Hindi Stories podcast hosted by Piyush Agarwal. Listen to new and old stories in Hindi.
Ep111 Kahani - Saroj Raaniyaan By Dr Vandana Mukesh With Interview
08/07/2022 Duration: 30minकैसी होगी विदेश की धरती पर अपने वजूद की तलाश , सुनिए डॉ वंदना मुकेश जी की लिखी "सरोज रानियां" में | How will one find her existence in the foreign land, listen to Saroj Raniyaan by Dr Vandana Mukesh.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write to us and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also visit Episode and Author details in our shownotes at www.piyushagarwal.comShow Producer - Devanshi Batra
Ep110 Kahani - Palash Ke Phool By Amarkant
01/07/2022 Duration: 25minक्या स्त्री पर शोषण रायसाहब की सामाजिक प्रतिष्ठा पर सवाल उठाएगा या स्त्री का उपयोग मात्र एक वस्तु की तरह हो कर रह जाएगा , सुनिए अमरकांत जी की लिखी पलाश के फूल | Will Raisahab be able to save his reputation in his society or will woman be again used just as a thing to overcome his own guilt, listen to Palash Ke Phool by Amarkant ji.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write to us and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also visit Episode and Author details in our shownotes at www.piyushagarwal.comShow Producer - Devanshi Batra
Ep109 Kahani - Dil Ki Awaaz By Edgar Allan Poe
24/06/2022 Duration: 23minक्या कभी किसी के दिल की धड़कने सुन आपकी धड़कनें रुक गयी , सुनिए एडगर एलान पो की लिखी थ्रिलर रचना ' दिल की आवाज़' में | Have your heartbeat has skipped listening to someone's else heartbeat? Listen to the hindi translation of the thriller story 'The Tell-Tale Heart' , Dil Ki Awaaz by Edgar Alan Poe.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write to us and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also visit Episode and Author details in our shownotes at www.piyushagarwal.comShow Producer - Devanshi Batra
Ep108 Kahani - Jis Marne Se Jag Dare By Guru Charan Singh Bhullar
17/06/2022 Duration: 15minकिसी अपने को खोने का दर्द , एक ऐसा एहसास जिसे शब्दों में बयां करना मुश्किल है , जानिये एक ऐसे ही एहसास की कहानी 'जिस मरने से जग डरे' जिसे लिखा है गुरुचरण सिंह भुल्लर जी ने | The pain of losing someone close is the emotion difficult to express, Listen to a similar emotion 'Jis Marne se Jag Dare' written by Gurucharan Singh Bhullar.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write to us at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also visit Episode and Author details in our shownotes at www.piyushagarwal.comShow Producer - Devanshi Batra
Ep107 Kahani - Kaleja By Rajendra Shrivatsava
10/06/2022 Duration: 19minजाने अनजाने किसी को आंकने में हम कई बार गलती कर जाते हैं , क्या प्रबोध को ले कर ली ये सोच सुनंदा को असमंजस में डाल देगी , सुनिए राजेंद्र श्रीवास्तव की लिखी रचना 'कलेजा' में | Most of the times we form an opinion about others , but attimes it proves us wrong, Listen to Kaleja written by Rajendra Shrivastava.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write to us and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also visit Episode and Author details in our shownotes at www.piyushagarwal.comShow Producer - Devanshi Batra
Ep106 Kahani - Dohraav by Pallavi Amit With Interview
03/06/2022 Duration: 27minवक़्त बदल जाता है पर क्या कुछ बदलाव वक़्त के साथ भी नहीं आते , सुनिए एक माँ की व्यथा पल्लवी अमित जी की लिखी 'दोहराव' में | Time changes, but does few things repeat itself with time, Listen to the dilemma of a mother in 'Dohrav' written by Pallavi Amit ji.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write to and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also visit Episode and Author details in our shownotes at www.piyushagarwal.comShow Producer - Devanshi Batra a
Ep105 Kahani - Aparichita By Rabindranath Tagore
