The Rich Roll Podcast



life + performance + spirit


  • Chef Iliana Regan Is A Boss: Thoughts On Sobriety, Literary Acclaim & Foraging

    03/02/2020 Duration: 02h24min

    Meet Iliana Regan. A self-taught chef and author, Iliana has faced and overcome a litany of obstacles from substance abuse to sexual discrimination, ultimately prevailing to experience a special moment right now -- celebrated for both her culinary and literary accomplishments. At 15 Iliana landed her first restaurant gig washing dishes and never looked back. Leaning on the rustic experiences of her Midwestern upbringing (she was making mushroom tea long before Four Sigmatic was a thing), Iliana pioneered a unique locavore style of cooking dubbed 'new gatherer', plied daily at her Chicago restaurant Elizabeth -- notable for its homestead aesthetic, emphasis on foraged foods and deep connection to the natural surroundings. It's an approach that landed her a coveted Michelin star six years in a row. Jeff Gordinier, food and drinks editor for Esquire magazine (and former podcast guest), included Elizabeth on his recent list of the last decade’s 40 most important restaurants. Noma's René Redzepi, arguably the worl

  • The Poet Laureate Of Running: Rickey Gates On Endurance & Empathy

    27/01/2020 Duration: 02h08min

    Meet Rickey Gates. Both idiosyncratic and extraordinary, you may know Rickey as a distinguished ultra-runner. But peer just beneath the surface of his many athletic accomplishments and you will discover a thoughtful, deeply empathetic and uniquely expressive human. After nearly a decade competing on the national and international mountain, trail and ultra running circuits, Rickey took his love for endurance, storytelling, photography and design -- and fused them together to create an ongoing series of project-based, performance art adventures. Deemed "the rambling poet of the running world" by Outside magazine, Rickey is a true conceptual artist -- leveraging numerous mediums to communicate a personal and humanist perspective on the inner workings of society, self, nature and human potential. Notable ventures include his solo, unsupported run across America. The upcoming, exquisite and arresting feature film Transamericana that chronicles it. And his debut book Cross Country that travels inside Rickey's 3,700

  • Lindsay Crouse Is Changing The Game For Women's Sports

    23/01/2020 Duration: 01h44min

    A perfect companion piece to my recent conversation with Lauren Fleshman -- and in furtherance of better understanding the issues that swirl around gender, sport and fairness -- today I sit down with an investigative journalist breaking some of the biggest stories in women's sports. Meet Lindsay Crouse. A graduate of Harvard University, where she competed in both cross country and track and field, Lindsay is a senior staff editor and senior OpDocs producer at The New York Times. If you’ve been paying any attention to running news (or just big headlines in general) then you are already familiar with Lindsay’s work. At the epicenter of the conversation that surrounds sports and power, Lindsay is behind some of the biggest sports stories and opinion pieces in recent memory, with a particular focus on the role and state of women's distance running. Some of Lindsay's most popular pieces include How The 'Shalane Flanagan Effect' Works, which examined the former podcast guest and New York City Marathon victor's el

  • Lauren Fleshman Is Empowering Women Athletes

    20/01/2020 Duration: 02h18min

    Meet Lauren Fleshman. One of the greatest middle-distance runners in American history, Lauren has a storied history of breaking both records and paradigms. After collecting state championships as a standout high school runner, she matriculated to Stanford, where she garnered 5 NCAA titles, 15 All-American honors, and a spot in the Hall of Fame. As a professional, her accolades include two USA Championships and five World Championship berths for Team USA. Nonetheless, Lauren’s career was also marked with devastating setbacks. She holds the painful distinction of most likely being the best American distance runner never to make an Olympic team, her competitive career repeatedly impaired by injuries that had her on crutches at the wrong four-year intervals. It's the hows and whys behind Lauren's hard knocks that interest me the most. Because it's these very misfortunes that underscore her philosophic perspective on running. Her take on human potential. Her belief in transformation. And, perhaps most poignant, he

