A weekly dose of just the right medicine to help you get out of debt, save more money, and break the paycheck to paycheck cycle.
Episode 002 - Setting and Achieving Mini Financial Goals (Budgeting)
31/10/2011 Duration: 14minWait, I thought we were budgeting. What's all this talk about goals, mini-goals, and habits? Yeah, you're not budgeting. You're becoming an unbelievably effective goal setter/reacher.
Episode 001 - Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
24/10/2011 Duration: 11min70% of people live paycheck to paycheck, but did you know the interesting part of that statistic that isn't often quoted? It will surprise you, and perhaps spur you on to decide that $1000 is the new $0. Rule Four, "Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck" is discussed as it relates to doing hard things :)