Tired of management theory? Want to learn specific skills to help improve your management performance? Then Manager Tools is the podcast for you! Manager Tools is a weekly business podcast focused on helping professionals become more effective managers and leaders. Each week, we discuss specific actions for professionals to take to achieve their desired management and career objectives. Manager Tools won Best Business Podcast Award in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2012 as well as the People's Choice Award in 2008. Go to to read what others are saying about the impact Manager Tools has had on their careers and lives.
Case Study Interviews - Part 1
17/09/2018Part 1 of our overview of Case Study Interview techniques, questions, and preparation.
Inaugural MT Case Study Responses - and What Happened - Part 2
10/09/2018Part 2 of our responses to listeners' recommendations to the Inaugural MT Case Study, and reveal what actually happened.
Inaugural MT Case Study Responses - and What Happened - Part 1
03/09/2018We respond to listeners' recommendations to the Inaugural MT Case Study, and reveal what actually happened.
Case Studies and The Inaugural MT Interactive Case - Part 2
27/08/2018The Manager Tools Inaugural Interactive Case Study.
Case Studies and The Inaugural MT Interactive Case - Part 1
20/08/2018What are case studies? Taught in part with the Manager Tools Inaugural Interactive Case Study.
Politics 101 - Chapter 6 - Politics Are Just Relationships - Part 4
13/08/2018Part 4 of the the sixth chapter of our guidance on politics. Don't play politics. Build relationships. It's the same thing.
Politics 101 - Chapter 6 - Politics Are Just Relationships - Part 3
06/08/2018Part 3 of the the sixth chapter of our guidance on politics. Don't play politics. Build relationships. It's the same thing.
Politics 101 - Chapter 6 - Politics Are Just Relationships - Part 2
30/07/2018Part 2 of the the sixth chapter of our guidance on politics. Don't play politics. Build relationships. It's the same thing.
Politics 101 - Chapter 6 - Politics Are Just Relationships - Part 1
23/07/2018Part 1 of the the sixth chapter of our guidance on politics. Don't play politics. Build relationships. It's the same thing.
Technology in One On Ones
16/07/2018Despite our guidance to not use your laptop to take notes in One On Ones, there are many other uses of technology that will improve your critical weekly meetings with each of your directs.
Horstman's Law of Uncertainty - HOF
09/07/2018This Hall of Fame guidance describes what to say when you don't have an answer to a question, even when it's urgent.
Sexual Harassment Revisited - Chapter 1 - No Hugging
02/07/2018If you're hugging your colleagues, you're running the risk of a sexual harassment claim.
Employee Retention - HOF
25/06/2018Our Hall of Fame guidance on employee retention. The best managers we know do a great job of retention. As a matter of fact, because it goes to the future potential of the organization, retention is one of Mark's favorite delineators of management talent. Strategy gets done more effectively in places where retention is good.
The Manager Tools Onboarding Checklist - Part 2
18/06/2018The Manager Tools Onboarding Checklist. Every task necessary to help a new hire become effective as quickly as possible.
The Manager Tools Onboarding Checklist - Part 1
11/06/2018The Manager Tools Onboarding Checklist. Every task necessary to help a new hire become effective as quickly as possible.
Onboarding Chapter 1 - The Basics - Part 5 - Q and A Continued
04/06/2018Your questions, our answers on what to do once you make a candidate an offer to turn them into a great team member.
Onboarding Chapter 1 - The Basics - Part 4 - Q and A
28/05/2018Your questions, our answers on what to do once you make a candidate an offer to turn them into a great team member.
Onboarding Chapter 1 - The Basics - Part 3
21/05/2018What to do once you make a candidate an offer to turn them into a great team member. Chapter 1 is the basics, why to have a process.
Onboarding Chapter 1 - The Basics - Part 2
14/05/2018What to do once you make a candidate an offer to turn them into a great team member. Chapter 1 is the basics, why to have a process.
Onboarding Chapter 1 - The Basics
07/05/2018What to do once you make a candidate an offer to turn them into a great team member. Part 1 is the basics, why to have a process.