That Paleo Show



Dr Brett Hill (Chiropractor) is passionate about helping people get healthy naturally and believes that your body needs no help to perform at its best, just no interference. This show will help you get back to basics and redefine the way you eat, think, and move in order to maximise your innate potential.


  • TPS 87: Mark Sisson Drops By To Give Us The Downlow On His Next Big Project – The Primal Blueprint Expert Certification

    03/10/2014 Duration: 34min

    Today’s guest is on a mission to empower people to take full responsibility for their own health and enjoyment of life by investigating, discussing, and critically rethinking everything we’ve assumed to be true about health and wellness. He believes that the single greatest investment you can make is in yourself. He is the author of one of our favourite Primal go to books- The Primal Blueprint, provides bucket loads of information and motivation via his blog Marks Daily Apple and keeps us thinking by facilitating great content and discussion on his podcast the Primal Blueprint. We are super thrilled to have him on the show today to discuss his next big project which we are busting to know more about- Welcome to the show the man who teaches us to be motivated by enjoyment Mark Sisson. Links to the good stuff Check out the certification here: Home The post TPS 87: Mark Sisson Drops By To Give Us The Downlow On His Next Bi

  • TPS 86: Leon Wurfel of Primal Collective – Ancient Foods For A Modern Generation

    26/09/2014 Duration: 32min

    This weeks guest is officially powered by fat! Yes, that’s right, unashamedly sharing with us the amazing benefits of ancient foods for a modern generation. Primal Collective are powered by 1000 years of history and backed by modern science and they are putting traditional foods back into Australian homes. We’re super excited to be chatting to our major sponsor for Primal Collective Cave Camp and not just because of all their delicious kitchen goodies! We’re thrilled to be working with a company whose philosophies and ideals about helping others through improving health align so well with our mission to share the wellness message. So get ready to talk Roasted Crickets and Primal Fat as we welcome to the show Leon Wurfel from Primal Collective. Links to the good stuff The post TPS 86: Leon Wurfel of Primal Collective – Ancient Foods For A Modern Generation appeared

  • TPS 85: Dr Brett Hill – How To Eat An Elephant

    19/09/2014 Duration: 34min

    This weeks show is for anyone that has ever avoided doing something because they think it’s just too hard or too big to tackle. We often talk about the power of perception and the role our mind plays in what we can achieve so we’re aiming to really break down the steps to success into chunk size pieces that we are all capable of doing. This weeks guest most of you actually know quite well. He is not only someone that Steve and I look to as source of inspiration and great knowledge but he works hard and plays hard as well – welcome to the show our very own barefooted caveman Dr Brett Hill. Get your copy of the wildly popular How To Eat An Elephant here The post TPS 85: Dr Brett Hill – How To Eat An Elephant appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

  • TPS 84: Edible Insects Series Part 1 – Pat Crowley From Chapul Cricket Bars

    12/09/2014 Duration: 32min

    We love a good mission statement because we think that understanding the principles and the motivation behind your actions is so powerful. Today’s guest is actively getting people excited about sustainable living and when we think about the massive consumption and use of resources that goes in to modern agriculture it makes sense that we should be taking a close look at not only what we are eating but how it arrives onto our dinner plate. Pat works for Chapul which is a company with a simple goal – to build a more sustainable future by introducing incredibly efficient insect protein in a delicious, organic product..their tasty Chapul bars. They believe passionately in sustainable use of our precious water resources and how’s this for a statistic, agriculture absorbs 92% of all freshwater consumed globally. At Chapul they believe that change starts with what we eat, and it starts with all of us. Pat subscribes to the view that our actions today can positively impact the lives of tomorrow and I for one

  • TPS 83: Brynley King Of Banaban Virgin Coconut Oil On Her New Cookbook Book – Going Coconuts

    05/09/2014 Duration: 23min

    Preparing for today’s show I found myself reflecting about pre-paleo Steve and Sarah compared to current Steve and Sarah. Anyone that knows us will tell you how much we love our food and how we delight in getting stuck into the latest flavour sensation and I know that Dr Brett is a big foodie also. I’d like to share a bit of a flash back which shows a pretty dramatic shift in our thinking and our idea of treating ourselves. A while ago a trip to the movies would’ve consisted of generally some kind of sugary, chocolatey treat which we probably would’ve demolished during the previews and then been left wanting more, however fast forward to now and a night at the movies consists of something more along the lines of a bag of organic coconut crunch which is this amazing air dried toasted flakes of coconut which keeps us going strong until the end credits as well as satisfying the urge for something juicy delicious and crunchy. So while some people might think we are a little bit wacky I actually delight in realisi

