The Look & Sound Of Leadership

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 61:01:45
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An ongoing series of Executive Coaching Tips designed to help you be perceived in the workplace the way you want to be perceived.


  • Managing Trauma

    12/07/2018 Duration: 23min

    This month’s coaching conversation focuses on developing someone who may be a trauma survivor. A team leader’s compassionate caution may not be in the survivor’s best interest. Related episodes: Dealing with Emotional Responses Intimacy in Business: Setting Boundaries Managing Beyond Bad Behavior Showing Teeth Speaking Your Truth Every episode is available in the archive at: Subscribe to the HTML version at: Be in touch with Tom at: Thank you so much for your reviews. It's hard to convey how meaningful those are. You help keep the podcast alive when you post a review. Thanks!

  • Taming the Wild Child

    07/06/2018 Duration: 17min

    This month’s coaching conversation features a high-performing client who sometimes wrestles with her fear. Knowing that her fear can diminish her, she seeks a way out. Tom also talks about the new course "Improv for Leaders” taught by improv master Jeremy Rowley. Related epsidoes this month: The Many Parts of You Combating Emotional Hijacks Conquering Fear Negative Self-Talk Self-Limiting Beliefs Unmasking a Stand-In Managing Nervousness Every episode is available in the archive at: Subscribe to the HTML version at: Be in touch with Tom at: And thank you so very much for your reviews. Your contribution is beyond measure when you take a moment to post a review. Thank you!

  • Readiness in Coaching

    03/05/2018 Duration: 24min

    Why do some coaching engagements achieve positive transformations while others get stuck in the starting gate? This month’s coaching conversation explores who’s coachable, who isn’t, and why. The PDF discussed during this episode can be downloaded at: The “Who’s Coachable?” episode containing the eight-item list from 2008 is available at: Aside from the “Who’s Coachable?” episode, four other episodes that echo the motifs in this month's Executive Coaching Tip are: Leading Teams Managing Disruptive Executives Managing Performance: Up or Out Resolving Conflict Every episode is available at: Be in touch with us at:

  • 360s: Weapons or Tools?

    05/04/2018 Duration: 21min

    360-degree feedback can be intense. Or confusing. Like many reports, it often needs explaining, even if the information is familiar. This month’s coaching conversation explores the many sides of 360s. Curious to learn more about 360s? Listen to Tom's interview on "Coaching for Leaders." Want to learn more about quantative 360-degree feedback reports? Contact Envisia Learning. Want to learn about qualitative 360-degree feedback reports? Contact us. Want to see a sample of a qualitative feedback report? Every episode is available at: Be in touch with us at:

  • Influence

    08/03/2018 Duration: 20min

      Who wouldn’t benefit from heftier influence? This month’s coaching conversation digs into two ways to build your influence bank account. During this month's episode, Tom talks about a behavioral self-assessment called DiSC. See a sample DiSC report here: If you're looking for more Executive Coaching Tips about influence, check the archive filter: "Perception -- How You're Perceived." There's a lot there about influence. Tom explained a five-point Influence model on "The Everyday Innovator" podcast with Chad McAllister. Episode #162. Five "Look & Sound of Leadership" episodes relating to this month's conversation are: A Breakdown of Listening Building Empathy Building Rapport Getting Agreement Your Goodwill

  • The Sound of Leadership and of Management

    01/02/2018 Duration: 19min

    Some ways of speaking lend themselves to more effective management. And some ways of speaking lend themselves to more effective leadership. This episodes explores those differences.

  • Leadership versus Management

    11/01/2018 Duration: 19min

    Are leadership and management really different? And does it matter? This month’s coaching conversation explores what separates leadership from management. And what connects them. And why it matters for you and the people you lead.Are leadership and management really different? And does it matter? This month’s coaching conversation explores what separates leadership from management. And what connects them. And why it matters for you and the people you lead. If you're interested in related episodes, you can search the archive under "Leadership" and/or "Management Skills." Those are at: and Five specific episodes you can listen to are Building Empathy Dynamic One-on-Ones How Teams Fight Taming Meetings The Voice of Authority During the episode, three lists are built. Here they are: Leadership behaviors: Motivating Aligning Recognizing patterns Creating visions and strategies Management actions

