like there is a higher purpose even within itself. Is this higher purpose to be a waking of the mind? Is that the only purpose of it?
The End of Suffering – 03.01.12
01/03/2012 Duration: 01minI have read about so many spiritual teachers and gurus who have woken up because of suffering? Is that just the old fashion way to do it? I know of five or six who got to the point where they were so miserable and they didn't want to live anymore and then they were able to see through. What are your thoughts on that?
What is Meditation? - 03.01.12
01/03/2012 Duration: 15minExcerpt: “We are here to meditate together. Do we all know what that means? It is very simple, we tend to make very complex ideas and make it difficult for ourselves. It is the simple clarification of what is meant by the word ‘I.’ That is all; nothing more difficult than that... And so a good meditation is when clarity is achieved; that is all. Don’t think a good meditation means you are seeing lights and you’re in some trance or you have achieved some exalted sublime state. No. Clarity on the nature of ‘I’ and you’re done, because when that is clear there’s really no one left to meditate anymore… Everyone seems to use the word ‘I’ a lot, but do we know what we mean when that word comes out of the mouth or in thought? Do you know what it means?.... As Sri Ramana says, tiny little word - and because we get it wrong - we don’t know accurately what it means - all the suffering in the world is created by one tiny mistake. So if you want to end all the suffering in the world, just get clarit
The Self Impelled Community – 02.27.12
28/02/2012 Duration: 08minExcerpt: “The Self comes under no laws, but is the source of all genuine law. And that law is naturally holocentric because it serves no individual, it plays no favorites. The Self is therefore the source of divine order and it brings about unity, fairness, justice, community. Community is only possible from and as the presence of divine love. No humans can create community – no human egos – they can only distort and pervert the love that is our true legacy, destiny, identity.” Recorded on the afternoon of Monday, February 27, 2012.
No Need for Images – 02.16.12
17/02/2012 Duration: 01minStudent Question: You spoke about how the most important thing is to have a desire for realizing the Self. I found that while I was meditating I really needed to have an image or something that I could focus on so that I could center all of my desire into that and try to realize the self, but I couldn't find anything?
Desire for the Self – 02.16.12
17/02/2012 Duration: 01minStudent Question: Sometimes when I sit down and start meditating I try to focus on my heartbeat in order to get into a state. After a while I forget about my heart and start feeling my forehead getting heavy and it feels like my body goes to sleep and then all I can feel is that point on my forehead. I am wondering what is happening to me and whether it is normal or whether it is some kind of identification with my body and why is it happening if I really want to focus on my heart?
The Energy of the Self – 02.16.12
16/02/2012 Duration: 01minStudent Question: I feel you said once but am not sure, that anxiety and kundalini are the same thing or that anxiety is kundalini trapped and misunderstood or something along those lines?
Caught Up – 02.16.12
16/02/2012 Duration: 01minStudent Question: I keep getting caught up when I ask “who am I”, because the “I” keeps me going in circles?
The Beginning Point – 02.16.12
16/02/2012 Duration: 02minStudent Comment: I resonate with the idea that images are at the imaginary level--or, rather, I resonated with that idea when I was growing up. It feels like the religious image is kind of a double-edged sword because it can either aid one in devotion or it can be misinterpreted. I could never relate to people loving the image of the Virgin Mary, for example, but since we have been studying great beings, like Ramakrishna or Padre Pio, who also used the medium of an image to relate to God, I see that it can be used in a completely different way.”
The Witness State – 02.16.12
16/02/2012 Duration: 02minStudent Question: What does the witness, witness?
Friendship – 02.16.12
16/02/2012 Duration: 03minStudent Question: Can you talk a little bit about friendship in the Kali Yuga sense, and also about what is the most sattvic approach to friendship for people moving into the same path together?
Eternal – Silent – Presence – 02.16.12
16/02/2012 Duration: 10minExcerpt: "Each of us has ESP, because we are ESP… What we mean here by ESP is Eternal, Silent, Presence. The Self that we are is always in Eternal, Silent, Presence. The one Self, and the one Self is the guru - the only guru. The one Self has been called by many names... The earliest name known is that of Shiva, but all religions give their own name to the same truth… For some religions that self is called the Supreme Self and from the perspective of ignorance, that is accurate. Because all else that portrays itself as a Self is really just an object in consciousness… So there is only one real Self and that Self is beyond words and thoughts and in an inconceivable silence, and even to say that is to go too far because the self is Nirguna. Without qualities that can be in any way considered a description of the Self, because the Self is not an object, not a thing, not an appearance, but we can also say that the self has infinite attributes. The three main ones noted by the Vedas are Sat – Chit – Ana