Join New York Times bestselling author Tom Woods for your daily serving of liberty education! Guests include Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, David Stockman, and hundreds more, with topics like war, the Federal Reserve, net neutrality, the FDA, Austrian economics, and many other subjects of interest to libertarians. Join us!
Ep. 2561 Why FEMA Is So Bad
26/10/2024 Duration: 30minAmy LePore, who has many years of experience in emergency services, joins us to discuss the failures of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Special Offer: Guest's Website: Guest's Twitter: @DissidentMedia @ArchetypalDork
Ep. 2560 Six Progressive Myths, Smashed
25/10/2024 Duration: 49minUniversity of Colorado at Boulder philosophy professor Michael Huemer, author of Progressive Myths, joins us to smash some. (I didn't actually count how many we covered, but it's at least six.) Sponsors: & Book Discussed:
Ep. 2559 The CIA and American Culture
24/10/2024 Duration: 54minCJ Killmer, host of the Dangerous History Podcast, discusses the suspiciously CIA-ish group where Kamala Harris spent time as a young woman, as well as CIA influence on culture in general. Sponsors: & Guest's Twitter: Guest's Podcast: Guest's Patreon:
Ep. 2558 The Regime Lies to You About Recessions
19/10/2024 Duration: 57minMeltdown, my New York Times bestseller on the 2008 financial crisis, turns 15 this year. There is a slight chance the world has not studied it enough. Keith Knight and I discuss the myths and realities of what the SOBs did to us. Special Offer: Get Tom's US history courses for free at Book Discussed: Guest's Website: Contribute to their fund drive here: Guest's Podcast: Guest's Book: Guest's Twitter: @an_capitalist
Ep. 2557 The "Woke Right" Hoax, with Auron MacIntyre
18/10/2024 Duration: 41minAuron MacIntyre joins us to discuss Kamala Harris as plagiarist, Why you'll be disappointed to expect pure rationality from voters, and what's wrong with the dumb term "woke right" that liberals posing as conservatives invented. Sponsors: & Guest's Book: Guest's Twitter: Guest's Podcast:
Ep. 2556 Nobody Listens When You're Making Sense: The Problem of (and Solution to?) Tribalism
17/10/2024 Duration: 01h07minIf someone favors U.S. military assistance to Ukraine, I can also generally predict where that person stands on gender theory. Why is that? What do those things have to do with each other? And why won't people listen even when you have all the evidence? Andrew Heaton joins us. Book Discussed: Sponsors: : Code: Woods50 & Guest's Podcast: Guest's Twitter:
Ep. 2555 Bringing Thomas Sowell to the Stage
11/10/2024 Duration: 54minActor Clifton Duncan discusses his important Sowell project and the state of the arts in America. Sponsors: &
Ep. 2554 Am I Racist? If You're White, Then Yes, Say Crazies
10/10/2024 Duration: 39minJustin Folk, director of the Matt Walsh film Am I Racist, joins us to discuss the making of the film, the message, and the various crazies who comprise the "anti-racist" movement. Sponsors: & Film Website:
Ep. 2553 Free Speech and the Evil Woodrow Wilson
05/10/2024 Duration: 51minSchenck v. United States was an important decision in U.S. history, related to the subject of freedom of speech, particularly in wartime. It turns out that so-called progressives have a pretty lousy record on this issue, as historian CJ Killmer explains in this episode. Sponsors: & Guest's Twitter: Guest's Podcast: Guest's Patreon:
Ep. 2552 The Bankers Are Divided, and What That Means for You
04/10/2024 Duration: 44minTom Luongo joins us to note that the bad guys we face aren't a single, undifferentiated blob, but that they are divided against themselves, and to explain why that matters. Sponsors: & Guest's Website: Guest's Twitter:
Ep. 2551 Was There a Pandemic?
03/10/2024 Duration: 49minDr. Jonathan Engler argues that the evidence (particularly in New York and Italy, early sites of reported heavy fatalities) is not consistent with the idea of a novel pathogen gradually spreading and causing a novel illness. "Any and all harms observed and reported," Engler argues, "can be explained by a combination of: mistreatment, maltreatment, non-treatment, neglect, abuse and data fraud." Sponsors: & Guest's Substack: Guest's Twitter: @jengleruk
Ep. 2550 Fact-Free Gender Theory and Other Educational Folly
28/09/2024 Duration: 45minCandice Jackson served in the Trump administration as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategic Operations and Outreach in the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education, and the Office's Acting Assistant Secretary from April 2017 to July 2018. She discusses the politics of campus sexual assault, the issue of racially disparate disciplinary action, and the invasion of the classroom by "gender theory." Sponsors: & Free Book Mentioned: Guest's Twitter: @CEJacksonLaw
Ep. 2549 Scott Horton on Why Kamala Must Be Defeated
27/09/2024 Duration: 49minScott Horton, fresh from (just about completing) his new book Provoked: How Washington Started the New Cold War with Russia and the Catastrophe in Ukraine, joins us to discuss that as well as to discuss the Kamala Harris disaster and why Donald Trump isn't trouncing her in the polls. Sponsors: & : Coupon Code: WOODS Support the Libertarian Institute: Scott's other Websites:
Ep. 2548 The Recent Rise of Gold -- and Gold Scams
26/09/2024 Duration: 45minMarc Tancer, owner of Taggart Trading, discusses the significance of gold, gold's recent rise, why gold still matters in the age of Bitcoin -- but also the rise of gold scams, and how to spot and avoid them. Sponsors: & : Coupon Code: WOODS Guest's Website:
Ep. 2547 If Harris Wins: Two Scenarios
21/09/2024 Duration: 51minDan McCarthy, syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate and a vice president at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, joins us for a general political discussion that includes thinking the unthinkable. Sponsors: & Guest's Website: Guest's Twitter: @ToryAnarchist
Ep. 2546 Dr. Marty Makary on Modern Medicine's Blind Spots
20/09/2024 Duration: 39minDr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins University joins us to discuss what happens when a prematurely formed consensus shuts down alternative ways of thinking. Sponsors: & Book Discussed: Guest's Twitter: @MartyMakary
Ep. 2545 Capitalists Build Free City. NYT Has Panic Attack
19/09/2024 Duration: 39minErick Brimen, CEO of Prospera, discusses his ambition for free private cities as a mechanism for attaining more liberty. Sponsors: & : Code: WOODS Guest's Website: Guest's Twitter: @erickbrimen
Ep. 2544 Darryl Cooper (Martyr Made) on Narratives
14/09/2024 Duration: 52minDarryl Cooper, denounced by the White House for his appearance with Tucker Carlson (you'll never guess: the Winston Churchill and World War II segment made them unhappy), joins us to discuss the regime's rules about what you can say and think without being misrepresented, denounced, and smeared. Sponsors: & : Coupon Code: WOODS Guest's Substack: Guest's Twitter:
Ep. 2543 What the Nurses Saw, with Ken McCarthy
13/09/2024 Duration: 52minKen McCarthy is widely known as the godfather of internet marketing, but he is also a dissident content creator, and in today's episode we discuss the recent unpleasantness (we dare not say its name here, for obvious reasons) and what nurses were reporting about what was happening in the hospitals. We also cover what Anthony Fauci was up to in the 1980s, long before his recent celebrity. Sponsors: & Guest's Websites:
Ep. 2542 How to Cut Housing Prices in Half, with Bryan Caplan
12/09/2024 Duration: 40minWe've overlooked some of the key reasons housing is so expensive. If we took these head on, argues Bryan Caplan, we could well see a 50% reduction in house prices. Sponsors: : Code: WOODS50 & Book Discussed: Guest's Website: