The Secret To Success With Cj & Eric Thomas | Inspiration | Personal Development | Success



From homeless, high school drop out to Entrepreneur, C.E.O. and Ph.D.! Hear first hand how Eric was able to defy the odds, and single-handedly break the negative generational cycles that plagued his family for decades. Join the conversation with ET, co-host Carlas Quinney Jr. and the Bajan Sensation and learn how you too can create the life you deserve. Get new Episode weekly on Thursdays at 6:00pm


  • 259 - Value Meal

    17/12/2020 Duration: 01h36min

    “Every bite of food that I was talking, was having an effect on my genetic expression.” Those are the words of today’s guest. We have all heard the expression, you are what you eat. It’s not just a cliche’. It’s a genetic fact. In today’s episode, Shawn Stevenson, author and host of the #1 health podcast, The Model Health Show, shares his journey to discovering the truth about healthy living. 

  • 258 - Bruce Banner

    10/12/2020 Duration: 01h29min

    “The more rational your thinking, the more rational your decisions. The more rational your decisions, the probability of the outcomes being great are significantly higher than when you are in an emotional state.”  In today’s episode, the guys are discussing the problem of making decisions based on feelings rather than on what is real, factual, and rational. Commit to making decisions rationally. Your life and legacy depend on it. 

  • 257 - S.T.A.N.K.

    03/12/2020 Duration: 01h17min

    We make a lot of decisions every day, and with the right energy, we can make every decision, the right decision. The truth is, the energy you give to situations and circumstances in your life is a critical factor to your success. In this episode, the guys speak on how having the right energy, positive attitude, and follow-through can make all the difference in the outcome of decisions.

  • 256 - Meat Wagon

    26/11/2020 Duration: 01h27min

    Yooo….You gotta listen to this one, let it simmer for a bit, and then listen to it again. Jemal pulls you into his journey to becoming the successful entrepreneur he is today by taking you back to some of the most vulnerable moments of his life as a police officer in Chicago. This one is real, raw, and gives you a much-needed dose of reality to embrace the urgency of this moment and do what it takes to execute on the commitments you've made to better yourself, your family, and your community.

  • 255 - The Failure Formula

    19/11/2020 Duration: 01h29min

    "Focus on the process." Those are the words of Jayda, ET's daughter, on today's podcast.  2020 has been a year like no other. COVID-19 has changed everything, and it's easy to feel like your goals and dreams have been left behind. Listen up because today, the guys differentiate between two major types of people and how they plan and execute their goals. Be prepared to take lots of notes because you don't want to miss any of the life-changing actionable tips and strategies they are dropping today. 

  • 254 - Free Vasectomy

    12/11/2020 Duration: 01h23min

    ET starts today’s podcast with the quote: ”Excellence is what we repeatedly do.” Over the weekend, CJ celebrated his bday and ET bought him a gift that he never received. ET turns this disappointment into an object lesson for people who want massive success, but their energy and effort don’t match their dreams and goals. While listening to this podcast the guys put emphasis on the importance of being excellent at all times. You can’t make next level money with average service and energy, grab your pen and pads; this one gets deep. The Secret to Success Topics: [03:30] - Happy Bday CJ [09:24] - Peloton [25:20] - Seafood at The Door [30:00] - Average Energy [47:55] - Energy Spikes [1:00:00] - How Dare You [1:11:00] - Be Selective Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just go to Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go. Get fresh pre-measured ingredients delivered to your door with H

  • 253 - Sight Fight

    05/11/2020 Duration: 01h37min

    CJ is heated. That's how Karl and ET describe the seriousness of today's topic. Many aspiring entrepreneurs look for guidance and assistance while building their dreams. But on today's podcast, CJ talks about the people who put their success and dreams into others' hands. Do we need coaches to guide us..yes? Do we need people to bounce ideas off of..sure? But CJ's frustration boils over when people depend on others to make things happen. ET, Jemal, and Karl chime in and discuss how and why people create this false expectation when they're in close quarters with successful people. The Secret to Success Topics: [03:29] - Trey’s Comedy Corner [08:44] - You Can’t See [17:45] - CJ Heated [25:00] - Ideas [40:00] - Emotional Wiring [53:00] - Dangerous [1:18:00] - Social Media` Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just go to Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go.   Get connected wit

