Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
Meditation is the Shift from Meaning to Being - Shunyamurti Teaching
10/04/2021 Duration: 18minIn this teaching, Shunyamurti describes meditation as an art and a science, a means of shifting consciousness into higher dimensions where one is able to go beyond "normal", beyond signifiers, and into a core "imperience" of realization that reveals the real meaning of Truth.
The Simulation is Now Being Adjusted - Shunyamurti Teaching
03/04/2021 Duration: 11minIn this beautiful morning teaching, Shunyamurti explains that the Sat Yoga vow of santosha, contentment, is the basis for Grace, of which there are three forms: Shaktipat, anugraha, and prasad, all of which assist in the termination of the simulation - the dissolution into infinite consciousness.
This Dark Age Will Soon Dissolve in Light - Shunyamurti Teaching
27/03/2021 Duration: 18minOn the night of Maha Shiva Ratri, Shunyamurti invites us to celebrate the revelation of Truth while the window of opportunity is open to attain the Absolute, on the holiest night of the year, when Shiva descends to offer grace. To help with this ascension, Shunyamurti outlines the 7 stages yogis must accomplish to blast off in Shiva's rocket ship and merge into the Supreme Sun. Discover the 7 Stages on the full video on our Members Section.
Insane With Love: Shunyamurti Interprets Rumi - Shunyamurti Teaching
20/03/2021 Duration: 18minShunyamurti reads and interprets the Rubais of Rumi: Insane with Love, revealing the main obstacle to Liberation is love for the ego rather than for God, and that moving from reason to radical acceptance is the essential breakthrough to the superconsciousness that is real Love.
The Buddha’s Inconvenient Truth - Shunyamurti Teaching
13/03/2021 Duration: 16minShunyamurti addresses the triad of desire, satisfaction and remorse, and how to live without suffering. In this teaching, Shunyamurti reads from and interprets the Ashtavakra Gita.
Dare to Master the Unreal World - Shunyamurti Teaching
06/03/2021 Duration: 17minShunyamurti poses the fundamental question of ancient Sat Yogis: Is the world real? He invites us to investigate the synchronicities and magical aspects of reality, and phenomena such as past lives and near-death experiences, to discover the infinite potentials of consciousness that have been inadequately understood by modern science, and can only be understood by those who dare to go beyond the matrix of misunderstanding.
The Unified Field is the Buddha Mind - Shunyamurti Teaching
27/02/2021 Duration: 14minIn this early morning teaching, Shunyamurti sums up the human problem today, at the end of this cosmic process, as the loss of the capacity to cooperate. However, this rupture in coherence will eventually bring us back to the "rapture of unity." Shunyamurti sheds further light on this by reading from the Zen Teachings of Huang Po, who reminds us that the Buddha Mind is not particular, and by learning to comprehend one's own Mind, the particularity will dissolve into totality, and all will return to the liberated ocean of consciousness.
The Psychoanalysis of Myth and the Myth of Psychoanalysis - Shunyamurti Teaching
20/02/2021 Duration: 15minShunyamurti sheds light on the spiritual journey from the perspectives of Hindu mythology and Lacanian psychoanalysis, metaphorically weaving them into an understanding of the three registers of consciousness (the Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real) that ultimately must be recognized as an infinite pillar of light.
Abide in Infinite Intensity - Shunyamurti Teaching
13/02/2021 Duration: 14minShunyamurti reads from Hongzhi’s “Cultivating the Empty Field”, noting that most of these teachings are not understood by the postmodern ego because of its fragmentation and anxiety, but if one can gain distance from thinking, and maintain a cool, dry mind, we can move from sensory intensity to supersensory intensity and recover our infinite imagination.
Withdraw from the Unreal into the Real - Shunyamurti Teaching
06/02/2021 Duration: 17minOn the opening night of the Meditation Weekend, Shunyamurti defines Sat Yoga as union with the Real, the Supreme Intelligence that is Sat Chit Ananda. He uses the terms imaginary, symbolic and real to further clarify that this path, through meditation, will lead one to discover what is real and unreal, if one is willing to use the wisdom (gyana) gained to withdraw from the unreal and return to the Real.