27/05/2022 Duration: 38minपिता का लिया एक फैसला या फिर ट्रैन में हुई एक मुलाक़ात , क्या प्यार होगा या महज़ एक मुलाक़ात , सुनिए रबीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर जी की लिखी रचना 'अपरिचिता' में | A decision by the father or a meeting in the train, Is i t love or just a coincidence, listen to 'Aparichita' written by Rabindranath Tagore.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write to us and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also visit Episode and Author details in our shownotes at www.piyushagarwal.comShow Producer - Devanshi Batra
Ep104 Kahani - Bhai Abdul Rehmaan By Amarlal Hingorani
20/05/2022 Duration: 15minकैसा हो जब हम खुद को बुला खुद से ही बातें करने लगें , सुनिए अमरलाल द्वारा लिखी गुदगुदाती सिंधी कहानी का हिंदी अनुवाद 'भाई अब्दुल रेहमान' | What if we start addressing ourselves by name and keep talking to ouselves, Listen to hindi translation of tickling Sindhi tale written by Amarlal Hingorani.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also visit Episode and Author details in our shownotes at www.piyushagarwal.comShow Producer - Devanshi BatraEpisode Editor - Deepak Hariharan
Ep103 Kahani - Veniyaan By Sukhbir
13/05/2022 Duration: 23minकुछ अनजान रिश्ते जोड़ेगी या अपनों से मुलाक़ात करवाएंगी ये वेणियाँ , सुनिए सुखबीर जी की लिखी वेणियाँ में | Will it form a relationship with strangers or bond with our own relations, listen to 'Veniyaan' written by Sukhbir. If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also visit Episode and Author details in our shownotes at www.piyushagarwal.comShow Producer - Devanshi BatraEpisode Editor - Deepak Hariharan
Ep102 Kahani - Ghadi Waale Dada By Rohan Kanungo with Interview
06/05/2022 Duration: 28minक्या बताएँगे दादा जी वक़्त या उसकी कीमत , सुनिए रोहन कानूनगो की लिखी बेहतरीन रचना 'घड़ी वाले दादा' में | What dada ji will tell us about, time or the value of time, listen to a different story 'Ghdi waale Dada' crafted beautifully by Rohan Kanungo.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also visit Episode and Author details in our shownotes at www.piyushagarwal.comShow Producer - Devanshi BatraEpisode Editor - Deepak Hariharan t
Ep101 Kahani - Jungli Booti By Amrita Pritam
29/04/2022 Duration: 20minसुनिए अमृता प्रीतम जी की बहुप्रचलित कहानी 'जंगली बूटी' और जानिये अंगूरी की ज़ुबानी कि क्या होता है जब इंसान जंगली बूटी खा लेता है | Listen to 'Junglee Booti' written By Amrita Pritam ji and know what happens when someone eats Jungli booti. If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write to us and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also visit Episode and Author details in our shownotes at www.piyushagarwal.comShow Producer - Devanshi BatraEpisode Editor - Deepak Hariharan
Ep100 Audio Drama - Button Button By Richard Matheson
01/04/2022 Duration: 21minTo mark 100th Episode of Kahani Jaani Anjaani we have got a special audio drama which is a Hindi adaptation of short story Button Button written by Richard Matheson. Hindi audio drama is dramatised by talented artists of Tahatto Theaters, Bangalore. Written By Piyush Agarwal. Cast - Neha Mohanty,Vijay Sharma, Prashanth Nair, Anand Swamy & Piyush Agarwal.कहानी जानी अनजानी का 100 वां एपिसोड है कुछ ख़ास , हम आपके लिये लाये हैं एक ऑडियो ड्रामा ,रिचर्ड मैथेसन का लिखा "बटन बटन" , बटन बटन हिंदी ड्रामा लिखा है पियूष अग्रवाल ने तथा आवाज़ें दी हैं बैंगलोर के मशहूर थिएटर ग्रुप Tahatto Theaters के प्रतिभाशाली कलाकार नेहा मोहंती , विजय शर्मा , प्रशांत नायर , आनंद स्वामी व पियूष अग्रवाल ने | Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes
Bonus Kahani - Cigarette By Ambrish Tripathi
30/03/2022 Duration: 13minकैसे बनी रिया और अमित के रिश्ते की बात? क्या हुआ उसमें ऐसा ख़ास? , सुनिए अम्बरीष त्रिपाठीी की लिखी 'सिगरेट' में | How Riya and Amit got their marriage fixed? Listen to 'Cigarette' By Ambrish Tripathi.
