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Inspiring People, Stories, Interviews and Insights


  • Romance Novels, Sultry Voices, Pacts with God and the Good Life

    11/02/2015 Duration: 52min

    Have you ever made a deal with God? I’m guessing that’s a yes. It’s pretty common to get to a place in your life where you want to something so much that you’re willing to give up anything in exchange for it. But what happens in this scenario typically? In the words of today’s guest, “Essentially […]The post Romance Novels, Sultry Voices, Pacts with God and the Good Life appeared first on Good LifeProject. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • How Do You Live After You’ve Almost Died?

    04/02/2015 Duration: 01h16min

    "PTSD is less of a brain event than an existential event."We've all heard of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but we may not realize that we probably all know someone who suffers from it.While it is typically associated with war and soldiers coming home after combat, trauma is a big part of civilian life.Today's guest has a fascinating perspective on this as he served for four years on active Marine duty, in the most peaceful of times, but then voluntarily went into war zones as a war reporter after his service.What he learned from his own experiences with PTSD, as well as his subsequent digging into the research and experiences around it, resulted in his new book, The Evil Hours.In our conversation, we cover all facets of trauma, David's experiences, and the underlying psychology behind the behaviors we are seeing more of in this country.He explains the fantasy soldiers create in their minds about coming home (and how difficult it is to reconcile reality with that once they are back), why Americans especially

  • The Power (and Heartbreak) of Being Called to Serve: Danielle Butin

    27/01/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    "People who are not listened to need those who are listened to to fight like hell for them."How many times have you heard an inspiring story of incredible service and heart and then thought, "How does that even get started?"Probably a lot.Because the truth is, most of us would love to create an impactful, service-oriented mission in our lives, but we're overwhelmed with the sheer logistics, let alone cost.Danielle Butin was no different, except that she didn't let those obstacles deter her.After decades of a highly successful career in occupational therapy and geriatric care, she found herself at a personal and professional crisis.So she took a trip to Tanzania.And what she experienced there left a mark so deep on her heart, she couldn't ignore it. Even though she tried.In this conversation, we get to hear the raw, unfiltered truth about how Danielle had to do the work of "undoing" her professional habits and mindset in order to get her non-profit, Afya Foundation, going.She opens up about the toll it to

  • Paleo For Mortals, One Size Does Not Fit All – With Chris Kresser

    22/01/2015 Duration: 54min

    Chris Kresser is a leading voice in functional and integrative medicine and a New York Times bestselling author of The Paleo Cure. He maintains a wildly popular, research-driven website and a clinical practice in Berkeley, CA that has been largely closed to new clients for the last 3 years, because he just can't handle the demand.He's also a bit of a raging introvert, a total science nerd, research fanatic and a humble guy. Chris loves to go deep down the science rabbit hole. And he loves to be with, and make a real difference in the lives of the people he serves.Funny thing is, none of this was ever supposed to happen...CChris' entire career was triggered by an intractable illness caught in a small surfing village in Indonesia, during what was supposed to be a year-long surf safari.That led to a 10 year, brutal health odyssey, where he traveled the world to seek the help of more than 30 different doctors, tried every one-size-fits-all approach to diet, a mountain of meds, amassed what he now calls his supple

  • From Addicted Teen to Acclaimed Therapist: The Inside Story

    08/01/2015 Duration: 01h12min

    It's sooo wonderful to be back from our holiday season hiatus!And, do I have a powerhouse conversation to share with you today...By the time she got out of high-school, Terri Cole described her liver as being "pickled" by mass amounts of black-out inducing alcohol.But it would be a few more years until a brief conversation at an AA meeting would send her reeling, and become the catalyst for her to stop drinking and start down a radically different path.Sober and focused, she'd soon build a career as a super-agent and confidant to the world's biggest super-models, but the nature of the business and the potential it had to destroy her clients led her to take a giant step further.She went back to school to become a therapist, then returned to the very same celebs whose careers she'd been making, to help them understand how to better embrace a more balanced, sane and holistic approach to a career all too often defined by excess and extremes.Over the last 20 years, she's built a powerhouse practice and reputation

