A weekly dose of just the right medicine to help you get out of debt, save more money, and break the paycheck to paycheck cycle.
122 - Consumption vs. Creation
02/06/2014 Duration: 06minCreate more than you consume, and develop a bias toward action.
121 - Chasing Credit Card Points
26/05/2014 Duration: 04minBeware the tendency to not scrutinize your credit card point purchases.
120 - Getting Things Done
19/05/2014 Duration: 06minTotally off-topic, but maybe till'll resonate with you. How I manage my To Dos.
119 - Well, Now What Do I Do?
12/05/2014 Duration: 03minWhen something financially unexpected happens, we all ask ourselves this same question. It's often seen as a negative, but let's turn that on its head.
118 - Disneyland and Assumptions
06/05/2014 Duration: 06minWe spent a week at Disneyland, and I learned a few things about questioning our assumptions.
117 - How I Use Notes
28/04/2014 Duration: 03minYNAB's Notes feature is as flexible as your imagination. Let it run wild!
116 - Asserting Your Authority
21/04/2014 Duration: 02minPerhaps generosity benefits the giver in ways not previously considered.
115 - Changing Your Status Quo with Extreme Behavior
07/04/2014 Duration: 03minHow to you change the status quo? Adopt an extreme behavior for a while, and let it teach you (in surprising ways) some new money lessons.
114 - Budget Category Overzealousness
31/03/2014 Duration: 04minSometimes in your excitement to start budgeting, you take the whole "categorization" thing a bit too far. No?
113 - The Binge Before the Crackdown
24/03/2014 Duration: 06minAre you guilty of binging before you crack down? With dieting or budgeting, it's just not healthy
112 - The Cost of a Fat Checking Account
17/03/2014 Duration: 05minWe discuss the opportunity cost of having a fat checking account because you're following the YNAB Way.
111 - Together or Separate?
10/03/2014 Duration: 03minIf you're running a business with YNAB, should you have it as a separate budget, or part of the same file?
110 - One Hundredth of a Second
24/02/2014 Duration: 04minLuckily, budgeting has nothing to do with the olympics. Take another run as often as you want.
108 - The Intangibles of Budgeting? Priceless
10/02/2014 Duration: 03minYNAB has a great dollar-for-dollar value proposition, but the intangibles of budgeting are even better.
107 - Winning Financially is Simple
03/02/2014 Duration: 09minWinning financially is simple. You just need a pen, a paper, and a plan.
106 - Saving for Its Own Sake
13/01/2014 Duration: 09minI think I save for its own sake, assuming there's something inherently good about saving "more," regardless of the fact that more remains undefined. Maybe I should relax.
105 - The Year of the Status Quo
30/12/2013 Duration: 05minYNAB had a banner year (thank you for telling your friends and family!). 2014 shall be the year of the status quo.
104 - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
23/12/2013 Duration: 05minSince Julie took over the budget, things are green. Christmas is no different. We've been saving all year for it. It's exactly how you too, can have yourself a merry little Christmas.
103 - Timing Expenses to Save a Grand (or so) on Taxes
16/12/2013 Duration: 20minThis "loophole" isn't a loophole at all. It's actually a plain Jane tax planning strategy that can be employed by almost anyone, with even the most boring of tax returns. You can contact Casey directly at