The Perfect Way to Cope With Information Overload - YT clip
30/01/2021 Duration: 20minIn this seminar teaching, Shunyamurti offers an imaginative illustration - the one-way mirror stage - to create an example that all egos identify with: You’re in a room as a bodily self, full of BS, and you’re constantly being bombarded by all kinds of programmed messaging - inter-personal, cultural, intra-mental. But in the room, there is a one-way mirror, and the Real Self is on the other side, unattainable and still, the key to understanding the enigma of who you are.
Full Empowerment Requires This Sacrifice - Shunyamurti Teaching
23/01/2021 Duration: 20minIn this teaching, Shunyamurti explains that one must sacrifice the inner child - to release the childish ego that refuses to grow up as a result of one’s karma and one’s willingness to remain a victim - in order to gain the capacities of adulthood necessary to become a community of fearless beings based in divine love that can overcome death and transform the world.
Sanity is Sovereignty Over the Matrix of Mind
16/01/2021 Duration: 20minHow does one reach a higher level of sanity in this world system? In this teaching, Shunymaurti asks one to determine if one is in Self-rule or ego-rule, because if one wants to be in a state of sanity, one must relinquish the system run by egos and run to God. Since all egos are insane, ego-death is the only sane option, Self-realization the only sane state, so don't let the ego rule your life!
Pay Your Symbolic Debt With the Real Gold of Dharma - Shunyamurti Teaching
02/01/2021 Duration: 21minIn this New year's Eve teaching from 2017, Shunyamurti explains that at this unique moment in time, it is particularly important for yogis to recognize that dharma is the key to avoiding bad karma - a practice of humility and purity is essential to deliver oneself from suffering and to assist in delivering the world from its suffering. The world's karmic debt is now due, and it is every yogis' responsibility to become an agent of healing and peace on this Earth as it undergoes this next series of karmic events - but this is only possible if we have become free and pure by passing through the gates of own transformation with courage, faith, and truthfulness.
The Self Minus Karma Equals Bliss
26/12/2020 Duration: 15minHow can one be karma free? In this teaching, Shunyamurti gives a reminder that here and now, all are the unborn Self, which has dreamed the soul vehicle, the body, and the ego, with the power to choose karma or choose bliss. So choose to release your karmic burdens and the ego to which they belong, and live as the blissful Self in the karma-free festival of joy!
Bring Joy to the World: Let Your God-Self Shine!
24/12/2020 Duration: 26minIn this festive teaching, Shunyamurti explains that the holidays are holy-days, and all of the religions and traditions - Christmas, Channukah, Diwali to name a few - converge on the one realization that is the true meaning and spirit of all the mythological truths: Now is the time for remembrance and realization of our true nature as the holy light of consciousness that can bring joy to the world, peace on Earth, and divine love to all beings everywhere.
How to Upgrade Human Consciousness
19/12/2020 Duration: 22minThe world is currently in a state of incoherence and confusion, but in this teaching, Shunyamurti reminds us that wisdom and love can heal the world's problems, leading us from confusion to coherence, and shifting the vibrational frequency of collective to higher states of consciousness, for a complete and total upgrade of the world's operating system...before it's too late!
The Self is Free of Suffering—Guided Meditation by Shunyamurti
17/12/2020 Duration: 13minIn this guided meditation, Shunyamurti takes us on a journey deep into the heart, the abode of pure awareness, where consciousness is free of limitations or suffering, and the silence that transcends the world of the ego fills the body with peace and unconditional love, and saturates the mind with the vibrational frequency of stillness. (15 minutes)
God’s Great Reset Will Soon Begin - Shunyamurti Teaching
12/12/2020 Duration: 17minIn this excerpt from the opening night teaching of The Direct Path: Liberation Now! retreat, Shunyamurti teaches that in this historic moment, meditation is more relevant than ever, and that those who feel they are suffering from a loss of physical freedom are actually being offered an opportunity to go inward instead of outward, and to transcend to a higher level of being at the apparent end of this world, which is actually a return to the rediscovery of our supernatural resources. By letting go of both the ego and its narrative, one can terminate the simulation and reap the blessing of destruction as one dissolves into the bliss of Self-realization.