  • Lewis Howes: A Big Man With a Dark Secret and Heart of Gold

    10/12/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    I'm rarely stunned. But this was one of those times...Lewis Howes is a radiant, towering hulk of a human being. Driven, energized, magnetic and successful. I've known Lewis for a number of years now and consider him a good friend.When he came to me earlier this year to share a dark, incredibly-painful secret from his childhood, I was floored. Did not see it coming. He'd been living with the pain and deep trauma of sexual abuse for decades. At the hands of another man, though he was just a boy.When he told me, a few months after, that he wanted to "go public" in an effort to help others who'd been through the same thing, I was hesitant.I didn't know how people might take it, or mis-attribute any unfounded motivations. But he was determined to make it happen and asking me to help guide the conversation. I knew how important it would be to create a "safe container," so I said yes.The conversation that unfolded was incredibly raw, real, vulnerable and powerful on so many levels. He recently shared it with his com

  • Brene Brown: On Gratitude, Vulnerability and Courage

    26/11/2014 Duration: 51min

    This week’s episode is a replay of a powerful conversation I had with famed author and grounded theory researcher Brene Brown ( and I met a few years back while speaking at a conference together. We clicked immediately, grabbed lunch and laughed a lot. I asked her to come share a bit of her journey with our community. The conversation that unfolded left me changed.Brene’s fascination with what she calls wholehearted living eventually led her to explore how we dance with shame and vulnerability. She wrote about this in her blockbuster book, Daring Greatly ( I asked her to join me on Good Life Project in October 2012 and the conversation that unfolded moved us both to tears as various points. Brene was so beautifully real, raw, candid and wise.A few gems -"Being courageous is more important to me, as a value, than succeeding.""I have no intake at all of any feedback or criticism from anyone who's not in the arena."We also talked about gratitude and the

  • Jocelyn Glei: Find Your Through-line and Make Your Mark

    21/11/2014 Duration: 01h07min

    We spend a lot of time thinking about the legacy we're building. What is the thing that threads everything you've done together? What is the mark you're leaving on the world, both in the career or work you do and the way you live your life?These are big questions. And they're what we're exploring in this week's episode with Jocelyn Glei.From the time she was a kid, Jocelyn had been drawn to writing, publishing and entrepreneurship. In high school, she launched her first "zine," printed on copiers at her dad's office. Her interest in language deepened through college, and upon graduating she moved through a series of ventures that kept putting her in charge of bigger and bigger editorial teams and budgets. Then, in 2009, Glei hooked with Behance founder, Scott Belsky, to head up now legendary creative mega-site and the annual conference for creative pros, 99U.Along the way, she's also curated a powerful three-book series, the latest of which, Make Your Mark, releases this week, boasting extraordinary essa

  • JJ Virgin: Sugar, Addiction and the Good Life

    13/11/2014 Duration: 01h04min

    Fueling your body for optimal health, performance and vitality is an important part of living a good life. Question is, how?I don’t know about you, but it’s more than a bit maddening trying to keep up with the latest nutrition advice.High-fat, low-fat, paleo, vegan, gluten-free, grass-fed donuts, who knows what’s next. Despite the onslaught, though, one ingredient seems to be emerging as a a potential nutritional black hole across nearly all the pundits, regardless of the approach. It's something that’s claimed to be more addictive than drugs, devastating to health and perfectly legal. In fact, according to today's guest, the average person eats about their body weight in this ingredient every year.So, who is that guest and what are we talking about?Leading voice in nutrition, wellness and weight loss, and bestselling author of The Virgin Diet and her newest book, The Sugar Impact Diet, JJ Virgin.That potential nutritional sinkhole she's talking about is a little thing called sugar, in all its forms, even the

  • Surprising People With An Extra Layer of Love – Tina Roth Eisenberg

    05/11/2014 Duration: 49min

    There’s this myth about being a grown-up, especially, being a parent, that it’s a time where the play ends and the serious work begins. That laughter and surprise and curiosity and spontaneity, very often the things that got you where you are, need to cede to more responsible behavior.But, what if the exact opposite was true?What if the real secret to a life well lived, was to never let them go. Better yet, to build your waking hours around them? That's what we’re talking about on today’s episodeMy guest today is Tina Roth Eisenberg. Over the last 9 years, she’s A design-turned-lifestyle blogCreativeMornings: A breakfast conference for creative pros now hosted in more than 100 countries every monthTattly: An artist-driven temporary tattoo companyStudiomates: A flourishing co-working space in Brooklyn, andTeuxDeux: A task-management appAll while raising a family and even documenting her son's epic 2-year old meltdowns at And it all seems to come from

  • The Myth of the Sole Genius and the Power of Partnerships

    30/10/2014 Duration: 01h16min

    There’s this legend about the sole creator.That person who goes into their creative cave, cloistered in solitude for days, months or even years, only to emerge with a work of genius. Exploding into the zeitgeist and changing everything.But what if that was story was just a myth? What if the whole of idea sole genius was really a fantasy, obscuring the truth that almost nothing truly profound was created in a vacuum? That’s what we’re talking about on today’s episodeMy guest today is bestselling author and essayist, Joshua Wolf Shenk. He recently published a provocative new book called The Powers of Two that explores both the myth of the sole creative and the complex and often legendary power of creative partnerships. Along the way, we also dive into Shenk’s own creative process, what it’s like to live the writer’s life and spend nearly 5 years working on a single book. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • How to Release Criticism and Embrace Your Calling

    23/10/2014 Duration: 49min

    There a certain inertia that often takes hold of our lives when we hit a certain age.One that says “you know that dream, it’s just not that realistic, so why don’t you just buckle down and do the adult thing?” It’s the voice of the inner critic, sometimes bundled with a whole lot of outer critics.Together, they keep you from playing big. From refusing the call to do something that might leave you exposed. How you handle those voices, that’s what we’re talking about on today’s episode.My guest today is womens’ leadership expert and author of Playing Big, Tara Sophia Mohr. Fresh out of Yale and on her way to becoming Shakespeare scholar and womens’ activist, she took an unexpected turn. Mohr headed to Stanford to get her MBA, where she confronted both the reality of the largely "male-born" and sense of disempowered voice.Emerging into the world of business, she kept seeing more of the same all around her. Powerful, strong women not stepping into that power and strength. And she wanted to do something

  • Closets Are No Place to Live: Ash Beckham

    17/10/2014 Duration: 01h06min

    When you hear the phrase “coming out,” what do you think about?For most people, it’s telling the world you’re gay. Truth is, we’ve all got closets. Deep thoughts, experiences, beliefs, often so painful they lay buried under piles of emotional laundry in the dark corner of our closets.Thing is, holding these things back is a source of pain. You can push it away, deny it, but it’s always there. Until one day, the pain of keeping it hidden exceeds the pain of letting it out. And, so you do. That moment is hard. Really hard. And there's no comparing your hard to someone else.Ash Beckham knows this. She's lived it. And now, she's talking about it.When Ash stepped onto the stage at TEDx Boulder last year, her intention was simple. Share her story. Talk about closets and comparisons. And how they can unlock or destroy our lives. Twelve minutes later, the audience rose to applaud and Ash thought that was that. Until a few weeks later when the video was posted and exploded online. Seems she’d touched a nerve. Tha

  • Those Angsty Teen Years (and why they still control you)

    09/10/2014 Duration: 58min

    Ever wonder why everything that happened during your teens has stayed with you for so long? And, for many, continues to control you to this day?In today's episode of Good Life Project, I'm sharing a fascinating conversation with acclaimed professor and adolescence expert, Laurence Steinberg, Ph.D..We're talking about what new brain research is showing us about the "care and feeding" of the adolescent brain, and what parents, schools and society can do about it.We'll also explore why, years after adolescence, it seems to keep such a tight grip on how we interact with the world.Adolescence, also know as “the oy vey years” is not a time most families look forward to. But what if almost everything you thought about those angsty teen years was wrong? What if the rules we laid down as parents, teachers and people who supposedly “knew better” were actually doing more harm than good?Well, it turns out, that just might be the case. New research on the adolescent brain seems be turning everything we thought we knew abo

  • Bonus Episode: The Art of Revolution: Movement-Driven Business

    06/10/2014 Duration: 01h36min

    So, I’ve got something different for you today. It’s a bonus episode that features a 90-minute audiobook version of something I published last week called The Art of Revolution.It’s about an idea. Actually, something that started as my own personal geek-fest. I was trying to figure out if you could tap the power of movements and revolutions to build a career or business or body-of-work. What I discovered, well, let’s just say, it surprised even me.What does this have to do with living a good life? Well, potentially, a lot.Because if you can earn your living by surrounding yourself with people who are fiercely committed to building something together, fueled by shared values and aspirations, something astonishing happens. You light up. And contributing to the world in a way that lights you up, that’s a pretty important part of a life well lived.But, enough of the set-up. Here’s the audiobook. The Art of Revolution.As always, you can listen below or, probably a better option for this (since it's 90-minutes) is

  • Erin Moon: Walking The Path Back To Life

    02/10/2014 Duration: 50min

    Sometimes you can do everything right in life. Give to others, live with compassion, love with every fiber of your being and fill your days with work you love. By all rights, the universe should be rallying to support you. And, most days it does.But then, one day, it seems to abandon you. It pushes you off a cliff and, instead of flying, it clips your wings and pulls the net out from under you. It thrusts you into chaos, devastating loss. Darkness so deep, you wake up every day wondering whether to move ahead or end it all.How we handle those places, how we rediscover life in moments of deep darkness, that’s what this week’s episode is about.Our story begins with an old friend, Erin Moon. Erin and I first met about 10 years ago, when she wandered into my yoga studio in Hell’s Kitchen. Back then, she was a working actor looking for free yoga. All I really remember was, her smile made everyone smile. She was also in love. Living her dream. It’d last a while longer. Then, in a moment, everything would change… Se

  • Chris Guillebeau – The Quest-Driven Life

    25/09/2014 Duration: 33min

    10 years ago, Chris Guillebeau mounted a quest to do the impossible, to visit every country in the world.Along the way, he’s been hassled, deported, detained, harassed and threatened. But, far more often, he’s been welcomed and embraced, discovered the brilliance of a deeply connected world, built a global community of unconventional adventurers and, maybe more importantly, he experienced how an intensely challenging, years long quest changes you in ways he likely never saw coming.Turning 35, Guillebeau completed that quest in April 2014 and writes about this astonishing journey in his new book, The Happiness of Pursuit.In today’s conversation, we explore this remarkable person and journey. We dive into what led him to mount a quest to do what only a handful of people in the history of the planet have done. We explore the how his experiences earlier in life shaped him and how his decade long quest changed him in ways he never saw coming.This episode is also the first in our shift to our new audio podcast-driv

  • Life, Legacy and the Final Episode of GLP TV???

    21/09/2014 Duration: 01h19min

    Big surprise and a huge announcement about the future of the project.First, the surprise. Today's guest is ME!You guys have been asking for two and a half years. So, I finally invited a good friend to turn the mic on me and explore this incredible journey of both life and GLP TV. We go deep into a number of topics I've never spoken about and share amazing moments, both in front of the camera and behind the scenes of the project.Now, what about the major announcement?You may notice in the image above, I'm wearing headphones and speaking into a radio-style microphone. Hmmmm, we've never done that before. What gives?Well, the big announcement is that the video part of the project is going on hiatus. We'll still air episodes on youtube as audio-only, but the next phase of the project is all about audio. This is actually a giant win for you. It's going to allow us to have conversations with a wider range of people, more often and with a level of depth and intimacy that'd hard to create when you've got a full crew

  • The Curse of Success and How to Avoid It

    10/09/2014 Duration: 05min

    The odd thing about success. It often breeds failure.An interesting thing happens when you start with nothing, work like crazy, take big creative risks that pay off and then end up on top of the world. You discover that the fall from the top of the world hurts a whole lot more than the fall from the street-corner. And you don't want to take that fall.You had nothing to lose in the beginning, but now you do. So, you stop doing the very thing that got you where you are. You operate from a place of loss-avoidance and negative-creativity.This is what we're talking about on today's GLP Jam Session. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Jesse Kornbluth: Curating Culture And Creating A Life

    04/09/2014 Duration: 40min

    Jesse Kornbluth is a force. Engaging, smart and deeply-invested in exploring life, ideas, people and art. Not just the art you hang on the wall, but the art of living. Full contact. Totally engaged. Life.If you ask him what he does, he may tell you he founded But that's really just a label that makes starting a conversation easier.In truth, he devours existence, curates conversations, experiences and media, filters them through the lens of his intellect and emotion, then shares them with the world. The form his creative output takes spans nearly every medium and has landed him on nearly every media channel over a career defined by ruthless honestly, relentless service and pursuit of something bigger than "just" a paycheck.In this wide-ranging, provocative conversation, Jesse and I dive into his fascinating life (I was about to use the word "journey," but in the episode, you'll see why I may never use that word again, lol). We explore creativity, greatness, community, scaling, fascination, writ

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