  • 252 - Bad Dad

    29/10/2020 Duration: 01h13min

    Please go and get a pen and pad!  You need to copy and remember every word ET starts this podcast with as he explains his frustration with contradictions. The contradictions of people who say they want success, they’re in the right place to obtain success, have every opportunity to make it happen, but they don’t want to do it what it takes. ET is convinced that the core problem with people who aren’t where they want to be is because they continue to contradict themselves. CJ, Karl, and Jemal chime in, and all the guys self-assess to see where and if they’re contradicting themselves in any area of life.  The Secret to Success Topics: [03:00] - Trey’s Comedy Corner [11:00] - Peace Offering [19:00] - Contradictions [26:00] - Talk that Talk [32:16] - Write it Down [50:00] - Scarce Energy [1:05:00] - Bad Dad    Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just go to Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywher

  • 251 - Capture The Flag

    22/10/2020 Duration: 01h12min

    Just like on ZOOM calls and face time all across the country, the Lebron discussion is still going on in today’s podcast. With his most recent championship win with the Lakers, the BIG debate has been where Lebron ranks with the well-established GOATS of basketball. Today, ET and the guys talk about how Lebron has captured and planted his flag and, comparatively, how the guys are planting their flags. Naturally, the question to you, the listening/watching audience, is, ”are you planting your flag?”  if you’ve tuned in for at least one of our earlier podcasts, you already know the guys are BIG on self-assessment. Today’s episode will put that ball squarely in your court, again. The Secret to Success Topics: [06:00] - Break The Bank [11:00] - Fair or Foul [19:00] - Back to Lebron [31:00] - It’s Personal [46:00] - The Hardest Championship [58:00] - Numbers Don’t Lie Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just go to Their superfood green juice

  • 250 - The Story Of A King

    15/10/2020 Duration: 01h18min

    Do you find yourself always giving out discounts to keep or attract new clients? When explaining your services to a prospective client, do you become nervous about sharing your services' costs because you're afraid of their response? Today on the podcast, the guys talk about how to get over the pricing hump and charge what you're worth. At the beginning of E's career, he wasn't getting 5-6 figures a speech. So,  there were a few things the guys did to get him there.  For today's listeners battling pricing concerns and apprehensions, do you think your anxiety has more to do with self-esteem or, is it a quality of work issue, i.e., you don't believe you're worth what you're asking?  How do you stop giving discounts and stick to your price? The guys dig deep and answer these questions for the entrepreneur who's good at what they do but always finds themselves shrinking to please the customer The Secret to Success Topics: [06:32] - Be Like Mike [12:28] - Things Happen [17:54] - Discount Double Check [26:45

  • 249 - Common Law Engagement

    08/10/2020 Duration: 01h12min

    This week on the podcast, the guys continue discussing accountability versus bullying and the very fine line between them. The guys go back to when they started to work together and discuss how their relationships and roles developed over the years. In those early days, their relationships were different and, so were the levels of accountability between them. But, once the vision became clear, the levels of accountability clearly shifted. How did ET deal with it? Was it bullying at the beginning? The guys tell all as they reflect on where they started, where they are and, how they got there.  The Secret to Success Topics: [05:41] - Trey’s Comedy Corner [10:23] - Karl’s Story [20:53] - It’s Not Easy [30:00] - The 1st [41:00] - During COVID [52:00] - Creating Wealth [1:02:00] - Reapply Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just go to Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go. Study wh

  • 248 - Emergency Wedding

    01/10/2020 Duration: 01h27min

    Accountability versus bullying. Two terms that most people don't use in the same sentence. Accountability is the obligation to explain, justify, and take responsibility for one's actions. Bullying is someone who intimidates or selfishly coerces people into doing things they don't want to do. Earlier this week, ET discovered that many people live a "bullied life," they've been coerced into, and they're confusing it for accountability. If you're not happy with your life and you find yourself saying yes when you want to say no, then you may be getting bullied. On today's podcast, the guys breakdown the following: When is it okay for someone to hold you accountable?  When does accountability turn into bullying? How do you even know when someone is bullying you as an adult?  Grab your pen and pad; this is an episode all adults can relate to. The Secret to Success Topics: [05:00] - Lebron James [23:00] - Bullying [31:00] - It’s Dangerous [41:00] - Afraid To Be Wrong [51:27] - The Game [1:10:00] - You