  • TPS 82: Anthia Koullouros – Naturopath, Herbalist And Owner Of Ovvio Organics On Her New Book – I Am Food

    29/08/2014 Duration: 33min

    Anthea is a Naturopath & Herbalist, Organic Food Health & Lifestyle Educator, Owner of Ovvio Retail Store & Organic Tea and Author of I am food. Which is her brilliant new book based around eating for health. Anthia has exhaustive knowledge and experience working in the wellness industry and has spent the last 20 years consulting as a Naturopath. Originally inspired by a faded nutritional manual on her parent’s shelf when she was 12, she embarked on a lifetime of research and learning which we are excited to be able to share with you today. Here to help us ‘unscramble the scramble’ and transition from eating processed foods to eating the food that are best for your body, soul and the planet, here is Anthia Koullouros. Links to the good stuff: The post TPS 82: Anthia Koullouros – Naturopath, Herbalist And Owner Of Ovvio Organ

  • TPS 81: Leslie Klenke On Her Amazing New Book For Young Women – Paleo Girl

    22/08/2014 Duration: 31min

    This weeks guest has a great story that she has taken and used to write a book specifically targeted at teen girls BUT If you’re not a teen girl, stay with us because the information she is going to share today applies to all of us. Leslie blasts through common diet nonsense and sets the record straight with great matter of fact advice on how to be your absolute best version of you without struggling for it. We hope you enjoy this weeks podcast with author of Paleo Girl- Leslie Klenke. Links to the good stuff: The post TPS 81: Leslie Klenke On Her Amazing New Book For Young Women – Paleo Girl appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

  • TPS 80: Dr. Amy Myers – Autoimmunity, Gut Health, And Why Fermented Foods Might Not Be Helping You

    15/08/2014 Duration: 30min

    Here at That Paleo Show we love a good strong statement and we don’t think it gets much better than our guests philosophy- Get to the root. Learn the tools. Live the solution. Dr Amy Myers wears many hats including Teacher, Physician and Author of The Autoimmune Solution: A Revolutionary Plan to Prevent and Reverse the Full Spectrum of Symptoms and Diseases due for release January 2015 . Helping people is Dr Amy’s passion and today we look forward to discussing how she found what she believes to be the best way to heal people. Like us Dr Amy believes that health shouldn’t be viewed as a cookie cutter solution and instead practices Functional medicine with the view that each of us is unique in our genetic makeup and physiology. She advocates that what ultimately causes illness in one person is not the same for another, and treatment for each will therefore be different. This sounds like a brilliant basis for some wonderful discussion so lets get stuck into it, welcome to the show Dr Amy Myers. The post TPS 8

  • TPS 79: Diamond Dave Nixon – Functional Fitness, Efficiency And Movement With Passion

    08/08/2014 Duration: 35min

    This week’s guest was originally on the show way back in episode 32. He is the Coaching Director and owner of FUNC fitness in Canberra and is passionate about enabling others to develop their awareness of Functional Fitness. He is all about movement first and exercise second. With a strong background in various disciplines including mixed martial arts and strength training, he certainly is qualified to talk to us about moving efficiently. Now most of you know Sarah likes to do some research before each show and she got very excited stalking Dave on the internet because firstly she came across some very impressive kick boxing footage which was then backed up with a video of a pretty solid Crossfit workout. Anyone that knows Sarah will tell you that martial arts and throwing weights around are a few of her favourite things. So regardless of the kind of movement you enjoy today’s show is sure to be a corker full of great tips and content to help you make the most of your daily exercise. Links to the good stuff:

  • TPS 78: Jimmy Moore – Keto Clarity, Your Definitive Guide to the Benefits of a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet

    01/08/2014 Duration: 36min

    This weeks guest is a great mate of That Paleo Show and actually provided the inspiration for Steph, Janah and Brett to start this podcast over 1 year ago when he visited Australia. His passion and enthusiasm for helping others so that they may discover a better quality of life through lifestyle and nutrition is evident to anybody who has read his blog, listened to his podcast or read any of his books.   Here to discuss his upcoming book Keto Clarity, the man with the biggest heart in the business, Jimmy Moore! Links to the good stuff Jimmy Moore, Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb blog and podcast   Join Jimmy on the Low Carb Cruise Cholesterol Clarity (2013 – Victory Belt Publishing):   Keto Clarity (2014 – Victory Belt Publishing):–Moore/dp