  • Balancing Your Hormones With Neal Barnard, MD

    13/01/2020 Duration: 01h52min

    A predominant theme of this podcast is the profound impact of nutrition on long-term well-being. Less discussed is the importance of hormonal health. Most would be surprised to learn that certain maladies -- including infertility, menstrual cramps, weight gain, hair loss, breast and prostate cancer, hot flashes, and many others -- have one thing in common: they are fueled or influenced by hormones hiding in everyday foods. The good (and surprising) news is that proper nutrition can also help restore endocrine balance, often with benefits that rival popular medications. To provide insight on how hormones wreak havoc on the body, and how specific diet and lifestyle changes can help alleviate years of stress, pain and illness, I'm joined today by my friend Neal Barnard, MD. Making this third appearance on the podcast (check episodes #242 / #296), Dr. Barnard is a pre-eminent authority on diet, nutrition and its impact on illnesses such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s. In addition, he is the

  • Kelly McGonigal Wants You To Fall In Love With Movement

    09/01/2020 Duration: 02h12min

    We equate the new year with potential energy. It's an opportunity to re-evaluate one's trajectory. A permission grant to chart a new course of self-discovery. In truth, every moment presents a window for reinvention. But January always provides heightened urgency to inventory how we spend our precious time, focus our intention and deploy our energy. Extrapolating on themes explored with Chadd Wright, today we balance out the warrior alpha-male vibe with some feminine wisdom, courtesy of Kelly McGonigal, PhD. A health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University who specializes in understanding the mind-body connection, Kelly is a pioneer in the field of 'science-help,' translating insights from psychology and neuroscience into practical strategies that support personal well-being and community connection. There’s a decent chance you caught her amazing 2013 TED Talk, How To Make Stress Your Friend. A viral hit with over 21 million views, Kelly makes the case that social connection is both a natural instinc

  • Chadd Wright: Don’t Give Pain A Voice

    06/01/2020 Duration: 02h08min

    Meet Chadd Wright. Reared in the mountains of rural northwest Georgia, Chadd grew up obsessed with becoming a SEAL. But when the Navy discovered a rare but asymptomatic cyst on his heart, he was disqualified from entering BUDS. Undaunted, Chadd refused to give up, ultimately tracking down a surgeon willing to perform a procedure deemed too risky by every cardiologist he previously petitioned. Cyst successfully removed, Chadd went on to realize his SEAL dream, serving over the next decade as a Team Leader on multiple deployments to conflict zones across the world. He became a SEAL instructor. A Master Training Specialist. Chadd even served a stint as President Obama’s bodyguard. Along the way, he battled PTSD and traumatic brain injury. He faced his wife’s substance abuse issues. And he found God -- a faith in part born from a paranormal experience he shares in riveting detail today. Now retired from the military, Chadd has found new life as an elite ultramarathoner -- a spiritual quest for self-knowledge and

  • The Best Of 2019: Part II

    30/12/2019 Duration: 02h33min

    Welcome to Part II of our 7th annual Best of the RRP Anthology — our way of taking a moment to reflect on the past twelve months by revisiting the year's most compelling podcast guests. It's been an honor to engage with so many extraordinary people over the course of 2019. Reviewing the year in conversation brought powerful new insights -- a reminder that these evergreen exchanges continue to inspire and inform. For long-time listeners, my intention is to launch you into 2020 with renewed vigor. If you're new to the show, my hope is that this anthology will stir you to peruse the back catalog and check out episodes you may have missed. Links to the full episodes excerpted in this anthology are listed in the below show notes. Thank you for taking this journey with me. I appreciate you. I love you. You can also watch it all go down on YouTube.  Here's to an extraordinary 2020. Join me, and let's do this thing together. Peace + Plants, Rich

