Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 243:00:58
  • More information



Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.


  • Praise the Holy Grail of Indeterminacy - Shunyamurti Teaching

    02/04/2022 Duration: 15min

    In this teaching, Shunyamurti offers step by step guidance on how to deploy your spiritual intelligence so a harmonious, superorganismic potentiality can emerge to solve the problem of complexity in a world of "evol" that is ever-evolving into Love.

  • Love is Not All You Need: You Also Need to Think Clearly - Shunyamurti Teaching

    30/03/2022 Duration: 06min

    "What do you say to people who argue for their brand of religion being the only brand that is valid and therefore validate inter-religious strife?" Shunyamurti responds to Hasan Azad's question with a conversation on the false religion of scientism and the cosmic religion of love, inviting us all to become scientists of cosmic consciousness-the only way to validate the Truth.

  • The Dao Caused the Big Bang…and Will Soon Bring on the Big Crunch - Shunyamurti Teaching

    29/03/2022 Duration: 09min

    As we come closer to the Singularity, what is important is practice. In the opening teaching of the third Dao of the Final Days book group gathering, Shunyamurti reveals the naked truth about the real Singularity and the preparations we must make for the arrival of our destiny-returning to the Dao that was before the Big Bang​. Watch the entire Satsang and don’t miss the next Members Book Group live! Discover a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom. Sign up for your free 10-day trial of our Members Section LEARN MORE

  • The Eternal Return of Spiritual Anarchy - Shunyamurti teaching

    26/03/2022 Duration: 16min

    Shunyamurti introduces a talk by Dan Smith about Nietzsche, giving a colorful overview of his life and the development of his personal philosophy that led him to divine madness--in an insane asylum–and his understanding of the dialectic of the drives, which takes off from where Heigel left off. This is a followup to the morning teaching, The Dialectic of the Drives.

  • The Pitfall of the Postmodern Peter Panic - Shunyamurti Teaching

    24/03/2022 Duration: 06min

    It has become obvious that we are living through the increasingly insane times that come with the downfall of social order. In this interview with Hasan Azad, Shunyamurti addresses the theme of sanity vs. insanity, giving a full perspective on the psychotic state of the consciousness that is ruling the world and offering insight into the cause of mass psychosis, disempowerment as a result of disinformation, the engineered collapse of social order–and the merciful end that is underway. 

  • The State of the World and the Path to Freedom - Shunyamurti Teaching

    19/03/2022 Duration: 10min

    We are in the ultimate battle for our souls, as well as for our freedom and our lives. To win this, we must increase our level of intelligence and activate our latent paranormal powers. That means we must leave behind the obsolete ego-mind and attain the innermost levels of the Self. The Core Self is within us now, and when we attune to That, we feel completely free and unbound, and able to download amazing insights. Knowledge is power. If you understand what is happening now in the world as an awesome opportunity rather than a threat, pushing us to higher consciousness, then you will profit greatly from the end of the current world age. This investment offers far more return than bitcoin. But the cost is letting go of all chosen forms of self-enslavement, including fear itself.

  • Warning: Yoga Will Take Away Your Joy of Suffering - Shunyamurti Teaching

    17/03/2022 Duration: 16min

    How can we cultivate a state of peace in these times of great suffering? Shunyamurti reminds us the source of suffering is our desire to sustain the illusion, but overcoming suffering simply requires transcending the I-thought, by going beyond the mind to gain the wisdom of the heart.

  • The World is Our Koan - Shunyamurti Teaching

    12/03/2022 Duration: 15min

    This inaugural evening of The Dao of the Final Days book group with Shunyamurti is full of surprise revelations! The deeper meaning-morenessess and gems of insight within the powerful pages of this book, including the 7 types of Dao-scourse, are discussed, and Shunyamurti's recitation of the poems transmits an elevated vibrational frequency that is felt in the heart, outside of ​being​-time​, helping us travel to the inter-dao-mensional reality into the realm of absolute non-dao-ality.

  • A System Built on Lawlessness and Lies Cannot Last - Shunyamurti Teaching

    10/03/2022 Duration: 13min

    This is an excerpt from the opening night of the (We’re Not) Living in a Dying World retreat. Shunyamurti unpacks the retreat theme, revealing the 7 symptoms of a dying world and the escape hatch—realizing that infinite consciousness is the power to change the future.

