Personality Hacker teaches you the coding language of your mind and how to use it to create great relationships - a fulfilling career and happiness.Are you born with your personality, or does it develop over time? What is intuition? What's the fastest way to use your natural gifts to improve overall happiness? Join Joel Mark Witt and Antonia Dodge as they discuss small changes in your personality and relationships that have big impact.
Your Personality 3-Year-Old Inferior Cognitive Function (Part 1) - 0198
06/11/2017 Duration: 47minIn this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about the 3-Year-Old inferior cognitive function for each of the 16 personality types (part 1).
The Path Of Self Acceptance - 0197
30/10/2017 Duration: 44minIn this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about the path to self-acceptance.
Getting Needs Met At Every Maslow Level - 0196
23/10/2017 Duration: 44minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk with their friend Dan (a former guest on episode 38) about his current personal development work and getting needs met at every Maslow level.
Antonia Life Lessons At 40 - 0195
16/10/2017 Duration: 38minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the life lessons Antonia has learned on the eve of her 40th birthday.
Finding Your Myers Briggs Type: Judging Functions - 0194
09/10/2017 Duration: 44minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about using the judging functions in your cognitive function stack to determine your personality type.
Enneagram Leadership (Part 2) - 0193
02/10/2017 Duration: 29minIn this episode Joel and Antonia continue their discussion with Dr. Beatrice Chestnut about Enneagram leadership.
Enneagram Leadership (Part 1) - 0192
25/09/2017 Duration: 42minIn this episode, Joel and Antonia talk with Dr. Beatrice Chestnut about the 9 types of leadership using Enneagram types as a framework.
Would You Rather Be Right Or Happy? - 0191
18/09/2017 Duration: 37minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about being right vs being happy.
Shambhala Meditation With Ethan Nichtern - 0190
11/09/2017 Duration: 46minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk with New York Times bestselling author Ethan Nichtern about Shambhala meditation, introverts vs extraverts in meditation, and his new book "The Dharma Of The Princess Bride."
The Skill Of Gratitude - 0189
04/09/2017 Duration: 39minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about building the skill of gratitude.
Does Luck Favor The Prepared? - 0188
28/08/2017 Duration: 44minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the common belief about luck favoring the prepared.
Just World Theory - 0187
21/08/2017 Duration: 42minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about Just World Theory.
Using Myers-Briggs For Hiring - 0186
14/08/2017 Duration: 43minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the benefits and challenges of using Myers-Briggs for hiring.
Marketing and Your Relationship To Money - 0185
07/08/2017 Duration: 53minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about having a healthy relationship with both marketing and money.
Marketing To Different Personality Types - 0184
31/07/2017 Duration: 01h11minIn this episode Joel and Antonia teach content from our Rapid Customer Rapport program on how to market to different personality types.
Marketing Manipulation vs Marketing Calibration - 0183
24/07/2017 Duration: 51minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about marketing manipulation vs marketing calibration.
Feels Like The First Time - 0182
17/07/2017 Duration: 28minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about that feeling you get when you first discover or refine your personality type or a truth about yourself.
Your Emotions vs My Emotions - 0181
10/07/2017 Duration: 29minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about our tendency as people to undervalue emotions in others until we experience them in ourselves.
Holding Space - 0180
03/07/2017 Duration: 27minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about what it means to "hold space" for another person or social interaction.
Your Personal Development Timeline - 0179
26/06/2017 Duration: 47minIn this episode Joel and Antonia talk about understanding where you are in your process and timeline of personal development.