Luther Seminary's Bible Q & A

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Synopsis's "Bible Q&A" is a monthly discussion about everything you wanted to know about the Bible but were afraid to ask. The conversations, hosted by Luther Seminary faculty, are fresh and informative -- and may be just what you need to engage the Bible in a new way.


  • (One of) My Favorite Bible Passage(s) - Exodus 24-40


    Podcast features Luther Seminary professors Eric Barreto, Kathryn Schifferdecker and Sarah Henrich. How to choose? Almost every script passage repays study by unfolding into a Word that matters deeply, often surprisingly. Over the years, passages to which I’ve been asked to turn my attention rather read more...

  • Wonder and Inquiry - Diane Jacobson on Psalm 121


    My favorite Bible passage for today is Psalm 121. 1 I lift up my eyes to the hills-- from where will my help come?2 My help is from the LORD, maker of heaven and earth.3 He will not let your foot be moved; your keeper will not slumber.4 In deed, he will neither slumber nor sleep, the keeper of Israel. read more...

  • No Favorite, but Plenty of 'Aha' Moments - Fred Gaiser


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Fred Gaiser. Article written by Fred Gaiser. When asked about my favorite Bible passage, my first response is that I don’t have one, and then, if I am feeling curmudgeonly, I add -- under my breath -- “and neither should you.” read more...

  • Psalm 23: God Is with Us – Kathryn Schifferdecker


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Kathryn Schifferdecker.Article written by Kathryn Schifferdecker. Like most believers, I love many different Bible passages, and different ones have been significant for me at different periods in my life. Lately, though, I’ve been particularly read more...

  • Finding God in the Middle of Nowhere: Acts 8:26-40 - Eric Barreto


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Kathryn Schifferdecker.Article written by Eric Barreto. Have you ever found yourself at a strange point in life and wondered how you got there? Have you looked back at the coincidences and happenstance that brought you together with others in a read more...

  • My Favorite Bible Passage – Cameron Howard on Ezra 3


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Kathryn Schifferdecker.Article written by Cameron Howard. When the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the LORD, the priests in their vestments were stationed to praise the LORD with trumpets, and the Levites, the sons of Asaph, with read more...

  • My Favorite Bible Passage – Matt Skinner


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Matt Skinner.Article written by Matt Skinner. I’m drawn to biblical passages that make me see differently. My capacity to imagine what’s possible for the world is limited, and my ability to perceive the true nature of things is sometimes read more...

  • What Motherly Images for God Are in the Bible? - Amy E. Marga


    Podcast featuring Luther Seminary professors Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Amy Marga. Article by Amy Marga. The Bible offers a picture of God who mothers through the work of birthing, preserving, and nurturing God’s children. But such imagery is not without some tension. God’s mothering read more...

  • My Favorite Bible Passage - Rolf Jacobson


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Rolf Jacobson. Article by Rolf Jacobson. You have turned my mourning into dancing!   You stripped off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy. -Psalm 30:11 One of my favorite teachers, Professor James Armstrong of Princeton Theological read more...

  • The Best Way to Read the Bible? – Mark Throntveit


    Podcast discussion with Mark Throntveit, Eric Barreto, and Cameron Howard. Article by Mark Throntveit. Let’s get one thing straight. There is no best way to read the Bible. Any way you are reading the Bible is good. It’s better to be reading the Bible once a week, standing on one foot, and read more...

  • Desert Spirituality in Modern Times – Lois Farag


    Podcast discussion features Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Lois Farag.Article written by Lois Farag.   "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; … And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."  - read more...

  • Icon to iPad: Bible in American Life – M. Granquist


    Podcast discussion features Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Mark Granquist. Article written by Mark Granquist. When I was in college I knew guys who spent their summers going door-to-door in the South, selling Bibles and other related books. They told me that by far and away their best seller (and biggest read more...

  • Angels in Our Time - Michael Rogness


    Podcast discussion features Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Michael Rogness. Article written by Michael Rogness. “Do angels still exist today?” Of course they do. Can you imagine God telling the heavenly host of angels, “You’re all done with your work”? Much to my surprise, read more...

  • The Bible and Justice – Mary Hess


    Podcast discussion features Kathryn Schifferdecker, Cameron Howard and Mary Hess. Article written by Mary Hess. It is difficult to write a short piece about a term like “justice” in the Bible, because the concept is at once so central to the entire Bible, and yet so far from our contemporary read more...

  • How the Bible influences ethics – Alan G. Padgett


    Podcast discussion with Kathryn Schifferdecker, Cameron Howard and Alan Padgett. Article written by Alan G. Padgett. When I converted to Christianity as a young man, I was new to the Bible and to the social conventions of the evangelical Baptist Church I soon joined. My long, flowing locks were troubling read more...

  • The Bible on Sexuality and Marriage - Amy Marga


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Amy Marga. Article written by Amy Marga. The Bible has quite a bit to say about sex. It depicts the benefits of human sexuality as well as its use as a tool of power that protects male honor. However, the only template for human sexuality in the read more...

  • How Faithful Christians Come to Different Conclusions - Matt Skinner


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Matt Skinner. Article written by Matt Skinner. Can we experience unified communities and faithful living when people disagree? If Christians take differing positions on ethical issues or can’t agree about a particular course of action, have read more...

  • How to Talk with Young People about ‘Adult Content’ in the Bible - Michael Chan


    Podcast discussion featuring Eric Barreto, Michael Chan, Terri Martinson Elton, and Cameron Howard. Article written by Michael Chan.1 One day after class, a colleague asked about the day’s lecture topic. “Esther,” I replied. Smiling, she announced that Esther was her preschool daughter’s read more...

  • Once Upon a Time: Kids and Story - Nancy Lee and Paul Gauche


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, Nancy Lee Gauche and Terri Elton. Article written by Nancy Lee and Paul Gauche. “Once upon a time…” These four words have been igniting imaginations since the beginning of time. As long as there has been a story to tell, the fire read more...

  • How Do Parents Share Faith with Kids? - Tim Coltvet


    As a pastor serving in the field of children, youth and family ministry who has sought to partner with parents in the faith formation of their child(ren), I am often saddened to hear parents who feel overwhelmed, inept, and quite frankly guilty about their role in passing on the God story to the next read more...

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