Join New York Times bestselling author Tom Woods for your daily serving of liberty education! Guests include Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, David Stockman, and hundreds more, with topics like war, the Federal Reserve, net neutrality, the FDA, Austrian economics, and many other subjects of interest to libertarians. Join us!
Ep. 2443 Can Trump Win in 2024?
25/01/2024 Duration: 49minA roundtable discussion with the Intercollegiate Studies Institute's Dan McCarthy and Townhall's Scott Morefield about Donald Trump's prospects and whether the GOP made a good choice. Sponsors: HelloFresh: Go to and use code WoodsFree to get a free breakfast item in every box for LIFE!
Ep. 2442 Scott Horton on the Middle East Mess
20/01/2024 Duration: 59minScott joins us to discuss the strikes on Yemen, and then proceeds to a wider discussion of how we got here, in Yemen and elsewhere. Sponsors: &
Ep. 2441 Amy Wax on the Diversity Con
19/01/2024 Duration: 01h03minAmy Wax, who teaches at the law school at the University of Pennsylvania, discusses the inane things the DEI establishment expects us to believe. Sponsor:
Ep. 2440 Gene Epstein on Persuading Progressives
18/01/2024 Duration: 01h07minGene Epstein has given himself a tough assignment: persuading progressives that a market economy is more likely to generate the results they want than any interventions they try. Sponsors: &
Ep. 2439 Ten Years of Michael Malice
13/01/2024 Duration: 54minMichael Malice joins me to discuss what's changed (for him and for the world) in the ten years we've known each other. Sponsor:
Ep. 2438 The January 6 Film They Tried to Suppress
12/01/2024 Duration: 46minThe great Jason Rink, known as the most canceled filmmaker in America, joins me to discuss his new installment in his January 6 documentary that focuses on the so-called Q Shaman, Jacob Chansley, and a bit of the madness he endured from the censorship-industrial complex. Sponsors: &
Ep. 2437 Adam Curry: Optimistic Despite the Bad Guys
11/01/2024 Duration: 44minThe great Adam Curry, whom you surely remember as an MTV VJ and host of Headbangers Ball, is also co-host of the No Agenda Show with John C. Dvorak. Adam and I talk music, religion, and politics, and as you'll see if you didn't know already, Adam is based. Sponsor:
Ep. 2436 Why I Left Progressivism
05/01/2024 Duration: 43minLibertarian author and podcaster Keith Knight discusses his book . Sponsors: &
Ep. 2435 Dave Smith on Everything
04/01/2024 Duration: 54minDave joins me for a wide-ranging discussion: his interview with Tucker Carlson, the hysterical response to his criticism of Bill Buckley, the bad instincts of Conservatism, Inc., Trump and DeSantis, Israel/Palestine, and more. Sponsors: &
Ep. 2434 David Stockman: Trump's War on Capitalism?
23/12/2023 Duration: 48minDavid Stockman, who headed the Office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan, joins us to discuss the Trump economic record, both in terms of policy and results. Book Discussed: Sponsors: My listeners and I are going to make 2024 the best year we've ever had. Here's how:
Ep. 2433 Make No Compromises With Big Tech or Big Brother
22/12/2023 Duration: 40minGabriel Custodiet urges us not to make compromises for the sake of convenience. Guest's Book: Sponsors: &
Ep. 2432 That Police Dog Isn't Your Friend, and More Revelations from James Bovard
21/12/2023 Duration: 41minJim Bovard is rightly a hero among libertarians for his outstanding journalistic work. In this episode we discuss everything from police dogs to the TSA to Section 8 housing and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Book Discussed: Sponsors: DeleteMe: Take 20% off all consumer plans at , using code Woods. My listeners and I are going to make 2024 the best year we've ever had. Here's how:
Ep. 2431 A Victim of the Lockdown Regime Speaks Out
15/12/2023 Duration: 33minAlex Dresser lost two jobs and a potential spouse thanks to the Covid measures, and that's just for starters. The crazies used to accuse us of being grandma killers, but they themselves killed Alex's grandmother. He joins us to tell the kinds of stories the media and much of the public refused to hear. Books Mentioned: - , by Tom Woods - , by Tom Woods Sponsor:
Ep. 2430 Americans for Prosperity Fires a Truth-Teller
14/12/2023 Duration: 33minChris Maidment declared the endorsement of Nikki Haley by Americans for Prosperity as a betrayal of the organization's stated principles, and was promptly dismissed. Sponsor: DeleteMe: Take 20% off all consumer plans at , using code Woods.
Ep. 2429 Scott Horton and Tom on the Crime of the Century
13/12/2023 Duration: 53minScott Horton talks to Tom about Tom's new book, , and revisits some of the idiotic remarks and failed predictions by the so-called experts. Sponsors: : a family-run business operated by libertarian fans of the Tom Woods Show that makes all-natural soaps and other cleansers that you'll surely love. Take 15% off your order with code WOODS15 at
Ep. 2428 Is the Middle Class Getting Screwed?
09/12/2023 Duration: 42minThe Heritage Foundation's Peter St. Onge joins us to discuss the problem of financial insecurity, as well as whether the national debt will ever really be a problem, whether rising prices are (as Joe Biden insists) caused by "price gouging," and more. Sponsors: &
Ep. 2427 Are Americans Hated Abroad? And Other Questions for Libertarian Travelers
08/12/2023 Duration: 58minNot everything has to be about politics but libertarians notice more and ask the right questions when traveling the world. Andrew Corbley joins us. Book Discussed: Sponsors: &
Ep. 2426 Censorship Keeps You Safe, Says Establishment
07/12/2023 Duration: 49minShould speech the authorities deem to be "misinformation" be regulated or banned during emergency situations? To this day we hear some people saying yes -- even though yesterday's "misinformation" can quickly become today's consensus, and so much of the official guidance itself had to be abandoned as misinformation. Stanford's Jay Bhattacharya joins us. Sponsors: &
Ep. 2425 Javier Milei: Hope for Liberty?
02/12/2023 Duration: 42minJavier Milei was elected president of Argentina with a pugilistic, populist style and a hardcore libertarian message. I discuss this startling development with attorney and author of Libertarianism Today Jacob Huebert, and Argentinian university student Octavio Bermudez, who has written extensively on the Milei phenomenon. Sponsors: &
Ep. 2424 Our Elites: Stupid or Evil? With James Delingpole
01/12/2023 Duration: 55minThe provocative James Delingpole joins us to discuss what the elites are up to, why they thrive on chaos, the political class as servants of the devil (metaphorically or otherwise), and plenty of other topics.