Bonus Kahani - Dukh Ka Adhikaar By Yashpal
25/03/2022 Duration: 07minक्या कभी कभी वक़्त किसी से दुःख जताने का भी अधिकार छीन लेता है , सुनिए यशपाल जी द्वारा लिखी मार्मिक कहानी 'दुःख का अधिकार' | Does at times fate doesn't give anyone a chance to grieve, Listen to Dukh Ka Adhikaar by Yashpal ji.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write to us athello@piyushagarwal.comThis is a completely self-funded show. To contribute towards it and help us keep going, please go to our "Support The Show" page.
Bonus Kahani - Kalpana By Nilin Dixit
23/03/2022 Duration: 08minक्या एक किताब मिला देगी उन खोये प्यार भरे रिश्ते को , सुनिए निलिन दीक्षित जी द्वारा लिखी खूबसूरत रचना 'कल्पना' में | Will a book be a savior for a strange and lost relation, listen to beautifully crafted story 'Kalpana' by Nilin Dixit ji.
Ep99 Kahani - Pajeb By Jainendra Kumar
18/03/2022 Duration: 32minक्या आशुतोष और चुन्नू के पास मिलेगी एक खोयी हुई पाजेब , सुनिए जैनेन्द्र कुमार जी द्वारा लिखी बहुप्रचलित रचना 'पाजेब' में | Will Ashutosh and Chunnu will have a lost pajeb , listen to Pajeb a popular story written by Jainendra Kumar ji.Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Bonus Kahani - Swarg Se Jannat By Rohit Srivastav
16/03/2022 Duration: 08minA short and touching story throwing light on what Kashmiri Pandits and Kashmiri Muslims went through during the 1989 exodus.As the film ‘The Kashmir Files’ is making its mark and drawing attention to the issue, we present a short story, Swarg Se Jannat by Rohit Srivastav, which shows what the first generation has experienced since the tragedy with under a slightly different lens.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write to us athello@piyushagarwal.comThis is a completely self-funded show. To contribute towards it and help us keep going, please go to our "Support The Show" page.
Ep98 Kahani - Kashmkash By Amiya Bindu
11/03/2022 Duration: 19minक्या रघु और रंजना की ज़िन्दगी की कश्मकश हमारे समाज के कुछ पहलु से हमें रूबरू करवाएगी , सुनिए अमिया बिंदु जी की खूबसूरत रचना 'कश्मकश' में | Will Raghu and Ranjna inner struggle for life make us realize any of our social norms , listen to 'Kashmkash' written by Amiya BIndu Ji.Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Bonus Kahani - Mehenga Sauda By Leo Tolstoy
09/03/2022 Duration: 08minकैसे होगा महंगाई से आपका फायदा , जानिये ऐसे ही एक राज्य की कहानी , लियो टॉलस्टॉय की लिखी व मुंशी प्रेमचंद जी द्वारा अनुवादित 'महंगा सौदा' में |How a state will be benefitted with costliness , listen to leo tolstoy story 'Mehenga Sauda' translated by Munshi Premchand Ji.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write to us athello@piyushagarwal.comThis is a completely self-funded show. To contribute towards it and help us keep going, please go to our "Support The Show" page.
Ep97 Kahani - Ek Ghante Main By Agyeya
04/03/2022 Duration: 25minस्वतंत्रता की लड़ाई में अपनों पर क्या बीतती है, उस पर एक रौशनी डालती है अज्ञेय की कहानी "एक घंटे में" During the freedom struggle a lot of citizens turned into freedom fighters. However, what did they families go through during this tine? Agyeya's story "Ek Ghante Main" throws light on one such aspect.If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also write to us athello@piyushagarwal.comThis is a completely self-funded show. To contribute towards it and help us keep going, please go to our "Support The Show" page.