An ongoing series of Executive Coaching Tips designed to help you be perceived in the workplace the way you want to be perceived.
Your Team's Best Interests - Part One
12/01/2012 Duration: 13minEngaged and productive employees believe their boss has their best interest at heart.
Performance Reviews
01/12/2011 Duration: 13minSix lessons for delivering meaningful performance reviews.
Leading Teams
03/11/2011 Duration: 12minFive questions your team needs to answer if they're all going to move in the same direction. Plus a four-layer pyramid that needs defining.
Facilitating Open Dialogue
06/10/2011 Duration: 12minTips and techniques for the extremely difficult task of getting people to speak openly in public forums—or in private!
Smiling—The Look of Leadership
01/09/2011 Duration: 10minYour smile can be a credibility builder or a credibility killer. How is your smile working for you?
Leading Change
11/08/2011 Duration: 11minNavigating the minefield of change is fraught with danger. Here's your road map through change's treacherous terrain.
Resolving Conflict
07/07/2011 Duration: 11minThree actions, plus three behaviors, to help warring factions to lay down their arms and get back to work.
The Power of PowerPoint
02/06/2011 Duration: 12minPowerPoint can be a blessing but all-too-often is a curse. Here are 8 tips to harness the positive power of PowerPoint.
Intimacy in Business: Setting Boundaries
05/05/2011 Duration: 09minThe ability to create a sense of intimacy in the workplace leads to deep and long-lasting trust. And it’s not about being personal.
Stop Giving Away Your Secrets
07/04/2011 Duration: 09minTransparency is great in business—except when you tip your hand and reveal thoughts and feelings that are better kept to yourself.
Making Stories Soar
03/03/2011 Duration: 09minStories stick with people long after data becomes a blur.
Leadership and Listening
03/02/2011 Duration: 09minTwo listening behaviors that will get different results and foster collaboration.
Building Rapport
06/01/2011 Duration: 08minRapport is easy when people’s styles match. But when there’s a mismatch, what then?
Three Little Phrases with Big Impact
02/12/2010 Duration: 09minPhrases to keep people listening to your data and to get people to comply with your decisions.