  • The Best Of 2019: Part I

    26/12/2019 Duration: 02h23min

    Welcome to the 7th annual Best of the RRP Anthology — our way of taking a moment to reflect on the year, express gratitude and give thanks for taking this journey with us. To be honest, I didn’t think we could top 2018 -- but we did. It’s been an incredible year. I'm deeply indebted to all my extraordinary guests. And unbelievably proud of the library we dedicated ourselves to creating over the last twelve months. To prepare for the year ahead, it’s critical to pause. To reflect back. Celebrate the victories. Take inventory of the missteps. And visualize the goals you wish to self-actualize in the months ahead. I believe in this process. And I feel strongly that 2020 holds the potential energy manifest your aspirations. It is in this spirit that we created a tradition of closing each year with a look in the rear view with a 2-episode compilation of clips excerpted from many of year's best guests. Consider these next two shows as a love letter. My way of saying thank you. I see you. I believe in you. And I bel

  • Kendra Little Is Becoming More: Broadening The Gender Identity Conversation

    23/12/2019 Duration: 01h50min

    Growing up in the late 1970's there was no conversation around gender identity. You were either male or female. Period, end of discussion. Times have changed. The way we currently think about gender has evolved. Each day brings greater mainstream awareness to its non-binary nature -- and the innate fluidity of gender roles and identity. Take a moment to imagine the experience of being intersex -- a condition in which an individual is born with genetic variations on conventional sex characteristics. Now imagine trying to navigate the world from this non-binary biological disposition. This is the story of Kendra Little. Raised as a girl, at age 12 Kendra learned that she was born with something called androgen insensitivity syndrome, a variation of intersex that affects between 2 to 5 out of 100,000 people. The news prompted Kendra to isolate. Adopting a hormone protocol on the advice of her doctors, she remained a ‘girl’, proceeded to never discuss her condition with anybody and dove headlong into sports -- a

  • Rangan Chatterjee, MD On Quelling Stress, Cultivating Intimacy & Reinventing Health Care

    16/12/2019 Duration: 02h49min

    Today we’re going to talk about stress. In proper doses it’s actually beneficial, promoting resilience -- both physical and mental. This week’s guest has seen the perils of chronic stress first hand. A UK-based medical doctor, he found himself increasingly treating patients suffering from the downstream implications of living with this malevolence. It prompted him to ask, why is this happening? His name is Rangan Chatterjee, MD. He decided to find answers to this question -- and do something about it. If that name sounds familiar, perhaps it’s because you caught him on the BBC, starring in Doctor in the House. Perhaps you read his bestselling book, The Four Pillar Plan, released in the United States under the title How To Make Disease Disappear. Or maybe, just maybe, you caught RRP 376, our popular first conversation from July of 2018 that launched our friendship. For those unfamiliar, Dr. Chatterjee is a pioneer in the field of progressive, functional medicine. Widely regarded as one of the most influential

  • Julie Piatt: Seeing The Divinity In Everything

    12/12/2019 Duration: 01h45min

    Welcome to the latest installment in my ongoing series of mind melds with my wife and in-house spiritual guru, the wise and ethereal Julie Piatt, aka SriMati. Longtime listeners are well acquainted with my better half. For those newer to the show, Julie is very good at many things. In addition to being an accomplished yogi, healer, musician, and mom to four children, she's also the bestselling author of three vegan cookbooks. She hosts the For The Life of Me podcast. She lords over Water Tiger, her online spiritual community. And she's the founder and 'Mother Arc' of SriMu, her recently launched plant-based cheese start-up. This conversation opens with an update on SriMu. How Julie manifested her vision to create the absolute best artisanal vegan cheese on the market. Start-up founder life behind-the scenes. The values she is building into her food and work culture. And the broader mission she holds for the future. We discuss the hows and whys behind my decision to take my first ever extended work sabbatical

  • Breaking Boston: Scott Fauble Is Leading American Marathoners Into The Olympics