  • TPS 77: Emily Coupar Of Paleo Thermie

    25/07/2014 Duration: 32min

    Recently we had Jo Whitton from Quirky cooking join us and she spoke all about how she uses her thermomix to make healthy Paleo Cooking really simple. You guys went absolutely nuts for it-so because we got such a huge response and because we love it when you’re happy aaaaand also a little bit because Dr Brett is still mastering the art of using his, we thought we’d bring another Paleo Thermomix Genius into….. wait for it- the mix- see what I did there?!  Today’s guest is a Nurse, A Thermomix consultant and fitness fanatic who follows a Paleo style diet with lots of raw foods! Like all of us she loves food and loves learning new ways to prepare it. We are pumped and hoping that if we ask her very nicely that Emily will share her top tips and tricks for making Paleo Food prep easier. Not only does she know her way around the kitchen but she’s also picked up plenty of knowledge about what people like to eat. When she’s not busy sharing recipes, ideas, lifestyle hints and food recommendations, she can be found wo

  • TPS 76: Our Special Announcement With The Merrymaker Sisters

    18/07/2014 Duration: 34min

    A few weeks ago we had some very exciting news confirmed and immediately put a gag order on Dr Brett who we all know struggles with keeping secrets at the best of times. So not only do we have a mega amazing awesome special announcement to reveal today but we also have two of our very favourite giggly guests back to share in the fun- and you’ll see how this all fits together really shortly. Since we last spoke Carla and Emma have been flat out cranking it busy spreading their unique brand of merriment throughout the world. Rarely a day goes by that I don’t crack a smile or drool over their Instagram piccies and more recently they have launched a brand spanky new website full of great health tips and delicious fresh Paleo food but it doesn’t stop there, they’ve also been busy writing new e-books and inspiring us all with bucket loads of awesome blog posts and quirky entries on their social media feeds. They literally are a media sensation featuring in newspaper and magazine articles promoting the Paleo lifest

  • TPS 75: Dr. Jack Kruse Talks Leptin Reset, Epi-Paleo Rx And Some Serious Bio Hacking

    11/07/2014 Duration: 35min

    This week we’re without our adjective popping queen Sarah Stewart, – she’s off educating young adults in the skills they need to gain long term employment BUT let me tell you, this week Dr Brett and I have an absolute cracker for you. Today’s guest is a respected neurosurgeon and CEO of Optimized Life, a health and wellness company dedicated to helping patients avoid the health care burdens we typically encounter as we age. He is a member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the Congress of Neurologic Surgeons, and Age Management Medicine Group. And our guest today has also been through his own health battles with being overweight and as you’ll hear today, what he chose to do about it launched him onto an epic journey to discover and pioneer some of the most potent weight loss and wellness increasing techniques around today. All of his work is focussed towards giving you back control of your health, giving you every chance to age gracefully and unlocking the tools you need to further enhance

  • TPS 74: Jo Whitton of Quirky Cooking – Allergy Friendly, Wholefood Recipes to Delight and Inspire Food

    04/07/2014 Duration: 32min

    We’re so to have this particular guest on the show this week, she is a permanent fixture on our personal Facebook and Instagram feeds and comes up with amazing and wonderful scrumptious ideas that keep cooking interesting, easy and fun and I’m not the only one who thinks so! Whenever “Quirky Cooking” comes up in conversations, usually the response goes something along the lines of, “oh is that the lady that cooks fancy Paleo Stuff in her Thermomix?” While the answer to this is of course yes, Jo Whitton is so much more than the lady that cooks stuff in her Thermomix. She is an inspiration to thousands of people on a daily basis and proof that healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring. Through her blog and social media and more recently her very own cookbook, Jo shares her message that food intolerances and allergies don’t have to make life difficult. Hopefully after today’s show Brett, Steve and Sarah will all have mastered the art of using our newly acquired Thermomix’s to their full capacity BUT more importan

  • TPS 73: We Love Paleo Documentary Interview With Indie Filmmaker Caroleen Moise Reimann

    27/06/2014 Duration: 30min

    We all know them, we’ve seen them, we’ve heard them- heck we might even have been one ourselves. You know when you discover something so great you’ll simply burst if you can’t get it out to the world? So what do we do when we have an important and life changing message to share? Well this week we are talking to the makers of the feature documentary, “We Love Paleo”. Caroleen is a dedicated and passionate film professional, ready to do whatever it takes to make this crowd funded documentary and get it out to as many people as possible so that this film can spread the Paleo message and raise public awareness about this way of living. We Love Paleo, examines the Paleo lifestyle and reveals what it means to be Paleo in a mainstream world. It takes us on a close up, challenging but rewarding journey of people as they undergo the transformation from their new way of life and become passionate about promoting Paleo to others.   Links to the good stuff. To purchase We Love Paleo go to www.faceboo

