Join New York Times bestselling author Tom Woods for your daily serving of liberty education! Guests include Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, David Stockman, and hundreds more, with topics like war, the Federal Reserve, net neutrality, the FDA, Austrian economics, and many other subjects of interest to libertarians. Join us!
Ep. 81 Raise the Minimum Wage?
23/01/2014 Duration: 31minBob Murphy looks at the current arguments to raise the minimum wage, and takes your questions.Bob is the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal, and other books, and he blogs at Free Advice.
Ep. 80 Libertarians Are Scary!
22/01/2014 Duration: 29minJacob Hornberger and Tom take apart one of those "a libertarian society would be so scary!" articles.
Ep. 79 What Bush and Obama Accomplished
21/01/2014 Duration: 30minScott Horton gives an overview of the fruits of post-9/11 foreign intervention.
Ep. 78 Keynesian predictions vs. American history
20/01/2014 Duration: 36minTom finds some problems for Keynesianism.
Ep. 77 Ben Swann Returns
17/01/2014 Duration: 28minBen Swann discusses journalism and what he's been up to, and answers your questions.
Ep. 76 Paramilitary Police
16/01/2014 Duration: 30minTom talks to John Payne of Show-Me Cannabis about the drug war and the militarization of the police.
Ep. 75 What If a Drone Hit an American Wedding?
15/01/2014 Duration: 25minTom talks to the creator of the Golden Rule News Network.
Ep. 74 The Episode of the Year
14/01/2014 Duration: 30minTom insists you listen to this chat with Brad Birzer, co-founder of
Ep 73 Iran Sanctions?
13/01/2014 Duration: 27minDaniel McAdams joins Tom to discuss Fallujah, sanctions on Iran, the back-to-Iraq lobby, and more.
Ep. 72 Jury Nullification
10/01/2014 Duration: 31minSteve Silverman of Flex Your Rights explains jury nullification. Connect with Flex Your Rights on Facebook and Twitter.
Ep. 71 Low Cost Private Schools in the Developing World
09/01/2014 Duration: 28minPauline Dixon discusses themes from her TED talk on low-cost private schools in the developing world.
Ep. 70 Julie Borowski: Token Libertarian Girl
08/01/2014 Duration: 29minTom talks to Julie Borowski, producer of the popular Token Libertarian Girl YouTube channel. Follow her on Twitter and 'like' her on Facebook.
Ep. 69 Nullification in 2014
07/01/2014 Duration: 27minThe Tenth Amendment Center's Michael Boldin joins Tom for the first-ever Tenther Tuesday. Michael Boldin, founder and executive director of the Tenth Amendment Center, joins Tom to discuss where nullification is hot in 2014. 'Like' TAC on Facebook!
Ep. 68 Cop Block
06/01/2014 Duration: 29minPete Eyre talks to Tom about's unique approach to police accountability.
Ep. 67 The Economics of Obamacare
03/01/2014Economist Robert Murphy joins Tom for a discussion of the economics of Obamacare. Bob is the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal, and other books, and he blogs at Free Advice.
Ep. 66 David Stockman on Krugman, the Fed, and the Future
02/01/2014Former Reagan budget director David Stockman talks the Fed, bubbles, and the future. Read Stockman's excellent book The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America
Ep. 65 Want to Lose Weight? Don't Count Calories
23/12/2013Jonathan Bailor, author of The Calorie Myth, on why "counting calories" is such a misguided approach to diet and health.
Ep. 64 Doug Casey on the World
20/12/2013Renowned investor, author, and entrepreneur Doug Casey joins Tom to talk about investing, the Fed, the economy, and politics. Check out Doug's new book Right on the Money: Doug Casey on Economics, Investing, and the Ways of the Real World, and have a look at the free resources at Casey Research.
Ep. 63 Separating the Sheep from the Goats
19/12/2013 Duration: 01h33sToday Tom takes on the three issues that separate the sheep from the goats: the Bush/Obama bailouts, state nullification, and foreign policy. 'Like' Tom on Facebook!
Ep. 62 Separating School and State
18/12/2013 Duration: 30minTom talks to Sheldon Richman, author of Separating School and State: How to Liberate America's Families. Sheldon is vice president of the Future of Freedom Foundation.