  • The Conflict Conversation

    07/12/2017 Duration: 18min

    What do you say when you’re in an argument? And how can you prepare to have an argument? This month’s coaching conversation dives deeper into the topic of “Conflict” that began last month. In this installment, scripts and concepts for mastering The Conflict Conversation. To sharpen your skills, read "Difficult Conversations" by Stone, Patton & Heen from the Harvard Negotiation Project. It's very friendly and very powerful. Every episode is available at: Be in touch with us at:

  • Conflict

    02/11/2017 Duration: 17min

    Conflict is inevitable. But most of us were never taught the skills that would help us find our way through the dark corridors of this house called ‘Conflict.’ This month’s coaching conversation illuminates predictable patterns and practical tools to navigate successfully through Conflict House. The book Tom references in this episode: "Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most" by Stone, Patton & Heen. Related episodes this month are: A Difficult Conversation Disagree Agreeably Getting Agreement Repairing Damaged Relationships Resolving Conflict In the Tips archive is a category called "Relationship Building." Many episodes there have useful tools, too. Help yourself.

  • Dynamic One-on-ones

    05/10/2017 Duration: 21min

    There are a million ways to conduct one-on-one meetings with direct reports. How you run yours will reflect your personal style. This month’s coaching conversation focuses on specific best practices that will enhance your one-on-ones no matter what your style. In the commentary portion of this month's episode is a question for you. Share your thoughts in an email to: You can sharpen your management skills with the Executive Coaching Tips in the "Management Skills" category of the archive:   These five episodes may be particularly helpful in developing your management skills: Engagement & Performance Leading Teams Managing Performance: Up or Out Managing Up Your Team’s Best Interest – Part One And, if you are going to be giving performance reviews this fall, this episode has helpful tools for you. Give it a listen: Performance Reviews Every episode is available at: ht

  • Acting on the Corporate Stage

    07/09/2017 Duration: 23min

      This month's episode introduces "Acting on the Corporate Stage." That phrase was Tom's original branding phrase, before "The Look & Sound of Leadership" became his branding phrase. "Acting on the Corporate Stage" aims at helping you be perceived in the workplace the way you want to be perceived, which, of course, is the reason d'etre of every episode. Also this month, Tom shares reflections on attending his first-ever podcaster's convention. And his reflections are all about YOU! He also points you to two very different interviews on other podcasts: The Everyday Innovator with Chad McAllister, episode 137. He and Chad deconstruct the "Sorting & Labeling" tool. Very helpful! Fatherhood 360 with David Wissore, episode 11. While exploring how parenthood influences leadership, Tom reveals some very personal stories. The four related episodes this month are: Act “As If” Creating New Behaviors Self-Awareness and Self-Management The Mindful Execut

  • Performing Like a TED Talker

    03/08/2017 Duration: 16min

    Delivering a top-notch presentation requires you to master your ideas. Of course! But even more, you need to master yourself. Your audience won’t be able to lock onto you unless you are “in focus.” This month’s coaching conversation shows you how to get “in focus.” Related episodes are: Prepping Like a TED Talker Talking Like a TED Talker All Presentation Skills Tips are available at: A PDF summary of Chris Anderson's book, "TED Talks" is available to you. Just pop Tom an email and ask for it. He's at:

  • Prepping Like A TED Talker

    13/07/2017 Duration: 17min

    Preparing a presentation raises many questions. How much are you going to rehearse? What will you actually do during your rehearsal? Are you going to memorize your talk? This month’s coaching conversation covers all that and more. Four core concepts this month: Rehearsal is obligatory. Manage your self-talk. Find your throughline. Rehearsal means “out loud.” In the archive is a whole set of Tips about “self talk.” It’s at: There’s another set about “presentation skills.” That’s at: Many different Executive Coaching Tips are referenced in this episode. Four related episodes are: Captivate Your Audience I Talk Too Fast! The Power of Rehearsal What Compelling Speakers Share The entire archive of Tips is at:

  • Short Sounds Confident

    01/06/2017 Duration: 17min

    Holding each other’s attention is a constant challenge. But you can’t achieve The Look & Sound of Leadership if you can’t keep people listening to you. This month’s coaching conversation emphasizes three little slogans to make sure you aren’t driving your listeners away from you. All three slogans are just three words long: “Short sounds confident.” And “Communication takes effort.” And “Stop talking sooner.” There are so many reasons why embodying those slogans is hard. And, in truth, it’s easier for some people than for others. But everyone can get at least a little better at this. This month’s podcast will give you lots of practical tips – and some metaphors!—to help get you there. Past Tips are available at: Be in touch with us at: We love hearing from you.