  • 247 - Credit Card Fraud

    24/09/2020 Duration: 01h22min

    Last week’s show ruffled a few feathers when Jemal explained why he told Karl not to pay his credit card bill when he received his tax return. Listeners worldwide commented, refuting the advice calling it backward, irresponsible, and downright wrong. Today the guys break down the numbers, and Jemal explains how not paying your credit card bill and leveraging the credit line can help you create wealth and better invest your money. The Secret to Success Topics: [04:59] - Trey’s Comedy Corner [09:24] - Accelerated Life [18:20] - 2 Seconds  [28:16] - Hate Mail [41:40] - Family Trust [53:23] - 20,000 sq foot house [1:10:00] - Constraints  Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just go to Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go. REBUILD Series: Study when it’s convenient for you and take your mobile classroom wherever you go. Earn a quality online degree at an ac

  • 246 - Sweet 16

    17/09/2020 Duration: 01h20min

    On today's podcast, the guys talk about the cost of NOT taking action. You may call yourself a procrastinator; you may call your delays "research" but,  we both know the reality is you're afraid to take a chance on yourself. We live in a world where the people who win are the ones who take chances and don't live in the past when they make mistakes. The guys breakdown the dangers of not taking action and how it can and will keep you from becoming the absolute best version of yourself. The Secret to Success Topics: [04:57] - Trey’s Comedy Corner [10:20] - GroundHog Day [15:39] - Don’t Become Romantic [25:44] - Sweet 16 [35:25] - Avery Transforms [47:00] - Scared To Shoot [57:46] - Do It Anyway [1:09:46] - Credit Card Lesson Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just go to Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go. Study when it’s convenient for you and take your mobile classroom whe

  • 245 - Fat Pockets

    10/09/2020 Duration: 01h14min
  • 244 - The Cure For Envy

    03/09/2020 Duration: 01h32min
  • 243 - Kayaking with Dave

    27/08/2020 Duration: 01h48min
  • 242 - A Tingle In My Eye

    20/08/2020 Duration: 01h49min

    On today's podcast, the guys continue last week's conversation on expectations. Expectations of getting yourself to the next level and those you have of others. Last week Jemal and ET took over the conversation, but this week Karl and CJ held the torch and made their marks on the topic. Grab your pen and paper because it's time to take notes. The Secret to Success Topics: [06:38] - Trey’s Comedy Corner [08:25] - A shift [21:00] - When Did You Know? [37:00] - Continuation [45:00] - Reaction [1:02:00] - Expectation vs Expectation [1:23:00] - The Spirit of Expectations Listener Perks: Make Real Estate Real Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just go to Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go. Streamline your team’s communication, ideas, and projects with Notion. An all inclusive creativity platform for entrepreneurs and their teams. Get fresh

  • 241 - Ain't No Mountain High Enough

    13/08/2020 Duration: 01h26min

    "Expectation" is defined as a belief that someone will or should achieve something. Today's Podcast begins with ET admitting that he's had to lower expectations for people because, from his experience,  people want the rewards without putting in the work. People will say they want things with their mouths, but their work ethic and efforts speak differently. After today's Podcast,  take some time to evaluate your life's expectations and ask yourself if your expectations match your efforts. The Secret to Success Topics: [04:30] - Trey’s Comedy Corner [10:49] - Karl in Cali [18:42] - Tik Tok Night [26:17] - Strawberry or Grape [30:05] - Expectations [44:09] - Clinging [1:08:00] - Do Something Different Listener Perks: Make Real Estate Real Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just go to Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go. Streamline your team’s communication, id

  • 240 - The Deep End

    06/08/2020 Duration: 01h49min

    When someone is drowning, is that the best time to teach them how to swim? On today’s podcast, the guys talk about the unique position you’re in when you’re the ”go-to” person in your family. You’re the one that everyone calls when they’re in a bind or when they need money. How do you determine when you’re truly helping someone versus hurting them? How do you determine how much to give and how often to give? When are you helping versus enabling? The guys review and explain their process of helping those who are truly in need vs. letting others dig themselves out of holes they continue to dig for themselves. The Secret to Success Topics: [04:00] - Trey’s Comedy Corner [10:00] - Addicted to WiFi [15:00] - First Car [25:00] - Phone Stop Ringing [38:00] - Don’t Just Give Money [51:00] - Invest In People [1:23:00] - 75% Is Water Listener Perks: Make Real Estate Real Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just go to Their superfood

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