    09/12/2019 Duration: 01h54min

    For the vast majority of us, besting our 26.2 personal record by 3+ minutes would be considered fine. Something to be celebrated, but hardly a mind-bending breakthrough. At the highest level of distance running however, the distinction is vast. It's the canyon that separates a very good marathon runner from the greats. This is the story of Scott Fauble. Historically a very accomplished cross country & 10K runner (at the 2016 Olympic Trials he finished 4th in the 10,000 meters), Scott was unproven at the marathon. That is, until he ran 2:12 in Frankfurt in 2017 and matched that time the following year in New York. These performances certainly established Scott as a very good marathoner. But nobody, aside from Scott himself and perhaps his coach and close circle, was prepared for his stunning performance at the 2019 Boston Marathon. Not only did he surprise the world by leading the race for extended stretches, he accomplished what is almost unheard of at his level -- besting his marathon PR by almost 3 and a ha

  • Ryland Engelhart’s Philosophy Is Gratitude: Thoughts On Soil, Sacred Commerce & Sustainability

    02/12/2019 Duration: 02h14min

    Last week we explored the world of regenerative farming, soil health and biodiversity as critical levers to improve human health. Consolidate food security. Drawdown carbon. And backpedal climate change. Today we expound on that theme with entrepreneur, restauranteur and social activist Ryland Engelhart. Ryland is the ‘Mission Fulfillment Officer' and co-owner of Café Gratitude and Gracias Madre, a family owned group of legendary plant-based restaurants. The epicenter of California vegan cuisine & culture, it's a platform he uses to not only feed people amazing food but to cultivate community — and most importantly, inspire more gratitude into our lives and culture. In addition, Ryland is a speaker and passionate advocate for sacred commerce, community building and regenerative farming principles, which he supports as co-founder of Kiss The Ground, a non-profit that provides education regarding the connection between soil, human, and planetary health. Among its board of advisors are former podcast guests Paul

  • Soil Is Everything: John & Molly Chester’s Biggest Little Farm

    25/11/2019 Duration: 02h29min

    Biodiversity. Regenerative agriculture. Ecological sustainability. Carbon drawdown. Climate change reversal. These are popular themes that recur regularly on this show. But in practical terms, what do they actually mean? I wanted to better understand these subjects. Not from the perspective of an academic, scientific researcher or political pundit but rather from the direct experience of actual practitioners — people who live and practice it every single day — farmers. Nine years ago, personal chef Molly Chester and her filmmaker husband John Chester traded their life in urban Santa Monica for 200 acres of infertile land nestled in the foothills of Ventura County — an arid and desolate plot called Apricot Lane Farms. Hence began a journey to build a new life from scratch. The vision? An organic, biodiverse farm based upon regenerative principles, thriving in harmony with nature. It began with repairing the draught-laden, nutrient deplete soil, followed by planting 10,000 orchard trees. Rooting over 200 crops.

  • Awareness Is A Superpower

    21/11/2019 Duration: 01h29min

    Making his 9th appearance on the podcast, today marks another mind-bending deep dive into the multiverse with Guru Singh, my treasured friend and favorite wizard of all things mystical. For those newer to the show, imagine a modern-day Gandalf who rocks like Hendrix while dropping pearls of wisdom that beautifully fuse Eastern mysticism with Western pragmatism. A celebrated third-generation Sikh yogi, master spiritual teacher, author, and family man, for the past 40 years Guru Singh has been studying and teaching Kundalini Yoga. He is the author of several books, a powerful lecturer, and behind-the-scenes guide to many a luminary, including Fortune 500 CEOs, athletes, and artists. Guru Singh is also a talented musician who rocked alongside Janis Joplin and the Grateful Dead in the 1960s. When he isn’t recording tracks with people like Seal, he’s bringing down the house on the daily at Yoga West, his Los Angeles home base. The focus of today's discourse? Awareness. We talk about the importance of self care, c