  • Readers’ Letters — Bonus Episode 2

    23/05/2017 Duration: 15min

    Tom exchanges emails with two listeners. One exchange addresses issues of personal boundaries in the workplace; the other addresses scarcity and abundance.This Bonus Episode is only the second one in the 9-year history of "The Look & Sound of Leadership." If you like this and want more, tell us. Contact us through the homepage at: essentialcomm.comOr by email at: info@essentialcomm.comThe prior bonus episode -- with two other email exchanges -- is titled "Readers' Letters." It was posted in May, 2016. Find it in your feed. It’s not available on our website. (We’re working on that!)

  • Talking Like a TED Talker

    04/05/2017 Duration: 18min

    TED Talkers turn us into engrossed detectives, absorbed in solving the mysteries unfolding before us. But TED Talking doesn’t have to be saved for special events. This month’s coaching conversation explores ways to turn everyday presentations into compelling content that will hold people's interest ... like a TED Talk. If you're crafting an actual TED Talk, use Chris Anderson's terrific book: "TED Talks." I have a nifty 3-page reduction of Anderson's book. Reach out to me at and I'll send it along. Working to improve yourself as a presenter? The Coaching Tips archive are full of related episodes. Go to: and search the topic: "Presentation Skills."

  • The Voice of Authority

    06/04/2017 Duration: 17min

    Authority. It’s a slip-sliding sort of thing, isn’t it? Do we get it automatically along with a title? Sometimes. But sometimes not. This month’s coaching conversation examines both the thoughts and the words that give us authority. The ideas in this month's episode echo motifs embedded in many other episodes. Just a few related Executive Coaching Tips are: Assertion vs Aggression Choosing Persistence Don’t Take it Personally Getting Unstuck The Look & Sound of Self-Esteem Speaking For Yourself Showing Teeth Status Every episode is available at: Be in touch with us at:

  • The Human Element

    02/03/2017 Duration: 17min

    At work, we often diminish the importance of feelings – our own or those of others. We think, “I don’t have time for that” or “That’s silly.” But feelings don’t disappear just because they’re inconvenient. And, when unacknowledged, their impact can be severe. This month, two coaches discuss the difficulties of managing “the human element.” Related episodes: Building Empathy Building Emotional Intelligence Coaching Your People Compassion During Change Dealing with Emotional Responses

  • Self-Limiting Beliefs

    02/02/2017 Duration: 15min

    Self-limiting beliefs hold us back. We limit who we are so we don't shatter those beliefs. This month's coaching conversation serves up several strategies to help you push back against those demons. Along the way, we mention "Leadership and Self-Deception," a great book to help you on your journey. We also touch on the topic of "Coaching versus Therapy," something I've been talking about for years. You can find an epsiode about it in the archive. I also mention an interview I did with Eric Cacciatore on his podcast, "Restaurant Unstoppable" episode 298, in which he and I talk about management and turnover and motivation. It was a blast. Check it out. Related episodes: Conquering Fear Negative Self-Talk The Look & Sound of Self-Esteem Thinking Errors Unmasking a Stand-In

  • Inhabiting Executive Presence

    12/01/2017 Duration: 17min

    Getting to the next level of executive presence usually demands the adoption of new behaviors. This month's episode explores a three-step process that helps new behaviors become habits. Helping you change behavior so you can be perceived the way you want to be perceived is the raison d'être of this podcast. If it's time for you develop more effective behaviors, there is an entire category in “The Look & Sound of Leadership" archive that will accelerate your development. The archive is at: The category, "Developing New Behavior" is at: Five favorite episodes in that category are: Act “As If” Creating New Behaviors How Behaviors Change The Many Parts of You When Learning Makes Things Worse The episode called "Creating New Behaviors" has a PDF that goes along with it. If you'd like it, just ask. I'd love to send it you. Pop me an email at:

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