  • TPS 72: Paul Jaminet – The Perfect Health Diet

    20/06/2014 Duration: 34min

    This weeks guest has an amazing and diverse career. He is scientist with a PhD in physics, as well as being an Astrophysicist, turned Internet entrepreneur and executive, turned strategy consultant and economist. His wife is a molecular biologist and cancer researcher, can you imagine the dinner conversations?    More recently they have been investigating the influence of diet upon health. After adopting a low-carb diet in 2005, they immediately noticed their energy, vitality, and sense of well-being improve significantly. Since then they have spent a number of years refining their nutrition, and have successfully healed their own “middle-age” and chronic health problems through diet. Naturally throughout this process they have learned a great deal about the benefits – and pitfalls – of these diets and have documented this wisdom in their book “Perfect Health Diet” This book is an amazing read and really helps to connect the void between the broad based intuitive primal approach to health and the scientific f

  • TPS 71: George Bryant and Juli Bauer Discuss Their New Book – The Paleo Kitchen

    13/06/2014 Duration: 34min

    This week you’re in for twice the fun as we chat to a powerhouse duo that have combined their powers of sass and Paleo cooking to create one of the most exciting and passionate cookbooks around. We had such a great time chatting with our favourite Civilized Caveman last time that we’ve brought him back but with the added bonus of a special addition to join in the fun. Both of today’s guests are amazing Paleo foodies and a total crack up. We got to meet George and hear his phenomenal story a few months back which left us all feeling super inspired and we guarantee he’s got plenty more awesome left in the tank. Today we also get to meet Juli, the creator of paleOMG, a ridiculously great blog that you should all get across pronto. The frank and insightful way she writes and conveys her healthy message is entertaining and super duper motivating. You can be guaranteed that her posts always come with a generous side of ‘get real banana peel’ and leave you feeling pretty damn chuffed to be alive. With both of our g

  • TPS 70: Live from Cave Camp Adelaide

    06/06/2014 Duration: 33min

    This week the Crew from That Paleo Show are recording LIVE from Cave Camp Adelaide! Our first live event and boy was it a ripper. We had so much fun sharing education, inspiration and transformation with our campers that we thought it would be remiss of us to leave you out of the loop. In this episode we answer some of our campers questions live on air and find out the number one things our campers have learnt that they think will be of benefit to you too. We also have a guest appearance from two of our favourite cave peeps and former co-hosts Steph and Janah AND a very exciting special announcement at the end! So tune in for the fun and frivolity of That Paleo Show LIVE from Cave Camp Adelaide! The post TPS 70: Live from Cave Camp Adelaide appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

  • TPS 69: Kale Brock – Fermented Foods Made Easy

    30/05/2014 Duration: 31min

    We’re doing something a bit different on this weeks show- pretty much because we can but more so because we think you, our beautiful listeners, will find it really handy, so get your pen and paper ready. Today’s guest is fun, quirky and knowledgeable and in 2011, he decided it was time to spread the word that healthy living is incredibly easy, and absolutely enjoyable; Nice Life, and making health fun, was born. He is a wellness researcher and journalist and has worked in the health and wellness industry for nearly 10 years. Working with some of the best Naturopaths in Australia and other health personalities like David Wolfe, Kale has developed a well-rounded and practical healing approach which has seen hundreds of people achieve abundant health! He has recently released an e-book called Fermented Foods; The Art of Pro-Biotic Nutrition and this is what we are hoping to capitalise on today. The post TPS 69: Kale Brock – Fermented Foods Made Easy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

  • TPS 68: Dr Terry Wahls – Beating Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine

    23/05/2014 Duration: 33min

    Like many doctors, this weeks guest focused on treating her patients’ conditions with drugs or surgical procedures. However, this all changed after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2000 which turned out to be the catalyst for a huge shake up. We know that many of our listeners at home first discovered Paleo through experiencing a health crisis and can personally relate to the need for urgency when it comes to examining and improving our health practices. Within three years of her diagnosis, Dr Wahls was in a bad way, her back and stomach muscles had weakened to the point where she needed a wheelchair and conventional medical treatments were failing her. Rather than accept her rapidly deteriorating state of health Dr. Wahls began studying the latest research on autoimmune disease and brain biology, and started to use food as medicine opting to get her vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids from the food she ate rather than pills and supplements. Dr. Wahls adopted the nutrient-

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