  • He Ran Across America — On Plants

    18/11/2019 Duration: 02h07min

    Imagine running an ultramarathon. It’s a huge undertaking for anyone. And a bucket list dream for many. Now imagine running an ultramarathon every day. A minimum of 40 miles, 75 days in a row. Starting in Los Angeles. Finishing in New York. A 3,200 mile transcontinental run. This is the story of Robbie Balenger. Just 6 years ago, Robbie laced up his first pair of running shoes to alleviate the stress he was experiencing managing a restaurant. A small act, that first run set in motion a chain of events that led to a passion for running long distances, followed by a purpose-driven mission promote a message — the power of a plant-based diet to fuel athletic performance. Prevent and reverse certain lifestyle maladies. Ameliorate suffering. And redress climate change. What Robbie didn't expect? The many extraordinary ways running creates community. Unites people across the economic divide. And bridges the political differences that drive us apart. I was unfamiliar with Robbie until an e-mail hit my inbox courtesy

  • Edward Norton: Thoughts On Ego, Taking Big Swings & Speaking Truth To Power

    11/11/2019 Duration: 01h49min

    One of the most acclaimed actors of his generation, today Edward Norton graces the podcast to discuss his fascinating life and perspective on filmmaking, culture, politics and the nature of power. Over the course of his extraordinary career, Edward has reaped 3 Academy Award nominations starring in some of the greatest films of our era — Primal Fear, American History X, Fight Club, Birdman, and 25th Hour among them. The occasion for this conversation is Motherless Brooklyn — a long-gestating passion project Edward wrote, directed, produced and headlines. A period crime noir that confronts the shadowy malevolence of power in 1950's New York City, Edward stars as a twitchy tourettic detective determined to find his boss' killer. Evocative of Chinatown, it’s a towering achievement and terrific watch I implore all of you to immediately see in the theatre. Unfamiliar to most are Edward’s many off-screen interests and achievements as an entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist and environmentalist. In 2010, he co-fou

  • Dean Karnazes Is Running For Good: Lessons On Longevity & Embracing Discomfort

    07/11/2019 Duration: 01h49min

    Gracing us with his beautiful presence for a third appearance on the show, my guest today is none other than the legendary ultra-marathon man himself. For those who missed RRP 115 and/or RRP 259, Dean Karnazes is an internationally recognized endurance athlete, New York Times bestselling author, and philanthropist globally lauded for his preternatural ability to push his body and mind to limits inconceivable to mere mortals. Among his many palmerès, Dean has: * Run 135 miles across Death Valley in 120+ degree temperatures several times; * Run for 350 continuous miles, foregoing sleep for three nights; * Run a marathon to the South Pole in negative 40 degrees. * Run a 200-mile relay race solo, racing alongside teams of twelve — on ten different occasions; and * Run 50 marathons, in all 50 U.S. states, in 50 consecutive days, finishing with the New York City Marathon, which he ran in three hours flat In addition to his many feats of mind-bending athletic prowess, Dean's first book, Ultramarathon Man not only

  • Rodrigo y Gabriela: Musical Mystics On Mettavolution, Meditation & Mastery (+ Mini-Concert!)

    04/11/2019 Duration: 01h35min

    It’s one thing to be an artist. But to become a successful creative — revered for your art — is quite another thing altogether. Even more rare are the few who deftly navigate the vicissitudes of an acclaimed artistic career (or any career for that matter), with a highly conscious, devotional approach. Musicians Rodrigo Sánchez and Gabriela Quintero – popularly known as the Mexican acoustic rock guitar duo Rodrigo y Gabriela — are not only incredible masters of their craft, they fully embody this ethos. It's a sensibility that has carried them from obscurity in Mexico. To busking on Grafton Street in Dublin. And ultimately to playing premier sold out venues all across the globe. Along the way, Rod & Gab have performed at the White House for the Obamas. They've collaborated on film scores with world renowned composers like Hans Zimmer. And lent their talents to television shows like Breaking Bad — all while staying true to themselves and their utterly unique Metallica meets Flamenco artistic sensibility. For t

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