  • The Way of Fire, the Way of Love, and the Way of Emptiness - Shunyamurti Teaching

    08/03/2022 Duration: 11min

    Shunyamurti reveals the Dao of Sat Yoga and how this can help us and guide us amidst the chaos of current world events, if one of the three pathways to Liberation--the Fire of Wisdom, Love and Emptiness--are chosen and realized.

  • How Can Jekyll Eliminate Hyde? - Shunyamurti Teaching

    03/03/2022 Duration: 09min

    Shunyamurti tells the tale of the creation of the modern ego–and its neurotic cycles of guilt and goodness that lead to the creation of a Jekyll and Hyde consciousness–and the way back to guilt-free goodness.

  • Shiva Comes Now at the Darkest Moment in History - Shunyamurti Teaching

    28/02/2022 Duration: 34min

    Mahashivaratri is a celebration of the darkest night of the year, when Shiva comes to bring the Divine Light that ends the illusion! Shunyamurti reminds us that in this dark night of history, when all hope seems lost, it is more important than ever to realize the freedom and power of Ultimate Consciousness, by shattering the illusion with infinite love.

  • What’s Wrong With Your Operating System - Shunyamurti Teaching

    26/02/2022 Duration: 23min

    Shunyamurti reveals the 7 symptoms of the ego’s operating system and how to treat these from the level of the soul–and raise your ordinary/extraordinary quotient to infinity–and beyond!

  • How Can Jekyll Eliminate Hyde? - Shunyamurti Teaching

    24/02/2022 Duration: 09min

    Shunyamurti tells the tale of the creation of the modern ego–and its neurotic cycles of guilt and goodness that lead to the creation of a Jekyll and Hyde consciousness–and the way back to guilt-free goodness.

  • The Secret of Accurate Practice - Shunyamurti Teaching

    19/02/2022 Duration: 11min

    Shunyamurti shares from Vajra Speech by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, a nondual  Zen teaching about the practice of effortlessness and the true state of accomplishment: one must trust the consequence of karma, the pain of bliss and the non importance of experience.

  • Career Opportunity—Interdimensional Travel Required - Shunyamurti Teaching

    17/02/2022 Duration: 15min

    Shunyamurti reminds us that we are at the end of days, and this is the last opportunity to leave behind the ego, so that we may fulfill our function as authentic avatars and illuminate the world!

  • The Algorithm Has No Rhyme or Reason - Shunyamurti Teaching

    12/02/2022 Duration: 12min

    The Kali Yuga ego is a basic algorithm based on ignorance and lack that has no control of its own destiny. Shunyamurti gives the way out of this trap: a return to superconsciousness, where real wisdom and power prevail, and where the true Singularity abides.

  • The Heart is Ripped Apart by Divergent Drives - Shunyamurti Teaching

    10/02/2022 Duration: 13min

    Shunyamurti explains that the ultimate result of the spiritual dialectical process is Self-Realization. This can only be accomplished when the divergent drives of the thesis of the ego are overtaken by the convergent drives of the antithetical soul and translated to the ultimate level as the synthesis of Spirit.

  • The Human Spirit is Rising—Now Our Divine Spirit Must Be Activated - Shunyamurti Teaching

    08/02/2022 Duration: 21min

    Shunyamurti gives a timely call to action to raise the vibrational frequency of the planet in order to counteract the warring state of Kali Yuga and the current world order: "The human spirit is now rising in the world, awakening to the nature of the situation on the phenomenal plane. And thus, the ruling elite are in a panic mode, and they recognize that they cannot prevent the tide from turning against them and from there being mass arrests for genocide and other crimes against humanity. And because of this they have to divert attention very quickly, and since they cannot prevent their own populations from rising against them in the West they will use Russian missiles to do it for them and Chinese weapons of mass destruction. And its for this reason for playing this last card that they have built massive underground cities with stockpiles of food and they are beginning to move into this next phase in which there will be massive destruction by other means than is currently happening. And this acceleration of

  • Blast Out of Your Normy Stupor! - Shunyamurti Teaching

    03/02/2022 Duration: 21min

    Shunyamurti reminds us that beyond the duality that produces demand and desire, there is freedom! But it has been sacrificed to a system bent on domestication and destruction, and we must break free from the prison of limited consciousness to reveal the wild ecstasy of our sovereignty. May the freedom of the wild ones reign supreme!

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